Chapter 47 Chu Tianba: No matter how big or small, but honorable and humble [old version] Hanging up Jiang Tiansheng’s phone, the corners of Chu Tianba’s mouth rose.

This call was a bonus.

Chu Tianba was also clever, taking advantage of the matter of the last grudge to take the opportunity to make a request.

Jiang Tiansheng really agreed, and now he went to Causeway Bay to grab land, but he was justified!!! No longer hesitating, he immediately called Ah Slag and asked him to inform Tony to go to Causeway Bay. However, Chu Tianba still complied with the previous agreement and only let Tony grab one-third of the land in Causeway Bay.

Both sides have a very tacit understanding.

There was little resistance to Heliansheng.

Tony occupies a third of Causeway Bay. The same is true for Liangkun.

As for the big D, they are fully contracted and guarded on one-third of their territory.

Jiang Tiansheng not only notified Chu Tianba, but also informed Fatty Li in North Point adjacent to Causeway Bay, and Jiang Tiansheng in Central, but unfortunately!

Fatty Li and the elder B were already at odds, and only sent a few people to go through the motions, and Central’s… Although many people were sent over, they were not opponents at all in the face of the retrenched front and the victory.

In this way, the situation of the three-legged situation in Causeway Bay was directly maintained. Soon, this news quickly spread throughout the rivers and lakes.

Just when everyone’s eyes were focused on Lin Huaile, they didn’t expect that Big D made a move against Causeway Bay, and it was still with the momentum of thunder, and it strongly occupied one-third of Causeway Bay.

Let many forces who were originally ready to fish in the troubled waters of Causeway Bay because of the death of Big Boss B.

I had no choice but to give up this idea temporarily.

However, there are still many forces that are closely watching Causeway Bay. With such a major event happening in Causeway Bay, Hung Hing cannot remain indifferent.

Many forces are waiting for Hong Xing to win against Helian, and then they will fish in troubled waters and make some benefits.

The next day!


Hongxing Xiangtang, the atmosphere is solemn.

Jiang Tiansheng, who is usually the last to arrive, has already sat in the position of the dragon head early today, but his brows are furrowed and his expression is solemn,

And Chen Haonan and the five people of the pheasant, because the eldest old B died, so standing behind Jiang Tiansheng, the five people were all wounded, their noses were blue and their faces were swollen, and they were wrapped in bandages everywhere, obviously, they were beaten by Liang Kun last night.

At this time, in the incense hall, except for the prince and Liang Kun, they were already present.

Chu Tianba also sat on a chair and looked at Chen Haonan and these people with interest.

Behind him, there were two people, Tony and Aza.

Near nine o’clock, that is, the official meeting time, Liang Kun, wearing a flowery green shirt and in a good mood, walked in with a whistle.

“Hey! Everyone came so early, and Mr. Jiang also arrived! ”

Liang Kun swaggered to do his own deal.

But no one paid attention to him, and even Bucky understood the seriousness of last night’s incident and sat in his chair honestly.

Chu Tianba only glanced at Liangkun lightly and said nothing.

“Ah Kun! Sit first! ”

Instead, Jiang Tiansheng said hello to Liangkun at this time, after all, last night Liangkun led people to guard part of Causeway Bay for Hong Xing. Jiang Tiansheng also had some good feelings for him at this time!

“All right! When everyone is here, let’s have a meeting! ”

Jiang Tiansheng saw that Liang Kun was sitting well, and also said heavily: “Last night’s incident, all of you should have also received news.” A B was assassinated, and Liansheng’s Big D brought people to Causeway Bay to plant the flag. ”

Fortunately, Tianba and Ah Kun reacted quickly and snatched back most of the field for us!

Together we will repay this hatred no matter what,

“Any of you who is willing to go out and drive the big D of Helian out of Causeway Bay.”

After speaking, Jiang Tiansheng’s gaze swept over the people present.

However, most of the people present did not speak, unwilling to take this job, who did not know that Big D borrowed eight hundred people, just for this thunder operation, although they are the hall master of Hong Xing,

But a weak one like Baki, there are more than a hundred Hongxing official members, which is not enough for people to stuff their teeth.

“I’m Chen Haonan! Please, for the sake of the deceased brother B! Help drive Big D out of Wan Chai and recapture Brother B’s body!!! ”

Seeing that everyone in the incense hall was silent, Chen Haonan suddenly stood up and said word by word to everyone. Big Elder B is Chen Haonan’s Bole,

It can be said that there is no Chen Haonan without Big Boss B., and now, Causeway Bay is occupied by Heliansheng, and even the body of Elder B has fallen into the hands of Heliansheng’s people,

Chen Haonan is really eager to take revenge.

It’s just that he himself doesn’t have this ability, so he can only give up face and turn to other hall masters.

“Hey! Isn’t this Causeway Bay carrying the handle? ”

Otherwise, if you cross the file under my flag, I will avenge you!”

