Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter's Hero Dream
24 Reality Escape
[Empire Zebuldia] is always busy.
Township maintained. The main roads run thick and mesh through the Empire City, always busy with countless carriages and people.
That is enough to tell those who come from the cities of the province that they always hold festivals in Zebuldia.
If people get together, things get together, and that develops the city.
[Empire Zebuldia] was now said to be one of the world's leading cities, and even said that there was nothing there that was not available.
Powerful weapons and protective equipment, delicacies that are only available in some cities originally facing the sea, rare books that exist in only a few copies of the world, precious and expensive magic drugs that cure any disease, and - the kind of monstrous treasures produced from treasure halls that exist nearby.
Honor for wealth. And power. One could say that the glorious imperial capital Zebuldia is a leading city in today's era where treasure hunts are active.
And I still don't know that development will stay.
We are lucky enough to say that the first city we visited when we decided to become hunters was the Imperial Capital for the members of The Mourning Ghost (Strange Grief).
Of course, I can't tell you that my childhood tamers didn't make an effort, etc., but the wealth of supplies and good teachers made a huge leap forward for my people.
And so the momentum of The Ghost of Mourning (Strange Grief) ran up the road of Treasure Hunter glory as it was thought by the average person.
As a matter of fact, in the five years since our arrival in Imperial City, our party (excluding me) has already completed a pre-emptive attack on the treasure hall near Imperial City.
Still, I still make this imperial capital a hometown because it's convenient and I have new friends, but it's not like I don't have the desire to contribute at all to the development of the city.
But now - well, Zebuldia, the great emperor, was in an unprecedented crisis because of me.
Top floor of the clan house. I spent an hour searching around the private room, holding my forehead.
There's a city-slime - nowhere. I haven't looked many times. I haven't even looked from corner to corner of the room.
I looked all the way under the bed from among the countless treasures that I carefully decorate, but I can't even find traces.
Lie down on the bed with a bump and just one crush. My throat was dry on the calamari.
It's a warm, cheerful afternoon. Usually I'd put on the right escort and hang out outside for a walk or just sit back and take a nap in the chair in the clanmaster's room, but not very much, but I don't feel that way.
"If we do it... what shall we do? Nowhere..."
The metal capsule it was supposed to contain was empty just before I threw it at the phantom in The White Wolf's Nest.
Fortunately, the exploration itself was managed thanks to our lovely Genocide Monster, but that left me with one big question.
Citry Slime, where are you? is.
I swear, I've never opened that capsule before.
I left it in the safe as soon as I left it and it stayed that way. It is half theatrical. I'm trying to escape the danger. [M]
The Citrine Slime is a slime created by Citrine Smart, one of the members of The Mourning Ghost (Strange Grief).
Slime species are known as the weakest of many.
Vulnerable to heat, cold air, magic, physical attacks and shocks, everyone in the country would have played once stepping on the wild slime around it.
They are also famous for what they can produce with special procedures, and are often used in experiments and so on because they change their nature according to the magic power around them.
I can't believe I missed one slime, which isn't supposed to feel like a crisis, but it's not that common that I missed it this time.
It's a substitute that Citrine was told to keep because it could destroy the Empire if it was made good but only a little dangerous and detoured.
And her bit is not a bit. (Kind of at the point where the annihilation of the Empire is a bit...)
Citrie is a genius. The body is not very strong, but has as much wisdom as it can make up for it.
And he was one of the most grown members of the monster pack, The Mourning Ghost, but at first he was just as worried about weakness as I was. (Even so, he was much stronger than me at that point)
Originally, it must have been an instrument late-forming.
I was the only one who could see the distress, because all the members of the mourning ghost had demonstrated a protruding sense of talent from the beginning.
I'm stronger now. Knowledge, experience, and position. I grew exponentially, but the sympathy she had with me didn't disappear.
Because of this, Citrine often gives me the 'deliverables'. I'll give it to you in full good faith. I couldn't help but take it. (I mean, if you don't accept it, you can't just not accept it because it makes a big deal out of pointing it around there. Apparently Citrine isn't interested in the 'deliverables' I didn't receive)
And because there is something slightly missing from Citrine, and she forgets to explain the important things, I mistreat her every now and then.
- Yeah. Exactly... like this one.
"... no, no, no. Not this time. I left it all the way in the safe, and I didn't even open it."
Let's think calmly.
