Originally Childragon is a dragon that makes a herd.

First of all, it is a species that you will not encounter alone, and The Ghost of Mourning has also encountered massive herds and fought death.

But the contrast between the crowd of Childragons filling the sky and the township made Liz Smart familiar with the demons and reminded her of the end of the world.

The crowd of Childragons, unclear as to how many they might be, completely ignored the private houses and the fleeing inhabitants, as if they were headed for the inn where the Emperor was staying in a row so that they could be sucked in.

Obviously an unusual sight.

An inn about a kilometer from the inn where an emperor's line stayed. Liz yells back as she was checking out the upstairs room window.

"Here, Sito! Whatever it is, it's too many! You're going to kill the Emperor! How many times have you spoofed me?

"Don't blame me! Only eleven I planted, and that's because I was the first to go... and your sister was watching, wasn't she? By and large, I don't have the medicine to plant it in so many childras..."

Exactly. Liz and the others found Childra's nest hole from a nearby mountain and turned around the dragons that were inside. And they planted the medicine.

It was all for the leader. If there's a dragon, we have to work together as best friends.

And that was only half as successful.

Out of sight from my sister, who excuses herself out-of-heart, and annoyingly turns her gaze to Luke, who is barebacking in the room.

"So it's Luke's fault?

"Oops! How many bodies should I kill?

"No, or... where did you come from... maybe we didn't have to catch you?

Liz turns around, elbows by the window and looks out at the noisy township.

It took a lot of effort to find and capture dragons, but for this minute, it may have been an unnecessary struggle.

Lucia, who frowned and was looking up at the sky next to Liz, says in a grumpy voice.

"Maybe I'm here to retaliate because I caught part of the herd..."

"I totally crushed the nest hole I caught, and Childra shouldn't have had that habit... I don't know"

I answer with confusion the citrie, but there is now a large group of Childra, besides heading straight towards where Klee is.

Until now, the demons have been attacking Liz and the others at these times, so it's a pretty rare sight to pass in front of them.

"Klee, I wonder if you're okay...... a little less?

But if you're going to repel an attack, it's still going to take a lot of work to track down a large group of Childras flying fast through the sky.

At least it's hard for Liz alone.

"There's Kilnite, and I think we'll be fine because there's a Water Stop, but... if this happens, there might be no escort duty."

It is an honorable mission. It could have triggered an increase in certification levels.

It is possible that most of the large group was triggered by Liz and the others, although they did not plant it. For the first time in a long time, Luke shouted cheerfully to Liz, who was lost in his expression, as usual and without the way he thought deeply.

"I don't know! We'll wait for Klee to make her decision!

"That's the only way, well... Childra's not a big opponent."

".................. um"

Childragons are weak for dragons. It's a demon that strikes in numbers.

Even in this case, if the Mourning Ghost meets him on his journey, he will only be happy to see something rare.

Once again, Liz sighed a nasty sigh when she confirmed Childra filling the sky.


What the hell is going on?

Everything was unexpected. The black-clad man was clouding his expression in the room alone.

The herd of Childragons summoned by the curse was annihilated by the power of Water Stop. This is what I expected.

Any kind of dragon would be an easy opponent from a level 7 hunter. Nor can it be helped by the childragon with weak individual abilities that has been drawn to it.

So, that's good.

I was surprised that it was a rare species such as Childragon that was attracted, and besides, I was surprised that the number was higher than expected, but I couldn't help but choose the object to be attracted by the curse. It was unexpected that there was not a single dead man in the Knights, but that would be just to say that the ability of the Kingsguard was higher than expected.

But the flow ahead from there was unexpected.

Oh, my God, that Thousand Changes has advanced the continuation of the journey. Besides, that was accepted.

I didn't make too much sense. It is the Emperor of the Great Powers who is escorting us now. If an incident like this normally occurs, it is natural to stop the journey. The chief of the Knights of the Guard and the judgment of "Stop the Water" are natural, and the man naturally thought the journey was so far away.

There's no way a man certified to level 8 can understand such a thing.

But there was no hesitation whatsoever in that "Thousands of Changes" prophecy. Even though the dragon said it had raided, it did not change its attitude from before the raid.

I didn't seem to have fought at all in this raid of dragons, but fulfill it. Are you extra confident in your power, or...

