Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

045 The White Bear Country is on the verge of collapse!

045 The White Bear Country is on the verge of collapse!

Space cracks with different energy intensities, appearing in different countries, will bring different results.

Each country has different attitudes towards these space cracks.

Taixia Kingdom is similar to White Eagle Kingdom.

Because the country is prosperous and powerful, and its military virtue is abundant, whether it is the Taixia Kingdom or the White Eagle Kingdom, the space cracks born in the real world are regarded as a challenge that coexists with opportunities and crises.

The domestic level 3 and 4 permanent space cracks are regarded as training grounds for training junior investigators. In addition to being fully guarded, they have continuously trained a large number of first-, second-, and third-order investigators.

Foreign level 4 and 5 permanent space cracks are regarded as advanced battlefields for further training investigators. In addition to easily guarding, they continue to send junior investigators to these battlefields and cultivate them into fourth-level, Fifth-order or even sixth-order intermediate investigators.

The only level 7 space crack in the guardian city is regarded as the final battlefield for training senior investigators. In addition to joint guarding, they continue to send level five and level six investigators to it. In order to be able to cultivate blue star powerhouses like the seventh-order legend!

From level 3, to level 4, to level 5, and finally to level 7.

These kinds of permanent space cracks with different energy intensities, in the eyes of Taixia Kingdom and Baiying Kingdom, are training grounds and battlefields of different levels.

Through the continuous increase of these several levels of battlefield, they have continuously cultivated a large number of investigators.

It's not just that the number of investigators in their own country is increasing.

And a virtuous circle is formed.

The strength of their own country investigators is getting stronger and stronger, and it is completely enough to keep up with the birth frequency and promotion speed of space cracks in the real world.

The European Federation regarded these space cracks as the hope of catching up with Tai Xia and Bai Ying.

Space cracks are both challenges and resources.

The permanent space cracks that currently exist on the Blue Star are either located within the Taixia Kingdom, White Eagle Kingdom, and White Bear Kingdom, which are guarded and monopolized by each of them, or are located outside the three most powerful kingdoms and are jointly divided by them.

Even if it's a protected city...

Theoretically speaking, all countries can send soldiers and investigators to guard, and in addition to guarding, investigators can also improve their strength.

But in fact.

Except for Taixia Kingdom, White Eagle Kingdom and White Bear Kingdom, other countries have no right to speak in the guardian city.


The strength of the investigators in their country... is no longer enough to join the war of increasing intensity and danger in the guardian city!

In essence, the Guardian City was still divided among Taixia Kingdom, White Eagle Kingdom and White Bear Kingdom.


When a level 4 permanent space crack was born in the middle of Ouzhou, even if they suffered heavy losses, the member states of the European Federation still resolutely rejected the help from Taixia, Baiying and Baixiong.

They have to guard themselves.

They want to own it.

This level 4 permanent space crack with neither high nor low energy intensity was also regarded by the various member states of the Ouzhou Federation as their only hope for chasing the Taixia Kingdom, the White Eagle Kingdom and the White Bear Kingdom.

Then, there are many small countries with the largest number on Blue Star.

such as Heizhou.

For these countries, the existence of space cracks is really a disaster.

They can handle the temporary space cracks of level 1 and level 2, and they have also cultivated extraordinary people in twos and threes.


Once the energy intensity of the space crack is raised to level 3, or it is a permanent space crack... Their weak economy and weak national strength are not enough for them to guard a space crack!

It will even collapse in a short period of time due to the birth of space cracks and the invasion and spread of evil spirits, and a large number of nationals will be killed and injured.


For these small countries, they are eager to never create a space crack in their country; even if it does, the first thought is always to seek help from the International Occult Alliance, rather than resist it themselves.

at last.

White Bear Country.

As one of the three most powerful kingdoms on Blue Star, it is also the only country that can be compared with Taixia Kingdom and White Eagle Kingdom at the level of extraordinary power.

In fact, the White Bear Country is far less relaxed and optimistic than the Taixia Country and the White Eagle Country.

The space crack has become a burden for the White Bear Country.


Not an ordinary burden, but a burden that is about to bring down the nation and make them unable to hold on!

This is why.

After understanding the various forms and information, Wang Yan took the permanent space crack with an energy intensity of level 5 in the White Bear Country as the primary goal of capturing and collecting in the next step.


The current situation of the White Bear Country is more serious than what Wang Yan learned through various channels.

The level 5 permanent space crack that was born in the White Bear Country is located in the north-central part of the White Bear Country. It is about the junction of the forest snow field and the glacier snow field.

