Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

049 Give it up! Winterhold, I'm ready to drop a dirty bomb! [First order please complete!]

049 Give it up! Winterhold, ready to drop the dirty bomb!

Lord monster.

Purgatory Yalong.

Boob's job transfer was successful and his transformation was perfect.

Because the larvae of the purgatory dragons last for a long time, they will not evolve into purgatory dragons until their level reaches level 51. The attribute growth length is increased from 200 attribute points per level at the lord level to 500 attributes per level at the epic level. point,


As long as Boob evolves his monster template from the purgatory dragon of the lord rank to the purgatory dragon of the epic rank before the arrival of level 51, its four-dimensional attributes and future growth and potential will surpass that of a real purgatory. dragon!

When the level is lower, the earlier it evolves into Purgatory Yalong or Purgatory Flying Dragon, the greater the growth of Boob in the future!

can be expected.

Like Black Charcoal, a blood bull assassin, and Iron Bone, an ancient Frost Wolf, the four-dimensional attributes of Boobu in the future will also surpass all the purgatory dragons in the past.

There is no one before or after!


After Boob's rank is raised to the legendary rank, he enters a mature body, and becomes a real purgatory dragon... Its blood's tempering and attribute-completing effects on other species... will be better than that of the purgatory dragon Kleis. Dia is even better!


This is his family member, the cute pet who has been with him for the longest time.

Even if it is to travel to another world again and hunt down a purgatory dragon, Wang Yan is not willing to use a knife on Bobu's body and let its blood.

Boob's job transfer is complete.

Wang Yan has nothing else to worry about.


It's time to capture the level 5 space crack in the White Bear Country and turn it into a new dungeon world.

Not only Boob, who has just transferred and transformed, needs a lot of experience points and template fragments to improve his level and template evolution, but also the black charcoal and iron bones who have just completed the dragon blood quenching and attribute completion.

Even Wang Yan himself needs a lot of template fragments to further improve his template evolution and strive to evolve into a legendary monster BOSS as soon as possible!


before this.

Some necessary preparations still need to be done.

Let the three little animals play around the dragon blood lake, Wang Yan opened his attribute panel.

The focus of his attention is not his own attributes or skills, but the experience pool.

[Other World] More than two hours, more than two months in the real world.

With the efforts and dedication of the more than 500 God-Blessed Ones, Wang Yan's experience pool has accumulated a huge amount of experience points and a large number of template fragments25!

He made a rough estimate.

If all of these experience points are taken out of the experience pool and added to oneself... the experience points that the more than 500 gods favored over the past two months are enough to raise his level by more than ten levels at one time!



Before he evolved into a legendary monster boss, Wang Yan was not ready to use the experience in the experience pool.

There is no problem with template fragments.

Some elite template fragments, advanced template fragments, and basic template fragments were left behind for this synthesis, and Wang Yan absorbed all the remaining template fragments.

Just one absorption.

After he evolved into an epic monster boss, he stayed at 0% template evolution, and at this moment it soared to 32.57%!

That is to say.

Even from now on, Wang Yan will do nothing.

Neither fight monsters to upgrade, get new template fragments; nor recruit mercenaries to expand their leek mats; with the efforts of the existing more than 500 gods,

After four months, his template evolution rate will reach 100%, and he will also take advantage of the situation to advance, from an epic monster boss to a legendary monster boss!

To know.

To evolve from an epic monster boss to a legendary monster boss, Wang Yan needs 100 epic template fragments, or 1000 hero (lord) template fragments, or 10,000 master (excellent) template fragments, or 100,000 elite template fragments... …

This is by no means a small number!

Even with the continuous offerings from the more than 500 God-Blessed Ones, and Wang Yan's own efforts to clear the monsters, it will take a long time to accumulate!


Wang Yan synthesized the part of the template fragments that he had left behind.

A total of fifty elite occupation templates, one hundred advanced occupation templates and two hundred basic occupation templates were synthesized.

This time, the trip to the White Bear Country.

He was going to expand his leek mat again.

The White Bear Country, which is in danger and on the verge of collapse, is a good choice.

want to come.

Those Winterhold investigators who are struggling every day on the brink of collapse and persistence... have long been looking forward to the arrival of the gods from the Lord of the Mist, right?


Wang Yan thought about it.

It directly crossed the distance of thousands of kilometers and landed in an apartment in the White Bear Treasury City.

This apartment is small.

Conditions are also rather poor.

But it looks clean and tidy.

It is sufficient as a temporary teleport anchor.

Get out of the apartment.

