Chapter 81: Minye: Ah Le! Haolong! I want to form an anti-fire unicorn alliance [old version]

The third is when Chu Tianba returns to the Ten Thousand Beasts Bar in Wan Chai. A slag greeted him respectfully at the first time.


Chu Tianba nodded slightly, and then asked while walking towards the bar, “How is the situation over there in Ciyun Mountain??? ”

“The situation over there in Ciyun Mountain has stabilized! Although more than a thousand people came from Hengzi,

“But after Tianhong and Ah Hu brought people to support, they easily repelled Hengzi’s people! It’s just…”

Ah Jian quickly replied, but when he said the end, his face suddenly became a little ugly.

“What’s wrong?”

Chu Tianba raised his eyebrows.

“Hey! Brother Ba, Hengzi’s people suddenly attacked Ciyun Mountain this time. There was no preparation at all on the side of the plane at first. ”

So there are only a hundred brothers around.

And the plane also led these hundred brothers, and firmly carried the siege of nearly two thousand people in Hengzi! Lasted more than ten minutes, just.

The plane was also seriously injured.

“I was still unconscious in the hospital because of excessive blood loss!!!”

A slag also said distressedly.

Although the guy of the plane really does not have even a little emotional intelligence. But he is real, but not too annoying.

Now it is heard that the plane was so badly injured. A slag was also angry, and couldn’t help but say: “Brother Ba! This time, we must pay for our blood debts. Avenge the plane!!! ”

After listening to Aza’s report, Chu Tianba’s face became heavy, his eyes froze, and he said fiercely: “Step on the horse!” Hengzi right! ”

“Lao Tzu remembers you!!!

Then he looked at A Slag and said angrily: “You first arrange for the brothers to rest.” ”

Tomorrow night,

“Lao Tzu, who stepped on the horse, personally led people to step on Hengzi to!!!”


A scumbag nodded heavily, and just wanted to leave to arrange this matter, when Chu Tianba suddenly spoke again: “Wait.” ”

“What’s wrong, Brother Ba?”

Ah Sa stopped.

“This time, the brothers on the other side of Ciyun Mountain will each be rewarded with 50,000 yuan. This time it was hard for them!!! ”

It could be heard from Aza’s mouth that this time, thanks to the plane and those more than a hundred brothers, they resisted desperately. Ciyun Mountain did not lose ground.

For his little brother Chu Tianba has never been stingy 27,

“Yes, Brother Ba!”

A slag nodded, and then turned around to arrange relevant matters. And Chu Tianba also went directly to the second floor, ready to rest.

Lian Haolong is not weak.

Fighting with him also consumed a lot of Chu Tianba’s energy. However, as soon as he arrived at the office, he saw a woman sitting on the sofa at this time. Judging from that smooth back,

Definitely a beauty.

It’s just that what puzzles Chu Tianba is that this back makes him feel very strange, and it doesn’t seem to be any of his women. And just after Chu Tianba stepped into the office,

The woman got up at the same time and walked towards Chu Tianba with a smile. At this time, Chu Tianba saw this woman clearly.

It turned out to be the kitten’s senior sister princess. The princess is also a complete beauty.

Goose egg face, combined with those sharp eyes give people a different feeling.

It instantly aroused the desire for conquest in Chu Tianba’s heart.

At this time, the princess was only wearing a light gauze red dress. With a charming face, he walked towards Chu Tianba, and the model walked over. Her purpose today is clear.

It is the woman who became Chu Tianba. As long as she becomes Chu Tianba’s woman, then she can lie flat in the future. Live a life that kittens avoid, but she yearns for.

Of course, Chu Tianba also saw the meaning of the princess, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he quickly greeted him.

The princess leaned into Chu Tianba’s arms and said slyly: Two hours later.

“Well, from now on, I’ll be the same as a kitten.”

“Of course!”

Chu Tianba smiled very brightly, and then suddenly said coldly: “By the way, you can give up the task of the Yamaguchi group for the commission, and now the kitten and her cousin are doing things for me,”

I don’t want them to be hurt.

As for money, I have a lot of it. If you want, I will naturally give it to you!

“Of course, the premise is that you have to play to your value.”

The princess was slightly shocked, but she didn’t expect Chu Tianba to even know about this!

However, the princess reacted quickly, nodding seriously and saying, “I have long given up the task over there in the Yamaguchi group.” ”

“As for the value…”

The princess suddenly raised her head and showed a sweet smile towards Chu Tianba. Isn’t she the best value herself?

Chu Tianba smiled heartily.

“That’s right! Do you know why Yamaguchi-gumi killed your master? ”

Chu Tianba suddenly looked up and asked.

Now Kitten’s cousin is doing things for him.

The Yamaguchi-gumi, on the other hand, issued a mission to assassinate Kitten’s cousin. This made Chu Tianba feel uncomfortable.

“I don’t know.”

The princess shook her head, and then said: “However, my master has been in the killer world for many years, and he must have provoked a lot of enemies!” ”

It is normal for someone to ask the Yamaguchi group for my master’s life!

