I don't know what went wrong, I can't even think back now.

Even so, the operation is operational. The danger was above understanding. I meant to be above understanding.

I was stupid, and I just thought Hyiro was blurry in the corner of a luxurious room alone.

Khlo and Shiro left the room with an escape plan that would not have been successful for Level 8 opponents. Nor did Hylo's sentiments move on the pitiful and disdainful look he had made towards Hylo at the end.

I am a villain. He has even been bounced off the boundaries of a rough human hunter and has done all he can as a red hunter for evil.

I have seen all things in the darkness of the Empire. Terrible things, ugly things, pathetic things, and - things you shouldn't see. Some of them had no idea what people's lives were.

But "Thousands of Changes" is not like that.

First of all, it was uncomfortable for Hylo to see and feel The Thousand Changes.

Among Red Hunters, Hylo is particularly eye-catching. This is also why Hyiro, who does not have that high physical ability, has survived as he became famous there as Red.

From the man, there was no hegemony peculiar to those who had been through the training ground. There was no shade peculiar to those who had seen the darkness.

Above all, the man - unlike The Shadow and The Worst (Deep Black) - showed no sign of blood.

If you act as a treasure hunter, even if you are not a particularly vicious hunter such as Shadow, your body will smell blood. And Hylo named it a sign. That's never something you can wipe off even if you wash it with fancy soap.

It was my first experience not to feel that. Because of this, I didn't know what I was doing, but I did something stupid in retrospect.

There is no way that a hunter who has reached level 8, and the Shadows, and the men who lead the fierce hunters, are not involved in any havoc.

In other words, that is the proof left that that unmotivated atmospheric youth is a monster out of the hands of Hylo.

Never draw that attention. As far as Hylo is concerned, there was no malice or malice in the young man's expression when that young man tried to cut off the Hyros before his journey.

In other words, it shows that for him, Hylo's life doesn't care about the stones on the side of the road. The Shadows captured the Hyros, but that fact was probably not enough for Thousands of Changes.

Crowe and the others suspected, but perhaps if nothing was done, the Hyros should be freed.

Shrink yourselves small and remain silent in a state of waiting for disaster to pass.

Keep your mouth shut like shellfish and spend it with the intention of becoming transparent. That's the most likely way for the hybrids to survive.

Because it's not enough for him to lay down his hands and be interested enough to call it a sin, such as that committed by the Hydros.

I hold my knees in a stoney mood in the corner of a spacious Japanese room. I was concentrating on nature and consciousness, but I can't hear Crowe and the others screaming.

Naturally. If anything happens, the Crow and the others will be knocked down without screaming a scream.

At that time, the door was knocked as if predicting the timing.

"Mr. Crowe, Mr. Shiro, are you there?


I thought my heart would pop out. For a moment, I thought it was a hallucination that despair had shown, but the sound and voice showed no sign of disappearing.

Stand up in a hurry. My knees are about to shatter, but I manage to withstand them and hurry to unlock them.

It wouldn't be equal to not being in front of level 8, such as the key to this inn door, and there's no option to not open it given the name Called "Thousands of Changes" in the first place.

Crowe and Shilo left to steal the collar keys from The Thousand Changes. I don't know what happened to the results, but it would never be a coincidence that Thousand Changes called the two names.

And all I called the names of Kro and Shiro - meant that the voice was practically hung on the highway.

Open the door. The young man who showed up gave a strange look when he saw the hyiro. As always, its standing is full of gaps and there is no sign of violence from its flesh.

Behind it, Citrie Smart, wrapped in signs of intense violence, the opposite of youth, watched the highs with a chilly grin, no different in phase.

"Is that it? What happened to Mr. Crowe and Mr. Shiro?

What do you know?

I don't see anything unnatural from that tone and expression. He also has the look as if he doesn't know anything about it, but he can't deceive Hylo's eyes right now.

What's the matter with you? If something had happened, it would have been you or the "worst thing" behind you!

I wanted to yell at you that way, but you don't have a voice. The only way out of Hylo's mouth is with a weak trembling voice.

My heart was ringing like an early bell. I am sure that The Thousand Changes is not interested in Hyiro, but still horrible things are horrible.

I'm afraid I don't know anything about what to say or do.

"Oh, I stopped... Kro and Shiro, oh, from you, go and steal the keys..."

The more I recall, the more dodgy the plan is. Crowe and Ciro's plan probably included hopeful observations, and luck was essential.

It is usually a laugh-out plan without having to consider it. All I can say is that Clo and Shiro have executed it was given by the devil.

No, did they also get hit by the man in front of this eye in another way with Hylo?

The dark-haired young man lifted the chain he was wearing on his hips in a slow motion when he heard the words of a hyiro and blinked a few degrees with a strange look.

The chain is mixed with countless jewellery, and two of the same collars hanging from the neck of the hyiro are lowered.

I punched my hand with the look on Klee Andrich's face just saying he understood as if he had just now. It's an obvious trick enough to make me want to laugh, but there's nothing surprisingly acting there.

If Hylo had been a person who knew nothing, he might have immediately decided that there was nothing he could do about it, such a move.

"Thousands of Changes" laughs bitterly and asks behind. Unlike The Thousand Changes, there is a chilling emotion in Citrine's eyes.

"Citrie, I think I missed it.... Is there a problem?

"No... I was wondering if there was anything in particular. You haven't been that far yet. If you need a todome, I'll have your sister follow you."

"No, no, no. That's not what I meant. I don't need it, it's not enough to have you go out of your way to Liz, who's resting. - Oh, yeah. I just had a little change of plans. By the way, this is just a matter of interest."

