If I were to mention one horrible thing about the Wizard, it would mean that the magic is not on my daily extension.

I can somehow understand the reason why things can be slashed if you wave the sword, but I can't predict the reason why the fire will light just because the magician rang his finger. Sorcery also seems to follow certain rules once and for all, but you cannot recognize it to anyone who is not a magician. I am also convinced that Lucia has gained two major names, such as "Vientiane Freedom".

Term screams a spell. Even then, I had no idea what kind of magic Term was trying to perform.

"Huh... this is why the Wizard..."

But it's okay. It's okay, I have a junction finger.

Though I'm standing in front of you, I'm worried that the attack will not reach Cruz or His Majesty the Emperor, but he's stronger than me and he'll do something about it. He's an emperor.

I closed my eyes and stretched out my right arm.

Some sorcery activates there at its starting point at the moment of its hit. I'm full of anxiety, but it's no use running away, and if everyone but me dies, I'm like dead at that point, so I'll have to go in.

The shock that was rocking the ship stops unexpectedly. The junction finger............... no sign of activation?

It's time to open your eyelids. It was the expression of stunned tellum that came into view. The look on his face as if he had even encountered a natural mutation.

"Then it's stupid...... it's impossible. I have enough magic left... why doesn't the magic work!?

Huh? Failure? You failed by casting a spell so confidently?

Thelm was exposed to obvious gaps. If there were Luke or Liz here, they would have cut it off as a delight, but unfortunately, Mr. Franz and I can't do anything because I'm the only one who falls and loses to the Wizard in melee. I wonder if His Majesty the Emperor could slaughter me.

Retreat one step later as if Ketchachakka had been barometric even though he had done nothing.

"Ugh... what... did you...?

"No way, the power of this storm!? The procedure is indeterminate!?

The tellum shines a rush bracelet, but I'm generally comfortable as usual because I can't use magic.

I don't know what it is, but it seems to have helped. But if this storm, Term, was the enemy, I was wondering if it was Term's fault, but it wasn't?

And it's like I did something again. [M] Wet clothes.

"Huh? Storm? Don't blame me for anything, okay? I didn't do anything..."


Term rushes out. The flesh has rays of light running like blood vessels. It's the magic of physical strengthening. Apparently not all magic is unusable.

Physical strengthening is the trump card of a magician who only uses it at times of need. It is also called "Evil Rise" because of the great strain on the flesh and the fact that no matter how much it is strengthened, it does not extend to melee combat positions that are improving their physical abilities from day to day in Mana Materials.

Yowaningen, I can't use magic, either, huh!?

"I can't use it either."

Telm didn't think he was old. You look like a bandit (sheaf) coming this way. Experience points are too different for the training ground you've been diving.

I activated the bullet finger (shot ring) that I had on my hands. Only colors flashy magic bullets strike the tellum like a storm. It has an added effect, but it's like an extra one.

A bullet with little ability to destroy, Telm flew aside and dodged. Pull the sword out of the knight who falls on the floor and throws it here in a flowing motion.

The sword flew in a straight line to my head, but as usual it was bounced on the activated junction finger. The remaining junction fingers are - five.

The tellum breathes. You will understand the low power of bullet fingers much better. You've avoided exaggerating it.

I felt comfortable even though I had few fingers left in the junction, and looked down at the tellum in cold sweat and said strength.

"Apparently, you can't even put up a barrier."

I think Telm can afford to stand it without having to strain it, but it also contains some bullets that would paralyze me if I took it properly, so dodging is the right thing to do (which doesn't work if I'm smoking Mana Materials to some extent, by the way).

To my name reasoning, Term breathed on his shoulder, distancing himself as if he were cautious and alert.

"Fucking monster..."

Are you kidding me? I didn't know the day would come when Term would tell me that just by entering the room I could defeat the Kingsguard elite. Cruz follows his back from behind.

"Yowaningen, don't be alarmed, it is! Knock it down, now!


I was wondering if you could hit me with that cane I lent you. Maybe Cruz, who can't use magic, is stronger than me, who can't use it fundamentally.