Hearing this, Chu Tianba also felt quite reasonable. However, the Yamaguchi group is a problem after all, and you have to find an opportunity to solve this problem. It was also when Chu Tianba’s side was spinning. Kowloon Peninsula, Minye’s villa, the reception room, gathered a lot of people.

The volcano that was driven out of Ciyun Mountain, Wen Chao, Yaowen, and Irent, as well as the second-way marshal Ding Ye, who had long retired.

At this time, the reception room was as silent as death. After a while, Min Ye also walked in with an ugly face. He first glanced at the embarrassed four volcanoes. After all, nothing was said.

Now it’s useless to say anything.

Tonight, they can be regarded as completely offending Chu Tianba, and next, how to deal with the relationship with Chu Tianba is the most important thing.

Therefore, Min Ye also said straight to the point: “You should also know the news of the defeat of Zhongxinyi!” Tonight, we can be regarded as completely offending Chu Tianba to death! What do you think we should do next? ”

Hearing this, several people in the reception room fell completely silent.

Because several people were still immersed in the matter of the fire unicorn defeating loyalty. They originally thought that even if Zhongxinyi couldn’t beat the fire qilin, he could last a while.

Who knows.

The battle on the side of Zhongxinyi ended in less than half an hour,

This also gave the people of the Fire Qilin the opportunity to support, and finally let their actions fail.

For a long time, Yaowen, who came back to his senses, stood up and said with a black face: “In the face of the Fire Qilin, we will definitely not be able to win the fight.” ”

Make peace early!

“Lest someone personally bring someone to call!!!”


Hearing this, the volcano couldn’t help but laugh and said, “How to make peace?” He Liansheng found the fire unicorn to make peace and lost 50 million. Zhongxinyi also wanted to find Chu Tianba for peace,”

As a result, Chu Tianba wanted to be faithful and righteous and pay 100 million! We Hengzi will go to the fire unicorn to seek peace when the time comes. One hundred percent is also a hundred million!!!

Who will pay this money then?

“Is there a hundred million in our community account????”

“So what else do you want to do? Do you continue to fight with the fire unicorn??? ”

It is about the life and death of the society, and Yaowen is also in direct opposition to the volcano: “Helian Sheng and loyalty and righteousness are all lessons from the past!!! ”

The strength of these two associations is only stronger than our Hengzi. They can’t beat the fire unicorn, what do we fight? Tonight, more than a thousand people who stepped on the horse fought more than a hundred, and none of them won the battle at the first time.

“You tell me, what to hit???”

The more Yaowen spoke, the more angry he became, pointing at the volcano and being aggressive.

“What to hit? Take your life and hit!!! ”

The volcano also did not give in, and said viciously: “I don’t believe it, the fire unicorn has been fighting one after another in the past few days, can he still directly kill us Hengzi?” ”

“You step on a horse, it is unreasonable!!!”

Yaowen was also not afraid of death by the volcano, and he was a little speechless, and finally he could only look at the dragon head Minye and said: “Minye, you must not fight,”

“If you continue to fight, it will only be us who will be injured!!!”

At this time, Minye’s brows were also tightly wrinkled, and he sighed: “Hey! To be honest, I don’t want to fight either, the strength of the fire unicorn now,”

There should be few people on the quacks and lakes who are his opponents. A volcano also has a point,

Even if it is a summation, when the time comes, the fire unicorn lion will open its mouth and ask for 100 million! How do we get the word Hengzi?

“If you can’t take it out, won’t you want to fight it then?”

Hearing this, Yaowen also fell silent. The volcano took the opportunity to say: “Minye, anyway, it is a fight in the morning and a fight in the evening!” Recently, the fire unicorn has also made many enemies in the rivers and lakes! Our family is not a match for the Fire Qilin,”

It’s better to find and join forces with Liansheng and Zhongxinyi.

The two of them recently lost face in front of the fire qilin. He must be thinking about how to find the field, and with the three of us joining forces, even if he is a fire unicorn,

“It’s impossible to swallow the three of us directly, right?”

The volcano’s words made Minye’s eyes light up, and he suddenly said, “Good way!” Originally, we would have offended the Fire Qilin, also because of faithfulness! We have long been allied with faithfulness! ”

“I’ll call Zhongxinyi.”

Just do it when he thinks of it, Min Ye walked out of the reception room, came to the landline, and called Zhongxinyi directly.

“Hello? Who is it? ”

Susu died, so it was Lian Haolong who received the call. Under the reminder of Chu Tianba, Lian Haolong personally checked the company’s account,

It is also the discovery of many accounts of the previous two Susu and A Feng who joined forces to embezzle.

This made Lian Haolong more and more angry, and the tone of answering the phone at this time was also slightly angry.

Min Ye listened to it, and thought that it was because Lian Haolong lost to the Fire Qilin, so he was so angry, and he also quickly spoke: “Haolong, I am Chen Min, the leader of Hengzi.” ”

“Chen Min???”

