Strange Comes: I Loaded The Boss Template

053 The Shadow Hunter is born! The big action of the white bear country!

053 The Shadow Hunter is born! The big action of the White Bear Country!

Sitting on the Frozen Throne, Wang Yan watched the figures of his three dependents.

Now that he has promised the three pets, he naturally won't shoot at will.

A northern barbarian army with a dozen fifth-order adventurers, dozens of fourth-order adventurers, and a total of 11,000 people, although it is already an extremely powerful force, it is still not in the eyes of Wang Yan. .


If Boob, Black Charcoal, and Iron Bone join forces, even such a small army of adventurers can't deal with it... They are too ashamed of their own templates, attributes and skills.

Wang Yan's order was issued.

The three pets rushed under the Frozen Throne in their own ways.

First up is boob.

After entering the battle state, this time Boob did not switch to his second form, but switched to the third form of the Purgatory Yalong, jumped directly from the frozen throne, and headed towards the northern barbarian. The army glided away.

As the Purgatory Yalong, that is, the young body of the Purgatory Demon Dragon, the third form of Boobu has a pair of dragon wings.


Compared with Bubu's body, the pair of dragon wings is too small to support it to fly; but this kind of gliding with the help of height difference is still no problem.

So ever.

When Boob jumped down from the frozen throne several hundred meters high, a Purgatory Yalong, more than ten meters high and thirty meters long, left a fast-moving shadow on the ground, moving towards The army formation of the northern barbarians quickly glides away.

Then there's black charcoal.

As a shadow cat, although there are no subspaces such as shadow space and shadow space in the lord's space, black carbon cannot use the shadow jump that he is best at,

But with the help of the shadows on the ladder of the Frozen Throne, it was no problem for the black charcoal to quickly travel through these shadows.

From Wang Yan's point of view, if he didn't open his real vision, what he saw in his eyes was an extremely dim "eight and nine zero" shadow constantly flashing in the shadows.

Every time it flickers, the extremely dim shadow will travel a long distance.

After flashing several times, the figure of Black Charcoal had already crossed the height and distance of hundreds of meters from the Frozen Throne, and appeared on the ice field under the Frozen Throne.


Following the figure of Boob, he attacked those adventurers.

Finally, the iron bones.

As a Frostwolf, Iron Bone had neither the ability to glide in the void like Boob, nor the ability to quickly travel through the shadows like Black Charcoal.


Among the three favorites, it is the only one who descended the mountain in a relatively serious manner.


It is only relative.

With his 1240 points of agility and physical attributes, the way to go down the mountain is to jump.

Take a leap.

Jump down dozens of meters.

With the reaction ability brought by his extremely high agility attribute, he seizes every possible foothold; with his extremely high physical attribute and powerful defense ability, he forcibly resolves the damage caused by falling.

in this way.

After jumping down several times, Iron Bone appeared on the ice sheet at a speed similar to Black Charcoal, and quickly caught up with Black Charcoal, rushing towards the northern barbarian army together.

above the sky.

Gliding all the way.

When it was about to land on the ground and approaching the northern barbarian army, Bubu opened his dragon's mouth, which was slightly more immature than Crestia, and spit out a gray-white purgatory breath!

The gray-white flame was still a thin strip when it was in Bubu's mouth.

When it is out of the range of the dragon's mouth, it expands rapidly and expands; when it approaches the ground where the northern barbarian army is located, it has become a huge gray-white fire column covering an area of ​​​​tens of meters!

Pillar of fire sweeps!

Like a piece of rubber with a radius of tens of meters, it was rubbed fiercely from the army formation of the northern barbarians!

After the gray-white purgatory breath spit out.

There are no hot flames, no boiling lava, no rising blood mist or mutilated limbs, some are just pieces of weapons and equipment that have fallen on the ground, some are just pieces of torn and wrinkled withered human skin, some It's just a gray-white skeleton scattered on the ground!

With a purgatory breath, the northern barbarian army was cut in half!

All adventurers within this range, regardless of their identity and occupation, regardless of their status and rank, were burned with all their flesh-and-blood activity and turned into human skins and dead bones all over the ground!

This kind of scene, even the necromancer will be shocked when he sees it!

Purgatory Breath.

It is worthy of its name of purgatory!


Boob's purgatory breath destroyed not only the coverage area, but also the hundreds of thousands of adventurers, including the weapons in their hands, the equipment on their bodies, and even the space bags around their waists!

do not forget.

What purgatory breath can destroy is not only the flesh and blood activity of the living body, but also the stability of spells and spellcasting skills!

And weapons, equipment, space bags... Except for Wang Yan's magic-breaking gun, special weapons that only pay attention to the sharpness and toughness of weapons, most weapons, equipment and space bags, their accompanying effects and skills, All are achieved through the runes engraved in it, and the engraved magic!

