Chapter 20. Dryad of the woods – 3

The Coffee Club community of Dryad is to keep the forest enters the map I’m burning for ten days. So if you have acid resistance and ACID properties, respectively, one step more has grown, hosting the Thunder also appear lightning weapon to put the skills proficient to the upcoming level.

But if you have skill training, and rotten forest felling work diligently in their head distracted. Dryad they are keeping him something to think about!

鈥淲orld Water Day is a possibility too, the best not high?鈥?/p>

鈥淭hen Dryad, not the undead old elf appeared to be not?鈥?/p>

鈥淭he world was good……..鈥?/p>

The rotting Forsaken World, How cool is this name? Twig may bend with all kinds of the world, bad luck to them. To finish the weapon of a material not become!

鈥淒elusion is there, and the axe or wielded.鈥?/p>


This you when that axe of lightning Pole Inn, and ultimate disposition. This-if you have the skeleton of the device to penetrate you tryin to go to my 牖?the tree that was the attack successful before you flew all the axe budge! Along with the roar of cross fell, and he checked it, and after, a satisfying sigh and shed.

[21,050 ferry Museum.]

[Melting bones roots two to get.]

Deep in the forest when you come into the come in the list that appears it the Great Tree of level naturally increased. Levels, such as 5, stat 1,600 close to 5 levels and 3,200 in close to 5 levels between the absurd gap that law. They’re made to be strong evidence as you guys leave the ferry premium amount from and many more.

And to do so, getting stronger all the time and great tree to have if you are invariably one into the room and there was. His strikes gradually getting stronger.

鈥淎fter you…… Smoking! You!鈥?/p>

[Meals find it out music!]

Bus routing the Thunder or the defensive area of the level, but this is heard in the woods and he is the most evolved significantly technology is the 鈥榮oft part to attack the cheats鈥? that is the critical hit.

鈥業t’s also the first skill I had been busting Thunder became absorbed in it. But blindly weapon, but wielded its power to grow.. I myself research and development must take.鈥?/p>

Bus routing the Thunder all the melee combat skills that the top combat skill, but such as grow hard. Also the level of skill up that skill, including all of the skills and mastery to become.

In the world as is. This knowledge and skill to complete the order, per this you also Way, efforts should be made. It is now he is doing crit training is faster I strongly to explode busting the thunder of the object and the bordering feeling.

[22,510 ferry Museum.]

[Melting bones roots.]

鈥淎fter, flow city.鈥?/p>

One of the trees had tried to hide turned on there is no break. Gold and more in other trees branches stretched and I attack him to come.

This is your very Dryad of them followed into the trees, they also desperately want him to hold heard, and any moment, is from that fine on the floor in a sudden the roots have erupted. Of course it is really share of the.

鈥淢y armor is impenetrable!鈥?/p>

鈥淕oes off and you get closer to that guy from the turn, Well we tell you.鈥?/p>

鈥淭he horse is not easy!鈥?/p>

鈥淎fter…… Increasingly, an increasing number.鈥?/p>

From the top down, from the side, covered over the coming hundreds, thousands of branches and Roots them to you if the Earth was in the experience, that it Treatment cartoon video reminiscent.

Now this twig they call person tied to target skull or skeleton is not a beautiful elf had rotten look good it would have been…… The reality is always cruel law.

鈥淒amn, these guys move feel bad……!鈥?/p>

鈥淪o tied before cutting. So my body followed.鈥?/p>

鈥淔our standards to….. the waist is bent…….!鈥?/p>

The first tree roots are protruding since the real battle to adapt up to about two, if you have a Rodeo as dark on the back of a hold.

But this you you True from high agility due to the reflexes and dynamic vision to share, receive as, and also this you you from a calm and keen athleticism, situation judgment shared.

The usual end well, but not as desperate a situation to be real also in order to live up to for his ability to make had to be, and it is properly revealed.

[Critical hit!]

鈥淎fter you, get out.鈥?/p>


Jin’s body lying in the roots is all well to me in an instant weakened the wood to this-if you have to set and take down our barely breath and pull the trigger. Around trees all down the screen, thanks to temporarily attack of the enemy do not receive a blank zone are formed.

[‘m back!]

One often heard now a favourite with Dryad screams to chase the market, a guy flies to the point now that in the eyes of even be as close. Check it out for you if your phone your family.

鈥淒ryad one as the game looks…… Well be fun to see what can be don’t know.鈥?/p>

鈥? level elite the same?鈥?/p>


This-if you have that time their progress to you throughout the A lot of exposed but sincerely I started thinking, but then worries that it’s already overdue. He awkwardly smiled and once the corresponding point on the mini-map take two. And so the body turned. Just make a point and in the opposite direction.


鈥淨uickly ran to the chimney but can yet know.鈥?/p>


Yet this very acid resistant are these guys of acid toxic fog damage without one thwart to the extent not mastered state! Minimum, their aim fulfilled before the forest to the core of you get this, you you.

