Strong rain and wind were knocking on the glass in the lounge of the Clanhouse in the Footprints.

The sky is covered in thick clouds and from time to time even thunderous sounds are heard.

The Clanhouse lounge was full.

Those who plan to receive the request encounter the storm and return most of it. Something that the destination liquor store has been temporarily closed in inclement weather and has lost its destination and gathered together. Those who intend to prepare for tomorrow's treasure palace exploration, but decide not to go outside the next day, each one of them on the table, looking up at the sky from a large taken window.

Lyle, whose abdominal pain subsides, shouts in one hand at the bottle she brings in.

"Nah, it's a vacation, Klee. It's disturbing from the beginning."

"Something terrible happens to the master when he moves voluntarily..."

One of the party members hammers at it.

The thousand trials of "Thousands of Changes" suck. It won't be easier forever. That was a well-known fact.

Usually, treasure hunters are easier to work with as much as they gain strength. But a thousand trials are different. The difficulty of a thousand trials is only called trials, which go up and down every time they overlap.

It has survived the trials that the members of the Beginning Footprints are called elite, but it is late. I know that, but I didn't even ask for it every time, but I didn't want to get involved.

"By and large, I would have just done it during this time! The span is too short! Don't make me risk my life so much!

Other members echo Lyle's drunken screams.

"That's it. That's it!

"I'm not even done with the new gear yet!

"Don't hide the information - heh!

"Don't forgive the Master's outrage - ugh!

"Can we get out of this big storm? - Huh!

"Don't hang with level eight. Whoa!

"Don't hang out with Liz. Whoa!

"Give me the info!

"Give me the money!

"Information uuuuuuuuuu!

Tension rose despite the absence of Ten Himself, and Isabella and Yu, who did not enter the circle, saw the clan members screaming together to their shoulders, looked at each other and sighed as if they were frightened.

"Our clans are all close..."

"Regardless of Liz or Citrie, I wonder if Tino, who was taken, will be all right"

The members of The Mourning Ghost are surprisingly accustomed to Klee's trials. What worries me is the juniors involved.

Once you get involved, you're pushed into a situation where you can't escape.

In front of Isabella, who looked worried, the sky dawned as if to answer the question.

§ § §

Awesome rain and wind were blowing through the dark meadows. The intermittent ringing lightning and the shock with the roar reminded me of the end of the world.

It's not really the kind of weather that goes out there. Treasure hunters are human too. Too little can be done if nature's fierceness is preceded.

"Huh... shit, you said it was a storm!? Say no."

How effective should just a jacket be on a storm that blows from side to side to tap?

The shouts that were sent to throw away disappeared in the storm without reaching anyone. At the top of the carriage's body - Hylo, who was being fought off in a guard seat, jumps off the carriage without stopping. Crowe and Shiro, who were sitting on your stand, also jumped with a terrible look and are forgiving their horses.

At the edge of his sight, he could see an abominable woman preparing her tent pale without signs of passing through the storm.

Remove the tent from the luggage it was loading and assemble it with a familiar hand. In the rain, the wind, the mud and the darkness, the movement does not precipitate.

Huge backpack in thick robe. The outfit without a weapon in its tarnished appearance doesn't look like a hunter, but the technology is definitely that of a top notch hunter.

Above all, it is the look on its face that makes it different from the hyiros.

There was no pain in that look. It also looks familiar to me in these situations to assemble a tent in the shadow of a carriage body to avoid being flown by a major storm.

Unexpectedly, the eye turns toward Hylo, who jumped off the carriage. The lightning blinks and the clear iris sees the highiros in turn.

They're just one skinny woman. It was the other who slaughtered the three - the infamous Shadow.

Now that it's jumped out of the carriage, I can say it's a great opportunity to escape. In this storm, it is difficult to escape, but it is not yet that far from the Imperial capital, and the fact that it is difficult to escape shows at the same time that it is difficult to trace.

"Mr. Shilo, Mr. Crowe, Mr. Hylo. I finally got a chance, don't embarrass me."


The only problem - the collar covering the neck of all three.

The thin dirty collar was a kind of magic guide. It is inherently a substitute for restricting the movement of slaves.

I rarely get to see it because there is no slavery in the Zebuldia Empire, but Hylo, who has been operating in the world behind it for a long time, knew its effects.

By pressing the switch remotely, it is a magic guide that flows a powerful current to the wearer.

It is not as powerful as treasure tools because it is made with modern technology, but the duration is quite long and the power is stable, and if it keeps flowing for a long time, even if it is smoking mana materialis unbearable.

Sturdy and quite difficult to destroy, it is a trustworthy product that underpins the slavery of the country.

When a strong impact is exerted, the current flows through the system, so it is not possible to attempt to disarm it.