Enables the camouflage function of the Shadowguard Robe.

Wang Yan strolled slowly and walked out of this small snowy town.

After leaving this small town and there were no other figures around, Wang Yan created a magic palm and tugged at an extremely tall cedar not far in front of him——

A huge pulling force came, and his figure rose into the sky at this moment, straight into the sky of hundreds of meters!

By this time.

Wang Yan just identified the direction, activated the teleportation skill, and disappeared from the spot in an instant! When he reappeared, he was already in mid-air more than ten kilometers away!

Without waiting for his body to fall down, he once again activated instant teleportation, and once again crossed a distance of more than ten kilometers!

that's it.

In the instant transmission again and again.

Wang Yan's figures seemed to have turned into phantoms, constantly flickering on this desolate forest and snowfield, and each flicker would span a distance of more than ten kilometers.

in this way.

The distance between Kucheng and the level 5 battlefield in the White Bear Country was rapidly shortened by Wang Yan's instant teleportation!

at this time.

more than 130 kilometers away.

Above level 5 battlefield.

When the piercing alarm sounded, Romanowski didn't even have time to put on his coat, grabbed two large and somewhat exaggerated battle axes, rushed out of his small tent, and rushed towards the core of the battlefield. past.

Another wave of evil spirits' offensive began.

Since I reported to my teacher two days ago that the evil spirit's offensive is getting more and more violent, and the number of high-level evil spirits rushing out of the black mist vortex is increasing,

In the past two days, this level 5 battlefield has faced increasing pressure!

very beginning.

In an average hour, the number of fifth-order evil spirits that rushed out of the black mist vortex was less than five.

to now.

That number has grown to fifteen!


The rushing out of high-level evil spirits is no longer so regular.

Perhaps, in the first few hours, not a single high-level evil spirit would appear. Only a large number of first-, second-, and third-order evil spirits poured out like zombies, like a sea of ​​insects, and were torn apart by a large number of bullets and shells. The black light shavings rose and gradually faded away.

Perhaps, in the next hour or even a minute, there will be dozens of fourth- and fifth-order evil spirits rushing out collectively, intending to break through the seals of Winterhold investigators and rush out of the core area of ​​the battlefield. Destroy the fortifications on the perimeter of the battlefield.

This makes this battlefield more and more pressure!

Ordinary soldiers just mechanically shoot the bullets in the firearms in the direction of the core of the battlefield, or drop a cannonball into the core area of ​​the battlefield over and over again.

Even they, under the impact of the sea of ​​evil spirits approaching the edge of the core area of ​​the battlefield again and again, are facing enormous pressure, frantically consuming ammunition and supplies.

The investigators, braved the hail of bullets, were stationed at the edge of the core area.

Whenever a high-level evil spirit rushes out of the sea of ​​evil spirits, even if they are hit by stray bullets or affected by artillery fire, they have to endure and bear it until they kill the high-level evil spirit before they can withdraw from the battlefield. Deal with your injury.

In this battlefield, the energy intensity is fully level 5!

The battlefield in Heizhou is also a level 5 battlefield. There are four level 6 investigators stationed on the battlefield, and even if it is a level 5 investigator, there are hundreds of them!

Not to mention the ample ammunition supplies and well-established fortifications.

where are they?

A sixth-order investigator!

A mere twenty fifth-order investigators!

But hundreds of ordinary investigators!

Even the ammunition... Even though two large transport helicopters came to replenish it once yesterday, the consumption of ammunition has also increased sharply now that the offensive of the sea of ​​evil spirits is getting more and more fierce!

The amount of ammo they have left...maybe only enough to last two days! Even one day!

Under the pressure that the entire battlefield may collapse at any time, ordinary soldiers can take turns to rest, and the investigators hardly have much time to rest.

It wasn't just Romanowski who had just rested for an hour or so before being woken up by the alarm sounding again.

His teacher, the commander-in-chief of this level 5 battlefield... has not closed his eyes for more than 30 hours, and has not left the core area of ​​this battlefield!

Go to his Winterhold!!

Go to his high level!!

Go to the last glory of the special empire!!

Cursing fiercely in his heart, Romanovsky roared angrily, carrying two large and somewhat exaggerated battle axes, wearing only close-fitting underwear, like a violent humanoid bear, frantically heading towards the core area of ​​the battlefield rush!

When approaching the core area of ​​the battlefield, he roared again, and his originally strong body suddenly swelled in a circle at this moment.

Like a big bird, it jumped high and jumped towards the edge of the core area!