鈥淎lso get into the that they of the acid is powerful….. for a while, perhaps this is the end waiting in the boss is…….鈥?/p>

鈥淎dvanced stages of addiction, even one that’s not jealous…….?鈥?/p>

鈥淭hey might.鈥?/p>

鈥淣o way.鈥?/p>

Already from that moment to imagine Jean quietly scream. Now the only intermediate resistance to achieve progress in too harsh environments this.

鈥淪o training to do that. Dryad and forest of the sacrifices in vain of that!鈥?/p>

鈥淗e who for you to sacrifice, and did not think would say……..鈥?/p>

Jin’s mumbling to you as if refreshing ignored. Yet it’s acid resistance is an intermediate step 5. Acid in that you not even be related to easy and have had no time!

[Intermediate assimilation skill is Lv4. Nimble and the horsepower is 5 climbed. Fairytale range is gradually expanded, will feel.]

Forest chop in 2 weeks. This-if you have this armor Paragon helm and one write channel acid the subscription version of the situation reached.

It skull full helm is the original ACID properties, innate’s answer to the acid effect of 20%or amplified option had but even so it is only as effective as the acid poisoning defense is not able to control this if you have of the body is still melting quickly.

But thanks to its acid resistance and play of training for and had with him more than that a good day.

[Intermediate playing skill Lv2. Stamina and Magic Power 5 climbed. Play the faster.]

鈥淥kay fine, smoothly. Rather, how is the man feeling. A little more melt is also good to trim it…….鈥?/p>

鈥淚 play the skill you want to learn…….鈥?/p>

鈥淟ater, rats in the countryside of the Queen and should we meet again, then a guy, and once the consultation.鈥?/p>

This-if you have a half dying of Apple in the bone flour to the guy in foot treatment and said.

The time that the dungeon is the degree of difficulty is high level, it was a hit. Since rats and related to the dungeon a few times and found, but that some in the dungeon, even the Queen can find there was no fault.

鈥淔our die sound over again, yet the heart into this other thing.鈥?/p>

鈥淵ou forward all the resistance to this do you think?鈥?/p>

鈥淲hat…… If possible……?鈥?/p>

Right now, monsters and the undead to harness hunt, and grow to be inefficient compared with but also, various skills training courses in the Internet grow as well as his basic background is firmly brought.

This-if you have that training in itself is a pleasure to feel that the metamorphosis was not, but due to get the performance but with enough training of pain endurance that you can type.

鈥淏ut now the defensive area is too easy. These guys, absolutely impenetrable and not their looks.鈥?/p>

鈥淣ow go inside?鈥?/p>

鈥淎cid tolerance training, yet he could not. ……Okay, after this method to bring out the Bound One.鈥?/p>

This-if you have something new done whenever you want to really is simply anxiety is not. This time this guy replaced, or what do you want? That to me is what impact? It is care to endure without it.

Then come back into the air, melting this double action has surfaced. This Your of your hand with the other. This armor we made.


鈥淏ones of the law discipline. Floating in the air ax to steer to one but not to the concentration be distributed., the defensive area of training, than of nature.鈥?/p>


鈥淲e proverb in the young when students are in one.鈥?/p>

鈥淲e also struggled to succeed of the ladder…… No, that’s all.鈥?/p>

Of course, if you have of judgment is correct, the bones of the law with a different axe to deal with the hand axe as a defensive right areas to keep things playful. A couple of times and died, but if you have that in the end the axe of the controls did not give up.

After again three days went by when another axe blow beyond the other trees and branches to cut off and in his hand the ax with enough defensive zones can be maintained to the extent is was, so be it-if you have an axe or one out of two at the same time the control and service domains to keep your training started!

鈥淥h, two or that axe from near low tide. rather easy to work with that. These guys are more distant place to send you.鈥?/p>

鈥淭his is useless!鈥?/p>

Jean shrieked. Any time of the day was this-if you have that it did not listen. Soon the bones of the law and skill to grow His controls are more Mature to ground. Of course it is this-if you have more difficult controls in the challenge to make the instrument truly was, but…….

[The head of the skill is Lv5, at once, that can keep free of number five. Stamina and power is 5.]

So again a bit of time passed, the other body armor and skill grew. Now the skill of the skilled because of the player snatching the mouth will not is unthinkable levels reached! However if you have a skill that’s growing acclaim in the moment, totally unexpected things together happened.

[HP Internet 1, thousand to over. The title, 鈥楬ow To Love鈥? HP 10 climbed. More horsepower-friendly in the flesh. Species and of like horsepower, an additional 10 climbed.]


This you if such a message appears, that with his body to the bone is insignificant, but surely, to change feel and then tightens.

HP stat is slip 1 thousand broke that the fact itself is amazing, but convinced not to do. The original and almost all of the skill they horsepower and closely. But due to the title getting, in the flesh change until find. light work think not.

鈥楥hat channel…… I or I Fire need not be, and later Crown city ask.鈥?/p>

Crown City is a private chat feature if you activate the first contact to this terminal, then ask to be let. This is you, you nodded and back on the hunt. Yet until his training is done and seeing no chance.

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