Ground rough as if dug up by trees that were broken and defeated by force.

The hunters, who came to see what was going on after the report, were breathtaking at the marks as if a stampede had occurred.

The area is open, but there is still a beast odor that seems to bend my nose. A sign that a large number of animals were nestled in this place until just a moment ago.

But there is no sign of the creature from which the smell originates.

Built near the forest entrance, the fortress, roughly shredded and assembled with trees, is empty, and there is no one on the lookout table built on all sides. The gate, which was tightly closed, is also wide open.

If we looked carefully before that, we could see that the ground was being trampled in countless footsteps.

Originally, a village existed in the place.

A long time ago it became an abandoned village due to a depopulation, but very recently there were demons who used the space to build and dwell on the fort.

The name of that demon that the town of Gras has been vigilant about lately is called - Oak.

It is a subhuman demon who is wise enough to use tools, sociable enough to make herds, but feared for its ferocity and its characteristics of attacking people's settlements in preference.

The ability to be an individual is no big deal from the hunters and knights who make battle a living thing, but the temporal annoyance of the demon was in high fertility.

Oak increases. Its speed is supposedly second to that of goblins, said to be the most fertile of subhuman demons, with some examples of a dozen or so small flocks swelling to hundreds of herds within a year.

And when that swollen flock is dominated by protruding individuals, the oak becomes enough to threaten man's country as well.

The herd that was nesting near the gras was also an extremely dangerous herd that had such properties.

Regardless of the extent to which abandoned villages are used, it is unlikely that just a bunch of oaks will build fortifications, etc.

There was undoubtedly a presumed king of oaks with heterogeneous abilities. And the herd of orcs led by such individuals is very handy.

If you attack the detours, the Knights and Hunters of Man, who are superior in gear, could be defeated, that's the kind of flock.

It takes a lot of fighting power to reach the fort and destroy an orc with a geographical advantage.

Preliminary hunters' investigations confirmed multiple appearances of orcs guarding the perimeter from the top of the observation deck, leading to a decision saying it was dangerous to go on crusade with the force permanently stationed in Gras, in the midst of replenishing his power.

Until the other day, however, there is not a single oak figure in the fort, which was predicted to contain hundreds of oaks.

"What happened?

"Really, the orcs are gone."

Hunters infiltrate the inside of the fort with a look of perplexity and vigilance.

It was hours before the hunter in charge of the watch brought information that the orcs had left the fort.

A bunch of oaks that didn't even react at all to the provocation they went to fish out of the fort a few times. The change in that trend was a sunny thunderbolt for the town of Gras, which was gathering steady strength.

I finally got an attitude about whether they were going to make a raid, but I don't see any sign that the orcs would show up near town, and I don't see a herd led by a leader wise enough to build a fort in the first place going to make a raid without releasing a scourge.

"As reported, there are no signs of natural enemies escaping the orcs..."

"Look at the footprint - it's been stepped on with a lot of momentum. Seems pretty excited..."

The fort was much crude compared to what people made, but there is no sign of it being destroyed from the outside.

From the lookout, there was information that a group of orcs and an internationally inflexible individual - perhaps the leader of the flock - jumped out of the fort with furious momentum. When I first heard the report, I thought it was a joke, but the empty fort and surroundings that I actually check show that the information from the watch was correct.

It's unclear where he is now, but his opponent is a huge herd of hundreds of heads. They will not be far from discovered.

While alert, the hunters looked at each other as they checked the interior and confirmed that there were no natural enemies at all who threatened the town of Gras.

"You're not here... okay, I don't know what happened - but as planned, we'll destroy this abominable fort before they come back"

Gras is gradually gathering strength. If we lose the fort, we'll be able to take advantage of the fight even if the flock returns.

Nodding each other, the hunters of the town of Gras began preparations to destroy the fort.

§ § §

It was a herd of demons of a magnitude that we could clearly see from a distance.

Smells drifting in the wind in the countless glaring eyes. The appearance of the flock of orcs planking the plains as if it were a wave deserves exactly the word frenzy.

Horses who should be used to running around the world where demons live are frightened and hissing.

It also attracted the expression of members of the Fog Thunder Dragon (Fallen Mist), who had crept through numerous training grounds to a group of obviously unusual demons.

Arnold pulls out his love sword and tells him to throw up.

"What the hell - fuck, the Spirit says the Orc Herd is next!? Is this normal in this country!?

"Besides, they're not normal. Excited - I'm losing my mind..."

