Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter's Hero Dream
77 Extended baking ②
The Seekers Association was more crowded than usual because of the forthcoming Zebuldia auction.
The auction is a big event. During that period, which lasts a week, Teito shows tourists and merchants visiting from other countries more buzz.
For hunters who usually pick up treasure items based in Teito, the treasure items that usually don't sell very well can also be sold for a lot of money, as well as a chance to compete off useful treasure items that are offered for this occasion and greatly improve their fighting power.
There were more than double the usual crowd of people in front of the requisition table.
For the day to come, those who came to the hunter, who had come to examine the information on the treasure hall in order to collect treasure, to receive an external request that could be made immediately in an attempt to increase the funds at all.
Tino was also mingling with the tall hunters and staring at the requisition table stuck out on the wall as he stretched his back.
The auction dates are already approaching, and few good requests remain. Nearby demon crusade requests are also lined up, and all that remains is a troublesome request that will never end by the start of the auction.
All the hunters in the herd are also killing themselves, observing the area with blood running eyes for any visiting staff coming to make new requests.
The hunters here are third-rate, Tino thinks.
Auction days are well in advance. Whether it's collecting treasure or raising money, leading hunters were done a long time ago and are laughing when they see the hunters flocking to the requisition table.
Tino is not interested in auctioning. I don't have much appetite, and I'm not wasting it.
Why should I be seen with the same eyes as other unprepared hunters like this?
I accidentally heard a voice from behind to Tino, who was really not tense.
"Hey, Tino. Is this okay?
Turn around. It was Luda Lumbeck, a bandit who had previously partied in the [White Wolf's Nest], who had a voice.
As always, on Sarah's brown hair, big breasts as if she were claiming to be. Ruda and I, who apparently recently ranked up to level four, have been close enough to talk if we meet since we partied that day.
Sometimes it's the same bandit, and it fits the story. I also took him on the road to train with my master. Tino hardly ever gets to visit the expedition, so we don't get to see each other much, but we can say more than we know each other, we're less than friends.
Ruda laughs bitterly at Tino, who stares silently.
"As always, you look well...... enough training?
"... Your sister said she would ladder the treasure hall... and I was left behind because I was thick"
"... Ah, as always..."
The magazine protruding before Tino was a gossip magazine that summarized treasure hunter-related matters.
It's a magazine that usually contains information that the hunters would be interested in, such as the fact that these hunters have acquired strange treasure gear, features of unusual treasure halls in other countries, and, more recently, a suspicious conversation with critics about [White Wolf's Nest] anomalies.
The open page contained a summary of some treasure items that would be put up for auction.
Usually, Tino doesn't watch magazines or anything. Because the necessary information can be gathered in the Footprint without a shortage.
Receive the magazine and let the letter slide your gaze.
A well-known hunter is collecting money to get the most powerful treasure to be auctioned off.
The other hunters, as well as some nobles, are after the same treasure. It seems that the treasure is a secret item that Level 7 hunters in other countries have taken home after obtaining it for their lives. They say the aristocrats are cordial with that Ark Rodin. The Chamber of Commerce is also beginning to move towards obtaining some of them. Who knows, it will be the highlight of this auction.
"This is about Klee, isn't it?
How far is it true or a lie? It even lists speculations about the power of treasure tools and the expected price of the winning bid. If the hunter can get it, the level will rise for sure.
It's a faintly credible gossip magazine in the first place, but Tino frowned with that too much bullshit.
"... wrong..."
"... Huh?
"In the first place, the master... could not lend me money..."
Tino had only followed along the way, but as far as Tino knew, he had been denied all of his debt offers.
The exchange of money between treasure hunters cannot be established without a good reason, so it is inevitable, but Tino couldn't say anything with a brilliant jade crush.
The magazine says Klee is collecting billions of units of gold, but where did that figure come from? Ruda blinked her eyes at Tino tilting her neck.
