Chapter 100 Chu Tianba: I’m just playing you, what can you do with me???。

The sound forest is neat, and the sharp energy is original

How long will you get used to!

At this moment, “brush brush brush”!!!

A mighty figure suddenly rose into the sky. All the way to the shoulders of the laughing little brother. Instantly came to Begonia’s body.

In the air, the begonia, which has lost its center of gravity, is held in his arms. Another few more turns in the air in a row.

This is the dashing landing!!!

“Wow! Brother Ba, this is also too handsome, right? When did it pass??? ”

“woc! Brother Ba won’t be waiting for this moment, right!!! ”

“It’s worthy of being a bully brother, this ability to seize opportunities is really first-class!!!”

Tony’s plane and Luo Tianhong three people, looking at Chu Tianba who flew away, couldn’t help but exclaim again and again.

Because even they didn’t see Tianba’s figure very clearly.

I only knew that when the begonia was about to fall to the ground, Chu Tianba appeared in time and caught her!!!

“Chu Tianba’s skills are so good?!!”

Dragon Fifth and Gao Jin were also stunned at this time.

Although he knew that Chu Tianba’s marksmanship was very good, he never expected that Chu Tianba would be so strong even with his skills.

When it was time to strike, save the begonia.

This ability is as strong as Dragon Five, and he has to admit that he can’t do it. And the spectators who were present.

Whether it is the bold melon-eating masses, or the little brother who hates the laughing idiot, or the little brother brought by Begonia, they are all amazed, and Chu Tianba, who is dressed in a suit, is handsome and domineering. Holding a begonia in a red dress.

Fly in the air.

Like a pair of golden children and jade girls, people can’t help but feel envious!!!

“Damn it! It’s a good thing for me!!! ”

At this time, Qiu Xiao’s face was completely gloomy, clenched his teeth, and looked at the two viciously.

He originally wanted to give Begonia a dismount, so that he could see how powerful he was!

Who knows, halfway actually killed a Cheng Yanjin, not only saved the begonia, but even attracted so much attention.

Isn’t this equivalent to making the two of them themselves. Thinking of this, Qiu Xiao was even more angry.

And at this time, the begonia in Chu Tianba’s arms finally reacted.

Looking up at Chu Tianba’s heroic eyebrows.

Begonia, who had a very good impression of Chu Tianba, had a strange feeling in his heart for no reason.

“Thank you!!! 27”

Begonia’s face was slightly red, a little shy, the original strong and full of anger no longer existed, but the shyness of a little woman.

This little woman’s posture made Begonia herself feel very shocked, because.

She has never even shown this look when facing her family!

“It’s okay, just raise your hand!”

Chu Tianba shook his head slightly with a smile.

Judging from Begonia’s current expression, Chu Tianba could already clearly feel Begonia’s good impression of himself!

Have to say!

Although the plot of the hero saving beauty is old-fashioned!

But it is indeed a very effective trick, which can easily capture women’s hearts.

“Hmph! Hatred and laughter! Hello mean!!! ”

Soon Begonia also came back to his senses, and immediately jumped down from Chu Tianba’s arms shyly.

Although the smell of female hormones on Chu Tianba’s body fascinated her, the current situation did not allow her to continue to covet.

She still has to save her brother, but…

Begonia couldn’t help but look back and looked deeply at Chu Tianba.

When this matter is resolved, it may not be possible to develop well with this handsome guy in front of you!!!

“Huh! Vile? ”

The hatred and laughter who had seen it for a long time couldn’t help but laugh at this time: “Above the casino, there is no meanness, only winning or losing!” One-two-three-four-five, the second game, you lose!!! ”

Qiu Xiao pointed to the steel ball on the roulette wheel and looked triumphantly at Chu Tianba and Begonia.


Let the two of you be rampant for a while now, and when Lao Tzu wins the bet, you will feel better!!!

Hearing this, Begonia couldn’t help but sink his eyebrows, there was no problem with the hatred and laughter, there was no meanness above the casino, only winning or losing!!!

And she did lose, but Begonia did not have a gas barrier, her eyes froze, and a delicate little face was full of anger again, looking at Qiu Xiao Idiot, and said coldly: “Okay!” I lost the second game, so let’s start the third game!!! ”

“Good! Then we gamble in the third game…..”

“Why are you in charge of the three rounds??? Isn’t it our turn to speak??? ”

Before Qiu Xiao Fool finished speaking, Chu Tianba walked up and directly interrupted it, was interrupted by Chu Tianba, Qiu Xiao Idiot’s face couldn’t help but darken, and he also made up his mind in his heart, when the gambling game is over, he will definitely kill Chu Tianba’s little white face!

But now is not the time, Qiu Xiao can only suppress the anger in his heart, gritting his teeth and saying: “Good!” So what do you say to bet??? ”

Qiu Xiao Idiot has absolute confidence in his gambling skills, anyway, no matter what he gambles, Begonia is impossible to win himself, so even if they let them decide???

“Don’t say it anymore, you’d better not get involved in this matter, it’s not as simple as you think!!!”

