Strange Love
32 Dominate me
Joslyn had just found a movie when the bedroom door opened, and Russ walked in with a tray of fruit and a large glass of water.She watched as he laid the tray on the end of the bed and set the glass on the nightstand on his side of the bed. {His side? Since when did I consider that his side and this one mine?}
'Love' noises from the television brought Russ's attention to the large screen hanging beside his dresser. His head turned sideways in curiosity as he took in the scene playing out."What in the world are you watching? This isn't that 50 something movie, is it?"
Joslyn gave a small laugh before answering, "It is. I figured you of all people would be able to relate to it, considering your interests in the bedroom…"
Russ busted out laughing as he came down on the bed and made his way over to her.He pulled the tray up between them before laying back onto one elbow. He placed a strawberry to her lips before answering. "I'm not into BDSM." He shrugged one large shoulder, "True I am somewhat of a dominant and I do seriously enjoy bondage and other kinky things but I'm not into the S&M." He wiped a small droplet of juice from her lip and licked it off his figure before continuing. "Besides those movies don't really depict any aspect of the BDSM community properly."
Joslyn looked up at him in confusion, "What do you mean?"
He popped a grape into his mouth and began bringing the pod to her lips. As she bit off a grape he continued. "Well first off it only really shows kinky sex and toy play.I guess my biggest problem with it is the lack of communication and consent..." He chuckled as she gave him a 'are you serious right now' glare."Yeah I know, who am I to talk about consent... but it is important in these types of scenarios especially with someone you've only just met.Most people in this community meet in online forums or groups specially designed for BDSM.You already know before your first word to the person they are at least somewhat knowledgeable about the community and how it works." He laughed again as she gave him another strange look. "What?"
Joslyn arched a brow, "How do you know about these websites and groups?"
He chuckled and sent her a playful wolfish grin, "I just do.Anyway, as I was saying... If you were to meet someone that wasn't familiar with it and wanted to introduce them, you wouldn't bring them to your fuck pad first thing.Even with someone who was well versed in BDSM, you would first go over and set up scenarios and roles before going into a room like that.Also, it doesn't really show too much aftercare or cooldowns.You're not going to throw them into a room alone after an intense role play that involved physical or mental distress for the sub."
Confusion turned to suspicion as she asked, "I thought you just said you aren't into that kind of stuff, anyways you've never asked for my consent?"
He chuckled as he leaned down to kiss the tip of her nose. "I'm not into the more violent aspects of it, one..."
Her eyebrows arched again as she interrupted, "You bit me…"
His lips turned up in a smirk, "That was more the wolf than me, I really can't control that side of myself sometimes.It's not something I would ever do to a casual lover." It was his turn to arch a questioning brow in her direction. "You, yourself even recognized it for what it was the first night it happened."
Her expression changed again as she asked, "So what do you mean by communication and aftercare?"
His smile widened, "Instead of explaining it, why don't I show you."
He grabbed the tray and walked with it over to the dresser and set it down then turned back and pulled the sheets off her and the bed with one quick flick of his wrist. He felt along the edges of the bed removing straps from each of the four corners.He removed the strap from the corner above her head last.He smiled down at her before pulling her up into a sitting position. He carefully pulled the shirt up over her head and tossed it onto the floor, then he retrieved a hairband from the nightstand and began braiding her hair.
"I never understood what the braid was for." Joslyn commented as he hands worked quickly through her hair.
"He smiled mischievously, "Saftey, primarily.Don't what to get your hair caught in a strap or something do you?" He tied off the end with the hairband then stepped away. "Now first and foremost… If anything gets too intense please, please, please let me know.For the movie's sake, we will stick with yellow and red as your safe words. Typically safe words are only used and needed for the violent aspects but just in case something gets too intense or uncomfortable for you say yellow and I'll ease up or say red and I will completely stop." He bent and pulled a box out from under his bed. when he stood there was a blindfold and what looked like a dog leash in his hand along with something she couldn't identify. "Typically, this would be something predetermined and the scenes would be preplanned but since this is more of a demonstration of various aspects…" He began asking questions and waiting in between for her to answer. "Do you consent to anal play? Light choking? Being restrained by both legs and hands? Do you consent to being blindfolded? Is there anything you would like done to you?"