"Huh? Could this not be about Klee...?
That's for sure. There is no such thing as a high-level hunter's treasure collector responsible for the clan master in this imperial capital. He is also the center of a variety of topics, even though he is only more and more established in the imperial capital.
Tino sighed loudly as he checked the contents of the magazine all the way through and returned the magazine to Ruda.
The magazine said something that would tear up a certain level of hunter.
Says it's a hunter's appraisal of trying to get treasure pieces until he's heartless about gold. It fully exerts its power as a clan master. I can't help but think of content that would distract me, such as giving money to a woman at the same party.
Give up the crowded requisition form for people and get to one of the tables set up in the meeting space. Luda also follows it, sitting face to face in natural motion.
I don't know how to explain it...... Luda is the person Klee has been collecting for Tino. Even if it's temporary, it's a related party, and I can't handle anyone who's been worried about speaking up.
It's too pathetic to be danced to such bullshit, because there is. Tino is deeply in love.
Tino got lost for a few seconds and said it in a clear tone and frankly.
"... the Master has already set the stage for obtaining the treasure gear he is looking for. Debt also..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
"... Huh? Yes...... is it?
Rouda rounds her eyes.
As far as Tino knows, this Empire City is full of treasure collectors.
For most hunters, it's a rumoured area, but Tino actually followed his master and went into the private room where a large number of treasure items were decorated.
That number, hundreds of points. From objects that are relatively commonly found to objects that have never even heard of rumors, it's probably a collection that surpasses the treasure store in Teito, if only of its kind.
The price of treasure will vary greatly due to demand and supply, but tens of billions will go, assuming it turns into money.
Treasure hunters are the intentions of treasure seekers. Tino's master deserves that name more than anyone else.
Debt also.................. definitely not a problem.
Tino remembers your sister, Citrie, and shakes her body when she blurts.
Citri, your sister's admiration may be more than your sister's. That's what I should call a sister... it's obvious from Tino, who doesn't know much about your sister Citri, that she would be happy to lend it to you instead of forgiving you as much as she owes.
There's an occasional tino floating in the back of my brain. I shake my head and pay for the eyeballs that come toward me, and I keep explaining.
"The master is sure to get the treasure gear he's after. From, this nasty information also spread - all intentionally done by the master"
"Huh?............ really?
".................. hey, should"
Yes. Otherwise, there's no way I'm going to sign up for debt to Ark Rodin in such a crowded spot, or golden heartless in the lounge.
In the first place, there's no need to rush around for money at a time when there's a patron named Citrine Sister.
Tino can't even predict such shards as the divine conspiracy, but I know how awesome it is. Anyway, it's amazing. I don't know, but it's amazing.
Ruda had a surprised look on Tino's face, but she embarked on herself like she had regained her mind.
He looks around to care about his surroundings, lurks his voice and listens.
"So, Tino. What's this treasure that Klee's after?
"............... weird mask. It looks like the treasure that the master used to have... but I think it's probably something different. I don't know what the power is."
"Nah. I was just wondering."
"The Converting Person" was my favorite treasure tool these days.
It is an unusual treasure that changes a person's face.
But I'm sure this treasure set is something different. I hear that the treasure was destroyed by your sister because of her bad reputation.
I didn't really like Tino myself, and anyway, he would change his face with Darkless Arrow Cod and say, "This is a real change, isn't it?" Well, he didn't look good around either.
Citrie, even your sister was clouding her smile, so it's pretty good. I take it for granted. Even if the contents hadn't changed - who would be happy to see the face of the person they admire change a thousand times?
Ha, ha, but there were some things that were too awesome for Tino to understand.
"I hope you don't have a problem. Me, too. Look, guys, that's a hell of a rumor, right? I thought it was okay, but for once, I knew him."
It would be true that nobles and chambers of commerce have emerged. Whatever the gossip magazine is, the other hunters are rumouring.