They... are also a type of spell-like skills!


When Boobu's purgatory breath sprayed out, it not only sprayed all the adventurers within the scope of the purgatory breath into human skin and dead bones,

Even the weapons in the hands of the adventurers, the equipment on their bodies, the space bag hanging around their waists... they were all sprayed into scraps!

That's why Wang Yan hasn't paid attention to this yet.


Boob's big move can't be called Purgatory Breath in the future, it's more like the Prodigal Breath!

With a purgatory breath, hundreds of thousands of adventurers were sprayed to death, and Bubu's extremely huge body compared to the adventurers, only at this time fell to the ground ruthlessly.

Immediately after.

The tail hammer raised and slammed down!

The shock wave that spread out sent all the adventurers within a hundred meters away!

At this time, Bo Bucai's minions came out in a row, took out the housekeeping skills of the purgatory dragon, and fought with those adventurers who gathered again... hand-to-hand!

Compared with the movement of Boob.

The charcoal hunt is much quieter and more elegant.

It roams the battlefield.

From one shadow to another.

Whenever that dark and graceful figure flashed out of a shadow, it would definitely bring a cold light, accompanied by the death of a high-level adventurer.

Shadow Panther.

Absolute assassin monster race.

Even the Assassin Masters among human beings are difficult to compare with them; even, even the legendary profession of Shadow Assassin... was developed by the Assassin Masters among Humans, imitating the shadow leopard's energy operation and assassination method.

With the current four-dimensional properties of Black Charcoal, if it lurks and gets a blow after being stacked with buffs, even epic-rank adventurers can easily assassinate them, not to mention these adventurers who are no more than heroic?


Every shot of Black Charcoal must be accompanied by the fall of a high-level adventurer! After more than a dozen high-level adventurers fell in a row, these northern barbarians did not even catch the shadow of Black Charcoal!



Still the iron bone fighting style is more normal.

After showing the second form, the iron bone also became a behemoth dozens of meters high.

The icy blue hair floated in the wind, and the iron-bone figure dashed on the battlefield; every once in a while, a paw snapped, and dozens of adventurers were photographed into flesh.

Under the blessing of a powerful attribute, the frost breath that Iron Bone originally possessed, which was like a chicken rib, far exceeded the power that a frost wolf should have.

Take a breath.

The extreme cold spreads out.

The adventurers within a radius of dozens of meters were all eroded by this extreme cold air, quickly lost all vitality, and became ice sculptures standing on the battlefield!

at the same time.

Because the body is the largest.

Ironbone also takes the most damage on the battlefield.


Because of the super life growth brought by the characteristics of the purgatory race, the iron bone has more than 100,000 health points; and the passive skill of the body of steel,

It also greatly reduced the damage it received.


Even if he rampaged on the battlefield and became the priority attack target of countless northern barbarians, in fact, Iron Bone really suffered very little damage.

On the Frozen Throne.

Wang Yan was watching the battle silently.


In terms of efficiency, the three dependents are not as good as himself; but through this battle, Wang Yan is still very happy to see the growth of Boob, Black Charcoal and Iron Bone.

It doesn't matter if they take a little more time.

At first, Wang Yan was a little worried.

For fear that one of the three pets would be attacked by those high-level adventurers, it might be dangerous; but as time went by, he found himself worrying too much.

Although the three pets still retain their original way of thinking after their spiritual attributes have been improved, this does not mean that their fighting wisdom is inferior to that of humans.


On the contrary, many human fighting styles, and even the development of many professions, are derived from these monsters - such as shadow assassins.

Strategically, the three pets are naturally incomparable with humans.

But on the battlefield, the three pets' grasp of timing, perception of danger, and grasp of the rhythm of battle are definitely not inferior to most professionals!

Cloth control field.

Iron bone mockery.

Charcoal assassination.

It is this extremely simple tactic that makes Boobu divide the entire battlefield into several parts, which makes the iron bones attract the hatred of most adventurers, and also allows the black carbon to assassinate the high-level adventurers who are the greatest threat to them. !

By the time these northern barbarians reacted, there were no more than a dozen fifth-order adventurers in total, and they had all been assassinated by Black Charcoal.

And the remaining adventurers... almost no longer have the ability to threaten the three pets!

On the Frozen Throne.

Wang Yan opened the properties panel of Black Charcoal.

After assassinating more than a dozen high-level adventurers one after another, Black Charcoal also successively obtained more than a dozen hero-level template fragments.

After absorbing all these template fragments...

The black charcoal, which has just completed the dragon blood quenching and attribute completion, has reached 100% of the evolution of its excellent monster template!

