Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

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Winter is coming to spring, and the new year is coming again.

The dinosaurs began to lay eggs, the birds pleaded for courtship, the trees sprouted green leaves, and the orc continent was full of vitality.

Early in the morning, the people of the Beast Temple rose. They cleaned the temple, wiped the statue, and sang the song of the beast, preparing for the upcoming Beast.

Everyone in the temple is busy, happy and happy. When you see others, you will always say hello to people with a smile.

No, I can't say that, there is one person who is not busy and not happy.

More than twenty years ago, the Beast Temple was expanded.

Behind the Beast Temple, there was a mountain, but now the mountain behind the temple no longer exists.

It was razed to the ground, and many houses were built, as well as a larger shrine.

This shrine is very spacious, surrounded by tall walls, and there is a lot of people outside the walls, but almost no one in the walls.

The low-level priests and descendants in the Temple of the Beast did not dare to approach the temple, nor did they understand what was going on, but the people at the top of the Beast Temple knew that this temple was all the same, and they were full of awe.

In this temple, the beast is living, living in a great, unique beast.

There are very few people who know this, and they will not tell others about it, because the beast does not like to see people, and is not willing to be known about his existence.

They generally only tell others that this is the real temple, only the most devout people can enter the temple.

As a result, as time goes by, the "beast god" actually lives in the temple, and there are fewer and fewer people who know it.

Nowadays, few people know that this beast god, he is called Zhou Sil.

When everyone is expecting the beasts of the beasts, the week lying in the temple is dead and boring.

He has traveled to this world and has been playing for 30 years.

When he first crossed, he was twenty years old, and now his body is fifty years old.

Before he crossed, he was thirty-two years old, and now his psychological age is 62 years old.

He feels that he is alive enough.

But he didn't want to die, so he survived day by day – maybe one day, what new food can he find?

Zhou Silent yawned, lying on the bed, looking at the stone roof of his room.

When he first came to the world and woke up in the big bear tribe, he was full of love for the world. It is a pity that he has never been able to integrate into the world. After more things have been experienced, he feels that he is incompatible with the world.

Now, even he can't even talk to anyone, he is too lazy to talk to others.

He once wanted to live a good life in this world.

In the Big Bear tribe, he did not adapt to it at first, and the people around him used him as a fool to ignore him. He did not integrate into this tribe. But when the Beast God Festival ended, he strolled around the tribe, and when he accidentally encountered the elephant and knew that the other was his father, he actually had some sense of belonging to the world.

He thought he would have a home in this world.

And like the sky... Probably when the two met for the first time, he used his mental power and his performance was different. He was especially good for him, and he was very enthusiastic.

After leaving the Big Bear Tribe to come to the Pictographic Horde, he had a good start at first, until he was in the process of helping Tiantian to realize that the strength of Tianxiang was not right, and later found that Xiangtian was not good to him. .

He left the pictographic tribe and began to wander in the orc world.

He is a plant versatile person who has a strong sense of planting. After two years of wandering, he slowly eats a lot of plants with powerful energy and becomes a high-level beast warrior.

Because of his own problems, he is not interested in improving his strength, but he can't hunt, he can only eat a variety of plants, and the plant with energy is better than ordinary plants...

Unconsciously, his strength has increased.

It was at this time that Xiangtian found him.

Xiangtian could not hold it at that time and was about to die.

Like Tianxian, he repeatedly pleaded with him, crying and crying. Later he realized that he was unwilling to help. He moved his hand and wanted to get his crystal nucleus. Like Tian, ​​he was special because it was special because His crystal nucleus is special.

Like a small day to see him, and finally died in his hands, like the crystal nucleus of the sky was also absorbed by him. He became the Beastmaster in one fell swoop, and he also fell into madness. He also killed a dinosaur of the Beastmaster class who wanted to come to the cheap...

After he woke up, he found someone around him, and immediately absorbed the nucleus left by the dinosaur of the Beastmaster class.

At that time, he wanted to restore his strength and escape. However, the energy in his body was too rich, and he was fainted. He was finally caught by the people of the Beast Temple. He was found in the sky and attacked him not far from the beast temple. .

The people of the Beast Temple kept him in the cave behind the temple, where he is now. Of course he was unwilling to stay here, and he found the opportunity to get out.

At that time, the noise was very big, and even the whole mountain was destroyed by him.

He thought that he would become a wanted man in the Temple of the Beast. He did not expect the fact that the opposite was true - the people of the Beast Temple did not wait for him to go crazy, and after seeing his animal shape grow from small to large, he yelled at him. God.

He was so inexplicably a beast.

When the beast god, there are many benefits.

When he wandered alone, although he could eat as much as he wanted to eat, he couldn't hunt and eat meat.

It can be a beast god, it is not the same!

Since being a beast, some people have changed their designs every day to provide him with a variety of meat.

Zhou Silan is very satisfied with the food of the Beast Temple. So he stayed for a year, and occasionally went out for a trip and went out to see if he could find any plants that he could eat.

It’s just that... he’s getting bored more and more.

After all, day after day, the days he passed were unchanged.

The sun rises slowly from the east, and the door of the courtyard of the temple where he lives is opened, and someone comes in.

The man is no stranger to Zhou, the daughter of the high priest who is now the beast of the beast, a 14-year-old girl, Xie Xin, whose animal shape is a beaver.

He was impatient with the complicated adults, and he appointed the little girl to give him food a few years ago.

