"Oh no... I did! Please, that's all! Please, that's all - forgive me..."


Tino is joking and complaining about my name, and he's crying out loud tears. Arnold stopped his hand and looked at me and Tino with a pulled look.

It was totally unexpected. I didn't expect you to hate me that much.

No... Huh? You don't like it that much? No, if you don't like it that much, you don't have to cry. If you say that, I won't force you -.

I just didn't want to see it. [M]

The Evolving Side (Over Grid) is one of the few treasures I can't use at all. As a treasure maniac, I want to go for it if I get a chance.

But apparently, Tino's trauma is deeper than I thought. The change in Tino that I saw when I wore the mask in the meantime didn't look like the more I cried from me, but is it any different from the side I wore?

"Good luck. I'll do my best."

"Uh... oh, yeah, right... I can't help it, let's do it another time"

Well, if that's what he is - I'm sure Liz will support him for being good.

When I sighed small, I took it out, so I put the mask on myself. Tentacles wrap around the back of his head and his voice echoes in his brain.

"Wasting... - Muscle Strength E-, Agility E-, Health E-, Magic E-, Growth E-, Zero Motivation, Overall Rating, 3 points." Evolving Surface (Over Grid) ", activation criteria not met. Unforce. '

Re-tie the tentacles that hang down behind your head as if you were giving up fixation. It's an unusable treasure... score, not lower than before?

Arnold is opening his eyes to the limit. Tino stares at me like a little too.

"Huh... sane, huh!? You..."

"Yes!? Hey, are you okay?

It's too fine to be the other way around.

However, it is not the effect of the mask, but it was worn. Liz jumps at Arnold with a gaze that gathers here for a moment. Arnold turns around, but it's too late.

In an instant Liz's leg, which I miss, pierces Arnold's abdomen. A different heavy blow than the first flying kick raises the high sound of metal bumping into each other.


As it were, the giant dances the universe wide. In the direction of blowing up - is the lake. Arnold bounced off the water a few degrees, raising a huge blister and sinking around the middle of the lake.

Sounds great. The ambush is cowardly, but only now I forgive it. Tino doesn't have to take any damage, either, and it's very good.

I wouldn't be dead. No, I'm suspicious you might be unconscious in the first place. I know best how monstrously enduring a high level certified avant-garde hunter is.

Now, Liz hasn't solved the battle posture either. fisting, nodding his tongue, he approaches the lake.

"Knocked him down?

"Absolutely. But don't worry? Because I'll make you regret interrupting and never face your teeth again."

"Were you strong?

"Hmm, normal? I feel like a regular swordsman who excels in endurance and muscle strength. That sword is a little troublesome, but no problem. It may take a little while, but - I win."

I'm sorry I meant to, but that's not what I meant.

There seems to be a slight misunderstanding from the beginning, but apparently Arnold is not a glimmer. I think we should just get out of here because we got some distance.

The lake is shaking and the light is scattered. No matter how much arnold is in the water, he shouldn't be able to move as usual.

I grabbed Liz's shoulder while observing the lake.

"Citrie, Liz. Let's get out of here. Have fun again."

"!? Uh!? Still running? ………… indigestion……"

"I'll make it up to you next time... now we'll join Luke and the others"

Fighting is inevitable, but you don't have to deal with this member with enough.

Maybe if we put aside some time, Arnold's anger will subside. It's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding.

But I wouldn't let my anger subside as long as I chilled my head in the lake. I know because Liz is just as angry. It's impossible to tell right now.

"The baggage has been pre-loaded... what do you do with the fire?

"You can keep doing this. We don't have time for this, and Mr. Arnold needs to dry his clothes, right?..................... let's just go. The goal is to..."

The water surface is rough. Push Tino's back, which is freaking him out, and head to the carriage with a quick leg. A sharp voice rose along the way.

"Ha, ha..." Thousands of Changes "... ugh!?

A familiar Arnold companion was staring at us. Apparently he struggled over the mountain, all of them, breathing constantly, blurring.

The man who took the lead and called my name looks at my face and takes a step back like a little. Speaking of which... you left your mask on.

"Mr. Arnold... Mr. Arnold, what's wrong!?

