... What the hell is His Majesty thinking?

Franz Argman has long served Radrick Aurum Zebuldia as the head of the honorable Zero Knights, but this was the first time he could not figure that out.

Originally, I knew His Majesty Radrick had the temperament of a free man. Until now, I thought it was also the qualities of a born champion, and it is natural for Franz, one of his subordinates, to obey, but it is difficult for him to make a statement to the extent that disturbances arise in the escort plan.

I know you rely on "Thousands of Changes". That man's innocence is proven by Zebuldia's treasure, and certified level eight is an absurd number.

I can't feel it completely from the look of it hiding the signs, but its absorbed Mana Materials will be out of digit compared to Franz, who never fails to work out.

But apart from that, its character was very much untrustworthy.

Franz is confident in the eyes that he sees people, but he has never seen anyone as kidding as Klee Andrich. Only the cover-up of information is not a perfectly powerless standing, chapped outfit, and a very permissible attitude as a person to escort His Majesty the Emperor.

Better yet than that is ketchuckah dressed very suspiciously in general terms or spiritual men who look down on humans as their natural temperament. Somehow they are useful in escorts, but when it comes to what Thousands of Changes did in front of everyone, it's only about turning His Majesty the Emperor and His Royal Highness the Empress into frogs. Not at all difficult.

This will have to be strictly protested to the Explorers Association when it's all over.

Franz had retrieved his performance information before making a request to The Thousand Changes on the orders of His Majesty the Emperor. In doing so, he had received the word 'slightly troubled one' in a general review from the Branch Manager, but not slightly. It sucks with the escort.

Emotions are where I want to crush it using the power of the house, but I can't even execute it because His Majesty the Frogger has forgiven me. No, I may have acted in anticipation of His Majesty's forgiveness.

The outrage was on the side of the build-up. What pisses me off most of all is that I let His Majesty the Emperor crush Franz. Just remembering makes me want to kill you.

It is also suspicious whether it is true that there was no other way to put it back. No wonder it was just harassment.

The next time I do something, I will never forgive you. If I try to do His Majesty any harm in the future, he'll punch me in jail.

In the first place, if it's a calculated conspiracy, do something about it before there's trouble!

But I don't have time for all the "Changing Thousands." Hunter is only the last prep and it is the Knights' job to protect His Majesty.

From now on, it will be an empty journey to its destination. Never before has an airship fallen, and it seems much safer than by land, but if it gets inside, there's no escape. That's all we absolutely have to avoid.

Whatever the history in that sense, maybe it wasn't a bad story to use three days for prep time.

Conversely, if this enters the thief, Franz's neck flies at that time.

One of the Knights' men rushed into Franz's room giving instructions with little time to rest.

"Captain, I've been contacted by Thousands of Changes about something I'd like to bring to the airship."

"What...? What's all this stuff?

It's a potion.

"I'm giving you permission to bring in the personal belongings you need to escort. Don't take any more confirmation from me!

"Yes. That's what I told him, apparently the quantity -"

To Franz, who accidentally yells emotionally, his men said with a bewildered look.


For treasure hunters, a hunt refers to from its advance preparation.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they decide on the success or failure of a request, such as collecting information, replenishing supplies and making various adjustments. Sometimes a first-rate party has its own pipe.

It was the Alchemy Haunting that managed them in bulk in The Grieving Ghost.

I know she has character, but she's just an alchemist and she's always ready.

As he nodded satisfactorily in front of countless boxes, Mr. Franz, called by his men, rushed over.

Mr. Franz flashed for a moment in a sloppily arranged crate, but immediately glanced at me.

I think I've only seen Mr. Franz's angry expression lately.

"Oh, hey, what do you mean," Thousands of Changes "! Where did you bring it from! Basic potions are ready here!

"... if you're ready, you'll say no worries."

"There's a limit! You're going to do it in Toaizant, even if it's commercial!

I asked you to prepare as much potion as possible for the alchemy haunt, but the number of boxes available was much higher than I expected.

Will there be more than a hundred boxes in all? A regular treasure hunter is undoubtedly an amount to hold for a year. This isn't even a hometown, but where the hell has Alchemy Haunted been purchased? I don't even know how much money it cost. Not claimed.

