“Huh! This big D is really ruthless, and he has borrowed more than 400 people out of his own pocket for 4 million!!! ”

The next day, Chu Tianba also heard rumors from the rivers and lakes.

I have to admire that Big D is indeed a person who does great things.

Be cruel to others, be even more ruthless to yourself!

And listening to the speculation about Big D on the rivers and lakes, Chu Tianba couldn’t help but laugh.

Because everyone is wondering if Big D is ready to make a move on Ah Le.

But in fact, Big D’s target is Causeway Bay

But this is also a good thing, focusing all the eyes in the rivers and lakes on Helian Sheng.

When Big D makes a move on Causeway Bay, you can also catch Big B off guard!!!

“Aza, has something happened over there in Ciyun Mountain???

Chu Tianba looked at A Slag, who had just reported the news of the rivers and lakes to him on the side, and asked.

“No bully brother! There is your fire unicorn, the prestige of the Hongxing God of War.

How could there be a Xiaoxiao who did not have long eyes who dared to make a move against Ciyun Mountain! ”

A scumbag slapped a horse’s butt a little.

“That’s good! You bring Tony and Ah Hu back and have them come to me.

As for Ciyun Mountain, you will let the plane go to the street to guard. ”

When Chu Tianba talked about the plane, he had a headache.

This guy,

Loyalty is faithfulness, but it’s too eye-catching.

The smoke will not be lit, the car still drives so fast,

It’s not at all pleasant to take it with you

It’s better to transfer Tony and Ah Hu back and let this guy guard Ciyun Mountain.

“Okay! Brother Ba, I’ll do it! ”

Ah Slag turned and left the office, first to find the plane.

At this time, the plane was practicing the Bajiquan that Chu Tianba passed on to him.

And not only airplanes.

Chu Tianba wrote Bajiquan into a book.

Then let all the younger brothers have to spend time learning every day.

And the guy from the plane, although he has just followed Chu Tianba for two or three days, but after getting the boxing spectrum of the Bajiquan, he is very obsessed.

Every day when I have free time, I practice like crazy.

“Planes! Come and find you something! ”

A slag beckoned to the plane that was sweating!

The plane turned a deaf ear and was still practicing.

A slag is also helpless, and he can’t fight and fight, so he can only wait on the side

For a long time, after the plane finished practicing a set of movements, he came to Ajia’s side and said lightly:


“You guy???”

A slag kind of understood why Chu Tianba wanted to throw the plane to Ciyun Mountain to see the territory.

Emotional intelligence is really too low.

“You clean up, and from now on you will be responsible for going to Ciyun Mountain to see the field.”

“Don’t go!” As soon as Aza’s words fell, the plane refused without hesitation.

He was with Chu Tianba, and he just wanted to stay by Chu Tianba’s side.

“Brother Ba said!”

A slag knew the weakness of the plane, and directly used Chu Tianba to press him!

The plane hesitated, turned around and headed towards the second floor of the bar to find Chu Tianba.

A slag saw the purpose of the plane at a glance, and dissuaded without hurry:

“You don’t have to go to Brother Ba, Brother Ba is also for your own good.

Hone you and cultivate you, which allows you to go to Ciyun Mountain to see the field and exercise your ability!!! ”

Sure enough, hearing A Slag say this, the plane stopped, turned to look at A Slag and nodded heavily


Although the plane does not use his brains, he is actually a very simple and pure person.

Those who are identified must follow to the end.

Chu Tianba is the person he identified, so even if Chu Tianba wants him to die immediately, he will not frown.

“This stinky boy,” looking at the back of the plane turning away, Asca couldn’t help but laugh

It was also made a little crying and laughing by the kid of the plane.

At this moment, after dealing with the matter of the plane, a woman walked in from outside.

Seeing this, Aza’s eyes immediately lit up and immediately greeted him:

“Sister-in-law, you are here, Brother Ba is on it!”


It was Cheng Leer who came, ignoring A-scum, and stepped on the high heels to the second floor

Angrily came to Chu Tianba’s office.

