Strange Love
36 Save you from the wolf
Worry filled Joslyn's eyes as she pulled her hand back and pushed herself away from Xavier and into a standing position. She turned slowly knowing good and well who she would see standing there.Her heart dropped when she saw the anger and hurt in his eyes as he tried to assess what he had walked in on.She thought back to how she had been practically in Xavier's lap only seconds before, {There's no way he didn't miss interpret that!What was I thinking, I should have at least told him I was going to meet him here today... How did he know anyhow???}Jos glanced at the large clock hanging beside the double doors.{Wait, he should still be in practice...} Her thoughts were interrupted, however.
Xavier sat up in his chair and glanced around her. The smile left his face as he saw the angry werewolf glaring at them. {Oh shit, this isn't going to be good.} "Joslyn stay behind me." He pushed himself up laying the paper on the table as he stood. He realized the mistake as he watched Russ look from the paper back to him. {Oh this day just keeps getting better, not only caught with his girl BUT caught with a nude sketch of her as well.Lady luck is sure putting the fucks to me today...} Xavier thought bitterly as he kept his eyes trained on the wolf.
Anger rippled through Russ, rapidly raising his heart rate, blurring his thoughts, and sharpening his vision.The tension he held in his body denoting the pending shift. Emotions merged with rage, blurred with fear and longing caused Russ to lose the will to control the beast inside.He could feel various parts of his body shift in and out of wolf form.
Without thinking, Xavier quickly grabbed Joslyn's arm, but before he could get her fully behind him Russ had launched forward to seize her other arm. The smell of blood filled his nostrils as sharp claws cut into the tender flesh of her arm.Xavier stepped forward with the intent of helping her get lose of the wolf's grip, but only seemed to make matters worse.
Russ clamped down tighter on Jos's arm, causing a small cry of pain to slip from her lips, but it didn't seem to phase him as he said, "Stay away." Russ's voice and body vibrated with the impending shift.
Xavier threw up his hands, "Ok, I'll step away but let her go. You're hurting her!" When confusion shot across the wolf's face, Xavier used the distraction to sped toward them at vampire speed, still intent on getting Jos as far away from the wolf before she sustained any worse injuries.Shock rattled him as Russ quickly reacted. {How did he...}
Joslyn let out a loud scream of pain as Russ flung her behind him using more force that he had intended, before countering Xavier's advance.
{The kid is quick and strong that's for sure.}Xavier thought to himself as he glanced past the wolf to see Joslyn crumpled up against a rail of the banisters wrapping around the deck. "Fuck…" Before he could get a sentence out, strong shoulders slammed into his abdomen.Xavier was knocked back into the table they had been sitting at only minutes before.Papers blew up around them in the breeze of the ocean. He quickly rolled to the side as a clawed fist slammed into the table beside where his head had just been. Xavier was barely on his feet before a well-aimed fist landed forcefully into his sternum.A wheeze escaped him. {...And I'm getting my ass handed to me by a kid barely old enough to grow hair on his balls... Great work X, why to be 'Head of the vampires'...} He glanced over at Joslyn, blood streamed down her face over her beautiful sleeping eyes and full pouting lips.He licked his lips involuntarily.
Russ's vision flared red as soon as the vampire's tongue slipped out across his lips. "Eyes off!" Russ's words were barely human anymore.
The harsh animalistic growl brought Xavier's attention back to Russ as he swung yet again, this time aiming for his temple. Xavier ducked then bobbed left before shooting upwards, landing an uppercut to the underside of Russ's jaw. The blow barely seemed to slow the young wolf down, instead, he began shifting.Half transformed he lept up and sailed through the air toward Xavier in another attack.Xavier hurried with vampire speed toward Joslyn's crumpled form.He Reached Joslyn as all four paws hit the deck. "Ah, fuck!" {Of course this damn kid had to be an alpha!Only a Fucking alpha could fully shift at will, at any time!} He scooped Joslyn into his arms as fiery radiated from the bright blue eyes focused on them.White fangs glistened as the wolf snarled and lowered itself into a lunge. "You couldn't have mentioned the alpha thing earlier?!" He whispered down against Joslyn's head, the smell of fresh blood teased his vampire senses.As the wolf sprang forward, the back door burst open."Let's hope they are here to help us and not him." He whispered against Jos's hair.Xavier jumped with Joslyn still in his arms onto the railing of the banisters.A purple streak shot through the air toward the wolf, catching him by the tale before he could land near them.
"Russell Alexandro Boosillis! Get ahold of yourself, NOW!!!" Raven dug her heels into the wood of the deck as she fought to hold the wolf back. "So help me god, Russell Alexandro you either shift your ass back now or I'm going to beat you to death with a rolled up newspaper!"
Xavier continued to stand on the rails unable to look away from the scene in front of him.He couldn't help the upward arch his lips took as the wolf began whimpering and whining like a scolded pup, still trying to break loose of its owner's grip.
Raven looked up at him, frustration evident on her face, "Instead of standing there, don't you think you two should get the hell out of here before this crazy asshole tears my bar down to the ground?!"
