Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

023 The pyrotechnic that has been increased to the extreme... Equivalent to a nuclear bomb?!

023 Pyroblast, which is amplified to the extreme... Equivalent to a nuclear bomb?!

How powerful is Pyroblast?

In the former Pyroblast, a blazing fireball would blow up the fourth-order peak adventurer directly, and the bursting flame fragments were enough to turn a radius of hundreds of meters into a magma field.

What about Pyroblast now?

After ten times the bonus of four-dimensional attributes, and after ten times the power bonus and ten times the range bonus brought by the blessing of the world?


is the answer!

A blazing fireball the size of a small house flew out of Wang Yan's hand, and after drawing an arc, it fell towards the center of a battle group at a very fast speed!

Who has seen a blazing fireball the size of a small house?

Even the legendary spell meteorite spell, that's all!

Fireball falls.

The spellcasters in that chapter released defensive spells at the first time, and laid dozens of dense layers of defense over the entire chapter.


When the fireball really fell, the defensive layer formed by the superposition of dozens of defensive spells, even connected to the body of the fireball, was melted!

Immediately after.

That blazing fireball the size of a small house, the real center of the fallen Chapter!

next moment!

Amid the tremors of the earth and the violent roar, a violent shock wave erupted first, like a sharp blade of light. While spreading, it shredded and cut everything in all paths!

After the shock wave that spread rapidly, the flame fragments filled the sky.

This uncountable number of flame fragments started from the core of the Pyroblast explosion, sputtered and spread thousands of meters away!

After the explosion of flame fragments, a small mushroom cloud slowly rose from the core of the explosion!

"Eight forty" a few seconds later.

The earth was calm, and the roar disappeared.

The original adventurer clan of more than 20,000 people had completely disappeared.

On the ground, in the area where the Pyroblast technique erupted, a huge tiankeng with a depth of tens of meters and a width of hundreds of meters had been formed; The scattered flame fragments melted, forming a huge sea of ​​lava fire.

at this time.

The golden-red magma was flowing back toward the huge tiankeng.

And the adventurer battle group that numbered more than 20,000 people... was completely shredded, burned, and vanished into nothing at the moment when the power of the Pyroblast technique erupted!

"Is this the power of Pyroblast after the ultimate boost?"

Wang Yan, who was about to make up for the second shot after a Pyroblast blast, looked at the huge tiankeng, at the sea of ​​lava fires that stretched for several kilometers, and at the rising mushroom cloud...

Somewhat surprised!

"This is so...not a nuclear warhead?!


This is a good thing.

The greater the power of Pyroblast, the stronger his strength; the stronger his strength, the smoother the journey of revenge to gain fame and fight for Blue Star!

without hesitation.

A large amount of mana was consumed, and Pyroblasts emerged from Wang Yan's hands, falling from the sky like shooting stars and crashing into the earth!

All of a sudden!

The sky is shaking!

The earth is roaring!

When the giant pyrotechnics burst into the air and came with the ultimate destruction, those elite chapters and legions... couldn't even get close to Wang Yan!

Just in the shock waves that erupted again and again, the fire rain that burst out, and the magma sea of ​​fire that burned the earth, smashed to pieces and turned into ashes!

But more than ten seconds.

A dozen Pyroblasts crashed down, a dozen mushroom clouds rose, and the hundreds of thousands of battle groups and legions originally stationed near the Gate of Destruction were all vanished!

Do not.

Still one left.

It was a legion with only a few thousand people, but it was one of the ace legions of the Os Empire, the suzerain of the Taran Kingdom!


Not only does this legion have an epic spell caster, but in the entire legion, the proportion of spell casters has even reached an astonishing one-third!

To know.

Even in the Os Empire, spellcasters are symbols of status and power.

Any second- or third-tier spellcaster is enough to serve as a magic advisor to the city lord in a small town, or a mentor at a magic academy.

How many people are willing to let go of their comfortable life and generous treatment to join the army and become one of them?

at the same time.

The level of the caster ratio also represents the elite level and combat effectiveness of a legion to a great extent!

A single caster may not show much.