“Don’t say drive away Big D, but I promise to help you get Big B’s body back, how?”

Liang Kun originally wanted to tease Chen Haonan, but who knew that at this time, Chu Tianba suddenly opened his mouth playfully.

After speaking, Chu Tianba’s interested gaze looked at Chen Haonan, who was full of injuries, since Chen Haonan wanted to come to Wan Chai to grab land, Chu Tianba looked at him unhappy.

Later, at the Hongxing Conference, he actually wanted to grab his position as the speaker, of course, these are not big things, everything is under Chu Tianba’s control. It’s just that what makes Chu Tianba really angry is,

Chen Haonan actually caused him to lose the system reward, he has never been a gentleman, since Chen Haonan has provoked him five times. Then he will pinch him to death!

When Chen Haonan heard this, his face turned blue and white.

Chu Tianba occupied a part of the area in Causeway Bay, and he also knew.

And Chu Tianba’s strength is very strong, if he is really willing to help, there is indeed a chance to drive Big D out of Wan Chai and avenge Big Old B!

Thinking of this, although he was unwilling in his heart, Chen Haonan still raised his head, looked directly at Chu Tianba, gritted his teeth and said, “As long as Brother Ba can help Brother B take revenge, I Chen Haonan is willing to go over the gear.” ”


Hearing this, Chu Tianba directly sneered,

“I’m sorry, your attitude makes me very upset”

“You are reluctant in your heart, and I don’t want to accept this little brother of yours!”

Hearing this, Chen Haonan’s face instantly darkened, and the others present also had their eyes slightly condensed, playing scenes back and forth on the two of them. Chu Tianba and Chen Haonan’s grudge, they all know it.

And now, Chu Tianba, this is obviously a personal vendetta. But at this time, no one thought of speaking for Chen Haonan.

A powerful Fire Qilin who can defeat the Prince, and a fallen Causeway Bay bearer.

Between the two, it’s too easy to choose. Even!

Even Jiang Tiansheng didn’t speak.

Because judging from the attitude of everyone just now, the task of dealing with Helian Victory Big D will probably fall on Chu Tianba’s body later.

“Chu Tianba, don’t deceive people too much!!!”

The others didn’t speak, but the pheasant couldn’t see it at this time, and pointed at Chu Tianba’s nose and scolded!

“What are you stepping on a horse? This is where you speak??? ”

Chu Tianba turned his head to look at the pheasant, and his sharp gaze pierced his body like a sword.

Being examined by Chu Tianba’s gaze, the mountain chicken couldn’t help but be stunned, and he was a little uncomfortable, but he still resisted the pressure and said: “Why can’t I speak, this is Xiangtang, under the second master of Guan, regardless of size!” ”


Chu Tianba smiled, got up and came to the pheasant, and slapped him to the ground.

“Xiangtang is indeed big or small, but it is honorable and!!!inferior”

“Now that Big Boss B is dead, you don’t have Big Brother, let me teach you what rules are.”

I am the master of Hongxing Hall, Hongxing Red Stick, and Hongxing God of War.

What kind of thing are you, a four-nine straw shoe, and you dare to yell at me???

Today, because you have no respect for the elder, even if Lao Tzu beats you to death here, do you believe it or not, no one will do you justice?

“Got it? This is called humility!!! ”

Chu Tianba stepped on the body of the pheasant, word by word.

“You step on a horse…..”

“Shut up! Get out!!! ”

Receiving this insult, the mountain chicken immediately lost his mind, and wanted to get up and fight back, but was interrupted by Jiang Tiansheng’s scolding.

Then two people immediately came in from outside and carried the pheasant out.

“Tianba, you also sit back!”

After seeing the pheasant being thrown out, Jiang Tiansheng looked at Chu Tianba.

Chu Tianba saw that the annoying thing was gone, and also sold Jiang Tiansheng a face, and slowly sat back in his seat.

When the others saw this scene, their eyes shrank slightly. Jiang Tiansheng’s preference for Chu Tianba is not an ordinary high.

However, thinking that Chu Tianba was able to defeat the prince, and recently defeated Ciyun Mountain, he made a timely move last night, so that he did not let all of Causeway Bay fall into the hands of Heliansheng.

In this way, this preference is also normal.

At this time, Chen Haonan’s face was even more gloomy to the point of coming out of the water. His good brother Shan Ji was not only beaten, but even driven out of the Xiangtang. Chen Haonan secretly glanced at Chu Tianba, only hating that his strength was too weak.

“Is there really no one willing to take the initiative to take this task?”

Jiang Tiansheng saw that Xiangtang had returned to quiet, and asked again. Everyone in the audience was still silent, not that they didn’t want to help, but because they didn’t have this strength,

“If that’s the case, then I’ll just point it out.”

Jiang Tiansheng’s gaze scanned everyone in the audience.

