Chapter 40. Hero forging The Legend – 2


This-if you have boundless spirit of Sam at a time that would Shine and involuntarily moan, I say. In my head that ‘I was!’Is not one, but myriad has emerged.

He is obviously a spirit all of them in your own words thoroughly follow the created, the spirit of Sam and the spirit of the way utilizing the secret operation as the ultimate lesson bag reborn as a cause thought. They want the Emperor to revenge on them even once to their safe keeping, took the only way thought.


[The spirit of Sam and it belongs to all the spirit you and of agreement.]

[Spirit of the Sam’s contracts.]

This you if on the forehead of sweat this book was. Oops, human flesh as a disguise and was just a physiological phenomenon until human beings as operating. Poker to maintain when you want to completely change that is an understatement, so I must do…… No, now it’s this escapism that!

“What the hell is this.”

“God, you know I know how.”

[Spirit of Sam…… Past all the spirits left by contractors in response to that. I can…… Now all exhausted, a deep sleep here I was.]

Barely the body to produce so to say that Zeno’s eyes touched with tears of glass trouble. In saying that, you also understand a little bit.

Spirit, the fountain of all spirit power for the space created. Dare living world and where you can. He is the spirit of Sam in spirit as the horse walked, but in fact the spirit of the fountain itself, his reaction at the end, he accepted the offer. He is weak and helpless to the spirits to salvation and judgment, to remain here is all that in left to to that!

[Ah, Ah and the like.]

[. For some reason…… But….]

[Sam us hug. Thanks…… Meantime, sorry.]

The spirits of the sample in the well was a light climax to end all spirit and if you have to embrace the moment, the fountain of all spirits and have you of integrated like. No, it is simply mistaken is not the fact that next moment turns out.

[Spirit of Sam you completely dependent. The skies of the key by using the spirit of Sam to the gate to make when horsepower and the bone of the consumption is drastically reduced, and the gate of available personnel is also significantly increased. All of the stator 10.]

[Spirit of Sam-dependent, believed to be due to all the properties and resistance to growth.]

[Advanced flame Properties, advanced brain safety Properties, Advanced Dark properties Lv5. Advanced Mountain properties Lv4. Advanced wind properties, land properties Lv3 this has been. Intermediate Ice properties Lv10 become advanced stages. Absorb skill is Lv9. HP 250 climbed.]

[Advanced water properties, Lv1, and overcooked. HP 100 climbed.]

[Advanced flame resistant, advanced brain still resistant, not resistant to Lv4. Advanced wind resistant, acid resistant Lv3 this has been. Intermediate Ice resistance Lv10 become advanced stages. Horsepower 200 climbed.]

[Advanced water resistant Lv1, overcooked. HP 100 climbed.]

“With, get a…….”

He still until this day they have experienced, but this time happened in the change is too dramatic, but groan to could not. At properties and resistance to growth, and the horsepower to boil what. You can keep your cool you don’t.

‘The other stator also climbed, but this is only one moment in amplified horsepower, only 660…… Turned one!’

This foraging experience is this-if you have not been with a guy alone in it rolling and expansive spirit of Sam to the back wheels turned. Growing up is always a pain, especially sudden body magic is more than 15% growth in the moment of pain is extremely fierce.

“Hey, are you okay……?”

“10 minutes only to let them go……!”

Alone in the kitchen sick too busy had noticed a thing but a change this your house only to find it was not. Spirit of the fountain fill and were the spirits or this you if it is dependent on the presence in the active spirits of the sample affected by each female.

[Cookies, to back!]


The original contractors have the spirit and without that spirit and that power is largely a difference to me. They are alone and only with the presence on the contractor that parameter without having to first world in influence is difficult because. The contractor lost them spirit of Sam tied to almost not moving is also due to him.

But this time, in the spirit of Sam with wholesale, this you in to a contract thanks to barely they again move forward. Blurred had his ego not get back depending on the Mana and soul with their body are also more robust.

[I can.]

[The body and can……!]

[The power, overflowed…….]

And he is not alone. For countless years, the spirit of Sam piled on was HP is emitted and the spirits power in more power, and in the process Level 4 of the spirits Power Level 5 growth.

5 levels in the original 6 level was close to the spirits with 6 levels has grown, from the original 6 levels had a handful of elemental and Level 7, xenon, or power than to grow and get stronger. The contractor losing the begging or was the battle with the ability to compare not was.

Perhaps now the spirits of the Japanese attack as this-if you have to neatly bury can be discarded. Of course, anymore it didn’t need to but said.

[Get ready.]

[Human mistake. Us that he is in power.]

[Us, stay tuned was the spirit of Sam……. Yes, true; we had to eat.]

[Cool as was over and I was thinking of. Still didn’t start.]

Stronger the one that got oily until regained the spirits in something believable to say up the island was, but now he plays on one of the Mingle has given time the body will never will.

