It has been more than five years since I came to Empire City, but this was the first time I had seen the castle up close.

The Zebuldia Empire boasts some of the best national powers in the surrounding countries. The castle of Zebuldia, present in the imperial capital, was as immense and beautiful as it showed its national power, and its appearance in close proximity was so majestic that even I, who had seen it many times from afar, could not help but breathe.

The huge moat that surrounds you is like a lake, crossing the huge bridge gives you a panoramic view of the Imperial Castle.

The gray walls that surround it all the way are low, but that's just what it looks like, and rumors say the treasure's power and magic always make a powerful connection.

In the first place, it is like there are no walls or anything like a few meters for some hunters belonging to this Zebuldia, so other ways are required to protect it.

On both sides of the bridge stood soldiers in polished black armor.

The Zebuldia Empire weighs quality rigidity. The inflexible soldier does not move one eyebrow when he sees a carriage with a national crest that passes dignified through the middle. I sighed small and stopped looking at the view through the window and looked forward.

Apparently, there's no gap like throwing a souvenir away somewhere.

Eva says with a serious look. I have distorted shaped eyebrows in my glasses.

"It's a meeting of origin!? Just think about it."

"Eva is the one who advised me to bring gifts..."

"... Mr. Klee, what would you think if they suddenly gave you a hot spring egg at a party?


It's a souvenir that doesn't bother you about how to repay them. I'm happy for you, but I guess I shouldn't tell you.

Maybe the chocolate I bought at my favorite store was better.

But I'll have to give it to you when I get here anymore. There's no place to throw it away anymore.

"By the way, who were you going to give it to?

"Your Majesty the Emperor."

It's decided from the top if you want to sell the flair. That's rude.

The blood on Eva's face caught my word, even though it was white. [M]

"... absolutely, please don't. Mr. Klee, are you serious? It's unheard of!?

"I hear you're tolerant."

"There are limits"

Eva whispers to me so that it doesn't reach your table.

All right, all right. I found out that my actions were out of common sense. I'm so glad I brought Eva.

Yes! If Sir Gladys were here, I'd give it to Sir Gladys.

Once sultry and marginal, his men wouldn't have bought hot spring eggs and gone home.

Take a big, deep breath. I'm getting too nervous, and on the contrary, I'm starting to feel like it's going to work.

"By and large, do hot spring eggs have a good expiration date?

"Oh, I'm having Lucia hang the magic of preservation... it won't come out"


Let's be careful not to do anything extra. Standing around in common sense should be inconspicuous. Anyway, it's a meeting that invited hunters. There are many more prominent people.

The carriage creeps through the gate. The number of knights increases. If this were the enemy, it wouldn't matter if I had a hundred.

nervously disembarked from the carriage following your instructions. Keep it up, be led and walk in the castle.

Strangely enough, I didn't get a body check or anything.

I've heard rumors that Zebuldia Castle checks are pretty tough. I thought you said that even hunters are not allowed to bring in weapons, especially when they worship the Emperor.

Asking Eva, who walks next door in dignity, whispered, Eva frowned and told me in the end.

"It's a tradition. In the first gathering of white swords, the emperor of time trusted the hunters and recognized the bandages, so even now, only this gathering is allowed to be attended by the bandages. I told you first, some armed men will come."

I see... that "Emperor of Time" and I guess he was extra bold. But tradition... you've got it, the one you don't know best.

The hallway of the castle was spacious, with a crimson carpet. Even the air feels different from the rest of the city.

I almost look everywhere by accident, but I'll be patient and fit Eva.

Moving on, he begins to see the other nobles and the chosen hunters.

The nobles look great, and the hunters look strong. And it is actually great, and it is strong. I want to go home now.

Unlike what was outside, the knights alongside Sulai are wearing white armor. I guess it's elite.

And that's when I heard a familiar voice from afar.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! I am in the greatest castle in this country!! It's not a bad place!

"Here, here! Shut up! You know what you're here for!?

"Oh, to slaughter the undelivered. So, who's the undelivered? Is that him? Is that it? All of them?"

"Fingers! Don't give it away! Damn, you're the undelivered! We're supposed to put strangers in the traditional White Sword Gathering security."

"You can't help it. It's the order of the Secretary of Security. Hi, I hear Kensei's screwed in. Even temporarily, I can't believe I gave Zebuldia's origins of white armor to the 'slayer'."

