"Whoa, whoa! Don't lick it, Klee Andrich, good, good, good, good!!

Far away. To Arnold's roar, the roar and scream overlap. Arnold and the others, The Misty Thunder Dragon are fighting the Barrel Bandits.

The Great Sword has been lost, but apparently it doesn't become an obstacle, such as being unarmed, even at level 7.

Anthem is also level 7, but he is also a person who can fight fine without weapons, etc., so I guess that's what level 7 is all about.

But how can you see this when you're just here for a vacation? I could only snort in a situation where I didn't know what it meant to be a cage fight at a luxury inn.

Things to do, I feel everything is on my back. And I don't care, but I don't want you to fight me screaming my name.

"Mr. Klee, I have tea in here"

"Oh, thank you..."

I sip all the time without tea, relieving myself of how Citrine looks the same as usual.

I'm watching this one with Tino in a state of war, but I can't help but panic.

I've met the training ground many times before, but there's nothing I can do. Also called reopening.

If I hadn't just gone into the hot spring earlier, I would have.

"Yes... Um... Are you sure you don't want to join the war?

"Hmmm... if you want to fight, you can fight me, okay?

What should I do? [M] Look, look at me now? You don't have any weapons, do you? Whatever you think, you're not dressed to fight, are you?

... Well, Tino in yukata isn't dressed to fight either. But I'm much weaker in my usual outfit than Tino in a yukata.

Tino said in a voice that was silent for a while once he shook himself, but eventually disappeared. My eyes are moist.

"............ Yes, I did. I want to fight…"

"Yes, no, you don't have to."

"…………… let us fight,"

It's like I'm making you say...

Tino gave me a lot of hard work. I guess that's enough because Mr. Arnold is here.

Yeah, there's a citrie here, and I was wondering if you could go to citrie? She's an alchemist, but she used to mix with the Lukes and throw potions all over the front line, so it's not like she can't fight.

Turning his gaze to Citrine, he grinned as if he had absorbed my feelings.

Lift the Evolving Face (Over Grid) on the table and give it to Tino, who is looking up at me like a puppy, to push it.

"Yes, Tee. Mr. Klee said to come."

"............ yeah"

"Look, put this on - you want to show me a good place, right? Fighto!"

"Huh? Huh...? Yes...?

I always thought that's what you're saying, not me, right?

I don't speak for Citrine well either, but I think it's odd to recognize Tino as my language. If you don't like it, you can say no...

With a bitter laugh, I receive a mask from Tino, who is trembling.

And the moment the damp feeling of the mask touched my hand - Tino, who should have been in front of me, accidentally disappeared.

There was no foretaste. Until recently, the junior who was looking at me with a tenacious eye had no shadow or form. Citrie also has her eyes wide open.

What? What? What happened?

Frozen in front of me, Citrine sighed small, from above the tatami, pinching something up and putting it on her own flat.

Tell me with a rare and troubled look that I don't know what's going on. [M]

"Mr. Klee, it's hard................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Look, Tee..."

On the palm of Citrie's hand, he looked around as a small, adorable black frog spun around like a rush.

§ § §

Jeffroy's brain, confused by a suddenly appearing gray unintelligible creature, was completely frozen with its emergence.

I didn't understand the situation at all.

The wall created with treasure tools is three meters high. But 'it' has its head peeking from above its walls.

Over two meters, nearly twice as big as Jeffroy entering a privileged flesh, even including a hunter, exactly, human apart - a giant.

The blunt helm leans slightly and looks down at Jeffroy.

Alive. No, is it a creature, or a golem or something? I don't even know that.

Pick up the axe you dropped on the ground with your trembling hands. A giant battle axe is like a stick compared to a giant

"Hey! Why, is that... what? Why didn't you notice the approach!?

"I'm sorry, but such a giant thing..."

Do you want to run? Can you run? What's the point?

Various thoughts swirl around the back of the brain.

Extremely large species exist in demons. Some of them are huge species that are well over three meters long, and they've hunted.

But the presence that appeared before me was too heterogeneous.

I'm not human. Definitely, you're not supposed to be human. No, this stuff, you mustn't be human.

Signs of Mana Materials that you would feel if you were so giant are incredibly thin. But could it be good news for Jeffroy if such a tiny thing came to pass?

The elites who have deceived and butchered numerous mercenaries, hunters and knights so far are swallowed by their beauty.

I wield my love axe loudly and raise my anger toward my head as I look down.

"Hey, who are you... what's the purpose?

"Oh, come on... that's funny."

That's when something popped out of behind the giant.

When he wears a deep red jacket, hides the sunlight and dances heavily in the air, he lands with his right hand in front of Jeffroy.

He was a man wearing a hood deep. The size is much smaller than that of a giant, and he doesn't have a weapon.

Silently, its face rises slowly.

The appearance is revealed. My men breathed small.

Under slightly dark red hair. A strange laughing skeleton mask with no eyes, no mouth to spare looked at this one.