Joslyn thought carefully for a few minutes before answering, "I know you said you weren't into it but I am kinda curious about the spanking…." Her face turned bright red as she looked away.
He nodded, then answered in all seriousness. "That's fine, as I said part of it is finding out what both people want to get out of it." he began attaching the collar to her neck. "Do you want to be spanked for pleasure or as a punishment?"
Joslyn watched as he attached a leash to the collar around her neck. "Um… I don't really know. Isn't both an option?"
He chuckled, "How about this if you hesitate too much when I ask you to do things I'll 'spank' you then?"
Joslyn shrugged her shoulders, "Ok, sounds good... I guess…" She looked down at the leash as she ran her fingers over the soft fur lining of the collar."I'm really having trouble believing you're not into this stuff..."
He shrugged, "Never said I wasn't into kinky sex, just said I wasn't into BDSM... Ya have to try it a few times before you know you're not into it though..." He sent her a wicked smile, "Don't you?"
She gulped loudly as he curved his lips upward and tugged lightly on the leash, "First off, Joslyn, stand up." He kept light pressure on the leash as she stood.He used the leash to pull her up against him so that he could lightly kiss her lips before he gave out his next command, "Get on your knees." When she hesitated he arched a brow, "Shall I spank you already?" with that she quickly dropped to her knees. "Good girl, now remove my shorts." She reached for the waistband with shaky hands, then slowly worked them down. He smiled down at her as she looked up at him trying to avoid looking directly at his erection. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head as he caressed her cheek with his free hand. He whispered softly against the top of her head, "I want you to put it in your mouth." as he stood up again he gently tugged on the leash, bringing her face closer to his erection. She quickly obeyed. Excitement quickly washed through his body at both the feel of her mouth on him and the erotic sight of her in nothing but a collar and leash on her knees before him. "That's enough." He tugged on the leash again. When she sat back on her legs and looked up at him, he instructed, "Get on the bed." She quickly stood up and moved over to the bed to sit on the edge. He stepped over to the bed and released the leash.He retrieved the blindfold from the bed and slipped it over her eyes. He placed a tender kiss on her lips before instructing her once again. "Lay back and spread your arms and legs toward the edges of the bed." He counted silently as she continued to hesitate. "Joslyn, spread your legs please." She pressed her thighs tighter together nervously. He slid his hands along her narrow waist until they slid smoothly over the sharp curves of her hips. In one rapid motion, he gripped her hips tightly and flipped her body completely over. He placed a well-aimed slap to her butt cheek leaving a light pink handprint. She cried out in shock as he quickly flipped her back over. "Now spread your legs and place your hands back over your head." She slowly moved her hands and legs out toward the corners of the bed. "Good girl."
Joslyn felt the bed shift as he climbed onto it and began attaching the straps to her wrists. his soft lips captured hers again after he latched the strap to her left wrist. His lips trailed down her neck and across her shoulder. The bed shifted again as he worked his way down her body with his hands and mouth.She felt the bed shift again as his hands slid over her calves. Her body instinctively jerked against the straps as her ankles became imprisoned as well.
"Be careful fighting against them too much, they will bite as well." His voice came as a soft purr. "If this becomes too much for you what is the word you say?"
"Y-Yellow." Joslyn stammered.
"Good girl. And if you want it to stop altogether?" Russ asked patiently as he gently massaged her calves.
"R-Red." She whispered.
"Yes, good girl." He shifted to retrieve a bottle from the other nightstand and toy from the box. "First I'm going to prep your body." He poured some of the liquid into his hand then poured some over the toy in his other hand. He quickly flattened out between her thighs, placing a kiss on either side of her thighs. He trailed kisses farther up until he had made it to her inter hip joint. Soft shivers rattled her body as he kissed and licked the soft lips of her sex. He skillfully worked his way across her tender flesh.As the first waves of release began pulsating through her body, he quickly slid his lubricated finger into her bottom.He felt the initial tightening of the muscles clenching down on his finger trying to prohibit access. He pulled away from her bud long enough to instruct, "Relax, baby." When she obeyed, he slid in another finger. When he was satisfied with the relaxation and lubrication he quickly replaced his finger with the tiny stringed beads.
"Ahh…. Russ!" Joslyn cried out fighting against the straps more forcefully.She could feel the rough edges of the straps cut into her wrists and ankles, but she still fought against restraints and invasion of her body.