"I don't need armor. Because I'm gonna kill him before he kills me! My arm's ringing."

"... do you really understand? Ready? Surely your role is to slaughter the undeserved. But in the last few decades, the undelivered have never been, have they? Come on! Don't take off your armor!!

Eva opens her eyes and sends her gaze to me.

I decided not to look. [M]

... Well, it would be nice if you came in by regular means... By the way, Kensei is Luke's master.

He's one of the few swordsmen to surpass Luke at the moment, but he doesn't seem to have any control over the freedom Luke at all. Luke does the same, but he actually loves to be slashed, so he has more than enough to observe that effort.

But Luke's strength is certain, so if he'll guard me, it's all good. If anything happens to me, you'll crack it and come in. Nice assist.

....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Well, that's the time.

The venue was a large hall. What do you usually use it for, a chandelier down from the ceiling on an arranged table.

But compared to the size of the decorated hall, the number of people inside is not that high.

Eva leans naturally at me as I peek inside through the entrance and answers my questions in a low voice.

"... it's a tradition"

I see... tradition. That's a handy word... I'll use it next time.

Apparently, we haven't all gathered yet.

I know exactly who's the hunter and who's the nobleman.

I don't know much about this Zebuldia nobleman, but the hunter who absorbed Mana Materials has a different vibe. Especially since hunters like those invited to the White Sword Gathering are truly superior in this hunter's sanctuary, it shouldn't be hard to avoid gaze and be careful not to get your eyes on them.

It's okay, I have the "Safe Ring". I don't die that easily.

Because of the formation, the venue air was much more relaxed than I thought. Much better than I imagined from a light glance.

First of all, I like that the hunters aren't rampaging. On the walls, the knights glanced at each other, and near the entrance lined the maids in tailored pure white apron dresses and the servants in black clothes with this good spine stretched perfectly.

The servants of the Royal Castle of Zebuldia are admirable to the common people. They have many well-educated aristocratic relatives and the like in these places.

And that's when I opened my eyes.

"... not a bad place. I know, I know, it's important to say hello."

Just now, a hunter came in to greet the servants.

He's a brown-skinned man, dressed in a cramped suit. Probably a fighter position in a system that fights with bare hands.

On closer inspection, all the faces of the nobility head first to greet the servants and give thanks. Some people are bickering.

I see, the Imperial aristocrats also collude with their servants.

The more arrogant they are, the more upstream they all seem to be, ladies and gentlemen. The hunters seem to be full of personalities. If you think calmly, the hunter they call here is like an arc (other than me), so I guess so.

Dangerously, I was the only one who almost walked in without saying hello. Growing up badly. You're still right to see how it goes.

"Mr. Klee."

"Oh, I know,"

Nothing goes to my right when it comes to aligning with others. Especially among high level hunters.

I followed behind the nobles moving forward and waited for the order of greetings with my soot face.

If you look closely, servants are also brilliant eyebrows. Now I'm not only inferior to the clothes because I'm wearing the tuxedo Eva prepared for me, but obviously I'm the better loser. That's Zebuldia, the most proud, everything is top notch.

Besides, some of the servants are clearly younger than me.

Particularly noticeable was the girl with the empty hair. He looks younger than Tino but, like other servants, wears an apron dress well and is very smiling.

If you come with me when you say you work well up to such a younger child - stretch your spine and make a smile.

You don't have to be nervous. Eva is rarely fortifying her expression... but calm down. It's not like dealing with nobles or hunters.

They should know this one is impolite. Eva said, "Hunters don't have to worry about manners that much."

The servants had a serene look, but only their eyes weren't laughing. Say hello while pulling back a little.

"Um... inviting you this time?

"Mr. Klee, it was His Majesty the Emperor who invited you."

Lower your voice, Eva says. I frowned. [M]

Then what can I say to you to say hello?

"............ Damn right. You're frightened. Rude, unschooled stuff...... good evening. It's a pleasure to meet you."

White eyes are heading this way. What is this countryman's gaze?

I expected to be called a countryman by the nobles, but I didn't expect to be seen with that eye by the servants.

I coughed and snapped my fingers. [M]

Souvenirs, let's dispose of them here. This is your chance to make a scene.

"That's right! Let's give a souvenir to the hardworking lady."


I gave a box of hot spring dragon eggs to a maid with water colored hair.

