Storm I: DanMachi

Chapter 22 - Knowledge is Power

It's a beautiful day outside...

Birds are singing, Flowers are blooming.

On days like this...

Readers like you...

SHOULD PLAY BURY THE LIGHT! Ehem! Let's get back into the story. Here we go.

Anyway, let's get to the story and start.

Silver, inside his old home where he grew up for the past 3 or so years. He is in a separate room with separate space.

"A photon is a tiny particle that comprises waves of electromagnetic radiation. Photons are just electric fields traveling through space. Photons have no charge, no resting mass, and travel at the speed of light. Photons are emitted by the action of charged particles, although they can be emitted by other methods including radioactive decay. Since they are extremely small particles, the contribution of wavelike characteristics to the behavior of photons is significant." He recited since there are no modern books about science here, only astrology which is technically about stars. No such thing about electromagnetic waves.

"By using lightning magic to generate waves of electromagnetic radiation, and by removing its charge to make it lighter since having a charge means having a weight most of the time. Then, fuel the particles with energy source to charge it, which I'll use mana for now, then it will do this-"

He shot an armor made of orichalcum that has the highest resistance to the point that it won't be scratched by a level 6 with both physical strength and magical power, not even Nine Hell.

When the attack hit in the speed of light, the said omnipotent armor have a hole in the middle of it with the sides in red color because of the heat the attack emitted.

"And that, is one of the most powerful scientific magic. I doubt Alaya would interfere with that since I technically recreated a natural energy of the world. Photon Magic. Still, it's weaker than Void Magic since it can swallow any kind of energy and disperse them. Technically, Anti-Magic is Void Magic's natural effect since the void itself disperses any kind of energy."

Then, he proceeded on his next trial. He imbued himself with Photon Magic and he moved, leaving an after image, and disappeared after 5 minutes or so while Silver is running around at the speed of light. So fast, right? He's still 11 but he already surpassed the Flash and Son Goku in terms of speed. You know what? He's the fastest in the early stages, but he doubt he could reach MUI Goku's speed of 10 times the speed of light. 10 times is still fast considering you're adding 10 times more amount of speed of light.

Soon, he stopped running around and focused on the next one.

"Spatial magic is Void magic's sub-element. So, if I created a separate dimension at which inside it, I skip time."

He tried it, but it didn't work?

"Wait, skipping time is way harder. Maybe, I'm too slow?"


A purple-skinned man sneezed.

"Is there someone talking about me? Nevermind."

❲Time Skip brought to you by Hit❳


The next day after Silver managed to become the fastest kid alive, because he's still 11 years old, and it only took him one time to reach the speed of light, far faster than a certain first speedster in a world that starts with D and ends with C.

Silver never received any backlash or any sideeffect of some sort as he understand magic the most. Although he receive no drawbacks, just by simply moving at the speed of light for 20 minutes is enough to drain to the point he might die of mana exhaustion and emptying his reserves. When it comes to Time Skip, he can bȧrėly use it 3 times a day, so he will only use it against strong foes right from the start since enemies usually don't know your strength if you're hiding it, surprising them and also removing them. [A/N: By 20 minutes, it means the minutes in Silver's point of view, at which he can tell how much time have passed for reason I won't say because it'll spoil the story.]

Right now, Silver is reading reading a book about monsters on a certain floor, the 37th floor. The floor where Spartois, Barbarians, Lizardmen Elite, Obsidian Soldiers, Skull Sheeps, Loup Garou, and the Udaeus.

Looking at Silver who is diligently reading, Rose couldn't help but look at his face that wants to learn- no, a face that wants to devour knowledge. For her, it was kinda cute.

But what shocked and she almost not believed was that, every time Silver gets a huge haul of monster cores that are commonly known as magic stone. She knew he would've dived even deeper, but her anger at that time was quenched when he said that he literally sweeped the first 3 floors of monsters to the point the dungeon won't spawn monsters in there in a day.

Little did she know that Silver did that to test his magic against the Juggernaut because it has high resistance to magic. Other than that, he's only testing newly developed basic spells, so it's not entirely powerful as it could only support those who have no level to peak level 2.

Sadly, the Juggernaut could only withstand 13 spells in succession. The spell he develop was a water magic that he named as Reflect Bubble at which any attack, physical or magic, it takes will be reflected back as a water burst with double the damage it received. Also, it doesn't reflect physical attacks with physical attacks, so the Juggernaut could last longer than it would due to its immensely low physical defense despite all that high magic resistance, high physical abilities at which if one was summoned on floor 37, it is even faster than the floor boss Udaeus.