Xavier glanced down at Joslyn's limp form in his arms, then back up at Raven. When she shook her head yes, he quickly leaped down and took off toward his jeep.
He quickly set her in the passenger seat, reclined it, then leaned in over her to latch the seatbelt. The sweet aroma of her blood tickled his nostrils causing him to instinctively lick his lips again.He had to force himself to pull away from her and walk around to the driver's side of the jeep.He quickly jumped in and kicked over the ignition.He had already made it out of the parking lot and onto the open road before he even bothered reaching for his own seatbelt.
Once he was sure they were far enough away from the island not to be followed, he glanced over at the unconscious body in his passenger seat.He was already brushing blood-soaked tendrils out of her face before he even realized his hand had left the steering wheel.His phone buzzed taking his attention away from the sleeping beauty beside him.It was a text from Dante.
[How did you like the little present I sent you?]
Another text came in before Xavier was even able to finish the first.
[You did say you wanted company, didn't you?And I kept my word as well... I was there for the entire show ;)]
Xavier quickly checked to make sure Joslyn was still out cold before he hit the call button.
"How the fuck did you have anything to do with this?" Xavier's voice was quite so as to not wake Jos but anger was palpable in his tone.
Dante chuckled, "You underestimate me, brother.All it took was one short text sent to wolfy boy from his sister phone."
"Why the hell would you do that? I thought all this was so I could get the girl?! NOT get us all killed!" Xavier fought down the urge to scream out his frustrations as he once again glanced over at Joslyn's still form.
"He's a pup barely past puberty, how hard could he be to handle, alpha or not?" Dante responded matter-of-factly.
"You KNEW he was an alpha when you sent him and didn't have a thought to warn me?!" Xavier's anger levels were quickly building past the point of control.
"I told you, they are of the Boosillis bloodline." Dante replied with a 'you should have known already' air. "Why do you think I decided to keep the pup instead of draining her and leaving her courpes on the beach somewhere?"
"So this is all about HIM then?" disappointment colored Xavier's words.
Dante let out a bored sigh, "Fun is fun brother... If I get to fuck up a few lives and get revenge all in one go then all the more exciting."
"My Gods, you're even starting to sound like him." Xavier said with an irritated huff.
Dante laughed again, "You say that like it's an insult...I may not be the one to inherit it all but that doesn't make him any less my father than yours.Just remember that as you're seated at the head of that big old table of yours."Dante added with menacing deviance, "You are no saint either brother."Dante quickly added in a taunting ton before Xavier had time to respond, "Now hurry and hang up your phone on me so you can feel like the important, righteous one."
Xavier growled in an outright rage, "You son of..." but the line went dead before he could finish.He went to throw his phone but caught a glimpse of Joslyn and thought better of it.He called a physician that was part of his coven's human employees and ordered him to meet him immediately at his house, explaining only that there was a head trauma and that the victim would more than likely need stitches.
Xavier sat up in his chair and glanced around her. The smile left his face as he saw the angry werewolf glaring at them. {Oh shit, this isn't going to be good.} "Joslyn stay behind me." He pushed himself up laying the paper on the table as he stood. He realized the mistake as he watched Russ look from the paper back to him. {Oh this day just keeps getting better, not only caught with his girl BUT caught with a nude sketch of her as well.Lady luck is sure putting the fucks to me today...} Xavier thought bitterly as he kept his eyes trained on the wolf.
Anger rippled through Russ, rapidly raising his heart rate, blurring his thoughts, and sharpening his vision.The tension he held in his body denoting the pending shift. Emotions merged with rage, blurred with fear and longing caused Russ to lose the will to control the beast inside.He could feel various parts of his body shift in and out of wolf form.
Without thinking, Xavier quickly grabbed Joslyn's arm, but before he could get her fully behind him Russ had launched forward to seize her other arm. The smell of blood filled his nostrils as sharp claws cut into the tender flesh of her arm.Xavier stepped forward with the intent of helping her get lose of the wolf's grip, but only seemed to make matters worse.
Russ clamped down tighter on Jos's arm, causing a small cry of pain to slip from her lips, but it didn't seem to phase him as he said, "Stay away." Russ's voice and body vibrated with the impending shift.
Xavier threw up his hands, "Ok, I'll step away but let her go. You're hurting her!" When confusion shot across the wolf's face, Xavier used the distraction to sped toward them at vampire speed, still intent on getting Jos as far away from the wolf before she sustained any worse injuries.Shock rattled him as Russ quickly reacted. {How did he...}
Joslyn let out a loud scream of pain as Russ flung her behind him using more force that he had intended, before countering Xavier's advance.
{The kid is quick and strong that's for sure.}Xavier thought to himself as he glanced past the wolf to see Joslyn crumpled up against a rail of the banisters wrapping around the deck. "Fuck…" Before he could get a sentence out, strong shoulders slammed into his abdomen.Xavier was knocked back into the table they had been sitting at only minutes before.Papers blew up around them in the breeze of the ocean. He quickly rolled to the side as a clawed fist slammed into the table beside where his head had just been. Xavier was barely on his feet before a well-aimed fist landed forcefully into his sternum.A wheeze escaped him. {...And I'm getting my ass handed to me by a kid barely old enough to grow hair on his balls... Great work X, why to be 'Head of the vampires'...} He glanced over at Joslyn, blood streamed down her face over her beautiful sleeping eyes and full pouting lips.He licked his lips involuntarily.