I will open my eyes and raise my voice like it was taken, but I want you to feel safe because I guarantee the taste.

Eva is solidified. The other servants are astonished by the rest of me. [M]

Yeah, I'm unschooled, but I'm harmless to people and animals. Say it with full friendliness.

"What, it's no big deal. The contents are hot spring dragon eggs. It's delicious, so when I eat it with my friends..."

"Dragon Eggs!?

- Fine. I just tried to say that, and the girl screams like a surprise.

The next moment, I was surrounded by knights guarding the venue.

It's as if it was being watched. He gets his sword poked from all sides and solidifies with a smile.

A box of hot spring dragon eggs passes from maid to one of the knights. Fearful lifting, he softly eared.

No, it's not dangerous. And it's not a dragon egg. Hot spring dragon eggs are trade names and the contents are just chicken eggs.

The gaze of the attendees is gathering. Eva is blue.

Among the knights who rushed, a large man with a splendid armor shouted at me.

"What are you... thinking!? Who do you think you are?


... who?

He looked at me like he didn't know what was going on, but he couldn't believe what I was seeing around him.

Eva is turning bright blue. In front of me still smiling, the man said aloud.

"This man will be the son of the present Emperor Zebuldia, His Majesty Radrik Atorum Zebuldia, Her Royal Highness Princess Mulina Atorum Zebuldia"


I see... is that what you came for?

Bad. About three levels better than the position I imagined with my sword poked at me.

I turned my head desperately with a gentle grin. [M]

He was particularly young among his servants, and he thought he was emitting a different colour.

I knew there was a princess in Zebuldia, but I didn't even know her face. But for this matter... they all knew it to their faces. We are thankful to the hunters for their reason.

His Royal Highness the Empress looks at this one with dismay without saying anything.

I wanted you to tell me first... maybe it was common sense.

You're a great princess, aren't you? You don't think he's mixed up with a servant in the corner, do you?

Tradition? Is this tradition, too? My stomach hurts.

"And... dragon's... eggs!? There are limits to how to say that you are a guest when you want to hand dangerous goods to Your Highness!

"Oh, you don't have to panic, it's okay. It's not a big deal, it's not dangerous."

Not even a dragon egg after all. You said it was a hot spring dragon egg. It's not the dragons that modify the word egg, it's the hot springs.

I raised my hand small as I nicked. My stomach hurts.

"Sorry, can I go to the bathroom?

"... Mr. Klee, you have nothing to be afraid of?

The sword is poked at my neck. I can't move a step.

Fortunately, he doesn't seem to be killed instantly, but his mind sucks. It's not strange to be stuck out.

Well, if it's enough to get stuck out, it's not strange to get caught (I don't know if there is) for insulting the Crown Princess or anything. And I will be chased forever as the great sinner who lost the status of treasure hunter in this Empire City.

To me in the escape of reality, but there came the hand of salvation. A sharp woman's voice.


Poked sword tips shake, and the knights that surrounded them crack.

The Lord of the Voice was Eclair Gladys, who was firm about a month ago. Unlike the last time I saw him today, he's not wearing a sword, and he's wearing an evening dress with a frill.

The sharp voice had an ageless majesty. But those eyes are swimming.

"Well, the man there is a merit man who saved the Empire from the 'Tower of Akasha'. I understand your duties, but" The White Sword Gathering "can be dazzling just because the hunter handed in the lead, souvenirs..."

"But... Miss Eclair"

"Besides... dragon eggs are very valuable. Much more expensive than the concurrent jewellery, it is exactly what the hunter deserves. Well, handing it directly to Her Royal Highness was an unbelievably disrespectful act... but the man there also says it's not dangerous. We should check the deposit once.... Oh, His Majesty Radrick is also looking forward to ruining a traditional meeting that will last from generation to generation after this transition, before it begins? But even this time it's postponed, right?

Ten or so knights who have dealt with me so highly have become the girls there. [M]

Miss Ecclair is a celebrity, and there is a pompous and most agreeable voice among the aristocrats who were static until earlier.

The sword is lowered. Great. But why did you help me... maybe you want me to return the Evolving Face (Over Grid)?

... Oh, I hope so. If you really want me to give it back, I - in good faith... shall we consider it?

As she turned her gaze in gratitude, Miss Eckler shook her shoulders with a crease.

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