Chu Tianba, who was reading, thought it was Aslag.

Who knew that when he looked up, it turned out to be Cheng Leer.

Today’s Cheng Leer is still the same dress as yesterday, a professional suit

Just holding a folder in his hand, the expression on his face is very complicated

“How? Figured it out and promised to be my woman? ”

Chu Tianba put down the book in his hand and looked at Cheng Leer playfully.

Cheng Leer didn’t speak, just a pair of beautiful big eyes, staring at Chu Tianba tightly.

Biting his lower lip, he seemed to be thinking about something.

For a long time, it seemed that he had made up a lot of determination, and then he said tangledly:

“Will you be nice to me?”

Chu Tianba didn’t speak, just walked behind Cheng Leer, gently wrapped his arms around his waist from behind, and said softly:

“That depends on your performance!”

“What performance?”

Cheng Leer turned around and stared at Chu Tianba’s eyes, as if she wanted to read Chu Tianba’s thoughts at this time.

Last night, she went back and thought a lot.

In the end, it was found that Chu Tianba wanted to have good looks and money

Indeed, he is a good man.

If it is to become his woman, it does not seem to be a loss.

So here she came today.

Come to Chu Tianba to ask for a promise.

“That depends on how you treat me?” Chu Tianba’s domineering way:

“I have many advantages as a person, and one of the best is!

As long as you are good to me, then I will be doubly good to you! ”

“Poof!” Cheng Leer was amused by Chu Tianba.

A bright smile suddenly bloomed on his face

This time Cheng Leer’s laugh is not yesterday’s formulaic smile, but a laugh from the heart.

Chu Tianba felt that with a smile, he was talking about Cheng Leer at this moment.

It was really too beautiful, so that Chu Tianba subconsciously kissed it

This time, Cheng Leer did not refuse, but responded frantically.


“Brother Ba really knows how to play, and he even calls dad!”

Downstairs, Ah Shang listened to the movement upstairs and shook his head

Two hours later, Chu Tianba let Cheng Leer go.

Seeing Cheng Leer falling asleep tiredly on the sofa, Chu Tianba picked up the folder in Cheng Leer’s hand just now and looked at it.

Sure enough,

Inside is a contract for cigar cooperation.

Chu Tianba looked at it carefully, and there was basically no problem

He only needs to provide the source of goods, and then he can sit and collect the money.

So I also signed my name without hesitation.

Two hours later, Cheng Leer finally woke up faintly

He glanced at Chu Tianba shyly, and instantly a layer of blush appeared on his face again

This made Chu Tianba beast again, and pounced again.


“woc! It’s starting again, Tony, you want to see Brother Ba today, I’m afraid it’s not a little difficult! ”

Asa, who was smoking a cigar, heard the movement upstairs and looked at Tony on the side with a smile.

Receiving Ah Shuang’s notice, Tony and Ah Hu hurried back from Ciyun Mountain.

Already waited for two hours on the first floor of the bar

Who knew that he hadn’t even seen Chu Tianba’s face.

Listening to the increasingly perverted movement upstairs, the faces of the three Tony brothers also became strange!

An hour later

Second floor!

Cheng Leer lay on Chu Tianba’s back and said softly:

“Tianba, are you really going to be good to me?”

“Of course!”

This time, after receiving Chu Tianba’s affirmative answer, a flash of joy flashed in Cheng Leer’s eyes.

Just like that, he hugged Chu Tianba and whispered.

I talked for a long time, until it was almost dark at night, so I reacted and had to go back.

“Tianba, I will come to you again when I have time!!!”

After Cheng Leer got dressed, she picked up the contract that had been signed, and reluctantly gave Chu Tianba a kiss before leaving.

And A-saga, who was smoking a cigar at the bar, saw Cheng Leer walking down, and his tears almost didn’t stay.

Then he hurriedly informed Tony and Ah Hu, who had gone to rest first.

I came to the office on the second floor.

“Brother Ba! Tony and Ah Hu are back, what are your orders? ”

PS: Ask for data, ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly passes, comments, kneel for everything, infinite loop………………

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