Like Bucky, he didn’t dare to look at Jiang Tiansheng, and directly lowered his head. And when Jiang Tiansheng’s gaze was placed on Chu Tianba’s body, he stopped, and Chu Tianba had already expected it, and looked up at Jiang Tiansheng…

“In our mouth now, if we want to talk about the strongest strength, I think it is Tianba your Wan Chai.”

“And your Wan Chai and Causeway Bay are adjacent to each other, this mission, I will leave it to you how to???”

Jiang Tiansheng looked at Chu Tianba with a consultative tone. Chu Tianba smiled slightly,

“Yes! But…”

“I still have the same request from last night, as long as it is the territory I laid down, from now on, it will belong to me!”


Jiang Tiansheng now just wants to regain this face. As for who owns the territory of Causeway Bay!

Anyway, Big Elder B is dead, Chen Haonan is useless, Chu Tianba wants it, it is better to give it directly to Chu Tianba as a reward.

“As for Haonan, you” At this time, Jiang Tiansheng looked at Chen Haonan in the field and said: “You are our Hongxing’s red stick, how to go in the future, you choose, whether it is to pass the stall, or open the incense hall by yourself, look at yourself, come back now!” ”

“Yes! Mr. Jiang! ”

Chen Haonan retreated lonely behind Jiang Tiansheng,

“All right! The first thing is solved, then say the second thing! ”

Seeing Chen Haonan honestly, Jiang Tiansheng continued to speak: “Three days later, it will be the twenty-fourth of June in the lunar calendar, and it will be Master Guan’s treasure!” ”

According to the past practice, at this time of year, all the associations in our rivers and lakes will temporarily put aside the past grievances and grievances, sit down together, hold a fireworks party, and celebrate the birth of Second Master Guan together!

“This year, it will be our turn to hold the event, which of you will preside over this event?”

The so-called fireworks festival is an activity passed down from generation to generation in the Chinese tradition to commemorate the birthday of Second Master Guan.

Even in the 21st century, there are still many places where festivals are held!

For the Hong Kong Island rivers and lakes that worship the second master of Guan, its importance is no less than that of the New Year. It’s just that today’s Hong Kong Island rivers and lakes, the fireworks festival is no longer as pompous as decades ago, and even the most wonderful cannon grabbing cannon has been canceled because it is easy to cause conflicts and disputes.

Only the wine banquet party and the bidding session of Changhong were retained!

“Mr. Jiang, I can!!!”

As soon as Jiang Tiansheng’s words fell, Bucky actively spoke, and he avoided fighting.

For this kind of lively, but also in the limelight, he is flocking!

As for the others, there was no such interest, and no one spoke.

“Good! In that case, then this event will be held by Aki! ”

Seeing that no one wanted to fight, Jiang Tiansheng also announced directly, but then said solemnly: “This fireworks meeting, I have a request, that is, all of you must participate!” ”

And you must also take Changhong,

“We Hongxing lost face this time because of Heliansheng, at the fireworks party, we must take it back, understand???”

Jiang Tiansheng suddenly raised his voice, and then his eyes scanned everyone present.

“Got it!”

Everyone nodded 1.9 heads, and Jiang Tiansheng gave up.

Subsequently, he was not in the mood to blow water with everyone and directly announced the dissolution of the conference. After disbanding, Chen Haonan followed Jiang Tiansheng and planned to leave, but at this moment, Chu Tianba suddenly shouted: “Chen Haonan.” ”

Hearing someone shouting himself, Chen Haonan stopped, looked back, and found that it was Chu Tianba, his face suddenly sank, but he still said coldly: “Is there something wrong?” ”

“I’ll tell you a secret!”

Chu Tianba walked to Chen Haonan’s side.

“What secret?”

Chen Haonan looked at Chu Tianba vigilantly.

Chu Tianba smiled, leaned into Chen Haonan’s ear, and said in the voice of only two people: “It’s the big old B I did!” ”

After Chu Tianba finished speaking, he walked away,

“Ah! I’ll kill you!!! ”

Chen Haonan was stunned for two seconds, then his eyes turned red, and he instantly lost his mind, raised his right hand, which was still wrapped in bandages, and roared and rushed towards Chu Tianba.

But before he touched Chu Tianba, he was kicked back by Tony.

Fell heavily on the ground, blood rushed in his mouth, and then tilted his head, unconscious!

“This? What’s the situation? ”

“What did Tianba and Haonan say just now?”

“Why is Ho Nam like crazy?”

The people who were still in the incense hall looked at each other and did not understand what was happening.

It wasn’t until Chu Tianba walked away that someone dared to pick up Chen Haonan and send him to the hospital

“What did you just say to Chen Haonan? Why is that kid like crazy?? ”

Liang Kun caught up with Chu Tianba and said curiously.

“You guess?”

Chu Tianba said with a smile.

“You said you did Big Boss B?”

Liang Kun thought about it carefully, and found that this sentence could make Chen Haonan go away in an instant!


Chu Tianba did not nod or shake his head, laughed and left in the car.

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