[ Insert song: Immortals by Fall Out Boy ]

Standing in front of a monster party, he readied himself and brandished his weapons. Looking at them with such wits and intelligence. Each one of them, he knew their weakness and how to deal with them easily.

He rushed forward towards them as he pulled out two katana with serrated blade that is intended to copy a beast's powerful ability to tear it's enemies apart.

He cut off the wyvern's head very quickly and moved on to decapitating other monsters such as Crystal Mantis, Lamia Mormos, Hellhound, Minotaur, and Lygerfang.

Then, a Minotaur with a landform axe tried to cut him, which it did hit, but it was just a clone that turned into water and splashed on the floor. Meanwhile, Silver is already right behind it and killed the monster in one attack.

Who am I kidding? All monsters in these floors are all one-hit kill for him if he can get to their blindspot and focus his attack on one point and maximize the power using ki to fully use 100% of a person's power that is mainly restricted only to 30%, and then goes to 70% when adrenaline is added, which doesn't exactly allow a person to exert his full power.

❲Beast Breathing, Fifth Fang: Crazy Cutting❳

And then, after killing all monsters and destroyed the walls because of his attacks, a Juggernaut appeared.

The both of them rushed towards each other, and were about to attack. Unfortunately for the Juggernaut, Silver is simply faster than it when it comes to reaction speed as he already prepared an attack.

❲Beast Breathing, Second Form: Rip and Tear — Guts❳

Instead of "X" slash, what he did is a "✴️" slash. With that, the Juggernaut was technically ripped and teared apart.

It's been just a few weeks and he had yet updated his status, and wants to see it either sooner or never at all as he could still get stronger even without falna. However, because of the freebie of being able to use magic, why wouldn't he want a falna?


He soon returned back up to the Guild and confessed to Rose.

"Rose, I've got something to confess to you." Silver said with loud voice for reactions.

Silver just completely ignored it.

"I ventured deep down to 20th floor." Silver said in deadpanned voice and face. (Seiya deadpanned look.)

"You what?! DO YOU KNOW THAT'S VERY RECKLESS OF YOU?! You're lucky that you didn't die as you've been just an adventurer for a few weeks! A FEW WEEKS! DO YOU- !?" Before she could finish talking, she was interrupted by Silver.

Giving her head pats with a small smile on his face, Silver only said one sentence. "I thank you for your concern, but you don't need to worry about me. I can more than handle myself. Plus, your lessons are a huge help when it comes to monsters. So now, I've got a huge haul thanks to your lessons."

Silver proceeded to exchange his magic stones for money while keeping drop loots for experimental things and trying to see if he could make a convenient item that is both an ID and a bank account, which there are no banks here as the richest people in the city are Familias with guards to their treasury.

[ Music stops like a broken record ]


Ki is one of the Origin Forces, just right below the Primordial Forces of the world. However, there is one thing higher that Primordial Forces, and that is the Chaos Void, where Chaos itself was born, from nothing. For the Void, everything is nothing, nothing is everything, and nothing lasts forever in the face of it, which is a big slap in the face when it comes to the gods, not even the All Father could force it to use 1% of its power.

The only things that could fight back are the First Forces, not Primordial nor Origin. Primordial is a source of energy from more than billions of years ago. Origin is a source that supplied the world. Meanwhile, the First Forces are so powerful that even helping the will of the world would cause it to collapse. There are 5 First Forces:

The next is the Vector, the opposite of the Void. As the name suggests, it is about movements. Not just any movement, but constant movement. Even though it exist in the same dimension as the Void does, its influence to movements made all stars, planets, the galaxies, and other celestial bodies in the universe to move constantly.

The third are two energies which gods, mortals, and demons were made of. Gods being created with pure Holy or Demonic Essence, mortals with balanced of the two, and demons with pure Demonic Essence which some have a small portions or even a quarter without being half-demons, of Holy Essence.

The fourth is Chaos, which is technically the Primordial god who produced other existence like "it" because "it" was bored by using "its" own energy and splits it into small portions until its power is depleted to only equal a Primordial Force. Even though it is weak, its influence to other worlds is still strong due to splitting his power.

The last is the Order, the opposite of Chaos. Order was suppose to stop Chaos from wreaking havoc, unintentionally or not, and contain it. However, due to the Chaos splitting its power, the Order tried to search for Chaos' fragments only to find out that Chaos created more. So, in order to both stop the original and the fragments, it also decided to split itself to the point the two of them are equally strong while the fragments of their power are playing hide and seek throughout the world's, dimensions from dimensions, causing wars and making heroes rise.

"Now then, where is that book about the 'First Force: Void of Endless Possibilities from Nothingness'...."

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