Yun Shisan was seen by them as having one's hair stand on end. He waved his hand and said, "Don’t look at me like this. You are drunk and jumped into the lotus pond. Yes."

"Are you sure you didn't leave us down?" Fu Jiu looked suspicious.

"How ugly is this, you don’t know, you’re drunk, you don’t know which of the tendons is wrong, you have to dance, don’t you, just jump and jump It’s in the lotus pond."

Just now, when Yun Shisan finished speaking, Lu Wuchen hurriedly made up his knife and said: "That’s right, after getting drunk, it’s like having some epilepsy. He actually stuffed a chicken leg on his butt. , I can’t tell which side is the mouth and which side is the ass."


Fujiu flustered and exasperated pointing to the little girl, trembling all over, thinking I want to scold him, this is a little child again, and he can't beat him.

Fu Jiu had no choice but to point the finger at Yun Shisan and roared: "I don't care about the little child, but it doesn't matter what you teach as a Master, this account is on your head, you will wait for me. "


Yun Shisan looked at Lu Wuchen with a serious face, said in deadly earnest: "Now teach you the first lesson first, you have to remember Now, people live in this world, some things can be said, some things can't be said.

Although he really stuffed the drumsticks on his butt, why do you keep telling the truth? How embarrassing is this, you have to take into account his feelings at least, you also need to save face!"

Lu Wuchen looked thoughtful, nodded and said seriously: "I know, my dad said After that, people have to learn to talk to people and talk to ghosts. Although this is very bad, there is always a lot of helplessness in life. Only in this way can one live better."

"You , You guys..."

"Okay, okay, don't be angry!"

Yun Shisan walked over and grabbed Fu Jiu's shoulder and said, "I wanted to give you some benefits. Yes, but well, it seems that you don’t really want it anymore."

Fu Jiuyi sounds good, so I immediately put the matter behind and looked at Yun Shisan with bright eyes. , Asked: "What's the benefit?"

"Aiya, let's go, I will take you to a place, you will know when you go, and other people don’t have to follow, and you won’t go It's too convenient."

It was inconvenient to take Fu Jiu, but it didn't hurt. It was just a trip to Yuzhu Peak instead of visiting other places.

Yu Zhufeng is Miao Yu alone. She does not accept the dísciple, and the management of Yuzhu is also very simple. You can directly post tasks in the Gongxun Hall and let the dísciple take care of it.

Although Miao Yu is now asleep, the task of taking care of Yuzhu has been hanging up, and this task is basically taken care of by a fixed person.

As long as the task is accepted, there are no other accidents. As long as the dísciple is willing to continue to receive the task, basically let the dísciple take care of it. There will be no substitutions for this reason.

Except for the three dísciples that take care of the Yuzhu Peak, no one will come up. The 108 peaks of Azure Lotus Sword Sect are not easy to walk around.

"It turns out that this is the Yuzhu Peak of your Azure Lotus Sword Sect. It is rumored that Azure Lotus Sword Sect is a beautiful place. One hundred and eight peaks are indispensable. Yuzhu Peak is the most important part of Azure Lotus Sword Sect. One of the peaks of vain, indeed the name is not in vain."

Fu Jiu stood under the Yuzhu Peak, looking at a piece of colorful yuzhu, with envy in his emotions, this piece of yuzhu, For every case, it is Heaven and Earth Treasure.

This yuzhu is a good material for refining tools, especially for refining Spirit Treasure, but it is also a good treasure for refining talisman treasure.

Fu Jiu saw this piece of Yuzhu, his eyes were tight, and he sighed: "This piece is a treasure. It seems that your Yuzhu Peak is not simple."


"How do you say?"


Fu Jiu looked at this piece of Yuzhu, swallowed and said: It's still relatively strong. You can dig any bamboo roots, but do you know why there are so few Profound Spirit World?"

"How do I know? I'm not omniscient and omnipotent." Yun Shisan spread his hands.

Fu Jiu said: "In fact, where there is Yuzhu growing, there must be a jade mine. Looking at Yuzhu Peak, the Five Elements of Yuzhu here are all available. The jade mine below is not ordinary. Bamboo is not only Five Elements, but even wind and thunder gather. The underground is at least the Five Elements Jade mine. It is very likely to be immortal jade."

immortal jade?

Yun Shisan was surprised, immortal jade is too scarce in Profound Spirit World, may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

jade stone can not only be used for array formation, but also can be used to refine foreign treasures, such as talisman treasure. Some special medicine pill also need to be refined with jade stone, and Bone Tempering Pill needs jade stone , If it is immortal jade, it is even more priceless.

"Let me tell you, you can’t make this idea. This jade mine exists here. The senior of Azure Lotus Sword Sect must know it. They didn’t dig it, so it must be theirs. Reason."

Yun Shisan looks like a miser, looking towards the vigilance and threat in Fu Jiu’s gaze exhibit one's feelings in one's speech. He had the idea that he would dare to fight this, so he turned his face right away. Posture.

The boat of friendship will turn over when you say it is turned over. This is not a joke. This is my own Sect, or the site of my own wife. It’s good to be able to take him to choose two jade bamboos. It’s definitely not possible for jade mines. Let him confuse.