"Calm down, baby. They are in." he moved up over her body before settling himself between her legs. He captured her mouth hungrily as he shifted one last time before quickly entering her body.
Joslyn pulled against the straps as he began to move inside her body.She couldn't help the instinctual urge to touch him or to wrap her legs around him, but all she met was the resistance of the straps and their harsh bites.As he began to move she could feel the pressure where the toy he had inserted into her backside remained. As the pressure built she began to struggle against the straps more wishing she could at the very least reach the blindfold.
Just when she couldn't take anymore, Russ pulled out quickly and unstrapped her legs; but before she could move them into a better position he grabbed tightly under her knees and flipped her over.There was little give to the straps still attached to her wrist, cutting deeper into her flesh as they crossed over above her head. She inhaled sharply as he pulled her up onto her knees and took her from behind in one swift thrust. "Oh!" She cried out.
With each penetrating lung and withdraw the pleasure built, she tried to bury her face into the bed to muffle the uncontrollable moans escaping her; but Russ tugged on the leash forcing her head back up. "Don't try to hide it, I want to hear your release." He huffed out as he continued pounding into her body.He felt the first contractions of her body and slowly pulled out the first of the anal beads as he held the leash tight in the other hand.
"Ah!" Joslyn cried out loudly as the gentle pull from her backside throw her over the edge. She could feel Russ release the leash as he planted that hand against the headboard and began thrusting harder, deeper, faster. She couldn't hold back as she cried out over and over again pressing her body against his to meet his thrusts.
"That a girl. Let me hear you." He growled as he pulled a second bead free.When she began to pant into the sheets he released the headboard and grabbed ahold of her braid. He carefully pulled her head up and unlatched the collar's safety release. He grabbed ahold of her hips and ground into her gritting his teeth against the pleasures and excitement of having her in this way. He leaned down over her pulling her head to the side using the braid.He trailed kisses along her neck and nipped her earlobe until she cried out his name in yet another small orgasm. He freed her braid and pulled out another bead as her muscles contracted around his shaft. "Hearing you cry out my name drives me wild." He whispered in a husky pant against her ear. She was still shivering and clenching around him as he pulled out the 4th bead. There was one more on the string he had inserted into her. He quickly unfastened her wristed.He shifted their position one last time as he sat back against the headboard and pulled her on top of him.She clung to his shoulders as he began moving her hips up and down as he ground his hips into her from beneath.He had his hands clasped to her bottom on both sides as he pushed harder into her.
"AH! Russ please!" She cried out, throwing her head back.
He pulled her harder down onto him, "Please what? Tell me what you want, Joslyn." He continued guiding her hips as she began to ride harder against him.
Joslyn could feel an exquisite tension building in her body as he continued to push past her pleasure tolerances. She gripped his broad shoulders tightly as she pushed closer to the edge.
When she began to slow and tire out he huffed out, "Not yet… Come on baby, a little longer…" Russ coaxed her as he ran his hands over her body.He caught her braid again and pulled her back far enough that he could capture her nipple.As he pulled the rosy tip into his mouth she screamed out his name again with her release.He quickly released her hair and pressed her body up with his hips. When he got her raised high enough he pulled the last of the beads out.He shifted his legs and pushed her backward toward the mattress as he came down with her, not leaving her body.He pushed frantically toward his own release which he found as she wrapped her legs and arms tightly around his body.
Once he regained control, he pushed up off her and pulled her around with him, back to the correctly facing end of the bed.He covered her trembling body and pulled her close to him. He kissed her forehead lightly. "You did great, baby." He lifted the blindfold off and leaned back so he could look down into her eyes."You look tired, are you ok?"
Joslyn smiled a weak smile up at him as she nodded her head. "I'm good."
"Are you sore?" he held her at arms-length to give her a quick visual examination. "Here let me see your wrists. You fought the restraints quite a bit." He looked over her wrists quickly then placed kisses on the inside of each before he began to rub them.He released her wrists and sat up. "Here, I'll go get you some water and a towel." He got up from the bed and walked around to the other side and retrieved his shorts.
"Russ?"Joslyn had rolled over to watch him dress.Unable to hold in the question any longer she asked, "Russ, how many girls have you done this with…. In this room?"