I did pay close attention to City Slime. [M]
The citly slime was in a capsule of metal. How much treasure I dropped while I was on the move, and I didn't realize it. Even dumb me can't imitate just dropping the contents. I don't think so. I can't even tell you to do it.
The metal capsule had already been destroyed, so I couldn't look into it in detail, but it didn't even have one scratch on it. There were no holes or anything, and it's hard to imagine that only the contents of the capsule would be stolen while being stored in a safe.
The vault is on the top floor of the clanhouse - the security is adequate, and the vault we kept in the first place - is a treasure.
I can't say enough that I can never open it to a third party, but if I can, I can find out.
That means there's only one conclusion.
- Originally, the contents were empty. This is it!
I convinced myself to fall from my back on the bed.
"Oh man, Citrie is a bad person, too. hahahaha......"
Citrine's not dumb like me and she's not the kind of person who flirts like that, but I can only assume she is.
... or already?
It's a pain in the ass to think about something, and when you think about it carefully, you're going to throw up.
The Empire is still at peace today. That's all right. Let's just say it wasn't about slime.
In the first place, no matter how much Citri specialties, they are slime, the weakest demons. It should be no big deal.
Yes, it's obvious that the Empire City will perish... because there are so many amazing hunters in this city.
Think of something more fun.
A fine desk and chair in great vain.
Large windows in the Clanmaster room take in a lot of sunshine, making me sleepy, especially in this season when winter is also coming to an end and pounding.
As I sat back on the chair because I didn't have a particular job, and polished my blurry treasure tools, Eva, the deputy clanmaster, came in.
Instead of me, the decorative master, Eva has all the clan operations. He seemed busy today.
I make up my mind in a tight uniform from top to bottom, with pitiful eyes peeking in my slim red edged glasses.
When you line up with me, you'll look like a blurry master and a sensitive secretary. Absolutely.
"The Explorer has contacted me to hear more about the [White Wolf's Nest]."
When Eva looked at me, she didn't even say a novel, she got to the point.
Absolutely, he is a deputy master who could. Initially when I joined the clan, nevertheless, I had repeatedly complained, but at some point I stopped saying anything. Probably abandoned me.
I make a big stretch, rubbing my eyes and listening back. I couldn't help but be sleepy and sleepy because I didn't get much sleep from losing my slime.
"Has Ark come back yet?
"... I was wondering if it would be difficult to leave it to Mr. Ark, who hasn't even been there. I mean, Mr. Klee, I'm too reliant on Mr. Ark."
The arc...... not enough arc.
I shrug my shoulders like Eva was stunned.
He's strong. People are made of strong. There is also hope.
It is inevitable that I will rely on him, a fellow of the same clan.
By and large, strong hunters often have a few head screws off, so it's even worse.
I knew from my experience since I made the clan that if anything happened, I could just throw it at Ark. [M] Come on, master.
Well, because of that, I had a terrible eye in [White Wolf's Nest].
I'm sure Ark can handle Slime as well.
"Tell Tino because Tino is the leader. I just chased him from behind."
I tried to help, but if I could not defeat Phantom, I could not save Tino and the others.
It seems Liz has been chasing me. In a way, it was indirectly helpful, but if I think back calmly, I don't look too bad.
I also used to think that I wanted to get dressed up in someone's pinch and be a praiseworthy hunter. I don't have such great hopes right now.
Whatever the history, it was above all that Tino and the others were safe as a result.
I sighed in the mood for some objectivity and thought of it and checked with Eva.
"More than that, didn't you make any moves in Imperial City?
"? movement, is, what exactly? What are you talking about?
Eva Renfeed is excellent.
Unlike me, she has just enough ability to run this massively swollen clan - The Beginning Footprint (First Step).
This includes the ability to gather information. All the members of this clan are good except me.
There's no way she doesn't know that if there's a big anomaly going on in Imperial City.
In other words, it shows that I didn't miss the city-slime.
And I can't feel anything resembling a rush from Eva's tone listening back.
End of Proof.
I sat back in my chair and breathed relief. It's okay. I'm sure it's okay.
"No, that's fine, especially if it's not."
"… will investigate as soon as possible"
"No, that's okay. You don't have to do that. It's okay, it's okay... maybe. Because it's my fault. Take it easy, take it easy."
Eva looks at me with a surprised look. Her only weakness may be being too loyal to her duties.
Sometimes a snake is put out with a snake on it. Most things in the world can be done with nature.