Fu Jiu was a little hairy by Yun Shisan's gaze, and he waved his hand quickly and said, "Don't look at me like that. This is your site, not the wild. There is no need to kill chickens and get eggs."

jade stone, he also wants it very much, even more how, it is very likely to be immortal jade, immortal jade is a huge benefit for him, use immortal jade properly, use immortal jade to make a talisman treasure, that formidable power is not Under Top Grade Spirit Treasure.

However, he also knows that this is a luxury. This thing belongs to Azure Lotus Sword Sect, and Yun Shisan may not be able to do it.

"What do you mean? What do you mean by killing chickens to get eggs?"

Although yuzhu is precious, in the short term, it is not comparable to immortal jade.

But in the long run, it’s hard to say. If the immortal jade vein exists, then there will be continuously yuzhu, which is hard to say.

"Where there are immortal jade veins, there must be chalcedony, that is, jade liquid jade. Even if the jade mine below Yuzhu Peak is not immortal jade, it will not be too far away, there must be Chalcedony."

Yun Shisan hearing this, his eyes brightened. If there is chalcedony, he can find some way to get it out.

This is a good thing, the jade liquid jelly, not only can be drunk, but also can be brewed, and it can also be pill concocting. If you are rich, it can also be used for tempering fleshy body.

Either way is infinitely beneficial. If used in a bath, it can also make fleshy body shedding body, exchanging bones.

"Don't think about it."

A light voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the two of them, and Qingyue appeared in front of them at the next moment.

Yun Shisan glanced at her and said, "Why did you run out without saying a word? Is this going to scare people to death?"

He is still a little strange, Qingyue is not In his Gate of Many Wonders?

How could she run out by herself?

"Didn't I speak up first? Besides, I didn't scare you either!" Qingyue saw that Yun Shisan was always calm and collected. It didn't look like he was scared.

Yun Shisan asked suspiciously: "You have succeeded in harmony?"

"Why is it so easy? But it's fast. Give me some more time."


"How much time is some time?"

Qingyue rolled the eyes and said: "This is not eating and drinking. It must be necessary for three or five years. This is the nature of my understanding. The way, your power of robbery is also changing naturally, otherwise, none of the three to five hundred years will be impossible to succeed.

But I am in your mysterious door, but I can follow you to leave Azure Lotus Sword Sect."

"How did you get out?"

Qingyue was stunned, and she said shyly, "You didn't forbid me to come out?" even more how your servant will be yours in the future, you have to be nice to your servant!"

She didn’t make a mistake at this point. Yun Shisan didn’t prohibit her from coming out. Gate of Many Wonders initially merged, and Gate of Many Wonders also released her by default.

Qingyue slender jade hand lifts up her hair, her beautiful eyes are shy, her pretty face is beautiful, and she has a variety of styles.

It gives people the feeling that she is not fluttering with her own hair, but with a man's heartstrings.

Qingyue is very good in appearance and figure, a light veiled red robe, and a hazy lovable body that desires to be hidden, hazy and mysterious, giving rise to a desire to lift the mysterious veil.

The lordosis is convex and the back is curled, exquisite and slender, plump but not fat, but it gives people a feeling of elasticity.

Naturally beautiful, exquisite and translucent, and her cheeky cheek is tinged with a seductive blush, and two sweet dimples are revealed between the slightly smiled.

Fu Jiu was caught in an instant, with a look of pig brother on his face, and a touch of saliva on the corners of his mouth, which would flow down at any time.

Yun Shisan looked a bit dazed, such a woman, as long as she is a man, she will be tempted?

However, Yun Shisan has Life Source Gu in his body. Even if his body sends out some instinctive signals, he will not be moved by women other than Miao Yu.

even more how He knows the details of Qingyue very well. This is simply not a normal woman, but a Spirit Physique, a surviving spirit.

How can a normal woman, a flesh and blood body, be perfect without any flaws?

Qingyue didn't even have a mole on her body, at least there was no flaw in the place she was looking at, but there must be no flaw in the place she couldn't see.

Perfection, coupled with her understanding of the natural way, reveals a temperament integrated with Heaven and Earth in her body, resembles nature itself.

Yun Shisan smiled and cursed: "Don't come to this set, don't disgust me, you are still acting like a baby at such an old age."

Qingyue had a straight look and said seriously:" Okay, but I stayed in your mysterious door for a while, and I have some new ideas, which may help your sweetheart."

Yun Shisan cared about the Master and immediately stopped. He started to joke, became serious, and asked a little eagerly: "What's the idea? How can I help?"

"Look at you in a hurry."

Qingyue Patted Yun Shisan said on the back of his head, "I'll talk about this later, don’t you want Yuye Qiongye?" Waking up, but still looking reluctantly at Qingyue.

"Beauty, this is definitely the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life, but it's a pity that the famous flower is in charge, Yun Shisan have what skills and abilities? This is the good fortune that has been accumulated for several lifetimes, how beautiful They all pierced him."

Thinking about this, I gave Yun Shisan a little bitterly, which made Yun Shisan a little unfathomable mystery.

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