Russ chuckled, looking down at his shorts in hopes of hiding some of his obvious embarrassment. "Don't ask questions, you're not prepared to have answered." He glanced back up at her, his playful expression was now serious. "Stay there, I'll be back with you some water."
'Love' noises from the television brought Russ's attention to the large screen hanging beside his dresser. His head turned sideways in curiosity as he took in the scene playing out."What in the world are you watching? This isn't that 50 something movie, is it?"
Joslyn gave a small laugh before answering, "It is. I figured you of all people would be able to relate to it, considering your interests in the bedroom…"
Russ busted out laughing as he came down on the bed and made his way over to her.He pulled the tray up between them before laying back onto one elbow. He placed a strawberry to her lips before answering. "I'm not into BDSM." He shrugged one large shoulder, "True I am somewhat of a dominant and I do seriously enjoy bondage and other kinky things but I'm not into the S&M." He wiped a small droplet of juice from her lip and licked it off his figure before continuing. "Besides those movies don't really depict any aspect of the BDSM community properly."
Joslyn looked up at him in confusion, "What do you mean?"
He popped a grape into his mouth and began bringing the pod to her lips. As she bit off a grape he continued. "Well first off it only really shows kinky sex and toy play.I guess my biggest problem with it is the lack of communication and consent..." He chuckled as she gave him a 'are you serious right now' glare."Yeah I know, who am I to talk about consent... but it is important in these types of scenarios especially with someone you've only just met.Most people in this community meet in online forums or groups specially designed for BDSM.You already know before your first word to the person they are at least somewhat knowledgeable about the community and how it works." He laughed again as she gave him another strange look. "What?"
Joslyn arched a brow, "How do you know about these websites and groups?"
He chuckled and sent her a playful wolfish grin, "I just do.Anyway, as I was saying... If you were to meet someone that wasn't familiar with it and wanted to introduce them, you wouldn't bring them to your fuck pad first thing.Even with someone who was well versed in BDSM, you would first go over and set up scenarios and roles before going into a room like that.Also, it doesn't really show too much aftercare or cooldowns.You're not going to throw them into a room alone after an intense role play that involved physical or mental distress for the sub."
Confusion turned to suspicion as she asked, "I thought you just said you aren't into that kind of stuff, anyways you've never asked for my consent?"
He chuckled as he leaned down to kiss the tip of her nose. "I'm not into the more violent aspects of it, one..."
Her eyebrows arched again as she interrupted, "You bit me…"
His lips turned up in a smirk, "That was more the wolf than me, I really can't control that side of myself sometimes.It's not something I would ever do to a casual lover." It was his turn to arch a questioning brow in her direction. "You, yourself even recognized it for what it was the first night it happened."
Her expression changed again as she asked, "So what do you mean by communication and aftercare?"
His smile widened, "Instead of explaining it, why don't I show you."
He grabbed the tray and walked with it over to the dresser and set it down then turned back and pulled the sheets off her and the bed with one quick flick of his wrist. He felt along the edges of the bed removing straps from each of the four corners.He removed the strap from the corner above her head last.He smiled down at her before pulling her up into a sitting position. He carefully pulled the shirt up over her head and tossed it onto the floor, then he retrieved a hairband from the nightstand and began braiding her hair.
"I never understood what the braid was for." Joslyn commented as he hands worked quickly through her hair.
"He smiled mischievously, "Saftey, primarily.Don't what to get your hair caught in a strap or something do you?" He tied off the end with the hairband then stepped away. "Now first and foremost… If anything gets too intense please, please, please let me know.For the movie's sake, we will stick with yellow and red as your safe words. Typically safe words are only used and needed for the violent aspects but just in case something gets too intense or uncomfortable for you say yellow and I'll ease up or say red and I will completely stop." He bent and pulled a box out from under his bed. when he stood there was a blindfold and what looked like a dog leash in his hand along with something she couldn't identify. "Typically, this would be something predetermined and the scenes would be preplanned but since this is more of a demonstration of various aspects…" He began asking questions and waiting in between for her to answer. "Do you consent to anal play? Light choking? Being restrained by both legs and hands? Do you consent to being blindfolded? Is there anything you would like done to you?"
Joslyn thought carefully for a few minutes before answering, "I know you said you weren't into it but I am kinda curious about the spanking…." Her face turned bright red as she looked away.