It is also true that the price of treasure will jump. There have been several similar instances in the past at Zebuldia Auctions.
What begins is a battle in heaven. The only hunters who can stand up to chambers of commerce and aristocracy are the superior hunters.
But why are we all worried?
Though it seems a little unreliable, it's all up to the bluff, and the certification level of 8 guarantees its strength.
Totally difficult to understand as a dusty tino.
"Speaking of which, what was Tino doing? Because of the auction, the request seems to be very crowded..."
".................. I can't even train, I thought I'd make some money and help you..."
Tino lay down his eyes and replied with a vanishing voice.
§ § §
In the Clanmaster's room, there was a controversy between Citrine and Eva.
Teng himself is completely out of the mosquito net already. I feel like going out for something sweet.
"So most chambers of commerce will be cooperative if I stop selling potions and run out of words that Footprints will stop lowering the material"
"Regardless of the potion, are you going to sell the fight to the Chamber of Commerce!? I'm with you in the trouble of not being able to trade!?
"It's Eva's job to do something about it, so what... Well, worst of all, I don't know about my relationship with the Chamber of Commerce in this country because I can change my base to another country if it's for Mr. Klee. Your sister and Luke will say the same thing."
It's radical.
Citrie's attitude consistently remained a grin against Eva, who came with perseverance.
Contains tea in the mouth in an elegant motion and exhales lightly.
"Mostly, I thought it was getting a little too big. Mr. Klee was our leader before he was a clanmaster."
Citrie doesn't seem to be at all attached to the clan that grew up so far.
In the first place, the establishment of the clan was something I said, and I guess it was not possible or impossible to appreciate it from the members.
There seems to be some discontent lately with my retreat completely from the treasure palace search.
Too much rhetoric shivers Eva's shoulders, which are usually scattered.
Decide to follow up before being stunned.
"No, citrie. There is no pressure on the Chamber of Commerce. I know there are those aspects to the negotiations, but even though I've been taken care of, it's against humanity"
What are you gonna do when Eva's gone, this clan?
I left it all to you, including external relations.
".................. ok. But when it comes to spreading rhetoric and convincing the Chamber of Commerce..."
"... I'll tell you one thing, they're both in conflict with imperial law"
Eva said with a bitter look.
Right. It's a crime. That's enough, it was my fault. I don't need that mask anymore.
Citrine smiles blossoming and looks up at me.
"So would you like to renegotiate with the seller? You can get it cheap if you don't ask for means. It's no surprise you're gone if you wind up your tail and run away from the Empire because things got too big."
Rejected, I guess. You're not convinced of anyone. It's no use. "
I don't know, but now Arnold nods when they give him a slightly higher forehead.
Citrie continues with an imaginative look.
"Hmmm...... it will be a little important, but it would be quick without that Miss Ecclair...... what do you think?
"Huh...? I guess he won't be gone. He seems to be making an enemy of me."
Would she have done something wrong...... or is it because she seems like Ark is a favorite?
Me and Ark are never bad friends, but the strongest young hunter in Zebuldia seems to be splitting between Me and Ark.
By the way, I am an Ark. [M] I don't even have to think about it.
"But... some hunters are galloping bad, and it's obvious that she has the money. Besides, they hate hunters and are famous - I think they could be exposed. Some hunters do anything for money and... what do you think?
"Huh...? There 'll be escorts, too, won't there?
Exactly, the opponent is a noble lady. In Zebuldia, where hunters are most proud, the quality of noble escorts retains a level at which hunters can be countered. Citrie put her arms together and roared mummy.
"But I just don't think I'm intolerant of my original. To build that resistance, you need to use Mana Materials to tilt the growth orientation towards you."
At one time, Citrie was invested in developing an original poison potion that would also work on phantoms and demons.
Sure, an array that also works on phantoms and demons that are resistant to poison might work on human escorts, but it's not the first chance that they're out there because the only thing they can make is Citrine.