But you wouldn't even be mad at me for purposefully replenishing it. It's not like I'm going to give you a bill.

... Can I get it out?

"Take it easy, Mr. Franz. It's for when your potion's gone. Besides, look, the potions aren't the only ones I've got ready. I've got food for you too."

To be exact, Alchemy Haunted prepared it...

Mr Franz says in a haunted form. They totally hated me.

"Huh... this! I've got enough food for you!

"It's for when it's gone. The desert is huge, and if the airship crashes, that's not enough food for you, is it? I've got some water for you."

When I say desert, it is shipwreck. I'm still fine because I'm wearing a treasure shirt, but your majesty's equipped junction fingers won't keep me from solar radiation either.


No words returned for confident explanations. Face up, check Mr. Franz's face and breathe unintentionally.

Emotions were falling out of Franz's expression, which had turned his face bright red until earlier. He stares at me with a faceless expression. [M]

Did I say something weird? Stiffening myself, Mr. Franz asked me with a voice that echoed from the bottom of hell.

"... what, happens,?


What are you talking about?

Mr. Franz stuffs me round the eyes. [M] Mr. Franz's men, whom I followed with him, won't stop me either.

"What happens, I'm asking! Thousands of Changes! Are you kidding me? If you know what's going to happen, prevent it beforehand! Report it!

He grabbed me by the collar and shook me hard, his eyes turned. Attacks of the system being grabbed are one of the few that can't get through the junction fingers.

"I don't know, I don't know! I don't know!

"Lie! Don't touch me! I'll kill you!

I pity argue, but Mr. Franz did not believe it at all. That's a lousy look.

I'm not a god, and there's no way I know what's ahead. What I do is absolutely natural as a hunter.

"Ooh, hang on - it's just prep, prep!

"Where?! Just get ready! Enough to open a store! Bring in supplies! Whoa! I'll give you permission. Me! You're making fun of me!

"Here it is! There he is!

It's been rocking for a while, but you finally calm down a little or you're relegated abusively.

Damn, nobility is tyrannical and troublesome. Sure, there's just a little bit of it... but I'm not saying I want it all loaded. I'm just saying I want you to give me a ride whenever possible. Could it be said that it is rarely within the work of escorts?

breathing on his shoulders, Mr. Franz says.

"The airship... falls. I've never fallen before."

"Ugh, yeah, right. Mr. Franz's words are good. I don't think I'll crash 90% of the time. So this is really just a prep. Ha ha... I'm a coward."

Let's make it a joke and ask forgiveness.

Mr. Franz tells me with a pulled look that he laughs at me while lifting Mr. Franz.

"I mean, here's what you're saying. Zebuldia's proud state-of-the-art airship, which has never fallen under any weather or demon attack... has a 10% chance of crashing, huh?


Apparently, there's been a misunderstanding. Why is everyone trying to capture my verbal butt? [M]

I'll tell you what, what I'm saying is so appropriate. Because I didn't think about it and say it. Sometimes it's enough to get Citrie to make a camp.

Mr. Franz seems to be a nervous escort for His Majesty the Emperor, but I don't think this escort will fail. There's some tellum, so it doesn't matter.

I say to reassure Mr Franz, who is concerned.

"... it's okay, Mr. Franz. If the ship falls, Your Majesty, I'll pick it up for you."

"............ hey, check again if the airship is not malfunctioning! And the character of those who get on board! Wash out all the chances of crashing! Do it in two days! Drop it! I'll never let you drop it, Thousands of Changes! You can't do what you want! Damn it!"

Mr. Franz was trembling, but he gave orders to yell at his men, who were immediately nearby, and he glanced at me.

No, it's not like I dropped it...

How can you be yelling at me when I should have shown you a useful 'Thousands of Changes'?

... Well, okay. I'm used to getting mad at you. Safe, I'll be able to make up with Mr. Franz after the escort.

Instructions to be given were given. All I have to do is really get ready for the last time - to practice carpeting. Scattered to death, but came up with a good way to get along.

It's a fishing operation. I don't know if it will work, but I'll give it a try.

Well, I think this city likes rambling carpets...... do they sell cute carpets?

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