He nodded, then answered in all seriousness. "That's fine, as I said part of it is finding out what both people want to get out of it." he began attaching the collar to her neck. "Do you want to be spanked for pleasure or as a punishment?"
Joslyn watched as he attached a leash to the collar around her neck. "Um… I don't really know. Isn't both an option?"
He chuckled, "How about this if you hesitate too much when I ask you to do things I'll 'spank' you then?"
Joslyn shrugged her shoulders, "Ok, sounds good... I guess…" She looked down at the leash as she ran her fingers over the soft fur lining of the collar."I'm really having trouble believing you're not into this stuff..."
He shrugged, "Never said I wasn't into kinky sex, just said I wasn't into BDSM... Ya have to try it a few times before you know you're not into it though..." He sent her a wicked smile, "Don't you?"
She gulped loudly as he curved his lips upward and tugged lightly on the leash, "First off, Joslyn, stand up." He kept light pressure on the leash as she stood.He used the leash to pull her up against him so that he could lightly kiss her lips before he gave out his next command, "Get on your knees." When she hesitated he arched a brow, "Shall I spank you already?" with that she quickly dropped to her knees. "Good girl, now remove my shorts." She reached for the waistband with shaky hands, then slowly worked them down. He smiled down at her as she looked up at him trying to avoid looking directly at his erection. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head as he caressed her cheek with his free hand. He whispered softly against the top of her head, "I want you to put it in your mouth." as he stood up again he gently tugged on the leash, bringing her face closer to his erection. She quickly obeyed. Excitement quickly washed through his body at both the feel of her mouth on him and the erotic sight of her in nothing but a collar and leash on her knees before him. "That's enough." He tugged on the leash again. When she sat back on her legs and looked up at him, he instructed, "Get on the bed." She quickly stood up and moved over to the bed to sit on the edge. He stepped over to the bed and released the leash.He retrieved the blindfold from the bed and slipped it over her eyes. He placed a tender kiss on her lips before instructing her once again. "Lay back and spread your arms and legs toward the edges of the bed." He counted silently as she continued to hesitate. "Joslyn, spread your legs please." She pressed her thighs tighter together nervously. He slid his hands along her narrow waist until they slid smoothly over the sharp curves of her hips. In one rapid motion, he gripped her hips tightly and flipped her body completely over. He placed a well-aimed slap to her butt cheek leaving a light pink handprint. She cried out in shock as he quickly flipped her back over. "Now spread your legs and place your hands back over your head." She slowly moved her hands and legs out toward the corners of the bed. "Good girl."
Joslyn felt the bed shift as he climbed onto it and began attaching the straps to her wrists. his soft lips captured hers again after he latched the strap to her left wrist. His lips trailed down her neck and across her shoulder. The bed shifted again as he worked his way down her body with his hands and mouth.She felt the bed shift again as his hands slid over her calves. Her body instinctively jerked against the straps as her ankles became imprisoned as well.
"Be careful fighting against them too much, they will bite as well." His voice came as a soft purr. "If this becomes too much for you what is the word you say?"
"Y-Yellow." Joslyn stammered.
"Good girl. And if you want it to stop altogether?" Russ asked patiently as he gently massaged her calves.
"R-Red." She whispered.
"Yes, good girl." He shifted to retrieve a bottle from the other nightstand and toy from the box. "First I'm going to prep your body." He poured some of the liquid into his hand then poured some over the toy in his other hand. He quickly flattened out between her thighs, placing a kiss on either side of her thighs. He trailed kisses farther up until he had made it to her inter hip joint. Soft shivers rattled her body as he kissed and licked the soft lips of her sex. He skillfully worked his way across her tender flesh.As the first waves of release began pulsating through her body, he quickly slid his lubricated finger into her bottom.He felt the initial tightening of the muscles clenching down on his finger trying to prohibit access. He pulled away from her bud long enough to instruct, "Relax, baby." When she obeyed, he slid in another finger. When he was satisfied with the relaxation and lubrication he quickly replaced his finger with the tiny stringed beads.
"Ahh…. Russ!" Joslyn cried out fighting against the straps more forcefully.She could feel the rough edges of the straps cut into her wrists and ankles, but she still fought against restraints and invasion of her body.
"Calm down, baby. They are in." he moved up over her body before settling himself between her legs. He captured her mouth hungrily as he shifted one last time before quickly entering her body.
