
The three-minute video ended.

In the video.

Su Chen was also sad and tactful.

After singing the last lyrics of "Eliminate Worry".

In the room.

Silence was restored.

And Reba.


Stunned in place.

She at this moment.

His cheeks were already wet with tears.

Sadness, pain, sadness, and depression were constantly intertwined in her heart.


Reba at this moment.

Can't even breathe.

Because of every breath.

She could feel her heart.

The pain of being cut by a thousand cuts.

The video playback is over.

The picture froze on Su Chen's gloomy face.

Reba covered her mouth.

Looking at Su Chen in the video.

Eyes full of distress:

"You guy."

"What happened?"

"Why can you sing a song so sadly?"


The song "Worry".

is a song that Mao Buyi sang at the scene of "Children of Tomorrow".

At that time, Yang Mi was one of the star officials of the on-site selection of "Children of Tomorrow".

And coincidentally.


Reba also happened to follow Yang Mi to the scene.

Heard Mao Buyi's live version of "Eliminate Worry".

Mao Buyi's family conditions are poor.

After graduating from college.

I entered the hospital as an intern.

A salary of less than 2,000 yuan a month.

Life is hard.

In this case.

His mother fell ill and died.

Against this background.

He created "Eliminate Worry".

Just listened.

You can be deeply touched.

Only like Mao Buyi.

People who have experienced tragic experiences.

to sing this song heartbreakingly.

And now.

After listening to Su Chen's "Eliminate Worry".

Reba felt more than heartbroken.

It's despair!

This feeling.

It's like a human being.

From birth.

I never enjoyed a day's happiness.

The sadness of life.

The cold eyes of the people around.

Social apathy.

Shade all the sunlight of his world.

He saw no hope.

There is no relief.

Reba couldn't imagine it.

Su Chen.

What the hell did he go through.

to sing a song that feels.

"His life."

"Must have had a bad time, right?"

This is the moment.

In Reba's mind.

has already made up a whole Sanmao Wandering Tale based on Su Chen.

The heart ached so much that I couldn't help myself.


It's like a river that bursts its banks.

Boom flowes.

And as she opened the comment section of this Weibo.

Suddenly I cried even harder.


Not because of sadness.

Rather, it was ...

Angry crying....


in the comment section.

Some people commented on Su Chen's singing.

Someone expressed the emotion of listening.

Others poured out their unfortunate experiences.

And the most popular comment.

But it was released in a conspicuous package:

"The little brother's singing voice is really sad, I am depressed."

"Reba emoji for everyone, be happy."

"[Reba's round face smiled into a silly fat meme]"

Originally, those people listened to Su Chen's "Eliminate Worry".

All depressed.


When they see this comment.

As well as Reba's meme attached to the comments.

Many people burst out laughing.

"It's not....... Dude, I listened to the cry, and as soon as I turned to the comment area, you showed me this??? "

"I cried miserably when I stepped on the horse, and when I saw this meme, the snot bubbles came out."

"The most important thing is that my mother just brought her relatives into my room, and I stepped on the horse and died directly!"

"Sure enough, netizens are talents."

"But I have to say that Reba's emoji really laughed at me, and I felt a lot better after reading it."

"yes! It's hilarious! "

"Decided, when I'm sad in the future, I'll look at Reba's emoji."

"Me too, me too!"


"Set as mobile wallpaper."


Not the same as other negative comments.

This interesting comment underneath.

All netizens who were amused.

Ridiculous comments.


The power of Reba emojis is really fierce.

Even if he was depressed by Su Chen's singing.

You can also be instantly amused by Reba's emoji.

Only Reba herself.

After seeing this comment with his own meme.

Suddenly "wow".

Crying harder.

"It's not..."

"There's something wrong with this group of people???

"People are crying so sadly."

"And take my memes for fun!"

"me off."



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