When the ratio of spellcasters is high enough to make up a mage group... the power of a spellcaster army can easily destroy ten times its own elite army!

When Pyroblast strikes.

When the blazing fireball as big as a meteor came, the epic spell caster who was sitting in this elite army tore open an extremely precious space scroll in the first place.

In an instant, he moved the legion under his command several kilometers away, escaping the power range of Pyroblast, and also avoiding the ending of being destroyed by the group in the first confrontation.


When the Pyroblasts slammed down and the Demons of Destruction focused on other more numerous chapters and legions, the epic spellcaster began to order!

One by one defensive spells were blessed on those elite warriors who were at least Tier 3.

Auxiliary spells were blessed on those elite archers who were at least Tier 3.

After completing the blessing of the skills of warriors and archers, under the deployment of epic spell casters, the number of spell casters in this army is as high as thousands, and then they begin to prepare their own offensive spells!


When the tremors in the sky ended, the roar of the earth subsided, and all the chapters and legions except them were destroyed... The moment of glory for this legion came!

Space teleportation!!

A ray of light flashed, and thousands of warriors who were at least Tier 3 and blessed with various defensive spells were teleported to the vicinity of the Demon of Destruction and began to charge towards the Demon of Destruction.

Warrior Charge!

Not to kill the enemy!

Just to attract the attention of the Demon of Destruction!

And when thousands of elite warriors burst out with their own skills and rushed towards the Demon of Destruction, successfully attracting the attention of the Demon of Destruction... The total number of archers, still about a thousand people, began to attack!

A group of five hundred people.

Take turns volleying.

The third-tier archers, with the wealth and wealth of the Os Empire, are equipped with magical bows and arrows of green and rare quality; under the blessing of the auxiliary spells released by the casters,

At this time, the attack power, accuracy, and attack range of these thousand archers have been improved several times, and various types of elemental damage have also been added to those seemingly ordinary bows and arrows!

After doing all this, two rounds of a total of one thousand archers began to shoot in turns, pouring arrows into the giant demon that was several kilometers away!

At the same time as the archers attacked, the casters, who also numbered as high as 1,000... only under the control of the epic casters released their own offensive skills!

battlefield center.

After more than a dozen Pyroblasts destroyed most of the chapters and legions in an instant, Wang Yan's eyes naturally shifted to the only legion that escaped the disaster.


In the slight fluctuation of space, thousands of elite warriors who were blessed with various defensive skills appeared near him and began to charge him.

Wang Yan still has a certain respect for these warriors who are no more than the size of an ant in his eyes.

Because if the identity is exchanged, he is only a third-order, and he may not dare to charge against a behemoth with a height of 100 meters!


A Pyroblast with slightly controlled power appeared in his hand and was smashed by Wang Yan in the head!

Mushroom cloud rises.

The earth turned into a sea of ​​lava.

Bury all these thousands of elite soldiers.

This is the best respect for the enemy - these warriors who make themselves respectful!


A rain of arrows came.

A spell struck.

The dense rain of arrows and the thousands of spells smashed down from the sky immediately drowned Wang Yan's figure in it! At the same time, thousands of dense damage numbers floated above his head!!

That's right.

Broken defense.

The green and rare quality bows and arrows, combined with the auxiliary skills blessed by the casters, enabled each of the thousand archers to break through Wang Yan's basic defense and cause damage to him.

Those thousand spellcasters could have caused damage to him in the first place!

In an instant!

Thousands of dense damage numbers floated from the top of Wang Yan's head, just this round of attack... The combination of the archer and the caster destroyed Wang Yan's tens of thousands of health points!


Just the next second.

A huge recovery number floated from the top of Wang Yan's head, and he had just been knocked out of a bloody was full in an instant!


do not forget.

After the four-dimensional attribute has been increased tenfold, he now has 60 million HP! And under the action of the template expertise of life recovery, even in a combat state,

The amount of HP he automatically recovers per second... is also as high as 60,000 points!!

every second!

Sixty thousand!

