The memory of a hunter named Tino Shade.
Inscribed in the deepest part of it is the sight after several months of basic training and the first pair of hands with that master.
"All right, Tee?"
The grin makes my master laugh.
It's exhausting, unlike Tino, who exhales rough on the ground, and not a drop of sweat on its face.
Long eyelashes in a light peach iris in shiny pink blonde hair tied small behind. My skin is burning on the day but one scratch, no stain and smooth, and I would say with all my voice that everyone is adorable when I see its appearance.
Metallic red heart earrings on ears. Thin hands and feet don't have wasted meat on them, and their chests are discreet compared to Tino's, which isn't very big.
He was also often mistaken for being lower in length than Tino, who was still growing up, and for being older if lined up next to him.
Not now.
"Klee said that the crow is white - white. What I'm trying to say, you know?
A sweet voice is thrown at Tino with the sound of preaching reason to the child.
That index finger that was put up. The power I feel from that dwarf is more immense than any Tino knows.
It's incredible that they're only a few different ages.
There were once those who ran up the stairs of glory faster than anyone else. There were monsters who easily attacked the treasure hall of high difficulty that had left many hunters.
The Tinos, who are credited with excellence, the second generation is just after them.
Therefore, Tino has never boasted of his talent.
The girl Tino was to master is one of them.
Divine speed that doesn't even leave a shadow behind. Therefore, the two names given are "Shadowy".
Liz Smart from "The Shadow Out".
Its appearance as a wind, as a shadow, through the earth, through the sky overwhelmingly ahead of everyone was admirable, but at the same time an object of awe.
He's smiling, but only his eyes are glittering as if the energy in his body was leaking out.
"It's not about loyalty or admiration. I'm not asking Tee - it's" Absolute Obedience. "
Probably angry content if a short-tempered hunter asks.
But Liz's voice is even more serious.
"It's not for Klee -"
One breath, and words are released from his lips that are hard. I get nailed to those eyes peeking in.
"I don't want you to have an opinion on anything trivial."
"Whatever ridiculous jokes you make, whatever irrational orders you receive without understanding intent, even if your life is in danger - I want you to follow that will faithfully without thinking about it"
"If you have enemies against Klee, I want you to crush them all properly without leaving one. It doesn't matter what kind of nobility they were, what kind of hunter they were, or how much power they were proud of in this Zebuldia."
"I cannot bear the fact that those who rebel against us live longer than a second. That's why I made you my apprentice. I'll smash them all when I'm around, but you're in trouble when you're not around, aren't you?
"Tee's smart, you know that, right?
"Ha, ha... ha, yes. Your sister."
Sometimes talented hunters are referred to as monsters.
Tino and I are not saying that all of the hunters are.
But the master was undoubtedly a monster even feared by the same hunter.
There was, however, a fever that did not allow any resistance to the words said in the same atmosphere as you would joke about.
Seriously. I'm so hostile to everything around me that there's no gap to get into. If Tino is hostile to Klee at this moment, the master will kill Tino as if even the flowers around him could be handfolded.
The back length is lower than Tino's, and its limbs are more luxurious than Tino's. At first glance, you look just human.
But only the outside is still in the shape of a person.
Besides, Tino noticed it was after the hunter's arm named Tino Shade went up a little.
The anomaly was obvious without having to look.
In the depressed and lush woods. Walk on alert on the road to the slightly followed 'White Wolf's Nest'.
The line is headed by Tino, with Gilberto behind, Greg and finally Luda in charge of rear alert.
In the case of this impromptu party, there is no wizard (Magi) who is good at exterminating the area, or a healer (Healer) who is effective when a major wound is inflicted.
Greg and Gilberto are avant-garde.
Greg is a warrior skilled in a variety of weapons, and Gilberto is a swordsman who specializes in one-on-one combat by the Great Sword.
There are two bandits (sheafs) who are very unbalanced but good at enemy technology.
Ruda's crisis-sensing abilities were unique to those working solo, and even if her vision was poor, she could never miss the phantom (Phantom) that approached her with animosity.
Ever since before we still reached the treasure house, there was an air in the woods that we didn't know what to do.
The facial expression of the party is hard on the unique air you can see because you are a hunter who keeps fighting demons and phantoms.
A howling noise echoes from nowhere. Greg looks around to guard his surroundings and tells him to groan.
"Weird.... the smell sucks. We haven't even reached the treasure house yet."