But what is it? A restraint with demon sealing power is essential for the restraint of a demon master. Besides, that doesn't make sense to a high-level magician.

It is therefore very difficult to capture a Magic Master who has smoked a large quantity of Mana Materials. They're the ones with the trump cards that you never expect. So the battle against criminals of rare but high level demon mentors largely ends with one death or another.

I said, for some convenient reason, with a hardboiled grin on the tellum that I couldn't use proper magic.

"Thelm, I don't even want to kill one arm of Abyss Fire Extinguishing. Drop that bracelet and surrender."

It's not like I care about treasure gear.

Thelm is a skilled magician. But that power is supported by that treasure bracelet.

For the Mage, the wand is both an amplifier and a control device. Just as Cruz couldn't properly use magic with his unfamiliar wand, losing his wand should also greatly diminish the power of the Term.

Telm distorts his righteous face and provokes war on my request.

That's when Telm opened his mouth, and Ketchachakka behind him said it in such a calm voice that he'd never heard it before.

"Uke... term... hihi... the dragon is not coming. You'd better leave once."

"Heh... fuck"

Why does an ally always become stronger when he becomes an enemy and an enemy becomes weaker when he becomes an ally? You only told me to keep my head up until now, didn't you?

Soon after I raise my voice, the tellum flips. Kicking through the door at a speed not inferior to that of the avant-garde, he ran out of the room. Ketchachakka follows it.

All I could do was drop it off. Because you lose after all. You can release the dog chain, but you won't be able to capture level seven. It falls to be broken and sad.

"Yowaningen, we're going after you, sir!

"Calm down, Cruz. They're good for now. First of all, we need to treat Mr. Franz and the others!

Cruz pushes my back and screams. I avoided the request almost reflexively. [M]


Fortunately, supplies were split and placed in each room. On my behalf, unfamiliar with such acts, Cruz prepared the potion in a tedious motion and let the fallen guards swallow it.

Apparently, those who were hit in an instant weren't even dead yet.

Swallow the citrie specialty potion and his complexion soon improved and he regained his breath. Exhale as Cruz relieved.

"It didn't seem like the magic of destruction."

"Ha, ha... but I couldn't move. I couldn't help myself..."

Mr. Franz, the only one who remained conscious, sweats and says.

Thelm is the magic guide of the water. And water magic is known for its less destructive power over other magic.

Most importantly, it's about consuming magic, and I'm not as bad at destroying it as you did when you released the arrow of water at me, but the magic of Term seemed very quiet and almost without precursors, with a great emphasis on efficiency.

It's the opposite of Abyss Fire Extinguishing, which is too flashy to burn everything down. Maybe he was fighting the Abyss Fire Extinguishing by changing direction.

"They're messing with the water in your body directly, just a little bit... it's an incredible divine business, it is. It's impossible in Lapis."

Cruz's voice seemed serious.

I know because it's the foundation during the foundation of witchcraft, but it's very difficult to get witchcraft to act directly into someone else's body.

Because the human flesh is much smaller and has resistance to witchcraft. It takes a great deal of magic to break through it and stop life activity, so the sorcerer doesn't do that. It's much easier to thunder and create flames.

In that sense, Telm, who manipulated and powerless all that human body in an instant, was undoubtedly a super-first magician.

A junction finger activated in an auto can prevent it, but there is no way to prevent it if it is accidentally applied.

Mr. Franz stands up nicely. The other soldiers still can't seem to afford all that.

For one thing, the crisis of life has left, but this one's power against Term and Ketchachakka is too disturbing.

His Majesty the Emperor did not put any upset on the table even at this time. Lie back in the chair and ask me. [M]

"So, what do we do? You got a winner?

"There's no way, is there? Isn't that right, Yowaningen? Yes."

I was looked at sharply and Cruz asked me to agree, but I wasn't feeling too nervous because of my comfort.

I can't tell you whether there is one or not. I'm also concerned about the condition of the other crew members who would be falling on board, but I can't afford to go see them.