When Romanowski's sturdy figure smashed into the ground from the sky, a dark red ripple spread out quietly, stunning all the evil spirits within a few meters.

Immediately after.

The power of physical strength surged wildly, and Romanowski rushed in front of a hidden fifth-order evil spirit, and with an axe, the same fifth-order evil spirit was split in half!

at last.

Amid the intensive gunshots and roaring cannons, the young burly man roared like a spinning top, and the huge battle axe held in both hands erupted at this moment one after another with a bloody color. The blade of light turned into a whirlwind of blood blades, covering an area of ​​more than ten meters around it!







Romanovsky was repeating this process, frantically squeezing every ounce of his strength and stamina, constantly slicing the fifth-order evil spirits into two pieces, and unceasingly smashing large tracts of evil spirits. Ordinary evil spirits torn to shreds!

Not just him.

Around him, in this battlefield, the other dozen or so still alive fifth-order investigators... are also working hard.

five minutes?

Or ten minutes?

When Romanovsky, who was covered in blood and even had a few more bullet holes in his body, waved the battle axe in his hand again, after splitting a fifth-order evil spirit in half,

He stopped.

There is no opponent ahead.

Because a whirlwind slash had just erupted, the sharp and heavy axe with blood-colored beams had already ripped apart all the evil spirits within a radius of more than ten meters with him as the center.

at this time.

The fragments and stumps of countless evil spirits covered the surrounding space of more than ten meters in an extremely violent and bloody way, and were gradually turning into black light shavings, fading and disappearing.


The number of ordinary evil spirits of the first, second and third rank has not decreased in the slightest.

But the next moment it emerges from the vortex of black mist, it will be hit by countless bullets and artillery fire, turning it into corpses all over the ground.


Looking further afield, Romanovsky can no longer see the shadow of high-level evil spirits.

On the edge of the core area of ​​the battlefield, the dozen or so fifth-order investigators like him also dealt with their opponents and slowly retreated towards the periphery of the battlefield.


It should be over.

In these short minutes, Romanowski felt that every ounce of strength in his body had been drained, and every inch of his body felt severe pain.

The result of the battle was that he alone, in just a few minutes, killed more than ten fifth-order evil spirits!

And his colleagues.

If he were to count the fifth-order evil spirits killed by his colleague... this time, the number of high-level evil spirits that emerged from the vortex of black mist... has exceeded one hundred and fifty!


The battle continues.

But for the next hour or two, they could take a little break.

Enduring the severe pain on his body, dragging his tired body with blood all over his body, Romanowski left the core area of ​​the battlefield little by little and arrived at the safe area.

The shock is over.

There was no joy in Romanovsky's heart.


This was just a trivial one among the countless attacks of high-level evil spirits in the past two days.


This time, the number of high-level evil spirits impacted was more, and it was more dangerous.

Back in the safe area, a field doctor quickly ran over, took out various tools and began to clean up the blood on Romanowski's body.

After the evil spirit was beheaded, whether it was a corpse or blood, it would fade and disappear; the large bloodstains on Romanowski's body were not the splattered blood after the evil spirit was beheaded, but flowed down from his own body. of blood.

He didn't even feel that a bullet passed through his scalp and opened a deep blood groove on the right side of his head! He could faintly see the white bones!

The high-ranking investigator cleans the wound and restores stamina and energy.

The middle- and low-level investigators cooperated with the soldiers to continue beheading the evil spirits, and at the same time trying to rescue the spoils scattered on the edge of the core area-maybe, there are extremely valuable spoils among them.

Or, it can change the tide of a battle.

Or, to defuse a crisis.

Or, could save the life of an investigator.

time flies.

When all the wounds on his body were cleaned and bandaged, Romanowski walked to a high platform on the edge of the battlefield, just like a puppet.

His teacher is guarding here.

As the commander-in-chief and chief in charge of this 5th-level battlefield, and also the only 6th-level investigator on this battlefield, a middle-aged man cannot easily take action.

Only at the most critical time, he will take action and play a role in turning the tide.


He made too many shots, causing his energy and physical strength to be unable to keep up. Once there was a real crisis situation... This battlefield really collapsed.


When Romanowski arrived, the middle-aged commander waved his hand, put down the contactor in his hand, and said with a sad tone: "Get ready... let's start retreating. 39


Just as he was about to question his teacher, why did the reinforcements and supplies from Winterhold have not arrived yet, Romanowski raised his head in amazement and looked at his teacher in disbelief.

"It's not just you who have to retreat. 35

"They...the same.

PS: Everyone, don't stop the flower tickets~~The first one is to book all the tickets~

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