Begonia looked at Chu Tianba, bit her lower lip, and shook her head, this matter is very complicated, it belongs to their East Lake Gang’s private affairs, of course she can see that the purpose of Qiu Xiao Crazy to arrest her brother is for the position of the leader of the East Lake Gang.


This is a matter of the rivers and lakes, and he doesn’t want Chu Tianba to be involved for no reason!

However, Chu Tianba shook his head, domineeringly hugged the begonia in his arms, looked down at the beauty in his arms, and said with a smile: “Then do you think, with the character of hatred and laughter, I just saved you, will he let me go??” ”

Chu Tianba’s voice is not loud, but with an undoubted domineering, Begonia is a strong woman with the ability and means, if you want to conquer a strong woman like Begonia, then only by showing more strength and domineering than her can you successfully conquer it.

This is exactly the case, feeling the strong domineering on Chu Tianba, the always strong Begonia, suddenly felt like he had met a real king, unable to speak, and actually nodded subconsciously.

Seeing this, the corners of Chu Tianba’s mouth also rose slightly, and he knew that he had already succeeded halfway.

Begonia, this woman, can no longer escape the palm of his hand, then!

The next step is to complete the system tasks.

Thinking of this, Chu Tianba Muran raised his head, looked at Qiu Xiaobao, and said lightly: “In the last game, I will play with you for Begonia!” ”

Chu Tianba and Begonia’s show of affection made Qiu Xiao Idiot angry to the extreme, his face was blue and white, and he almost couldn’t help but call someone to do it, but in order to be able to rightfully sit in the position of the leader of the East Lake Gang, he still endured it, at this time, hearing Chu Tianba say this, Qiu Xiao Idiot almost squeezed out a few words from between his teeth: “Good!” As long as the begonia has no opinion, I naturally accept it! What niii to bet on in the last round”

Chu Tianba did not answer, but took out a box of Marlboro from his trouser pocket, and then took out one from it and held it in his mouth.

Tony also immediately broke through the encirclement of the little brother who was laughing and foolish, rushed to Chu Tianba’s side, and gave Chu Tianba a point.

Dragon Fifth and Gao Jin, as well as Luo Tianhong’s plane, also took the opportunity to come behind Chu Tianba.

After Chu Tianba took a sip of Marlboro fiercely, he said lightly

“How about we play something simple in the last game? Let’s draw cards than the size,

“Whoever has the biggest card wins!!!”

The size of the draw is the best choice for Chu Tianba, a gambling master, because it is simple,

And what kind of infinite space he has, he can also change cards without knowing it, and he can almost be invincible!!!

After speaking, Chu Tianba’s eyes froze, and his burning gaze looked directly at Qiu Xiao Idiot, and Qiu Xiao Idiot suddenly felt a pressure like a mountain. Although I don’t know the specific identity of Chu Tianba, just with Chu Tianba’s calmness and this domineering momentum, it makes Qiu Xiao feel that this person is definitely not simple.

Thinking of this, Qiu Xiao’s expression also became cautious, and he looked at the begonia in Chu Tianba’s arms and said, “Begonia, do you really want this little white face to help you gamble?” ”

For the strength of Begonia, he knows the bottom and has absolute certainty that he can win, but when facing Chu Tianba, he feels like he is facing a deep space black hole, deep and terrifying, making his heart even more bottomless,

Therefore, the hatred and laughing idiot are also a little retreated, and this will say such words! Begonia frowned, a little hesitant, to be honest, she didn’t want Liu Zimo to be involved, but just now Chu Tianba said it also made sense.

From the moment Chu Tianba made a move, he was already involved.

In addition, at this time, he was held in his arms by Chu Tianba, feeling Chu Tianba’s undoubted momentum, and Begonia also nodded subconsciously.

“Good! Then let me learn Your Excellency’s high moves!!! ”

Seeing Begonia nodding, Qiu Xiao Idiot was also a little helpless, but although he was afraid of Chu Tianba, Qiu Xiao Idiot was not afraid of him, so he agreed without hesitation.

After speaking, Qiu Xiao Mo directly took out a deck of poker, drew a semicircle on the round table, and then looked at Chu Tianba and said, “Please!!! ”

Qiu Xiao Idiot has absolute confidence in his gambling skills.

He didn’t think that the little-known person in front of him would be his opponent, and if it was a draw ratio, he had 10,000 ways to change cards, and he was already invincible!!!


The corners of Chu Tianba’s mouth rose slightly, and he was about to go up and draw cards! But!

At this moment, Gao Jin behind Chu Tianba suddenly ran over, attached to Chu Tianba’s ear, and whispered: “Mr. Chu, it can’t be bigger, the spade A is already in his cuff, if it is bigger, you will definitely lose!!! ”

“It’s okay!”

Chu Tianba shook his head confidently.

Gao Jin could see it, how could he not know that the biggest card of A of Spades was already in the hands of the Qiu Xiao idiot?


Even if it’s a hatred and a fool? He has unlimited space!