Exactly, there's an invisible strand attached to the necks of the hybrids. And its owner was clearly not personable enough to hesitate to use it.

I guess Shilo and Cro have the same conclusion. The fact that the three of us are thus also in alignment with the sudden call demonstrates a convergence of views.

Had a hemp. I shouldn't have gotten the job of collecting auction items. Now I regret it. The race has already been thrown.

Some hunters are good, but the people in front of them who captured the Hyros - The Ghost of Mourning - are the opposite.

I wouldn't even hesitate to kill him because he would otherwise try to keep and kill the place just to hand it over to the guards. If you don't obey, you can assume you have no life.

No, on the contrary - as they were about to do earlier, it could also be disposed of for no reason.

I just have to keep following you as I pray not to damage my mood more than I want to die. Even if we knew we were only waiting for ruin ahead of us - we just had to keep living pretending we didn't realize it.

So, Hyiro comes to mind.

If the three of us hit each other at once, we might be able to take down Citrie before they push the switch. Maybe we can knock it down and take away the keys and switches.

If only we could do something about the collar, we'd see eyes that could be slightly free.

Shilo, Cro and Hylo all specialize in rough things against hunters. There were rarely confrontations from the front, but I'm pretty confident in my arms.

There's a problem with the good guys left in the carriage, but that's not likely to be an obstacle, as they were going to be very interested in the highiros.

No - "The Shadow Out" ran somewhere, and now that the man is not out of the carriage, this may be his first and last chance.

Even if we continue to obey, we are still poor. Fortunately, it has not been disarmed either.

When I was ready and raised my face, a tremendous roar echoed.

Triple tubes shake and flutter in sound and impact. Shilo and Cro desperately shout and calm the frightened hissing horse.

Thunder struck nearby. A silent voice was inadvertently uttered at the hyiro, which reflexively closed his eyes and held his head down.

"You're not used to it, to thunder"

Open your fearful eyes. From close range, Citrie was looking up at Hylo. Calm eyes and a grin on your mouth make you feel somewhere madmen rather than transcendent.

Citrie has taken one potion out of his nostalgia and let it still hold in the fluttering hands of Hyiro.

To a confusing hyiro. Tell Citrie to whisper.

"We - we got used to it a long time ago. The trick to being resistant to lightning is - okay? It means you keep getting shot by lightning. I'm dying at first, but if I repeat that, Mana Material will strengthen my flesh in that direction. It's a mine-inducing drug that I studied and made for it."

It's ridiculous. Impossible. Suicide. I wanted to break it off, but the word had an unforgivable authenticity.

In the first place, it is well known among hunters that people's will intervenes in the direction of strengthening by Mana Material.

But even assuming that information - that training is not easy to call training.

Out of time, I told Hylo, who just looked down at the potion he was given, that Citrie would stab him in the stomach.

"Oh, yeah. Maybe if you get resistant to lightning, you won't think anything about the collar's current. This... I'm in trouble. This weather is a great opportunity."

Thunder falls again. Tonight's storm has a lot of lightning strikes.

I felt Hylo hear a fine scream in its awesome wind and rain.

Citrie laughs at the stiffening hybrids.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. Shiro, Mr. Crowe and Mr. Hyiro ask you to take care of the horse. I am used to these situations. I don't care if you help me... because I'm just in the way."

Citrine turns her wrinkly, defenseless back and returns to prep her tent.

In the glass bottle I was given, a white glowing liquid that I have never even seen is shaking. Hylo decided to rethink his escape plan.

§ § §

I knew you couldn't go outside in the storm.

No, I knew it originally. I know as much as I do. No, even kids will know. It doesn't have to be said again.

But if you dare let me argue - because it's a storm that's suddenly arrived. Oh!

I'm a victim, too. Victim!

But you can't do that in front of Tino, who is raising black smoke from his puffy body.

What the hell happened - no, Tino, who would definitely have been shot by lightning, smiled only slightly at his mouth when he opened his eyes and looked at me.

"I will, uh... are you watching? I... Good luck, I did..."

"... yeah yeah, right"

"Yes, thank you, thank you, thank you... I... oh, dear sister, really......................................."

If you constantly say that, too, your breath will lose its power from Tino's body.

Liz, who brought it up in charge of the scorching tino, made sure of it, said as excited.

"Look, look! Klee, you're right about me!? You're alive!? Because tee, one day at a time, you're growing up!

"Yeah, yeah, you are. But let's be nice to you... Look, it's a vacation. You can't do this anymore, can you?

If you're not used to seeing people shot by lightning, you're just making a fuss.

"Huh! Thunder's over for now, right?

I'll definitely be nice to you when I get to the next town.

I engraved it deep into my heart as I watched Tino being forced into the potion using a straw.

It's been one night, but there's still no sign of rain stopping.

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