There are few people here and the traffic is inconvenient.

A huge space crack appeared on the vast glaciers and permafrost outside the forest snow field.

Endless black mist gushed out from the cracks in the space, gradually spreading, forming a black mist vortex with a radius of about a thousand meters.

A large number of evil spirits with different ranks, like a swarm of insects, like a flood, poured out of the vortex of black mist non-stop, trying to invade this world.

This is a level 5 battlefield.

Around the battlefield, a huge fortification has been built using a large amount of frozen soil, ice, logs, steel plates, chariots, etc. as raw materials, enclosing the entire Level 5 battlefield.

Outside the fortifications, artillery pieces kept roaring, soldiers kept firing, investigators kept breaking into the battlefield at the risk of being hit by stray bullets, killing high-ranking adventurers one by one.

Although the conditions are difficult.

Although the supplies are insufficient.

These soldiers and investigators from all over the White Bear Country are still like other soldiers on the battlefield, trying their best to resist the invasion and charge of evil spirits.


No one knows how long they can hold on like this.

As a permanent Tier 5 battlefield, in general, multiple Tier 6 investigators, more than fifty Tier 5 investigators, a large number of Tier 4 and Tier 3 investigators, and enough guns and ammunition for a month, This is standard.


It's different here.

On the entire Level 5 battlefield, there was only one Rank 6 investigator, less than twenty Rank 5 investigators, less than 500 Rank 4 and Rank 3 investigators, tens of thousands of ordinary warriors, and... only Enough guns, ammunition and living supplies for a week.


Even rest.

The soldiers and investigators on this battlefield just set up tents hastily and hid in their sleeping bags.


White Bear Country did more than that.

Just in case, to prevent the soldiers and investigators stationed on the battlefield from being unable to stop the evil spirits gushing out from the cracks in space, the official supernatural organization of the White Bear Kingdom - Winterhold - also made another decision. .

A fully loaded nuclear submarine... lurks silently in the icy seabed less than 600 kilometers away.

It's really that time.

They will launch nukes without hesitation!

Just like when the level 4 space crack appeared in the White Bear Country, they couldn't resist it!


What they fired this time was no longer an ordinary nuclear bomb.

It's a dirty bomb!

If, at that point, the soldiers and investigators from Winterhold couldn't resist the never-ending invasion of evil spirits, and the large amount of radiation left behind after the dirty bomb exploded, they were guarding this space crack. The last choice.

Even if they know how shameful it is to use dirty bombs on their own soil.

Even if they knew that once a dirty bomb was fired, the entire White Bear Country and even the surrounding countries would be affected.

They also have no choice.

at this time.

The edge of a level 5 battlefield.

A Wintercastle investigator from the White Bear Kingdom who had just killed more than a dozen fifth-order evil spirits withdrew from the core area of ​​the battlefield. After handing over to another fifth-order investigator, he walked towards the only slightly decent tent on the edge of the battlefield.

His name is Romanowski.

28 years old this year.

He is the fifth-order investigator of Winter Fortress of the White Bear Kingdom, and also the most powerful investigator on this battlefield, apart from the sixth-order commander-in-chief.

And that big tent is the headquarters of the White Bear Country on this level 5 battlefield.

"Hi Roman, you're back 々"!"

"How was the result today?"

As soon as Romanowski walked into the headquarters, a big bearded man greeted him, and then threw a wine bag full of high-grade liquor over.

Taking the wine bag, Romanovsky did not open it, but threw it back and asked, "What about the commander-in-chief?


"It's still in there. 35

The bearded man didn't care, took the wine bag, opened it, took a sip, and then pouted at a small compartment in the depths of the tent: "It is said that there is new news from the headquarters. The child may not be in a good mood now, so don't provoke him.

"I know the scale.

Romanowski said in a flat tone, then turned around and walked towards the small cubicle.

Not yet close to the compartment.

He heard a loud noise, as if something had been smashed.

Open the curtain and enter the compartment.

Romanowski glanced at the small compartment.

There is a table and two chairs in the compartment.

A middle-aged white bear country man wearing the Winter Castle investigator uniform of the White Bear Kingdom, but with the buttons open, revealing a pile of chest hair and a sturdy physique, is sitting on a chair in front of the table.

at this time.

He doesn't seem to be in a good mood.

There are a lot of documents cluttered on the table.

On the frozen ground, a large amount of white wine was spilled, and an army green jug was shriveled and deeply embedded in the frozen soil that was not much worse than steel.

This is their boss.