This was very advanced Mana this skill and Mana acceleration to an instant growth in the village fully under their control and put focus on. The rapid growth experience a few times and had to think on that than the kid didn’t eat.

[Superior Mana this skill is Lv5. Horsepower 30 climbed. Mana and bones for a deeper understanding of, the mind or the essence of the quest.]

[Mana accelerator skill is Lv5. HP 10 climbed.]

It must be this uproar over having the skill to grow, if you will. This-if you have that skill, and the increased mana up, including the controls and all how fully did. He then shook up his eyes in the city of Hey, pouty face and then were.

[Apollo, you…….]


Is it the expression of the Dryad and the moment he realized his mistake. Of course he intended, but what is up with the time. that aside the spirit of Sam in the presence of other spirits and only contract one will not!

Spirit of Sam until the guide to start out that far given no objectively look at it for the bad guys to the conclusion that this woman does not come out!

“The…… We also have a formal contract?”

[Too late, you know, silly!]

Dryad Princess each for this all the way suave look to show how she was now but a child. He looks a little heartwarming, but thanks to the frankly out of your mouths, you will ruin only…….!

After about 5 minutes if you have that spirit of Sam and the contract are not the spirits with the contract will own and formally contracted Elemental is the first, and her well beads. His horse shoes will go anywhere that was not in the end. also feel full.

[Lv7 elder Dryad Princess time and spirit agreement. The contract with the spirit of the property than the strong force can deal with, and their strength of spirit to pass on.]

[Blend deepens the understanding. Special passive skills ‘soul eyes’got. All character have 5 climbed. Soul directly grasp the can, and the skill grows in the soul understanding deepens.]

Can’t move, it around that I think was really the spirit of the Sam and of the contract and that other thing happened! Spirit contract itself is also, however, a spirit contract and obtain a special passive skill has nothing to do with ordinary it was not!

‘Spirit is all this skill? It couldn’t be. The skill box is the original and the qualities innate in this primary……..’

This you you past for WE and when, of his flesh, in the life infused with the fact that it is not out. Of course then it’s life but I think this time they did not exist that soul fact.

Maybe that original soul that separates the power was in the spirit of the contract with the moment the possibility this skill as completely to bloom come May.

Anyway the soul to see the eye get thanks to the spirits more pronounced this can also be true. Maybe this skill to grow as a spirit enhancing could never know. From the former Dryad of their spirit and calling that was, but at this moment he is a real spirit doctor.

‘Special days. Just Joker actor, this one was longer as well.’

He once again skill check to re-train nodded. Spirit of Sam, steeped in a spirit all their own watch and felt it was.

“Okay, ready.”

[That’s right. Ready.]

[Our revenge and the promise not to forget.]

[How did we do? We don’t know anything.]

[What to do let me know.]

Spirit of Sam and a contract thanks? The spirits know what you want, and what you want to convey not intuitively grasp. This-if you have them both, and said flatly.

“Of course, but if you hit it as they go. We need to be prepared for. Here until you understand?”


The Spirit representative that the such as xenon. Spirit in the waters of this very deep connections was because? He start of the next level of deep connection is felt. With him the spirits of the sample representative of recognition to be, so think and if you have to say.

“I am the spirit of Sam to move to the fortress as you think. You’re the spirit of the way through anywhere you get there. On the contrary, in the spirit of the way through my guide where as all get out. His ability to use the big risk we want to attack the target only rapidly attack, sneaking out is not too difficult. I can create the gate to the advantage of the process even shortened.”


“Therefore, under the appropriate circumstances, places and time I selected. Ye want the stage to make you talk.”

[It is also understood……. Thank you.]

Xenon nodded whenever the spirits to follow him as nodded that the way was cute. This-if you have a pixel with a laugh the Take Out heard.

“But before Ye GILD will have. Right in this world born and a new spirit.”


I once said never, but the blind spot was? Zeno’s pupils is significantly hot.

“The ground of Emperor is that tens, dozens, but the scale of the Golems they are the world to ransack and naturally occurring spirits picked up and killed, to come. Of course now I stop it, but…… Ye know not? It’s just that Elemental is unharmed his day, the odds are never will.”


“Therefore, we Ye he spirits find spirit of Sam to help. Place the Golem through the network pass. Revenge is only an intermediate process, not the final, ye are like the spirits and happy that the goal should be.”


From best to scare and anger would only have made you, now give them a candy to soothe turn. Of course it was effective. Utmost worry and concern to our foot for this-if you have the words of the spirit some of the code to whimper.

[And…… Thank you. Up there I never thought. However the first other spirits to worry about was giving……. Spirit as ashamed.]

“Intense emotion was engulfed with the unavoidable. Not just anger, but you do have told me that he wanted to be.”

The spirits of anger and cajoled each created to all parties Taeyeon still say that the girl was, but they already know that the number of starting completely over that situation! The spirits touched the crucible of desktop mired in a band that is this-if you have a fun car to himself.

‘Spirit is deceiving easy is good.’

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