Russ's vision flared red as soon as the vampire's tongue slipped out across his lips. "Eyes off!" Russ's words were barely human anymore.
The harsh animalistic growl brought Xavier's attention back to Russ as he swung yet again, this time aiming for his temple. Xavier ducked then bobbed left before shooting upwards, landing an uppercut to the underside of Russ's jaw. The blow barely seemed to slow the young wolf down, instead, he began shifting.Half transformed he lept up and sailed through the air toward Xavier in another attack.Xavier hurried with vampire speed toward Joslyn's crumpled form.He Reached Joslyn as all four paws hit the deck. "Ah, fuck!" {Of course this damn kid had to be an alpha!Only a Fucking alpha could fully shift at will, at any time!} He scooped Joslyn into his arms as fiery radiated from the bright blue eyes focused on them.White fangs glistened as the wolf snarled and lowered itself into a lunge. "You couldn't have mentioned the alpha thing earlier?!" He whispered down against Joslyn's head, the smell of fresh blood teased his vampire senses.As the wolf sprang forward, the back door burst open."Let's hope they are here to help us and not him." He whispered against Jos's hair.Xavier jumped with Joslyn still in his arms onto the railing of the banisters.A purple streak shot through the air toward the wolf, catching him by the tale before he could land near them.
"Russell Alexandro Boosillis! Get ahold of yourself, NOW!!!" Raven dug her heels into the wood of the deck as she fought to hold the wolf back. "So help me god, Russell Alexandro you either shift your ass back now or I'm going to beat you to death with a rolled up newspaper!"
Xavier continued to stand on the rails unable to look away from the scene in front of him.He couldn't help the upward arch his lips took as the wolf began whimpering and whining like a scolded pup, still trying to break loose of its owner's grip.
Raven looked up at him, frustration evident on her face, "Instead of standing there, don't you think you two should get the hell out of here before this crazy asshole tears my bar down to the ground?!"
Xavier glanced down at Joslyn's limp form in his arms, then back up at Raven. When she shook her head yes, he quickly leaped down and took off toward his jeep.
He quickly set her in the passenger seat, reclined it, then leaned in over her to latch the seatbelt. The sweet aroma of her blood tickled his nostrils causing him to instinctively lick his lips again.He had to force himself to pull away from her and walk around to the driver's side of the jeep.He quickly jumped in and kicked over the ignition.He had already made it out of the parking lot and onto the open road before he even bothered reaching for his own seatbelt.
Once he was sure they were far enough away from the island not to be followed, he glanced over at the unconscious body in his passenger seat.He was already brushing blood-soaked tendrils out of her face before he even realized his hand had left the steering wheel.His phone buzzed taking his attention away from the sleeping beauty beside him.It was a text from Dante.
[How did you like the little present I sent you?]
Another text came in before Xavier was even able to finish the first.
[You did say you wanted company, didn't you?And I kept my word as well... I was there for the entire show ;)]
Xavier quickly checked to make sure Joslyn was still out cold before he hit the call button.
"How the fuck did you have anything to do with this?" Xavier's voice was quite so as to not wake Jos but anger was palpable in his tone.
Dante chuckled, "You underestimate me, brother.All it took was one short text sent to wolfy boy from his sister phone."
"Why the hell would you do that? I thought all this was so I could get the girl?! NOT get us all killed!" Xavier fought down the urge to scream out his frustrations as he once again glanced over at Joslyn's still form.
"He's a pup barely past puberty, how hard could he be to handle, alpha or not?" Dante responded matter-of-factly.
"You KNEW he was an alpha when you sent him and didn't have a thought to warn me?!" Xavier's anger levels were quickly building past the point of control.
"I told you, they are of the Boosillis bloodline." Dante replied with a 'you should have known already' air. "Why do you think I decided to keep the pup instead of draining her and leaving her courpes on the beach somewhere?"
"So this is all about HIM then?" disappointment colored Xavier's words.
Dante let out a bored sigh, "Fun is fun brother... If I get to fuck up a few lives and get revenge all in one go then all the more exciting."
"My Gods, you're even starting to sound like him." Xavier said with an irritated huff.
Dante laughed again, "You say that like it's an insult...I may not be the one to inherit it all but that doesn't make him any less my father than yours.Just remember that as you're seated at the head of that big old table of yours."Dante added with menacing deviance, "You are no saint either brother."Dante quickly added in a taunting ton before Xavier had time to respond, "Now hurry and hang up your phone on me so you can feel like the important, righteous one."
Xavier growled in an outright rage, "You son of..." but the line went dead before he could finish.He went to throw his phone but caught a glimpse of Joslyn and thought better of it.He called a physician that was part of his coven's human employees and ordered him to meet him immediately at his house, explaining only that there was a head trauma and that the victim would more than likely need stitches.
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