Then, Klee scratched her cheeks, frowned, and looked at the highs.

A cloudless, pitch-black eye revealed the face of a hazy hyiro. Something cold runs down my spine on my fundamentally strange look.

And Thousands of Changes said.

"Why isn't Mr. Hyiro on the run?

§ § §

You failed......

Mr. Hailo's words were blue sky thunderbolts.

I didn't think Mr. Crowe and the others would be forced to do that. 'Cause I was talking about giving them the keys, so there's no way to assume that.

Well, I found an unrecognizable collar in my locker, but I didn't notice the escape. All I can say is I'm dumb, but I'll leave it now that I'm dumb. Let's blame him for his impatience with the hot spring dragon commotion.

But it's not a fatal mistake. I originally planned to liberate him, so it just got a little quicker.

Citrie says it's no problem, and he won't have to chase it. If they stole the treasure, Liz might have followed them, but luckily, they're bringing all the treasure to the hot springs. I just hope stealing the keys from me becomes their last crime.

But what does it mean that only Mr. Hyiro hasn't escaped?

Mr. Hyiro was stunned to open his eyes to the question he had inadvertently thrown up.

Was it a burden to keep an eye on the itinerary all the way up to here, your eyes smudged, your cheeks skinny, and the appearance that was once harsh is not shady to see. The size of the body shouldn't have changed, but I even have the illusion that it's as if it's shrunk once.

Its body collapses loosely and its buttocks on the floor. It was just a pure question, but for some reason its complexion was blue and its teeth were ringing heels.

Would I have asked a bad question? I'm not aware of that, but if you think calmly, stealing or escaping is a bad thing, and you might have trouble asking me why I didn't do it.

Mr. Hailo looks up at me with his wide open eyes, desperately letting his lips go to war.

"Oh, I, I..."

"No, I'm sorry, you don't have to answer. I was just wondering..."

It doesn't matter if you run away or not. This is just a vacation for me, though I may not be able to help Mr. Hailo.

Speaking to reassure him, he drops the key in front of Mr. Hylo's eyes and makes a big stretch.

Well, we're out of trouble, so let's just say it was good.

"Actually, it's going to be a dragon party. Mr. Hyiro stayed because of you. Come on."

"Right...... apparently, because it's left - yeah, I don't think the amount is a problem"

But that's also a weird word for a dragon party. Citrine took my arm with a gentle grin as usual, with an unexpected grin.

§ § §

Even the goddess of luck smiled, Crowe and Shilo's plan was going well without this.

He unlocked his collar, left the inn without being blamed by the innkets, and even escaped out of town with hidden supplies.

If you get this far, you'll be free to leave the country or go back to the Imperial City and lurk. But I can't stay alert yet.

I couldn't bring out the carriage. Because it was too flashy and because it prioritized reducing the reason for tracking by one.

Killing footsteps and daring to run off the street for more than a dozen minutes. Crowe and the others stopped around losing sight of the town.

Despite being able to escape in an ideal way, the complexion of the two is not great.

Water from the water bottle and see the direction of the town's presence as it exhales roughly.

What's left behind in the brain is the last word left by The Thousand Changes.

"Why... how did that guy miss us?

"Huh... you know what? I can't believe what level eight hunters think!

'There may be thieves...'

That voice was certainly meant for the Cros.

I can't tell if you gave it to stop stealing easily, or if it showed you to miss stealing, in Crowe's brains. Either way, can I recognize that you were allowed to get away so far?

Ciro asks with a blue look.

"... where do you run away? Outside the country? Back to Imperial City?

Crowe and the others are from Imperial Capital. There are things left in the lair that exist in the Empire, and there is gold. Essential to lurking.

But Thousand Changes is a Zebuldia-based hunter in the Imperial City. I don't know what will happen if I keep going back.

Even if Thousands of Changes allowed the Crows, Shadows and Worst of all wouldn't miss the Crows.

Crowe said with certainty.

"Outside the country,. Zebuldia is too dangerous for them."

"Oh yeah...... I had the same idea"

Answer the words as Shilo explores his surroundings. Apparently, the same is true of Shiro, who is already a punishment.

If you go out of the country and flee far away, you won't be following just about the Shadows either. That woman shouldn't be stubborn enough with the Clos to do that.

Ciro puts out a map of Zebuldia from inside the bag and spreads it. It's a simple thing, but I know which direction to go is the shortest way out of the country.

Both Cro and Shiro were originally quite strong as hunters.

No - if you remember that hell march, you'll be able to get over whatever training ground comes in the future. I felt that way.

Siro's eyes were gleaming with guilla and vitality. I see hope, and I want to turn my chances into things at all costs. That's the eye.

Clo has similar thoughts. Shiro asks briefly.

"... how do we escape?

The town of Surus surrounds the three sides with mountains. If you are going to escape, it is the path that Kro and the others have taken to get there, but that also means it is easy to guess the escape route.

Which route is most likely...

At the time of the troubles, the events in the carriage came back to life behind Fukuro's brain.

Seriously check the map. A wide area that exists near the suls, just ahead of the eyes and nose.

An imperial sword with territory near the borders of the Zebuldia Empire, able to retreat demons, phantoms and invaders.

Such a land, with a strong knighthood, with little or no bribes, and avoiding a stay if one has a scratch on his tibia.

And it's also where The Thousand Changes never wanted to go through.

Khlo made his decision in a dry voice.

"Count Gladys territory...... get out of here. We're going over the mountains."

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