In the meantime, the carpet was safe. Perhaps the best. So you just have to run for the worst. That's all I have.

"Cruz, can you... fly in the sky or something?

"I can fly - heh! This wand! I can't! Yes!"

"... because it's a translator, not a wand"

"!? Huh!?

Cruz is tapping Bashibashi: The Round World. I slipped away. [M] I can't believe this is happening.

What am I supposed to do? I don't know. I don't really know what's going on either. Shit.

I don't know what to do, but for now, when I take a chunk of smoked meat out of the supplies, I install it near Kilnite, which is (probably) hungry, falling and cramped.

Calm down. Calm down when there's nothing you can do about it.

Arms together, eyes closed. It was very comfortable.

... right! Maybe if you buy me some time, my dear sheets, the haunted ones will come and help me? Luke and the others always help me.

Cruz accidentally gave a sharp voice to me as I escaped reality altogether.

"Huh!? Yowaningen! Back!

Open your eyes and look at your feet. Soon, a small shadow was squatting on the side of the falling down Kilnite.

A child. A human child. Liz is also small, but even smaller. A loose bright white coat-like outfit. An elongated, thin arm pinches the smoked meat I placed, carries it to my little mouth, and moves it mumblingly.

There are no children on this airship. It was an unusual sight, but the chill did not run on my spine. Because of the comfort.

But still, it doesn't make me any less surprised.

The child had uttered nothing. But the Cruz and the others are blue. His Majesty the Emperor had also opened and consolidated his eyes. Even the carpet is frightened.

I have long white hair but I don't know the gender. Because of the white odd mask covering the top half of my head.

Two 'ears' stretched out on top for a white twisted texture. It's simpler than the "Mourning Ghost" symbol I designed, but for some reason I get the impression of being strange and "transcendent".

That face looks up at this one. There is no eye hole in that mask. But they're watching.

You have no chance of winning. It was that kind of creature.

Chills should have rushed. I should naturally have feared it so that humans would be afraid of death.

But I was as comfortable as ever. Next time...... maybe I shouldn't be wearing this shirt to my escort.

Fu reminds me. It was a strange stormy day that I once encountered that

I hadn't noticed anything about the storm because I was running into it scattered, but I see, apparently, that was something that comes with the storm.

I can't believe no sightings have been flying since then, that's why nobody's watching.

They told me I would never encounter it again while I was alive. I can't believe I would encounter it again... I'm unlucky to make it too.

I raise my face while realizing that my sense of crisis is completely paralyzed.

Outside the window there was no storm that had spread until earlier. No, the world itself, which had spread until earlier, had no shadows or shapes.

It was completely white that was spreading outside. The treasure hall is a different realm reproduced by Mana Material. A thin treasure hall in Mana Material would be a different realm in line with the real world, but a high level treasure hall is different. It is the right and different realm governed by 'rules' far from the real world. I mean, I guess that's what happens when magic doesn't work.

Don't be too presumptuous.

When I smile unexpectedly at the fact that I can't help noticing it now, a strange child in a 'fox' mask - a grin so that the mouth of 'Phantom' is caught in it.

Soon, the sight beyond the door that Term and Ketchachakka rushed out has switched to something different.

I hit it. It swallowed me. Finally understand that reality.

Says the fox child. The voice that came out of its mouth was fine and uncomfortable with intonation, but it was certainly our word.

"Yokoso. Kowakunaiyo '

The slightly open mouth is red as a flame.

That is the end of the treasure hall, which has become too strong. Strange land to tour around the world. A nightmare to live.

From its difficulty in discovering and the mighty phantoms that nest in the deepest part, there are still no trespassers, less than the predecessors. Estimated certification level 10.

They learn, tour, and play.

[Lost Inn]. That's what the strange treasure house was called.



They are gods. It is a pillar of the great God who reigns in this world. I could have returned alive once, but there's no chance I could have survived a second time.

It is impossible to repel. The only thing possible for a short human being - negotiation. That's what God was all about.

A fox's family grins deeply at my words. [M]

"Lies Janaiyo"

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