The sixth-level investigator of the Winter Fortress of the White Bear Kingdom is also the commander-in-chief and chief in charge of this fifth-level battlefield.

"Roman, you are here."

Seeing Romanowski's arrival, the commander-in-chief's face became a little better, he waved at Romanowski, and then touched his waist, as if he wanted something.

He felt empty.

When I saw the dark green jug on the ground that was shriveled and deeply immersed in the permafrost, I had some regrets and regrets.

This is the jug that has accompanied him for more than ten years!

It was a pity that he stepped on one foot and completely stepped on the jug into the permafrost. The middle-aged commander turned around and took out another army green jug from a wooden box behind him.

Not only the shape and color, but also the peeling paint and bumps on the jug are exactly the same as the jug that was just killed!

Twisted the lid off and took a sip.

He carefully twisted the lid of the pot again and placed it on the table. The middle-aged commander said: """Sit down, Roman, there are only the two of us here, so don't be so restrained."

Sitting down on a rough and ugly log stool in the cubicle, Romanowski said calmly, "Teacher, in the past hour, the number of fifth-order evil spirits I killed was seventeen."

"And in the past 24 hours, the number of fifth-order evil spirits I killed... was one hundred and thirty-two.

"They are stepping up their offensive. 35

"If we continue to increase this intensity, our guns and ammunition consumption will more than double! The amount of ammunition we currently have can't last for three days!

"Once the guns and ammunition are exhausted, with these investigators alone, we will definitely not be able to sustain the offensive of the evil spirits constantly pouring out of a level 5 battlefield!

"I know.

The middle-aged commander sighed and said, "I have communicated with Winterhold just now, and they promised to deliver the next batch of supplies as soon as possible."

"In addition to guns and ammunition, there are other living materials. 95

"When this batch of supplies arrives, not only will the shortage of ammunition be alleviated, but even the lives of the soldiers and investigators will be much better. 39

Hearing this result, Romanowski's face did not show any joy, because he knew that this was a drop in the bucket, it was just a transfer of supplies, and it was far from being able to relieve the pressure brought by a Level 5 battlefield.


This timely transfer of supplies is permanent, and new investigators have come to support them.


As long as the time for the transfer of materials is delayed a little...the lack of ammunition on the battlefield, the soldiers cannot play their due role, and the investigators will be unable to support themselves.

"Teacher, I don't understand. 35

After the middle-aged commander looked over here, Romanowski said, "Since we can't keep up, why don't we ask the International Occult Union for help?

"Even if the White Eagle Country has bad intentions... Could it be that we can't even trust the Taixia Country?

"It doesn't take much."

"We only need one or two sixth-order investigators, or dozens of fifth-order investigators, or a batch of supplies that can be delivered in time, and we can safely guard this battlefield!"

"Could it be that the former glory of the Empire is more important than the tens of thousands of warriors, hundreds of investigators on this battlefield, and the hundreds of thousands of people of the White Bear Country (Channuo's) scattered in the snow forest?35


The middle-aged commander interrupted Romanowski's words, and said with some anger and some sadness: "I am just a hockey player, and you are just my student. 35

"If there were no space cracks and no evil spirits invaded, we would have been the most ordinary people. 39


"It is precisely because of our ordinary background that it is difficult for us to understand the thoughts of the upper management of Winterhold.

"The glory of the empire cannot be lost."

"This is not only the idea of ​​the top of Winterfort, but also the idea of ​​most investigators in Winterfort! Including the only two of us who have stepped into the seventh order."

"As long as the glory of the empire is still there, this huge, bloated and breathless empire will be able to persevere."

"If even this is lost... our once great empire will soon fall apart."

"To borrow the words of that supreme power, if there is no White Bear Country, what else would the world do? This is not just the idea of ​​a few Winterfort seniors, but also the belief of a generation of White Bear Country!


"Our fighters and investigators, and those civilians—"

Romanowski still didn't understand.


The middle-aged commander's tone became severe and said: "If you don't understand, try to understand; if you don't accept, try to change."

"Now you are not qualified to dictate decisions made by the upper management of Winterhold. 35

"Either accept and obey your orders; or become stronger, and when you become the strongest, let Winterhold, let the Empire obey your orders! 35

"Get stronger?"

Romanowski was silent.

He murmured silently in his heart.


Really as the teacher said, only oneself becomes stronger, only oneself becomes the ultimate powerhouse, and even when the two ultimate powerhouses are not his opponents, Shi Xian,

Let the entire Winterhold and the entire empire obey their orders... can this empire be changed?

PS: The fourth is for full order~

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