Gao Jin still wanted to say something, but looking at Chu Tianba’s confident gaze, he also faintly felt that things should not be so simple, Chu Tianba must have his own plans and ideas,

Thinking of this, Gao Jin also retreated, ready to enjoy Chu Tianba’s performance.

Chu Tianba stepped forward at this time, stroking the playing cards on the round table one by one!

It wasn’t until he touched the last one that Chu Tianba pulled it out and picked it up to see that it was a square three!

This card was also seen by Begonia and Gao Jin.

The faces of the two turned extremely pale in an instant, and they looked at Chu Tianba worriedly. Because this card, almost the smallest,

“Are you really going to lose????”

Begonia thought sadly, feeling Begonia’s emotions, Chu Tianba lowered his head and gave her a reassuring look.

Begonia is a little better, looking at the confident and domineering smile that still has on Chu Tianba’s face, is it?

What else does Chu Tianba have to do??? At this time, Qiu Xiao also noticed Begonia’s expression, and instantly guessed that Liu Zimo’s cards might be very poor!!!

Thinking of this, Qiu Xiao’s mouth suddenly rose, and he did not hesitate to draw one from the round table.


When I picked it up, my face was also dumbfounded, because!

That’s also a spade three!

But fortunately, there was still a spade A hidden in his cuff, so he didn’t panic at all, and turned to look at Chu Tianba with a calm face, and said with a winning ticket: “You open first!!! ”

“Huh! Chu Tianba had a confident smile on his face, and he was just about to throw that spade three! ”

At this moment, Gao Jin came over and said, “Mr. Chu, I’ll help you open it!” ”

He just saw that Chu Tianba’s hand was a spade three. If you really throw this spade three out, Chu Tianba will lose one hundred percent! So he wanted to help Chu Tianba change cards!

Help Chu Tianba exchange a spade A. A deck of cards cannot have two aces of spades.

As long as he shows this ace of spades first, the hatred and laughter will definitely lose! However, Chu Tianba shook his head with a smile and said, “No need, you promised your wife, within a year, you can’t gamble, isn’t the time still up?” ”

Seeing that Chu Tianba refused 953, Gao Jin still wanted to say something, but Chu Tianba directly threw out the cards in his hand.

And that card is exactly the Three of Spades!

“Hahaha! Three??? of Spades Begonia, is this the person you picked?? ”

Qiu Xiao Idiot did not hide the mockery on his face, couldn’t stop laughing, after laughing, Qiu Xiao Idiot also directly threw out the A of spades in his hand, looked at Begonia, and said proudly: “I am A of Spades, Begonia, you lost!!! ”

Seeing this scene, Begonia was so angry that she trembled all over, raised her head and looked at Chu Tianba incredulously, she even had some doubts, whether this man would be a hater and a joker who deliberately sent someone to rectify her.

Thinking of this, Begonia desperately wanted to break free from Chu Tianba’s embrace, but Chu Tianba hugged it very tightly, and Begonia couldn’t break free at all.

And Chu Tianba felt the struggling beauty in his arms, and also lowered his head and smiled and comforted: “It’s okay!” Don’t panic. ”

Hearing this, Begonia and Gao Jin were a little stunned! I didn’t understand what Chu Tianba meant!

Don’t panic yet???

This is all already lost!

Chu Tianba didn’t care about the two anymore, but looked at Qiu Xiao idiot with interest and said, “Qiu Xiao idiot, you are out of the old way!!! ”

“Out of the old man?? Huh! Do you have proof? Skills are not as good as people know to make excuses? Begonia, you are really a waste looking for a little white face!!! ”

The hatred laughed and showed a mocking look on his face.


Chu Tianba didn’t care, and after sneering, he directly turned over all the playing cards on the round table, pointed to the cards on it, and said: “Since you are not out of the old thousand, then why are the cards on this all three spades, but you drew an ace of spades??? ”

Hearing this, Qiu Xiao looked stunned.

Hurriedly looked towards the card that was opened by Chu Tianba! Saw.

Those cards, sure enough, are all spades!!! Gao Jin and Begonia’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Is there really a reversal of the situation???

“Huh! Hatred laughing idiot, if I am not mistaken, at this time, there should still be a spade three in your cuff, dare I check it? ”

Chu Tianba was unforgiving, and he pressed towards the Qiu Xiao idiot step by step. As early as when he just touched those playing cards, he unknowingly replaced all the cards on it with three of spades through infinite space!

“You play me??? when you step on a horse”

Seeing this, Qiu Xiao Idiot looked confused, and then reacted, and immediately roared madly towards Chu Tianba.

Although he didn’t know why all of this card became the Three of Spades, he knew that all this was definitely done by Liu Zimo!!!

Hearing this, Chu Tianba sneered, then took a sharp sip of Marlboro, and then spit out the white smoke towards the Qiu Xiao idiot, and then said arrogantly

“Huh! I’m just playing on you, what can you do with me??? ”

ps: thanks

“A smile of thousands of degrees” brothers’ rewards, thank you bye, and many brothers’ monthly pass support!

At the same time, the younger brother asks for a self-determination here, and the whole book is!!! Every custom and full booking is the driving force for the little brother’s creation!

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