"Yeah, yeah, you are.... well, there's no way a potion can flow outside that can only make citrie"
I just said my hands together that Citrie would get my will.
"It's okay. Talia knows how to make it."
Huh?... What's okay?
I remember Talia doing research together in the lab as if she were her true sisters. It won't be possible for her to betray Citrine.
"............... no. Because Talia knows, there's no way it's gonna flow from there."
"............ I see. Sure, right."
Citrie thinks. She's a little worried, isn't she?
So Eva pinched her mouth before she opened her eyes and listened to our conversation.
"Hey, wait a minute. I'm not serious... are you?
"Huh?............... what?
Did I say something? Talking to you?
At the end of Eva's gaze was a citrie tilting her neck with a seemingly difficult look.
"What... uh... as it were, well, I know Mr. Klee isn't that kind of person. I believe."
"When the client and the competition are no good, after... the risk is huge, but only enough to pre- -"
Citrie is bumping and squeaking. The serious look tells me you're trying to get the treasure for me at all costs.
But I'm not going to use the grey method to get the treasure. [M] Honest, if you can't come to the auction, that's it.
Or maybe I'd rather not get it when I get here. Spend your own money on your marriage.
"I appreciate the feeling, but you don't have to do anything extra. Honestly, if you can't come to the auction, then that's the time. Nothing... I don't really want it."
"............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Well, we'll do our best to raise the funds."
... you don't even have to procure. Eight hundred million would be enough.
I've never come to Empire City to feel that I want the auction to end so soon.
I watched Motivational Burning Citrine and Rarely Ava and just prayed that the auction would end safely.
§ § §
A night when the moon isn't even out. In the darkness of the alley, three men were lurking their voices.
In Teito, the main roads are paved, streetlights are installed and bright at night. But a few bottles, off the road, there is a tangling darkness and silence there.
Even though there is no one in the narrow streets. Make yourself lurk in the darkness, and one of the men looks up at the sign.
In the darkness that was truly close, the letter 'Magiztaire', which was painfully written on the sign, could be judged.
"This is the shop that's appraising the example treasure, or... it's a very lonely place."
"This city seems to be a famous treasure store known to those who know it."
"A treasure store on an unpopular street at night is an inadvertent thing..."
The figures of the men who covered their bodies with black coats and blended into the darkness would not be found if, now, they encountered a Knights patrol.
The treasure store that buys and sells treasure from the hunters is one of the most gold stashed stores in this capital city.
Merchandise is not bulky, and some things sell more expensive than gemstones. In the imperial capital, where there are also many criminals with hunter breakdowns, most of them exist along bright main streets even at night, not failing to prepare for robberies and such.
Opening a store on a back street like this is like telling me to attack you.
The strongest treasure. A substitute for nobility to aim for, too.
Nothing boiled down to that information, not just hunters and merchants.
There are so many people in this Empire who have no money, no status, but only power.
The men were members of Shadow Lynx, a criminal (red) party that received requests and represented theft.
As usual, one keeps watch and the other two softly approach a store with no one.
Prior intelligence gathering was perfect. The number of security guards protecting the store in the shape of the target treasure set. It's an easier job than attacking a treasure house with your life at stake.
It's just a personal store, and Magiz Tail's security is incredibly sweet.
There is only one guard. In one dedicated guard who can't leave the store, he won't have been properly reinforced by Mana Material either.
I had confidence in my arm. Maybe it's possible to break in from the front during the day and even take things away.
I didn't do that to increase the success rate of stealing at all.
One of the men - the leader attaches to the door and tackles the keys that were rigged in quintessential pieces.
It was quite challenging, but from a man who had considerable experience in exploring the treasure palace as a "bandit (sheaf)," it's not enough to stop the leg.
Lurk your breath and be alert to your surroundings in case people come near you. Make a small noise, the key opens.
The man slowly opened the door as he grinned small and medium in the dark.
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