Lian Haolong frowned, he and Hengzi had never had any communication. And now Hengzi Dragon called him, or after he just lost to Chu Tianba, call him. This made Lian Haolong think that Min Ye was here to mock him.

So he was also angry and said, “How?” Did you call me for something? ”

“Of course there is something,” Min Ye continued, “I don’t know Mr. Lian, do you remember the cooperation between our two families.” ”

“Cooperation? What cooperation? ”

Lian Haolong’s face was full of doubts.

This made Min Ye a little confused for a while.

Last night, Lian Haolong’s wife Susu personally sought him to cooperate. How could Lian Haolong not know?

No-allergy master did not entangle so much, and now he could not allow him to entangle in these, and quickly explained: “It’s like this, Mr. Lian, your wife asked me to cooperate last night!” Let me be in your faithful and righteous battle against the Fire Qilin,”

Attack Ciyun Mountain and help Zhongxinyi share the firepower! We Hengzi also did it, attacking Ciyun Mountain, attracting part of the fire power of the Fire Qilin.

But your faithfulness and bad luck still lost. At the same time, our Hengzi is now also provoking the fire qilin, and will definitely be retaliated by the fire qilin,

“So I want to cooperate with Mr. Lian and deal with the Fire Qilin together!!!”

Min Ye said half-truthfully.

Today, he waited for Zhongxinyi and the Fire Qilin to fight completely before letting the volcano attack Ciyun Mountain, which was not sharing firepower at all. It’s about picking up leaks.

It’s just a pity!

Zhongxinyi was actually solved by the fire qilin, which was solved in less than half an hour, which was the most important reason why they did not take Ciyun Mountain. But of course he couldn’t say those words.

And Lian Haolong on the other end of the phone heard this. Also understood.

A thick sense of frustration surged in his heart again, because his wife Susu even asked Hengzi to help share the firepower! But even so,

He still lost at the hands of the fire unicorn.

“Perhaps, surrendering to the fire unicorn is also a good choice!”

For some reason, Lian Haolong’s heart at this time suddenly came up with such an idea.

And Min Ye on the other end of the phone saw that Lian Haolong did not reply. I thought I was thinking, so I also added again: “Mr. Lian, don’t worry, we Hengzi not only plan to join forces with you.” I also plan to join forces with Heliansheng! ”

He Liansheng also has a feud with the Fire Qilin, and must definitely join forces with us to deal with the Fire Qilin together! When the time comes, the three of us will join forces,

“No matter how powerful the Fire Qilin is, it is impossible to stop it! At that time, we will be able to go to shame!!! ”

Hearing this, Lian Haolong came back to his senses.

Hengzi is planning to join forces with them to be loyal and righteous and to win the victory against the fire unicorn. If Lian Haolong hadn’t submitted to Chu Tianba, he would definitely join forces with Hengzi to take revenge, but it was just a pity.

He had now submitted to Chu Tianba.

Lian Haolong is a very well-behaved person, losing is losing, since Chu Tianba spared his life,

Then from now on, he is also willing to follow Chu Tianba with a dead heart. However, even Haolong did not reject Min Ye at the first time, but said in a deep voice: “If you can say that you can move and win, then I am willing to join hands with you!!! ”

The alliance that pretended to agree to Hengzi and mixed in could bring a lot of intelligence to Chu Tianba, which was much better than directly refusing.

“Okay! I called Liansheng and consulted with them. ”

After getting this answer, Min Ye was already very satisfied, and he was all mixed up.

No one will ally with someone else just because of their words.

And with Lian Haolong’s words, he can also use this sentence to pull and join the team!!!

Later, Min Ye also called Ah Le of Heliansheng again. Although Ah Le is not yet a dragon head, he is already a quasi-dragon head, and he can basically command the whole and Liansheng.

“Hello? Who is it? ”

Lin Huaile was preparing to sleep at this time. Although the news on the rivers and lakes is shocking, it is expected to think that the protagonist is a fire unicorn.

“Ale! I am Chen Min of Hengzi. ”

“Chen Min? What’s the matter with me? ”

Lin Huaile said suspiciously. Because he has no intersection with Chen Min!

Hearing this, Chen Min also quickly explained: “Ah Le! That’s right, I’m ready to form an anti-fire unicorn alliance! Zhongxinyi has already promised me, as long as you join the Anti-Fire Qilin Alliance. At that time, faithfulness will also join! ”

“In this case, it is the three of us joining forces to deal with the Fire Qilin together. No matter how powerful the Fire Qilin is, it will definitely not be able to stop the centaurs of our three families. At that time, we will be able to take revenge!!! ”

Hearing this, Lin Huaile’s face suddenly became strange. Hengzi to find his own alliance to deal with the fire unicorn? That’s really interesting.

But if you think about it, it’s quite normal, after all, before, they and Liansheng were bullied by the fire unicorn miserably enough. Hengzi must have thought that he wanted to avenge Heliansheng.

It’s just a pity…

Those who step on horses are themselves fire unicorn people!

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