Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 71 Fight against the Zerg again

What is this? Uncle Black’s invisibility ability? Xu Dong doesn't want to turn into a black-skinned dragon. Well, what the heck, black dragons look pretty handsome too.

After Xu Dong was full, he flapped his wings and left the crocodile. Poor Fatty Dumpun could finally let go and eat his prey.

Flying in a place with light sources everywhere is like walking on the main road in later generations. There are lights everywhere, but the difference between this place and later generations is that it has a quietness and peace that is not found in the city. Xu Dong feels a little like it here.

Except for the small flying insects that hid in the darkness and came to him from time to time, Xu Dong didn't know what kind they were. Anyway, they were not the same kind as the group of glowing insects.

They probably also have the night-hidden light cells of Lao Shizi. They have black skin and can blend into the darkness perfectly. They suddenly appeared and attacked Xu Dong.

Xu Dong finally realized the helplessness the fat crocodile had just felt. This feeling of being able to beat the crocodile but not being able to catch it and get rid of it was really uncomfortable.

They are very small, about ten centimeters, and have no sharp parts on their bodies. When they hit Xu Dong, they would only be slightly painful, but not enough to break the armor and bleed. They were simply annoying and disturbed Xu Dong's visit to the fungus world. of elegance.

At this moment, a terrifying big mouth slowly opened in the darkness, big enough to swallow Xu Dong in one gulp.

However, it had no interest in Xu Dong. After Xu Dong flew over, its mouth suddenly opened into a large membrane. The flying insects chasing Xu Dong all hit the large membrane one by one and were directly stuck to it, unable to move.

Huh? Are there any insect-eating plants these days? Or is it a specialty of this small world?

This actually made Xu Dong think of some ideas for dealing with bugs outside. The principles of nature focus on mutual growth and mutual restraint. If there are too many bugs, things will naturally appear to restrain them. In the outside nature, the balance of the ecological chain is crucial. Think To destroy the ecological balance, you must have the strength of the terrifying erect ape.

Unfortunately, at least for now, the pseudo-legendary insect king does not have the strength to challenge nature.

The previous plants only killed some insects. There were still many invisible flying insects following Xu Dong, but Xu Dong had already made a calculation in his mind.

He no longer flew above the tree canopy, but flew between the branches of the trees. There were many creatures here that could deal with bugs, such as arachnids that had separated from bugs as early as the Cambrian.

There are not many things between the branches, but the most cobwebs. They can also be regarded as insect nemesis. They can't eat Xudong's size, and all the flying insects that follow behind will become their dinner.

After some experiments, it was found that spiders are really powerful at eating insects, and there should still be hope that they can weaken the insect swarms outside.

It can only be weakened. Xu Dong is not naive enough to think that a few hundred spiders can deal with the Kuroshio. Previously, millions of insect-eating pterosaurs could not deal with the Kuroshio, let alone these spiders.

Therefore, the focus still has to fall on plants. Xu Dong believes that nature wants to eliminate the swarms of insects that disrupt the balance more than he does, so he should have received a temporary lucky buff from God.

Otherwise, how could he explain that he did not die even after suffering such a serious injury, but he happened to come to such a bacteria world that could help him recover from his injuries.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are also bugs in this fungus world. You should also be able to find a treasure to restrain bugs. Xu Dong guessed that it should be some kind of insect repellent plant or something. . . Stone? !

It's like Cao Cao Cao Cao is here. The lucky buff can really do whatever he wants. No, a purple-red stone is lying quietly in front of Xu Dong. The important thing is that the stone is covered with insect corpses.

Although he still didn't know the principle, Xu Dong felt that this thing would be the key to victory in the future.

After circling around the purple-red stone, Xu Dong spread his hands and looked at it. It should be just enough for him to pick it up. Everything was settled.

Xu Dong directly picked up the stone. It was slightly heavy, but the impact was not significant. After eating and drinking enough, his injuries were healed. It was time to go out and face his war.

Outside, Chong Er was wandering around like a headless fly with a black tide. Its sensitive sense of smell lost its function at this moment. It couldn't smell Xu Dong's scent anymore. This was simply incredible.

With its bug components inherited from the Insect King and the amplification of its mutated prokaryotes, almost no creature can escape its breath lock unless the creature enters the water or runs beyond the limit of its olfactory sensing.

Xu Dong had always been in front, and the distance would not exceed three kilometers, but it suddenly disappeared, and even the smell disappeared, making Chong Er completely lose its target.

It was worried that Xu Dong had hid in the soil or water, so it kept circling nearby. Without the supply of biological energy, countless flying insects quickly died, but there were still many alive.

Zhong Er doesn't care about the life and death of these consumables at all. For it, even if it is alone, it is enough to kill Xu Dong and regain its mutant proto-nucleus.

Suddenly, it smelled Xu Dong's scent again, not far away. Chong Er was immediately ecstatic and rushed over with a black tide.

At this time, Xu Dong came out of the soil with a purple-red stone. Looking around, he was still in the rain forest, but the difference was that the trees here were denser and there were spider webs everywhere. It was obviously intentional by nature. advantageous terrain.

Zhong Er rushed over quickly with the black tide, but was ambushed by spiders. In this forest belt covered with dense spider webs, a large number of flying insects were bound to the spider webs, and only a small number of them rushed through with Zhong Er. Spider belt.

Before they had time to adjust, they encountered nature's second wave of resistance again, the smell of insect repellent plants.

Although the poison couldn't kill the bugs, it could make them no longer obey orders and reduce some bugs again.

After breaking through these two barriers, it was the purple-red stone that Xu Dong moved out. This stone has the effect of distorting the sensory pheromones of insects. Simply put, it can cause confusion to the insects.

As a result, the insects following Zhong Er became confused, no longer obeying Zhong Er's command, and some even attacked Zhong Er directly.

At this time, Zhong Er was on the verge of a volcanic eruption. After being so aroused by the purple-red stone, he immediately sprayed venom on his hands.

At this time, a drizzle began to fall in the sky at the right time. As expected, the heavens and the earth worked together, and whatever they thought of came, as soon as the rain came into contact with the venom of Zhong Er, a violent explosion suddenly occurred, and the chaotic flying insects were blown away. They all exploded into roasted worms.

Zhong Er, who used the venom, also felt uncomfortable. It had just been born and its carapace had not yet hardened. The explosion was too powerful and it even injured itself.

Fortunately, there were mutated prokaryotes and the Zerg's vitality was strong enough. This damage did not have a major impact, but Xu Dong's attack was not so easy to dodge.

Small theater of paleontology: Watersaurus is a bulky, medium-sized herbivorous animal with short and fat limbs. There are huge differences in the size of different types of watersaurus. The small ones are close to modern pigs, and the large ones are even 6 Meters long enough to compete with the predator of the time, Fasolasuchus. There were only two long teeth in the mouth of the water dragon, extending from the upper jaw. There may be beak-like mouths at the front of the upper and lower jaws, which were used to chop plants. According to the joint structure of the shoulders and hips, it shows that the water dragon took a step that was semi-extended to both sides. state. Because its forelimbs are thicker than its hind limbs, Lystrosaurus is thought to be a burrowing animal good at digging.


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