"Oh, I'm fine. He's alive. He's alive. It's pointless to argue here. Hunters have hunter battlefields, don't they?

So we should stop fighting and go with Love and Peace. Arnold and Liz, too.

Apparently, Arnold's people aren't going to work with us. No, not to mention... you have company, but you've been attacked by yourself, does that mean you've shaken off your people and forced them to raid? How angry I am.

"We're in a hurry - we're leaving now - and you're free to use the camp. I think we should take a break. I have to dry my clothes..."

Mr. Crowe and the others were already in the carriage. I was about to get in the same way, and a familiar voice comes into my ear.

"Klee! Wait - I did, I caught up! Wait a minute. Don't go!

Looking back. The Lord of the Voice was Luda. Behind it is also the Gilberto boy. I open my eyes to the unexpected, but I'm not the one who's called to stop.

I don't know why we're here, or why we're acting together with Arnold and the others, but there's no rule that we shouldn't act together, and there's still talk about temporarily acting together with another party.

Or like my enemies when I'm with Arnold and the others. I don't want to be involved.

"Oh, Gilberto boy to Ruda. That's odd. Bye."

"Wait! Klee, help me! We're here to deliver a request from Mr. Gark!

".................. Sorry, I'm busy. See you later."

I decided to escape reality and entrust all my troubles to my future self.

I don't remember what the request form from Mr. Gark is, but it must be something I can't do.

Mr. Gark, request form, Arnold. It's a case where I don't like any one of them. I need your help. [M]

I just got in the carriage, and a ghost comes up from the lake. Faster than expected.

I can't see the shade in that anger even as my whole body gets wet. Well, I know how you feel, but honestly, I think Liz and Arnold are both. Take the calcium.

"Ha, ha... Damn," Thousands of Changes "... I'll kill you. Running away!"

Arnold captures us in an instant and rushes out. At the same time, the carriage runs out, but the opponent holds a great sword, wears armor, and besides sucking clothes all the way to the water, it's tremendous speed. You'll never get away with it.

Activate the "Bullet Finger (Shot Ring)" that was equipped for the rash. Colorful bullets (almost zero power) generated in the palm of your hand are released towards Arnold.

Arnold gently cut off the bullets flying at high speed with a big sword. It's a tremendous skill while running. This is why I really hate being a hunter.

Arnold growls as he puts a blue muscle on his forehead. The horse is frightened and the carriage rocks heavily.

"I thought we could stop at this point! Don't lick me!" Thousands of Weird - Huh!?

At that time, something appeared from the shade of the tree on the lid and hit Arnold. Surprised, Arnold is bounced big.

What popped up was a demon I hadn't even seen that was mossy. On a slightly longer body, creepy long hands and feet. The body surface is wrapped in black mist, and the area is hidden with a crude cloth cut. Maybe it's a subspecies of troll, but at least I've never seen it.

Arnold's leg was completely stopped, wasn't he the one who could easily be slashed down? The appearance gets farther and farther.

... You're lucky. If it's the usual pattern, in this case, I'm often attacked by bad luck. Maybe Arnold is unluckier than I am. I feel a little empathetic.

I hear Arnold screaming.

"Shh... damn! Shit! Why are you attacking me? Attack him!

Why not? That's just counter-productive. The act of pushing demons against others is a crime if found out.

I don't know what it's like in a foggy country, but you should follow Zebuldia's rules because you're here in Zebuldia.

I opened the window behind the carriage, coughed up loud and toned my throat, shouting out loud.

"Mr. Arnold, heh! Pushing demons! In this country! It's a crime. Ahhhhhhhhh!

"Huh...!? Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Say, hey, hey, hey, hey!

What did I do...

Liz and Citrie get their heads out of my left and right.

"That's 'Lost Giant Ghost (Potato Dracos)', isn't it? Seems obsessed over there..."

"Hahaha! Oops! That's what happens because it defies Klee!

Either way, there's no sign of you coming after me. Apparently, that demon served as a stepping stone without conspiracy.

When I took a breath, I removed the Evolving Face (Over Grid), which I was forced to fix.

I was going to stop by town on the way, but when that one comes after me, I no longer have a moment's respite.

Let's go to the [Castle of Ten Thousand Demons (Night Palace)] and join Luke and the others.

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