Joslyn pulled against the straps as he began to move inside her body.She couldn't help the instinctual urge to touch him or to wrap her legs around him, but all she met was the resistance of the straps and their harsh bites.As he began to move she could feel the pressure where the toy he had inserted into her backside remained. As the pressure built she began to struggle against the straps more wishing she could at the very least reach the blindfold.
Just when she couldn't take anymore, Russ pulled out quickly and unstrapped her legs; but before she could move them into a better position he grabbed tightly under her knees and flipped her over.There was little give to the straps still attached to her wrist, cutting deeper into her flesh as they crossed over above her head. She inhaled sharply as he pulled her up onto her knees and took her from behind in one swift thrust. "Oh!" She cried out.
With each penetrating lung and withdraw the pleasure built, she tried to bury her face into the bed to muffle the uncontrollable moans escaping her; but Russ tugged on the leash forcing her head back up. "Don't try to hide it, I want to hear your release." He huffed out as he continued pounding into her body.He felt the first contractions of her body and slowly pulled out the first of the anal beads as he held the leash tight in the other hand.
"Ah!" Joslyn cried out loudly as the gentle pull from her backside throw her over the edge. She could feel Russ release the leash as he planted that hand against the headboard and began thrusting harder, deeper, faster. She couldn't hold back as she cried out over and over again pressing her body against his to meet his thrusts.
"That a girl. Let me hear you." He growled as he pulled a second bead free.When she began to pant into the sheets he released the headboard and grabbed ahold of her braid. He carefully pulled her head up and unlatched the collar's safety release. He grabbed ahold of her hips and ground into her gritting his teeth against the pleasures and excitement of having her in this way. He leaned down over her pulling her head to the side using the braid.He trailed kisses along her neck and nipped her earlobe until she cried out his name in yet another small orgasm. He freed her braid and pulled out another bead as her muscles contracted around his shaft. "Hearing you cry out my name drives me wild." He whispered in a husky pant against her ear. She was still shivering and clenching around him as he pulled out the 4th bead. There was one more on the string he had inserted into her. He quickly unfastened her wristed.He shifted their position one last time as he sat back against the headboard and pulled her on top of him.She clung to his shoulders as he began moving her hips up and down as he ground his hips into her from beneath.He had his hands clasped to her bottom on both sides as he pushed harder into her.
"AH! Russ please!" She cried out, throwing her head back.
He pulled her harder down onto him, "Please what? Tell me what you want, Joslyn." He continued guiding her hips as she began to ride harder against him.
Joslyn could feel an exquisite tension building in her body as he continued to push past her pleasure tolerances. She gripped his broad shoulders tightly as she pushed closer to the edge.
When she began to slow and tire out he huffed out, "Not yet… Come on baby, a little longer…" Russ coaxed her as he ran his hands over her body.He caught her braid again and pulled her back far enough that he could capture her nipple.As he pulled the rosy tip into his mouth she screamed out his name again with her release.He quickly released her hair and pressed her body up with his hips. When he got her raised high enough he pulled the last of the beads out.He shifted his legs and pushed her backward toward the mattress as he came down with her, not leaving her body.He pushed frantically toward his own release which he found as she wrapped her legs and arms tightly around his body.
Once he regained control, he pushed up off her and pulled her around with him, back to the correctly facing end of the bed.He covered her trembling body and pulled her close to him. He kissed her forehead lightly. "You did great, baby." He lifted the blindfold off and leaned back so he could look down into her eyes."You look tired, are you ok?"
Joslyn smiled a weak smile up at him as she nodded her head. "I'm good."
"Are you sore?" he held her at arms-length to give her a quick visual examination. "Here let me see your wrists. You fought the restraints quite a bit." He looked over her wrists quickly then placed kisses on the inside of each before he began to rub them.He released her wrists and sat up. "Here, I'll go get you some water and a towel." He got up from the bed and walked around to the other side and retrieved his shorts.
"Russ?"Joslyn had rolled over to watch him dress.Unable to hold in the question any longer she asked, "Russ, how many girls have you done this with…. In this room?"
Russ chuckled, looking down at his shorts in hopes of hiding some of his obvious embarrassment. "Don't ask questions, you're not prepared to have answered." He glanced back up at her, his playful expression was now serious. "Stay there, I'll be back with you some water."
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