The little girl is gentle, and when she gives him food, she never looks at it. If she can keep it, Zhou’s plan is to keep her a job.

After the raccoon entered the yard, he placed the basket on his hand at the entrance of the yard and then quickly retired.

Zhou Silan was very satisfied with her behavior, and with her ability, a long vine stretched out and quickly picked up the basket from the door.

The basket was filled with some clean meat, and I looked at it and went to my yard.

Although it was early spring, the plants in this yard were already very lush, and some fruits that should have matured in a few months were already full of branches.

Zhou strolled around and chose some vegetables to bring back according to his own preferences.

Where he lives, there is a statue in the largest room facing south, and the place where he usually sleeps is the second floor of the room.

There are some smaller rooms on the left and right sides of the room, and some are empty, and some are used up by him. For example, the room on the left side of the temple is the kitchen.

There were several stoves in the kitchen, and each pot was covered with pottery pots.

Zhou Silo cleaned the pottery pot, put water in it, and started to cook.

He has been cooking for 30 years, and his craft has been practiced. But after he finished, Zhou still eats, still feels no good taste.

After eating, Zhou was quiet and went back to his room. This lying, still lying idle in the evening.

As night fell, someone knocked on his door and came to the high priest of the Beast Temple.

"Come in." Zhou quiet sent his voice out.

The high priest opened the door and stepped in.

After coming in, I saw the scene in the yard. The eyes of the high priest were filled with reverence and fanaticism. He slowly passed through the yard and finally squatted in front of Zhou Lian: "The beast is under the arm, I have something to report."

"What is it?" Zhou asked.

"Your Majesty, the Beast Temple has two new Beastmasters." The High Priest said.

“Oh?” Zhou’s silence is lacking: “Who is it?”

"They are called lions, one is Kumano, a patriarch named Big Bear Tribe and his companion." The High Priest said.

These two names, Zhou Sil are no strangers.

After all, when he first came to the world, he appeared in the Big Bear tribe. At that time, if Kumano gave him a piece of meat, he might have starved to death...

Zhou Silent said: "The two people I know, they came from the wilderness forest... take care of them a little."

The High Priest respectfully said, "Yes, Your Majesty."

The high priest soon left, and when he heard the names of Kumano and Shishi, Zhou was still thinking of some previous things.

The Big Bear tribe is a small tribe, but the atmosphere of the whole tribe is good. Although he was driven out of the cave at that time, the children in the tribe stole the many things left by the original mother, but he did not have much to this tribe. Feeling bad.

At least he didn't do anything on the surface at the time, but the Horde still didn't drive him away.

As for the children who stole his animal skin... But the old child shivered at night and took his animal skin and slept on his body... He couldn't blame it.

These are all cute cubs.

He left the Big Bear Tribe at the beginning, just because the life of the Big Bear Tribe was inconvenient and lacked too much.

But he did not expect that the Big Bear tribe was actually destroyed.

After he became a beast, he went to the abandoned forest, only to find that the big bear tribe had ceased to exist, and was destroyed by the giant tiger tribe, and the giant tiger tribe that destroyed the big bear tribe did not get well - they were not careful Offended the mountain wolf tribe with the senior first soldier, and then was killed by the mountain wolf tribe.

Zhou was still very embarrassed at the time. After another two years, when he accidentally saw the people of the hard-earned Big Bear tribe, he helped.

He had a good impression of Kumano, and he covered his face. He took out Kumano in the middle of the night and taught Xiongye a set of exercises.

Kumano is very grateful to him and makes a request to him, hoping that the lion can also cultivate this practice.

He agreed, but he did not like the lion, simply engraved the practice in a cave, let Kumano teach himself, and let Kumano not tell others about it.

Kumano all agreed.

After that, he had not managed the two men, and they did not expect that they would become the Beastmaster now.

In the end, it was a person who had known before. Zhou Mou also sighed more and more, and let the people of the Beast Temple take care of them. Both Xiongye and Shi Li had no background. He worried that these two people would be wronged.

After Zhou Mou told me a sentence, he left it alone.

The high priest retired with respect and respect, and when he got up and ate something, he returned to his bedroom and was ready to sleep.

After coming to the world, his sleep quality has not been good.

The influence of the last decade has been too great. In addition to his ability to control the killing, his usual psychological state is also wrong.

This evening, Zhou Silo began to dream.

However, this time, some of the dreams are different. In the dream, there is no sword, no killing.

This dream is wonderful. He saw another person as a bystander and saw the life he was different from him.

The cause of all this is that the lion has suddenly changed and is unwilling to form a companion with Xiong Ye.

In his memory, Shi Li and Xiong Ye have always been happy couples.

Kumano is very good at the lion, very heart-felt, and the lion will also give Xiongye some surprises. Although in his opinion, Kumano pays more, but the two people who love each other should not care about these.

But in his dreams, the lion has changed, becoming greasy and annoying.

Then, Kumano yin misunderstood the help of the silence in the dream, the silence in the dream, but also more attention to Kumano.

Finally, when he was driven out of the cave in the dream, Kumano invited him to live in the dream.

His life in his dreams is much better than he had at that time!

He has a clean cave to eat, and he is ready to eat for Kumano. Kumano will catch the fish for him to eat... At that time, he can eat without fish and meat!

Zhou is inexplicably a little bit of a nightmare.

At that time, why didn’t he encounter a thief?

No, this lion is not necessarily stupid... Zhou Lian found that this person seems to be looking down on the big bear tribe?

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