Nothing in the orc herd in particular. I'm not hunting, I'm not trying to attack a human settlement. No, I don't think we're going to make a crazy march so far for that degree of reason.

The orcs, who thrust unconsciously, slipped their feet and crushed their fallen companions, for some reason toward Arnold and the others.

For Arnold, who is a dragon killer, I can't talk about a few orcs or anything. And for members of the Misty Thunder Dragon (Fallen Mist), who have had numerous adventures together, they are no match for the Orc Herd.

But this time the numbers were different.

There are hundreds of oaks just to be witnessed. It is unlikely that a party of hunters would collide with a herd of this size during an adventure. (i) Because there are too many parties to deal with.

Ei, who was measuring distance and velocity from the progressing population, tongues loudly.

"Damn, with that momentum - you can't get away with it. Mr. Arnold, we have to do this. What, there's only so many of them. I can't do it. Hey, hey, hey."

"... form a defense"

Ai and the look on the faces of his other companions were ready to die.

When he gives the instructions, he raises a sword that is also about his length.

The thunderdragons that Arnold and the others crusaded in Nebulanubes - the golden blades that created with their bones were charged as if they remembered when they were still dragons.

Sometimes the weapons created with magical materials with superior magical powers house the power of the demons of life. Arnold's Great Sword - also the origin of two names, "Hao Thunder Breaking Flash" is its ultimate.

It is not a flock of oaks and other objects before the supreme wave that was allowed to wave only to heroes who stood at the head of numerous warriors and achieved dragon kills.

Confirm as Arnold remembered, eating his nose rough and teeth hard.

"... Where's The Thousand Changes? We must have passed through here."

"Come on. But how they're doing is clearly unusual. Maybe he's running away from that man."

When Aye shook her burly shoulders, she crooked her lips and laughed.

Orcs are known for their wisdom but also for their barbaric courage at the same time. In particular, orcs that have developed into large herds do not choose to escape because of a few things.

But Arnold, who reached level 7, knows best that level 8 cannot be measured by common sense.

"... damn. A swine rushing oak escapes without even shaking his side, he said!? What did you do - that man"

I notice a bottle of potion falling on the ground. Precious supplies, but not if you're hesitant now.

Arnold pulls out a potion that mimics it and strengthens his physical abilities from his waist belt, and takes a breather.

My heart trembles and hot forces sweep all over my body around my heart. Strong exaltation blows tension. The herd of oaks looked at Arnold and the others, but there was no sign of stopping.

The sound, the vibration approaches. Winded dirt smoke hides sight.

Throwing the bottle to the ground, Arnold screamed in a thunderous voice.

"Fine!! Let's teach that missing head that it's not" Thousands of Changes "that should be feared, but this me," Hao Thunder Flashing "!

"- xamaca...... wagamule, kurwacetanoha..................!


Arnold took the blade, which fell overhead, in the upper position.

The smell of a strong beast sticks to my nose. A cloudy golden eye is looking down at Arnold from close range. Purple electricity is scattered, and the haughty thunder flashes wrapped around the lightning, which conveys the blade and burns the body, but its flesh is neither dusty nor shaky.

Falling out of the sky was an unusual oak wrapped all over his body in black armor.

Height is one or five times the length of a regular oak. The black fur leaves countless scars and his left eye is crushed. The long battle axe with the pattern held in both hands was boneless but well polished, and it was clear that it was more than just a weapon than not being destroyed by meeting with the Hao Thunder Blasting Flash.

But most importantly, it differs from a normal oak in that it sees a strong light of intelligence in its eyes.

Superior Individual. Pedigree heresy. A demon born to transcend seeds.

The blow is heavy. A force that transcends the oak by half, which cannot be fattened by most hunters, comes from it.

Arnold joins forces and wields a haughty thunder flash at the obvious signs of a powerful enemy.

As the black-haired oak retracted greatly, he shouted, spitting and scattering. It was a word, but that voice has strong emotions like torrents in it.

"Reseiga - Kiel. Khouf, Sen 'i, Kononioi, Walera Job. Khlwasel. Honnow, Tamashii, Yak. Sensi, Onnakodomo, Mukankai. Outalwarega, Msisulwakeni Hi Kanai. Onore-ningen-hikionamane!!

"... what are you talking about?


"Mr. Arnold, let's crush it before we get caught in the herd!

Roaring and growling meet. The intention of killing pierces the flesh.

Arnold intercepted a black blow waved down in front of him by the lid with a sword.

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