"That's why I wrote the suicide note"
Tino replied as he narrowed his eyes and observed the tips of the trees, which were as much as a handful standing unconstructively side by side.
"Written, to be exact..."
Hunter's unpleasant hunch often strikes me. With the supply of Mana Materials, the hunter's senses, which are so enhanced that they cannot be processed by the brain, alarm that hunter in the form of a survey.
If you spare your life, turn back as soon as you feel a bad feeling. It's the best known code for playing treasure hunter.
However, the code does not apply to this case.
Because I know for a long time that I'm going to be in this state and I'm here after I've tolerated it.
And even though that's a temporary party, we're talking ahead of time. Aside from whether that was trusted at the time we spoke.
Rouda, who was following the tail with cautious footsteps, blinks.
"Oh no... Klee knows this situation, and yet you're telling me you pointed us at it?
"If you say extra...... this membership is probably no coincidence either"
"What? Oh, come on, it's a boulder -"
Two members specializing in physics by adding to two opponents.
Indeed, the master even disguised himself as a coincidence when waving members to Tino. but it is obvious from the eyes of Tino, the master master, that it is a bluff.
Tino is an ancient ginseng member in his footsteps. Even before that, I had many opportunities to interact with the Master's "Mourning Ghost (Strange Grief)".
You can say that Tino's hunter life is in a hell of a workout and a test to be shaken on that premise.
This is not the first time I have challenged a request shaken by Klee.
At first I couldn't believe it was Tino, but now I understand.
"The master read through the treasure hall anomalies and all the events taking place there and guided the necessary personnel to gather this member. Gilberto, an arms test with you and its consequences are no exception."
Gilberto, who grew up a lot after an arm trial, opens his eyes wide to Tino's words.
I blocked the conversation like Ruda panicked.
"Ma, wait!? Required - Personnel? Whatever it is, it's just a coincidence that I took part in recruiting members for the footprint - roughly, there are a lot of better hunters at your place, aren't there?
"Oh, yeah. In the first place, that's the first time I've ever met Change-"
I don't believe it, I don't want to believe it.
Tino sighed small to the party member with such a look on his face, he said.
Though it's not yet a treasure palace, there's a good chance that a phantom or demon will attack you if you make a scene in the vicinity.
Maybe even that's what I expected, but Tino just wants to finish and go home.
Of course, not as a corpse, but alive, is.
In order to do so, it was necessary for them to know that this was not an incident.
"The master - it covers hunters all over the Empire and all the information on the Treasure Palace. Even if I've never met him, if I'm a master at reading his behavior, I can't make it."
Everyone knows that, even if it's not Tino, if it's a member of the footprint.
By and large, there's no way that Level 8 certified hunters are late for recruiting members for no reason, stirring people up and making a fuss on the spot, taking the tavern to half-destroyed, or shifting the subject of Gilberto's arms test to Tino out of Gilberto's rage. I guess that's just stupid.
That's an act. It didn't look very much like an act, but it's an advanced lie that you can't spot by Tino's eye.
Gilberto swallowed more than that into Tino's slightly, irritating words.
Let it be accomplished to that extent. Because the thousands of changes we saw in the training ground certainly had such a lack of mastery.
I was slightly concerned about the weight of the purgatory sword I carried.
In the magic used by the Wizard (Magi), there is the art of gathering water, flames, and so on to increase power and reach.
The ability to "attribute" commonly held by weapon-type treasure tools has the same effect as it does by eliminating the construction of the technique.
One of Purgatory Sword's abilities, the granting of fire, is a force that dramatically increases attack power, allowing you to wrap heat around your sword body and burn it down at the same time as you cut it.
In the previous treasure hall, there was no opponent that didn't make sense.
But how about this time?
The manipulation of the ever-changing fire was outside Gilberto's thought purgatory sword performance. If that is the mainstay of the power of the Purgatory Sword, it would mean that I can only use that extreme end right now.
Gilberto has attacked various treasure palaces so far, but this time he had a bad feeling far beyond them.
Look at the three anxious people. Tino says in light condition.
"Don't worry. The master knows everything. I don't shake requests that can't be helped properly. That if we are willing to die, the offense is possible. No matter what happens, I won't turn back. I also wrote a suicide note."
"Ooh... right"
If I were Theory the Hunter, I'd be a runaway hand, but how risking my life to pick up bones.