... Citrie, come back soon before it's too late.
"After that, Mr. Tino seems to be stuck with Mr. Liz and can't move now"
"Heh, you don't have a sperm."
I just finished my quest for life, but it's not something I can do right away.
That's Tino. Sasutino.
Tino was just a girl when we first came to the Empire. You mean Tino's already a fine hunter?
And Liz seems to be doing some good masters, too.
I have a big stretch in my accidentally gushing drowsiness. If I sit like this, I'm going to fall asleep.
There's nothing particularly wrong with taking a nap. The clan turns, but it wouldn't be very good to look like that in front of Eva, who is still working. I don't mind if I get kicked out, but I'm in trouble when Eva retires.
"Well, I guess I'll see you when I talk to you. Training grounds?"
"... I was wondering if that's okay. It's a training ground upstairs underground."
"Ohh. See you later."
I stood up waving a flickering hand at Eva, who never broke a serious look.
§ § §
"Gather information now. Gather whatever trivial things are happening in Imperial City."
"Yes. I get it!
One of Eva's men rushed out of the room to a calm but somewhere intimidating voice.
Eva Renfeed is a former merchant.
Before assuming the position of deputy master of the clan, he was a member of the Chamber of Commerce - the Vers Chamber of Commerce - which also fought for one or two in the Empire, where he was a force.
Even though I was still on the lower end at the time, that edge remains even now that I was asked to quit my job.
"Beginning Footprints (First Steps)" is a giant clan.
A good hunter refers to immense force. Especially when it comes to the size of a 'footprint', you can catch your eye from all sides, from countries, merchants and other hunters to criminals such as bandits who specialize in targeting hunters.
While unfamiliar with it, Eva has exploited its position and developed the clan by building an advanced information network throughout the Imperial capital.
A network of merchants. Information medium, starting with newspapers. Use the status of your hunter and do not fail to collect information from the treasure hunters. Even the Seekers' Association is reaching out.
The freshness of information is life. Most of the important events that took place in Imperial Capital are immediately brought to Eva's attention.
So this time the question raised by the clanmaster was a shock to Eva.
If this was my first time, I might have asked a strong question. At least, I wouldn't have dared to order an investigation.
But the Master's words were worthy of trust for Eva.
Klee Andrich is a strange man.
When I first met him, he was a boy who didn't even have Level 8 certification and didn't have two names. Years have passed since then, when it became a relationship between the head of the clan and the deputy master, but I still don't have a clue.
He usually brushes and stretches treasure tools in the office with blurring.
I don't have a mouthful to run the clan, or an atmosphere where I'm doing anything in particular. If you don't look strong, there's nothing notable about your personality either, except for the odd behavior that happens very occasionally.
I belong to a few clans, I will be a hero in the future, and I don't have the kind of brilliance that the hunters have. On the contrary, he always says there's nothing he can do about wanting to quit the hunter or give up the clanmaster.
If the stranger sees it, he will undoubtedly judge it to be bonkers. Eva and I were dissatisfied at first with how that didn't go too far.
But the words I occasionally leak were so precise that I could only joke about them, doing eva that it was no exaggeration to say that I knew all about Empire City.
An anomaly in the treasure hall that occurs in the distance, from natural disasters, starting with earthquakes. I watched him stick his neck in an incident that had no precursor whatsoever, from the troubles that had taken place during the Imperial nobility to the leaps of a secret society.
The person is clearly not in a position to know it. But it may be a coincidence once, but it only seems inevitable when it happens twice or three times.
A foresight that you may not be able to describe with the word genius or something like that.
I don't know who I am. It's a lot to say. When I heard those two names Eva was given, I was convinced to slap my hand.
All I'm saying is that he was unlucky for coincidence or something, but seeing my strong hunters obey heavily after taking those current conditions into account, occasionally Eva looks more like a monster than a hunter with an easily understandable ability to make out that.
Eva is confident in her abilities. but that's just a field of common sense.
If Klee felt any foreboding, no matter how suddenly it was put out, Eva would only act on it as a premise.
Deputy clan master room. When she finishes giving instructions to many of her men in the cluttered room compared to the clerk's office of the clan master, Eva turns back and looks down through the window and squeals.
Drive all the chores you're supposed to do out of your head, desperately reminding you if you missed anything.
"What the hell is going on in this imperial capital..."
That was Eva's routine when this happened.
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