Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 67 The battle has been decided

The method the Insect King on the ground came up with was to spray venom at the winged tornado, but it was blown away by the surrounding wind, forming an explosion zone around the tornado.

Although he knew that the venom would be twisted and thrown away and would not hurt the two pterosaurs in the wind, the insect king still sprayed venom non-stop.

I don’t know if you have ever seen the folk art of iron-forging, where hot molten iron is thrown onto the wall, and it bounces off like fireworks.

The scene in front of me is really similar to the iron flower.

It looks good, but no matter how good it is, if you can't break through the defense, it will be in vain. If you want to break this pterosaur, you need tall and solid objects, such as the surrounding trees and the Insect King himself.

If the Insect King really rushes into the whirlwind belt recklessly, then just as the pterosaurs want, they can directly attack the Insect King himself, but the Insect King is helpless against them. No matter how strong the Insect King is, he will be crushed to death by them sooner or later.

If the Insect King is not stupid, he will not really force his way into the Winged Dragon Scroll. Instead, he will keep spraying his venom from the outside, forming explosive fireworks around the tornado.

I don't know why it keeps doing this meaningless attack, unless it is to deceive others.

Soon Xu Dong saw the Insect King's countermeasures. It spurted out venom again, and once again exploded into a firework after touching the raindrops.

But this time the sparks were a little different. The flame from the Insect King seemed to have touched something, causing a chain reaction. Explosions occurred in all directions. The flames of the explosion enveloped the entire pterodactyl scroll, and the heat generated in an instant caused the air to explode. All twisted.

The distortion of the air meant that the wind was no longer stable. The two pterosaurs could no longer control this terrifying tornado. They were trapped by the turbulent airflow and found it difficult to escape. In the end, they actually collided with each other, spinning and falling to the ground. .

However, it was such a coincidence that two giant beasts actually hit Xu Dong not far away from eating melon. He could even easily see the body hair of these two beasts.

How could the insect king in the distance let go of such an opportunity? Dozens of appendages crawled at the same time and rushed toward the pterosaur quickly.

"Oh my god." Xu Dong was startled and immediately flapped his wings and flew up.

Due to the chaos of the previous storm, the Bat Pterosaur and the Faxinar Pterosaur are still dizzy and find it difficult to wake up.

The big bug crawled over, with such a terrifying look, Xu Dong just wanted to say: "Don't come over!"

The wings behind his back flapped and he hurried away from the troubled place. With his small arms and legs, if he was touched by these big guys, he would die.

The Insect King came to the side of Fashinar Pterosaur, which was still awake, raised its sharp and huge forelimbs and stabbed it.

Blood splattered everywhere, and the Fashinar Pterodactyl let out a painful cry, but the Insect King showed no mercy at all. He raised his fat belly and pierced the Fashinar Pterodactyl with a sharp tail thorn.

The Faxinar Pterosaur struggled hard, but was firmly fixed by the Insect King's numerous appendages, unable to escape.

The Bat Pterosaur on the side was awakened by the scream of the Fashinar Pterosaur. It quickly climbed up and flew away with its forelimbs on the ground. But how could the Insect King let the two guys who ambushed it escape? Two tentacles shot out at once, Plunge directly into the back of the bat pterosaur.

Blood light burst out, and the bat pterosaur let out an ear-piercing scream, but its body was already flying, its wings flapped hard, and it flew away desperately.

The strength of ordinary pterosaurs is very weak, and the bones of their bodies are also very fragile. They are simply unable to carry people and fly as imagined by later generations of Apes. Even the largest Aeolian pterosaurs cannot do it.

But this pseudo-legend pulled the seemingly heavy insect king on the ground, stretching its tentacles straight, and even threatening to break.

The Insect King put down the Fashinar Pterosaur, which had been injected with toxins and eggs, and fell to the ground incapacitated. Countless appendages carried its huge body forward, and countless tentacles were raised from the body to shoot at the Bat Pterosaur. .

The bat pterosaur knew that if it was entangled by a dozen tentacles, it would be difficult to escape. It could only fly quickly while only two tentacles were stuck on its body, so as to have hope of survival.

So regardless of the injury on its back, it flew upwards with its two forelimbs as hard as it could, and at the same time called on its bunch of cannon fodder kin to help it harass and hinder the Insect King.

Sure enough, this set was very effective. The insect king's tentacles were blocked by the pterosaur group, and its two tentacles inserted into the body were about to be detached. The hope of escape was right in front of them. The bat pterosaur flapped its wings desperately.

The Insect King was confused by countless pterosaurs, which directly affected its vision and operation. The flying insect swarms that had previously dealt with air units had been almost wiped out by two pseudo-legendary pterosaurs. If the bat pterosaurs were allowed to fly into the sky, the Insect King would still be There's really nothing you can do about it.

The angry insect king sprayed out venom again, exploding a lot of pterosaurs, but what could he do? There were too many pterosaurs. Even if its venom was endless, so many pterosaurs could not be solved in a short time.

"Bo" "Bo"

After two slight sounds, the two tentacles holding the Bat Pterosaur hung down. It finally broke free and could fly into the sky. From then on, no creature on the ground could catch it.

The underground insect king neighed loudly, which was extremely angry at the cooked duck flying away. It broke through the obstruction of the pterosaur group regardless of it, and closely chased the bat pterosaur that had not yet flown high.

In the end, it was too early for the Bat Pterosaur to be happy. This terrifying insect king could be said to have poisonous bacteria and insect eggs all over its body. Its tentacles inserted into the Bat Pterosaur's back, and the toxins and eggs had naturally entered this pseudo-pterosaur. Inside the body of the legendary pterosaur.

The hard struggle just now has greatly consumed the bat pterosaur's physical strength. The insect king's toxins can paralyze and weaken the prey. After the insect eggs hatch, they wreak havoc in the pterosaur's body. All factors combined, this pseudo-legendary pterosaur In the end, it didn't fly too high or too fast. Instead, it seemed to fall down at any time.

As long as it is not too high or too fast, the Insect King still has a chance to catch it. Its countless appendages are constantly interlaced, and its small thin legs quickly approach the swaying bat pterosaur in front of it.

The group of pterosaurs followed behind the Insect King, constantly harassing and biting it, but the Insect King no longer cared about it. All it could see now was the huge dangling pterosaur.

Xu Dong had already flown far away, but as the battle situation changed, he was surprised to find that the Insect King was chasing the Bat Pterodactyl, and the half-dead Fashinar Pterodactyl was actually lying on the ground without any living things. care.

this. . . Isn't this a God-given opportunity to take advantage of the mutated pronucleus?

Xu Dong's heart suddenly started pounding. He felt so courageous and exciting to pick up the leaks of the fake legend.

Seeing the two pseudo-legends traveling further and further away, Xu Dong immediately flew towards the Faxinar Pterosaur. But what Xu Dong didn't know was that the Insect King had just inserted its tail spine into the Faxinar Pterodactyl. Spawn in...

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