Inside, thinking he'd gotten caught up in the worst, he manages to show his elderly intentions and Greg has a drawn grin.
At that moment, there was a shadow in its sight.
Shadows covering the sun.
I'm coming down from the sky. I noticed that as soon as possible. Tino pokes Greg. A dull grey glow passed where its neck was until a second ago.
One beat late, Gilberto and Luda take the distance and enter the combat position. Greg, who was thrust and rolled, took the passive reflexively.
Its eyes capture the subject. That shadow that snuck in without smell or sound.
Raise a plundering voice to the crimson beast where Luda opens her eyes and does not move while squatting.
"... eh... what is the phantom here - not the wolf!?
Gilberto glances back at the radiant golden eyes directed at him. Point the cutting edge of the purgatory sword out there.
The crimson beast, which was preemptively attacked, rose up in a slow motion.
- With two legs.
Crimson fur like wire, pins and just canine specific ears. From his glutes a thick tail of the same color is stretched, and his nose is moving small as if to grasp the situation.
But the majority of the beast was covered in red armor like blood. Hands protected by the armor shake slowly as if to restrain the weapon they have.
"This guy... he's wearing armor!? It's not what I was hearing!!
"I have a sword... I have... you always go above my expectations..."
The Phantom (Phantom) appearing in The White Wolf's Nest should have been a giant wolf.
But the person who just came out in front of me is everything different from the assumption except color and face.
A wolf warrior roared as if to scratch off some sad Tino word.
§ § §
"Uh, I think I'm gonna throw up. I want to quit hunter already."
Wander around the unattended clanmaster's room, zeroing in on Gucci's own. If Eva had been there, she would have been seen with cold eyes.
At all, if Tino would say no for a good reason, so would I.
All floating around is stupidity with no productivity whatsoever.
I don't know if he's alive. Liz's apprentice is much more important than the rescue target.
That's going to be level four, too, so you know about Theory the Hunter. If it sucks, you should come back.
But all the members of the footprint are reckless. No matter how many strong enemies come out, it's not that easy to retreat.
There are places where Tino is also affected by it. I mean, the most reckless would be the bad influence of the master because he's a member of The Mourning Ghost. Shit.
If Tino dies on my orders, what will happen to Liz, even her short minded master?
"Uh, you can shield the worst Gilberto boys and Master Greg..."
If they're sacrificed by Tino too, it's the main hope, I'm sure.
Too many members were chosen appropriately. I should have at least shaken the members of the footprint.
Gark, that son of a bitch, pay proper advance attention. - No, you can't. Whatever you think, I'm the worst. There is no excuse.
Sorry ahhhhhhhhh!!!
I'm sure you'll be fine. Tino also knows that it is a big wolf who leaves in The White Wolf's Nest, and I'm sure the measures will be adequate. Yes, I tell myself, but I'm not at all comfortable with it for some reason.
It was already dark outside. Inside the Imperial City, there are street lights, but they are not installed outside.
Night marches are repelled from everyone because demons and beasts are activated at night. In the first place, sending members to the lounge from now on will definitely not catch up with Tino.
I knew I had to have Ark, I guess.
Halfway out of reality, I approached the bookshelf set on the wall of the Clanmaster's room ready.
Heavy shelves lined with clan operations and Teito history related books. Grip an unnaturally installed handle there and pull it off thoughtfully.
The bookshelf opens inside without making a single noise. Beyond that, the stairs continued downstairs.
At the end of the hidden door is my private room. Run down the stairs in a small run and look for the switch by hand in the dark.
When switched on, the soft lamp lights lit the western room two times larger than the clanmaster room.
It's a room with no windows. Large bed for many to sleep in. Bookshelf. Table. Desk. Sofa. On the painting of the gift, which I am not sure about on the wall, is a piece of paper with three rules, which is the policy as a clan.
But most importantly, it would be - a treasure trove arranged narrowly throughout the room.
Sword. Spear. Armor. Coat. Chains. Rings. Various types and shapes.
I bought some things, and some gave them away. And of course, some of the things I got by infiltrating the treasure hall.
It could also be called our collection as treasure hunters for The Ghost of Mourning (Strange Grief).
Perhaps we can play and live as teenagers just by selling off all that treasure for the right price.
But our goal has not yet been achieved.
While holding my grumpy stomach, I decided to look for a treasure that might break the status quo a little bit.
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