Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 90: Three thousand miles into the water

Has it started yet? The fire that burned across the entire Pangea continent was just a prelude to the Triassic mass extinction.

Xu Dong sighed silently. Such a terrifying global fire was not the main cause of the mass extinction of species at all. It was not even the seasoning. The more terrifying main course was yet to come.

However, time did not allow him to continue looking at the sea. His consciousness that had been stagnant in the air was pulled down and sank rapidly. Everything on the earth was quickly magnified and became clear.

This process only lasted a moment, and Xu Dong only had time to glance at the direction of the method before he entered this body.

[Time - 201 Ma, end of Triassic, beginning of Jurassic]

At this time, Pangea has ushered in the fourth major version update of the Phanerozoic Era, Fission of the Earth

The pre-expansion pack, Global Fire.

This fire is not fatal to the red-scale flying dragon that can fly. As long as it knows how to avoid the smoke, it can basically survive.

Instead, the fire burned too many creatures to death, leaving the Red Scale Flying Dragon clan with ample food supplies.

Let me introduce the current red-scaled flying dragon. Eight million years have passed since the last evolution. Because of the addition of the food storage stomach, the red-scaled flying dragon has expanded in size. Its body length is about one meter and two meters, and its wingspan is three meters. It is well-deserved. sky dragon.

The head is also a bit larger after adding the ossicles and night vision eyes, but it does not affect the balance.

What satisfied Xu Dong the most was the seven pairs of feather scale wings with two jump points added, which met or even exceeded Xu Dong's expectations.

Xu Dong previously hoped that the Feather Scale Wings would become more free, soft when they should be soft, and be able to be folded behind his back. It is hard when it needs to be hard, and can be used as weapons, shields, oars and other tools.

Now that this goal has been achieved, feather scales have truly evolved into a special material between feathers and scales. They are not only used on the wings, but even cover the entire body of the red-scale flying dragon.

Combining the advantages of feathers and scales, feather scales become lighter than scales, more precise to control, and harder than feathers. They can barely act as a shield when there is no other way.

Of course, one of the most important functions of feathers, feather scales, has also evolved, which is its thermal insulation ability, which allows the red-scaled flying dragon to maintain its body temperature well even when flying to high altitudes.

After eight million years, the red-scaled flying dragon independently evolved a constant temperature system without Xu Dong adding components. After all, flying in the sky is more sensitive to temperature. If a pterosaur can evolve a constant temperature, there is no reason why the red-scaled flying dragon cannot. .

In addition to the above, there is another ability that makes Xu Dong ecstatic, that is, wings can merge at will!

Xu Dong can put seven pairs of hockey-like wings together to form wide wings similar to those in the picture. This is to make up for the speed disadvantage of the red-scaled flying dragon. With these wide wings, Xu Dong can also glide like a pterosaur.

Of course, not only all seven pairs can be merged, but two or three wings can also be merged together to form front and rear wings like a butterfly.

With such wings, the pterosaur will no longer be the opponent of the red-scaled flying dragon. If it can survive the Triassic mass extinction, it is impossible to say that in the future, the names of the Aeolian pterosaur and night winged dragon will be changed to the Vulcan flying dragon. Shadow Red Dragon.

After this transformation, Xu Dong has undoubtedly reached the worst time, as the Triassic mass extinction is in progress.

Now it is just a global fire, but soon volcanic groups will erupt, mantle plumes will rush out of the surface, huge amounts of carbon dioxide will be emitted into the air, causing a massive lack of oxygen, and then large-area igneous rock provinces will appear.

It's almost like the end is coming.

No, this is the end!

Although the end-Triassic extinction was the youngest of the five mass extinctions, it still caused the extinction of 76% of species. The beasts were completely wiped out, leaving only mammals alive, large amphibians, phytosaurs, and pseudosuchians. Only the crocodilian superorder remains.

This is a death test that the earth imposes on all living beings. If you survive it, you will enjoy 140 million years of glory. If you cannot survive it, you can only be buried in the years with the pseudocrocodiles and beasts, waiting for another 200 million years. Reappear in the world.

The size of the red-scaled flying dragon has evolved to be a bit too large. This is a very dangerous sign. Large creatures are more dangerous and more vulnerable to mass extinction than small creatures.

The supplementary food stomach installed by Xu Dong can be regarded as a push to increase the size of the red-scaled flying dragon. The two stomachs plus the existing air sacs will inevitably force the red-scaled flying dragon to increase in size to accommodate these organs in the body.

Xu Dong didn't know whether it was right or wrong. If he didn't pretend, the red-scaled flying dragon's ability to withstand hunger would be reduced. During the catastrophe, food was always the top priority, but the amount of food needed would also decrease as the body became smaller.

It's really a dilemma, but since I've pretended, there's nothing to say. I can only continue to stick to this path.

Xu Dong paid attention to the direction when he landed quickly. The red-scaled flying dragon's habitat at this time should be in the North China Plain. It migrated here in eight million years. It cannot be the descendant of his previous body. . .

The most important thing about the Triassic mass extinction is to stay as far away from the Central Mountains as possible.

The safest place in Gondwana in the south is the southernmost Antarctica, while the safest place in Laurasia in the north is the motherland. The peninsular terrain, far away from the igneous rock provinces, and sufficient food all save the need for Xu Dong to lead them to migrate. .

Since the place is already the safest, whether it can survive the mass extinction can only depend on fate.

Since he had nothing to do, Xu Dong decided to go to the Central Mountains of Pangea to have a look. As a witness of history, if he has not even witnessed the real mass extinction, he is not a witness.

If possible, he would like to record the mass extinction and serve as a warning to future generations of intelligent creatures. The power of nature is not just earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and the like, but it also has the ability to reshuffle the cards.

With the magical skill of merging wings, Xu Dong no longer needs to flap his wings to fly, but can glide in the sky like a pterosaur.

The flight speed is at least five times faster than that of 8 million years ago. It is estimated that the speed can reach 50 kilometers per hour, which is about the speed of the late Cretaceous Pteranodon.

You must know that the larger the wingspan of the pterosaur group, the faster it flies. The general wingspan of the Pteranodontidae is seven to nine meters, while the wingspan of the red-scaled flying dragon is only three meters at this time, which is even worse than that of some night dragons. Pterosaur.

Small in size but faster in speed, the Red Scale Flying Dragon's talent has already been reflected. With such speed, Xu Dong estimates that it may only take a month to fly to the Central Mountains.

Gliding is also skillful. Pterosaurs can continuously adjust their wing membranes to achieve faster flying speeds. For example, later aerodynamics was applied to aircraft with reference to the fine-tuning of pterosaur wing membranes.

Xu Dong's feather scale wings are made up of pieces of feather scales, which are better than the pterosaur skin in terms of fine-tuning. With constant flight adjustments, Xu Dong's speed has reached a higher level, and he has even begun to move towards the terrifying 90km of the Aeolus pterosaur.

Although the blood-derived birds of later generations of dinosaurs could easily reach or even exceed this speed, at this time, there was no creature flying faster than Xu Dong.

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