As long as this upper limit cannot be broken, even if Wang Yan stands still, allowing these archers and spellcasters to attack, they will not be able to knock out a trace of Wang Yan's blood!


He won't do it...

Although this elite army beyond his imagination could not threaten him... But the sharp arrows that came from the sky and the spells that fell down one by one really hurt!

Mind floating.

Mana cost.

Pyroblasts rose from Wang Yan's hands, turned into giant meteors, and attacked the remaining elite army!

The epic spellcaster's face changed greatly.

He hurriedly tore open a scroll and teleported with the entire legion.


The scrolls that can drive the entire legion to teleport are extremely precious existences, and this epic spell caster only has two in his hands.

Even if he himself is a spell caster of the space system, and uses his mana to teleport with more than 2,000 people... How many times can he teleport?



When the third Pyroblast blasted down, the epic caster could only watch the huge fireball grow bigger and bigger in his field of vision with a face full of unwillingness and hatred.


Bury himself and the ace army under his command.

The first battle was won.

From the boiling magma ocean, after the epic spell caster was burned to the ground, all the staff, robes and space bags left behind were put away, and Wang Yan slowly moved towards the strange building more than ten kilometers away. Go to the city.

In the process, his blood volume has returned to full.

The amount of HP recovered was not created by the adventurers, but by Wang Yan's BOSS skills being released again and again, using the HP as the mana to consume himself!

60,000 HP recovery speed per second.

Even if you don't use the 60 million backup mana bar, just the amount of HP recovered is enough for Wang Yan to uninterruptedly release his skills without loss!


He also did not forget to leave a space beacon at the place where he descended, that is, near the Gate of Destruction.

Inside the King City of Flanders.

In the Mage Tower.

I have personally witnessed how the Demon of Destruction destroyed more than a dozen war groups and legions in a short period of time, with a total number of up to hundreds of thousands, and even enough to overthrow a kingdom in a short period of time. The casters were silent.

The sky trembled.

The earth roared.

Within a radius of more than ten kilometers, all of them were turned into a sea of ​​lava by the scarlet flames, becoming a paradise for the tyranny and carnival of the world-destroying demon!

Is this the Demon of Destruction?

The Demon of Destruction, who has just grown up, already possesses such power... If you wait until it grows into the ultimate body, wouldn't it be able to destroy a world casually?

The Demon of Destruction is walking towards this side.

Wherever it passed, the bright sunlight was distorted and turned into streaks of blood-colored brilliance; the emerald green earth was polluted, swallowed by black shadows and red blood.

With its coming, Odus III even has a feeling that the end is coming!

He turned his head and asked the messenger who hurried beside him: "What did that lord say?

Herald 3.7 replied: "The lord said... he himself is not the opponent of this world-destroying demon. He has already notified the empire that the new lord legend is coming.

"Before the legends came, the Lord asked Lord Pelosi to take action, transfer the Demon of Destruction to the King City, and bind it with the five Mage Towers!"

"When the other legends arrive, that lord will help and destroy this world-destroying demon in the royal city together!

"move to……"

"In the royal city?

Odus III's heart trembled slightly.

He knew what the result would be.

The combined power of the five mage towers is naturally great. Under the consumption of magic crystals regardless of the cost, more than a dozen epic spell casters cooperate with each other, and even a legend who is enough to guard the empire can be easily bound!


He has already seen the horror of the Demon of Destruction.

If the Demon of Destruction is really transferred to the Wangcheng... Even if the Demon of Destruction is successfully beheaded after this battle... In the entire Wangcheng, I am afraid that few people will survive!

Want to refuse?


He is only the king of a small kingdom, how can he refuse the orders of a legend?!

I didn't see the named space department's epic spell caster. At this time, he left the mage tower with a blank face, and went to execute the order of the adult?

Since it cannot be refused.

Then... obey.

A morbid smile appeared on his face, Odus III said extremely distorted, but everyone felt normal: "In exchange for the lives of millions of residents of Taran King City, in exchange for the fall of the world-destroying demon..."

"If the ancestors have spirits."

"Even in the kingdom of the gods, would you be proud of me?"

PS: The first one is to ask for a full order!

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