There are no changes to the plan. I can even say that the continuation of the escort is more convenient for a man.

The Emperor's escort in the Imperial capital is perfect. With him sitting in the castle, it is quite difficult to kill Radrik Atorum Zebuldia, who also has a high sword arm in his person.

If it is outside the thin of the escort, if it is a man who can use the power outside common sense to call the dragon, then it has its eyes.

The plan is not in a hurry. I thought it would be your word if you shredded Zebuldia's power at all.

But it was too creepy. The situation is going in a totally convenient direction for the man. It's like you're telling me to kill you.

……… what are you thinking, "Thousands of Changes".

I have carried out various difficult tasks so far. There have been times when the mission failed, and there have been times when they almost killed me.

But I haven't been so upset in a long time.

When the man held his head, he muttered small enough to remain calm.

As usual. You just have to think about the purpose as usual and perform the mission faithfully.

§ § §

"Yowaningen, you, what are you thinking, it is! I'm a member of the same clan, so we should discuss this properly.

"Well, well, calm down"

"Oh, mah, mah, mah... heh! Why are you riding my horse again, huh! Get off, sir!

"Well, well..."

A night dawns from the dragon raid and leaves the city.

Fortunately, we never ran out of talks. If I were level eight and I hadn't had a say, I would have definitely called it off, so I can say it's critical safe. Sometimes power can be useful.

The carriage moved only a little slower than yesterday because of the vigilance around it.

Stick behind the cruz and serve as the lord of the line.

It's such a beautiful day that I don't think that happened yesterday. Horses are also pampering with pleasure.

It was very comfortable. Citrie, here's the thing, so it's okay.

With that said, Tino used to say white crows, but I mean, is that what you mean... I need to be sure next time.

The journey was smooth. In the first place, there's no way there's such a fool as to attack the emperor.

Even if there were a werewolf, you would understand how reckless your deeds would be if you saw Term.

Today Term tried to put himself in the lead.

Higher strength was originally expected, but the tellum was stronger than expected. I didn't know you could overwhelm the Childra herd that far, maybe stronger than Lucia.

Whatever shows up, this request for escort is cheap if there is a Water Stop. Next time I have to go and say thank you to Abyss Fire.

"By and large, Childra's weakness, it wasn't fire, it was! Is Yowaningen making fun of me, ah!

"Well, well..."

"Heh... why is Yowaningen so unwilling, heh! Mostly I'm always..."

Yeah, yeah, you are.

Cruz's sermon to the BGM, and I make a big stretch.

I was completely relaxed by the power of Term yesterday. [M]

I'll do it with a powerful escort. There's nothing easier than a request for escort. Can I get such a great carpet in this way of working?

The carpet is still fluttering behind the horse today. He's a big guy if people don't ride.

I turned around in a slight mood as I grabbed Cruz's stomach.

And frozen.

There's no carpet that was supposed to be flying behind us until just now. Nowhere as far as I can see.

I hurriedly hugged Cruz's stomach. [M]

"Kuryu... Kuryu, stop! Hey, stop it!

"Hi... hey, what's up, Yowaningen!

Stop the horse like Cruz panicked.

I jumped from the horse and stared.

The carpet I got is gone! Nowhere! I haven't been able to get on properly yet.

The carpet is a treasure. No matter how rambling you are, you will not escape from me. That's what treasure is all about.

When it does, there is only one possible line.

I'm sure... the charge is dead.

I had my junction finger charged, but I forgot to charge the carpet because it was a mess.

The carriage is putting us down and moving on. He doesn't realize we stopped because it was his lord.

A little bit... a little bit, we won't have a problem with the escort if we get out. I'm out of combat, and I have the strongest tellum.

I made an immediate decision. [M]

"I'll be back, Cruz."

"!? Huh? What are you talking about? What are you going to do with the escort?

Go find the carpet! It's an important carpet! It hasn't been that long since I checked, so it shouldn't be that far away that I dropped it.

You'll find it. You'll never find it! It's okay, I'll find it and come back soon. The carriage is running slowly today, so we can catch up later!

Wouldn't it make sense if I lost my carpet and got escorted like this?

Cruz black-and-white his eyes at me complaining of unprecedented desperation.

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