Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 96 The out-of-control pseudo-legend (available tomorrow, please pre-order)

A huge block of magma erupted from the crack in the ground, and the hot magma hit Xu Dong without any bias. If it was Xu Dong at ordinary times, he could easily dodge this blow, but at this time, he fell into a daze. .

When the magma rock came close and he felt the hot breath, it was too late for Xu Dong to hide.

At the critical moment, a strong airflow hit the magma rock and knocked it away.

It was planting, and it saved Xu Dong.

Zaizhan chirped loudly, without acknowledging each other, without being naughty, and without even glancing at Xu Dong.

Today's little plant is extremely mature. It spreads its wings and flies into the distance. They say goodbye as soon as they meet because it is carrying the whole world on its shoulders at this time.

After a while, Xu Dong came back to his senses and started to do what he should do, find the direct descendants of the thirteen clans, and if possible, take them away from this land of death and head to the Far East, to the safest land. New home.

Looking for a small creature like a red dragon in the smoky scorched forest is like looking for a needle in a haystack. What's more, the small red dragon engulfed by fire and lava has no other way but to turn into ashes, and the difficulty of finding it has increased exponentially. .

However, after careful searching, I finally found something.

An adult red dragon fell on the edge of the forest. It had obviously escaped from the forest, but was poisoned by the smoke before it could survive.

Following the direction of the corpse all the way south, we found traces of the little red dragon. The corpses of two adult little red dragons were lying on the coast like this. They must have been very painful when they died. They were also trapped by the lava belt. He was poisoned to death by the heavy metal gas that came out of the ground.

The most terrifying thing about volcanic eruptions is that these toxic metal elements are not only extremely large in quantity, but also spread over a wide range. Several large volcanoes erupting at the same time can contaminate most of the earth, let alone the Mid-Atlantic Igneous Rock Province as large as the Qing Dynasty.

Xu Dong could not avoid being infected by toxins even if he was flying in the air. He could only try to fly higher up where the toxins were thinner.

Even so, Xu Dong felt that something was wrong with his physical condition. The body of ordinary creatures was still too fragile and should not be able to sustain it for long.

It would be great if there were mutated prokaryotes. If you eat one, you will be completely transformed.

Xu Dong flew south along the sparse trajectory of the little red dragon.

Just when passing by a sparse forest, a huge Newtonian dragon jumped out of the jungle.

It was twice as big as the one Xu Dong had seen before. With a body length of more than ten meters, it seemed to have lost its mind. It bit dragons when it saw it and bumped into trees when it saw it.

Xu Dong could feel the fear emanating from its body.

Yes, fear.

This pseudo-legend must have seen things that frightened him to the bone. At this moment, all Xu Dong could think of were natural disasters and legendary creatures.

No matter which one it is, at least what can be confirmed now is that this pseudo-legendary Newtonian dragon has gone crazy. The mutated pronucleus has always been unstable and is easily affected by emotions.

Just like the former Liu's crocodile, he lost his mind when he was desperate and completely turned into a ferocious beast.

The pseudo-legendary Newtonosaurus apparently also discovered Xu Dong in the air, but Xu Dong flew too high and couldn't reach it. In order to give this guy some hope, Xu Dong fell on a branch despite the toxins and volcanic ash.

The big tree under its feet is more than ten meters high. Even though Newtonosaurus is more than ten meters long, its hip height is only more than three meters. It can't reach Xu Dong above if it raises its head up to four meters.

But Newton Dragon is a pseudo-legend after all, and its abilities in all aspects have been strengthened, including its jumping ability.

Newton Dragon still couldn't reach Xu Dong after jumping a few times on the ground, and suddenly became angry and roared again and again.

Then it retreated about ten meters, its big feet scraped on the ground a few times, and white air spurted out from its nose. Newton Dragon ran wildly, and jumped hard after approaching the big tree where Xu Dong was.

Xu Dong watched Newton's huge head jump over the branches, and saw the extreme fear and extreme rage in its scarlet dragon eyes.

The pseudo-legendary Newtonian dragon opened its bloody mouth and bit Xu Dong on the tree. As a result, Xu Dong just jumped to a higher branch with a slight jump. Behind the branch he just stayed on, he used his body to hide it. What rose up was a sharpened branch.


The branch as thick as a child's arm penetrated directly into Newton's throat and out from the back of its head. The huge impact and Newton's weight made the branch unable to hold up and broke.

Falling to the ground from a height of more than ten meters caused secondary damage to Newtonosaurus. Fortunately, it was long enough. When it was hung on a branch, it was only five or six meters above the ground. If it fell from this height, it would not be a pseudo-legend. Life.

The Newtonosaurus's main injury was that its throat was pierced, and blood continued to flow from its mouth and the back of its head. If it were an ordinary creature, it would definitely die this time.

But Newton Dragon is a pseudo-legend after all. It has strong vitality and can still get up from the ground even if it is so seriously injured.

Xu Dong decided to give it a push and let it see nature as soon as possible.

The wings merged into a butterfly form. Newtonosaurus was not dead after all. To be prepared for a counterattack at any time, it was necessary to have a pair of wings that were sensitive enough.

The entire bat wing state is suitable for long-distance gliding and one-hit kills, while the butterfly state is the most agile and light.

Newtonosaurus was already crazy, and after suffering such a serious injury, it became even more crazy. An irrational beast is the easiest to deal with.

Xu Dong kept circling the Newtonosaurus and attacking. Its claws were now long and sharp. Although it was not easy, it could tear apart the Newtonosaurus' skin.

As long as the defense can be broken, everything is easy to say. The constant bleeding around Newton Dragon will exhaust the pseudo-legend. After all, the physical strength and vitality of the creature are limited, and even the mutated pronucleus cannot bring it back to life.

Newton Dragon finally fell down, losing too much blood and being exhausted. Of course, Xu Dong's toxin also played a role, but the toxin from the sand giant scorpion is really not very useful when facing large creatures. .

However, as long as this mass extinction is overcome, Xu Dong can equip the red-scaled flying dragon with the venom of the fireflies. This explosive and corrosive venom is definitely a murder weapon.

After tearing open Newtonosaurus's belly, the first thing Xu Dong wanted to find was the mutated pronucleus. After staying in this large magma area for so long, he already felt a little dazed. If he didn't leave, he might be poisoned and die.

Fortunately, now that we have mutated prokaryotes, although we cannot say that we are completely immune to metal toxins, we can still resist them for a longer period of time.

After eating a meal of Newtonian dragon meat to replenish energy and obtain a decent tailbone component, Xu Dong continued to head south. He was no longer looking for the descendants of those fir trees, but to make up for his past regrets.

Complete the promise to the Red Dragon Thirteen Clan.

The little red dragon clan must not be destroyed!

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