You can advance anytime!

Evolved from an excellent monster of the fourth rank to a lord monster of the fifth rank, becoming the second monster lord under Wang Yan!

Is it advanced?

natural progression....

When Wang Yan made a choice instead of Black Charcoal, the excellent monster template Shadow Panther it had evolved into the lord monster template Shadow Hunter at this moment!

Attribute growth increased again.

From the time of the excellent monster template, you get 80 free attribute points for each level up, to 160 free property points for each level up!

at the same time.

When the template was advanced, Black Charcoal once again obtained a shadow-based skill - shadow double.

The function of the shadow substitute is that when the black charcoal jumps out of the shadow plane or shadow space and launches a fatal blow, it will leave a substitute composed of shadow energy in place.

Once the assassination fails, or you are in danger, you can instantly activate the skills, switch the positions of yourself and the substitute, return to the shadow plane or shadow space, and the substitute appears in the position where you are in danger.

It can be said.

This is an extremely powerful life-saving skill.

Because of the addition of this skill, the Shadow Hunter, who was originally high-attacking and crispy, has instantly improved its survivability by countless levels!


As the only blood bull assassin of the Shadow Leopard family, the value of this life-saving skill to Black Charcoal has dropped slightly; but no matter what, this is an extremely powerful life-saving skill!

After completing the advanced template of Black Charcoal, Wang Yan closed its properties panel.

Look at the battlefield again.

After a full hour, all the adventurers on this battlefield were killed by the three pets.


Probably one percent of Wang Yan's, right?


The three pets are able to fight against the adventurers of the [Northern Madness] dungeon, which is counted in the tens of thousands, which is indeed a good thing.

This means.

Even if one day in the future, he cannot return to the lord space because of certain things, he can let Boob, Black Charcoal and Iron Bone come to guard this dungeon instead of him.

Prevent unexpected situations caused by the unguarded copy of [Northern Wild Calamity].

As for the number of adventurers and the strength of adventurers that increase each time a level 5 permanent dungeon... Wang Yan believes that the speed of the three pets' strength will definitely far exceed the number and strength of dungeon adventurers!


Wang Yan sent Iron Bone back to the jungle, and took Boob and Black Charcoal off the assembly line, and returned to his home.

Now that the black carbon template has been advanced.

Evolving the template of himself and Boob again is not something that can be achieved in a few simple battles, and their desire for experience points and template fragments is not so urgent.

It's still a long time.

They still have plenty of time to take their time.

Wang Yan returned to the real world, and the figures of Boob and Hei Tan appeared next to him.

Looking at Boobu and Heitan who came back again, Wang Yan finally didn't have to think about it all the time. When Han Xiaoxiao and Xiao Wanqing arrive, he can also take advantage of the situation and say that Boobu and Heitan have been conditioned by his friends, and he will take them back while he is fine during the day.

The reason is this 3.7 reason.

Believe it or not, it's up to them.


I have to explain it to Boob and Black Charcoal.

Don't let them behave unexpectedly.

With the return of the 5th-level permanent dungeon [Northern Disaster], Wang Yan once again lived the same life as before: lying flat at home during the day, and entering the lord space to save the world at night.

Calm, laid back, and comfortable.


this day.

The Blue Star in the real world... To be precise, it is between the three strongest countries of Blue Star, but it is by no means so peaceful!

When the miracle of the Lord of the Mist receded, the level 5 space crack disappeared, and together with a hundred investigators of Winterhold, in this miracle, they obtained the favor of the Lord of the Mist and became the favor of the gods. By.

The middle-aged commander reported the news to Winterhold. After Winterhold repeatedly confirmed the authenticity of the information, the dirty bomb that was about to be fired was cancelled immediately!


Let the power of the White Bear Country stationed in the guardian city remain untouched for the time being, continue to maintain the responsibility and power of the White Bear Country in the guardian city, and retain this road to the sky.

Immediately after.

When it was confirmed that Romanovsky had obtained the master profession Northern Wild Rider, and his teacher, the commander of the 5th-level battlefield, had obtained the elite profession,

Winterfort then ordered them to take a helicopter and rush to another 4th-level battlefield as fast as possible, and take over all the guarding work of that 4th-level battlefield!

This is both responsibility and training.

Romanowski is the pinnacle of the fifth-order, and his teacher is a senior sixth-order investigator!

With the help of the God-Blessed's ability to fight monsters and upgrade, it's just a 4th-level battlefield... Maybe they can step into the sixth and seventh orders in a short time, greatly enhancing the extraordinary power of the White Bear Country!

PS: The fifth watch is over, and it will be delayed for a few days before it explodes. It is almost exhausted... Please order all~

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