Storm I: DanMachi

Chapter 25 - Team S??? I

Today would have been a normal day.

A redhead with gold eyes can be seen with an arrogant smile wearing gold and red clothes.

"I, the great Prince of the Empire, will be in your team. Let's make our name known throughout the world in full GLORY!"

Then, a black haired young man with red eyes can be seen with a face of irritation.

"Can you not shout when he's just basically 10 feet away from you? At least, consider it when there's someone who is even closer!"

And then another annoyance in a form of a yellow hair with green eyes with a smile of an idiot.

"Wow! It seems like this team is going to be interesting. Even so, I'll soon reclaim what is rightfully belonged to me!"

Silver could only sigh at the opposite of what he liked the most. What he loved is his peace and a quiet environment.


Earlier that day, Silver had recently finished reading books that are mostly fundamental in him understanding what truly Magic is. As a result, he decided to continue the incomplete theory of artificial unlimited source of mana, which is overpowered, but the downside is that it wasn't yet tested and there are still some parts that are lacking as well as the drawback of exploding due to unlimited mana being generated inside the body that could not handle such amount of mana, especially when the project said that it will produce natural mana that exists from something natural such as mountains, fertile land, the ocean, the lightning and the thunder it produces, and much more that is a natural occurrence, even the sun and moon along with their vector, movements, and rotation are very natural.

Anyway. It has just been roughly 2 weeks since he have arrived and started living in Orario, and he doesn't have any personal forge given by Hephaestus. Not that he needed one when he already have one in this small mansion with a fairly huge open field perfect for testing weapons like cutting things.

Well... Not until he got called by Kane through Telepathy.

{Silver, you've got to come back to Trezin Town, it's time.}

Silver sighed.


Trezin is almost like "Treason" with "z" for "s".


"So, you're asking for permission to leave because of some matters?" Hephaestus asked with her stern voice.

"Yes." He replied with the same stoicness.

"Let me explain why. You are this familia's goddess, and like a shop owner, it's your call when to let your workers to get a day off." Silver reasoned.

"Okay, fine..." She sighed and then added, "But, come back quickly. All of the level 1s already received an update, except you."

"..." He only blinked a few times, then nodded afterwards.

Silver left the Babel with black body-fitted long-sleeved shirt, black martial arts pants, and crimson red ragged cloak that was only placed over his right shoulder because he mainly uses his left hand than his right even though he's ambidextrous.

As he walked out and headed straight towards the northwest gate because the the town of Trezin is in the northwest of Orario, and southwest of Althena, which is not too far nor too close from the Black Desert.

Departing from Orario, he traveled using his own two feet that were obviously stronger than a horse's leg.


• Silver's POV •

Sigh... A heavy sigh for the day, I might get my hair turn grey, which apparently close to what gray color is to a silver hair, which is funnily my name. Sometimes, I'm not sure whether my mother didn't know what to name me or just named me Silver right off the bat. However, I'm not complaining.

I decided to turn a blind eye and go away without anyone noticing me. I just used my footwork which I mastered over time and my steps are as silent as they can be, but if the place is pin drop silence, there's a chance my steps are heard depending if they do have sharper hearing than normal.

"Hey, you! Don't act like nothing happened here!"

Yare yare... These buffoons just dug their own grave by noticing me. I should've sneaked away as fast as I could, but I'm kinda lazy today, so I only lowered my presence a little and steps are muffled. I only stopped, stood still.

"Hah? Why are you just standing there? Nevermind, it's better if you just stand there!" He pointed at Silver and ordered his men. "Kill him! We only need the princess, also, quickly kill that damn butler already you weaklings!"

Stupid leader with stupid tactics. Why would you keep using weaklings to attack a butler who is clearly on defense for the time being, waiting to go offense. These men seem to be stronger than normal, possibly a member of a familia, and so is the butler, but on the same level with higher status.

Anyway, while I was thinking, why am I not getting attacked? Simple, I am faster and I use magic to make my mind process even faster and basically am thinking within a span of 0.01 second every second you wasted on reading this from the start of me getting seen.

[Phantom_Zero_v2: Oi! Don't break the damn 4th wall!]

As they got closer, they are moving at a slow pace because I can see and have e faster perception by spreading my ki all over my body. Even if it is just small amount, the power output is still the same unless you suppress it.

As they though I was weaponless, then they did a mistake. By observation, I know that they didn't use their full power. So, they thought I'm just a normal person?

"AAARRRRRGHHH!!!" Multiple wails, groan, and even grunts of dying cannon fodders reached my ears.

And yes, I've practically managed to learn Projection and implemented it into magic from being Magecraft. There's a difference, but people who are new to magecraft doesn't know the difference. I'll explain it next time.

Of course, this made the leader wet his pants. I mean, I didn't even moved, I seem defenseless, yet swords appeared and pierced his men in a blink of an eye. Then, he started to run.

"Tch! Coward like you doesn't deserve to live!" I pulled out a black bow and shot a mana-infused arrow and shot him down.

Next, I killed the rest of the bandits and even th ones who tried to run away.

And when I was about to go on my way to Trizen, I was stopped by a hand. It was the butler who is wearing a gold and red combo clothes that seems to be customized to allow one to move like a fighter would, but as formal as it could.

"Wait, the princess wants to-"

I disappeared and reappeared 10 meters away from him using my speed and also left a lot, and when I say a lot, it's a lot of dust. I don't care if he gets angry, and if he did, I'll skewer him by using swords as projectiles. I can also use spears as projectiles as the magic version doesn't really give me any limitations, really.

Alright, spears it is. Imagine getting rained down by millions of Gae Bolg. An d since I have no limit, I think I can project Excalibur, but I liked the proto version more based on how Arthur have two seals on his Excalibur, and the second seal having 13 seals and he only used 6 in the game, never fully releasing all 13 seals. And Ea, if I ever met a Gilgamesh in DanMachi world, I will slap the sword on his face.

Well, it seems like I've got to say goodbye to all of you. Also, it's been a while since you've got a chapter on this fanfic.. I hoped you enjoyed it.

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