I know. Laughing skeleton.

That all the criminals who live in this country will tremble just because they see...

Before I open my mouth, I hear a creaking voice from across the mask.

For a man, a slightly higher voice echoes around the quiet.

"I can't believe you don't know us. - Old man, now you. - Mogri, huh?

"sloppy! Luke, I wanted to tell you, but no!

Soon a pink blonde woman sitting on the shoulder of a giant raised her tall voice.

The moment he heard that voice, Jeffroy understood everything.

My head boils in an instant. force and wave the axe down to the ground.

On a giant blade pierced right next to me, but the man in the mask in front of me doesn't even move ticklishly.

The gaze remains directed straight at Jeffroy.

"Damn... trap, kah..."


Jeffroy came from outside the country. I made him look into The Ghost of Mourning (Strange Grief), which mainly operates in this country, but I don't know that much about it.

However, I know about the number of people and job structure. We've captured two men, so the men's members should already be just The Thousand Changes.

And now the woman up there called Luke about the man in front of her.

"You……" Thousand Swords "…?!

Got hit. Fixed. I don't know what kind of karaki they are, but they were. I guess I was reading the escape route for the Barrel Bandits.

Axe and take a step back.

Users of swords that can be counted among the top in this Zebuldia. Two names were named for greedily seeking sword reason, mending every genre and technique of the East and West in ancient times, and giving down numerous famous swordsmen - Luke the Thousand Swords.

The platoon was filled with gaps as if I dared to do so. The two we captured in the mountains are still better enough.

But Jeffroy, who has carried the barrel and seen the various strong men, can see that it's all bluff.

Jeffroy is bigger, but his physique alone doesn't measure strength.

Can you win? How many opponents do you have?

No - we have to fight. The only way to find a way to live is to fight. The numerical advantage lies here.

You're being licked, there's no way Luke's carrying a weapon.

Jeffroy and I are confident in the fight. You may lose in the arms of a sword, but this is not a game.

If you just swing it down - I'm faster!

As he tried to step in, Luke turned his palm to this side and said as if he had opened his heart with a low voice.

"Wait, let's discuss this first"

"Huh... what...?

Stop hands on unexpected words.

That harsh, well-known member of The Mourning Ghost discusses...... so?

Luke doesn't look like he's kidding, he says in a serious voice.

"Calm down and listen to me. I've been telling Klee that communication is important everyday... to discuss it before we slaughter people. It's a pain in the ass, but that's what they like. I'm looking for the most powerful swordsman in my life."

"... what are you saying?

"You just heard our purpose, didn't you? We're here for a vacation."

I unwittingly open my eyes to rap that I don't think is wearing a weird laughing skeleton mask.

Are you going to alarm me...?

Luke continues, to Jeffroy with a surprised look on his face.

"When I attacked the treasure house and returned to the Empire City with exasperation, the guy from Klee, when I went to the hot springs on vacation, shit. Put us at the same party, vacation, that's not good, is it? He came after me in a hurry. Yeah, dude, look at this. I brought you some good stuff too, see!

Luke gets nostalgic. Axe reflexively, but what Luke put out was a blue mass.

Try to spread that out in an exhilarating way. The chunks were thin vinyl and donut-shaped.

What? What the fuck?

Jeffroy, of course, stares at it as his men bewildered. Luke says in a serious voice.

"It's a floating wheel! He can't actually swim. So I brought it to you with a distraction. There's a chance I won't be able to get my legs on it, and it could be swallowed by a big vortex. Bandits this time? Bandit? Anyway, it sounds like it was a city attack, and I wouldn't have that kind of incident, but, well, maybe, I'd be happy to take it"

What... what are you talking about, this guy?

You find this one frightening, Luke holds the forehead of the mask in a bit of frustration and sighs.

"Oh...... fuck. It's hard to communicate. What I'm trying to say is, I don't have a lot of time for the old guys. Lucia's been looking forward to the hot springs on the road, too, and Anthem is - oh, I wish there was a wide hot spring for him to put in. Well, worst of all, you can dig."

"Luke, it's a long story! That's probably not what Klee meant by communication!

"Eww! It's over, so shut up!

I didn't understand. I didn't understand one thing you were saying. At least not a situational conversation.

I send my men my gaze, but I'm shaking my neck to the side.

"............... I mean, if you miss it, is that what you're saying?

It was a joke conversation, but the strength of the man in front of you would be certain. And especially, the giant man sucks.

Barrel's best method of warfare is ambush, and it's too dangerous to hit an intact opponent, from the front.

To Jeffroy, who lurks and confirms his voice, Luke solidified for a while, but immediately said softly.

"No, old man... were you listening to me? I'll kill you. I'll kill you. I don't like it or not. But, old man, you only have two arms, right? During this time, I just slashed a swordsman with six arms, and I'm really sorry, but this time it's a vacation, and it feels like two or something now. The next guy is looking for eight."

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