Strange Love
55 Discovering a monster
Joslyn fought against the urge to push him away and run. Her mind raced as she forged tired sleepiness. She leaned her head against his chest and repeated his last words. "I am yours." She let her body rest heavily against him.
Xavier squeezed her tightly before moving her body down onto the bed. "Rest, I have work to finish before we land anyways." When she nodded against the pillow he smiled down at her. He leaned down a placed a kiss on her head before scooting off the bed. "I'll be back in a few minutes, I left my bag and tablet out front." He then retrieved the teacup and walked out into the main seating area of the plane.
As soon the door shut behind him, Jos shot up. She quickly retrieved her phone and began typing out a text as fast as she could, glancing up at the door after every few letters her trembling fingers typed.
[I think Shelly is in trouble... maybe even Russ!!!] Jos quickly hit the send button then just as fast deleted the message history.
[What are you talking about? What kind of trouble?] Raven's message came through with a funny faced GIF attached.
[I'm serious! Xavier! He knows their names, THEIR FULL REAL NAMES!] Jos texted back frantically, still watching the door nervously.
[Wait, what do you mean their full real names? How do you know? Are you sure?] The message was sent immediately.
[I know because he just used their full real names while trying to alter my memories of them.] Jos quickly cleared the chat history.
[WAIT, he what!?! You let him use mind control? Did he read your mind?]
A call from Raven vibrated the phone but Jos quickly hung up. [I can't talk right now he thinks I'm asleep and that it worked on me. If he could read my thoughts, he wouldn't have left.]
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[Dude, sounds like you're the one in danger! You need to get the fuck up outta there now girl!] Raven's message was followed by a sassy gay guy clapping to emphasize a point.
Jos laughed in spite of the situation. [That's a little easier said than done. We are on a plane headed to some business meeting. I don't think he told me where exactly, though.]
Jos sighed, {in retrospect it probably hadn't been the best idea to take off with someone I barely know, but....} Joslyn texted back quickly. [Don't worry about me, I'll play along until I can figure out what's going on... and how he knows their names. I could just be that Shelly told his brother, but I can't help but get the feeling it's something else. I'll text you later alright.] Jos squeezed her eyes shut for several minutes before sending one last message. [I'm sorry for leaving things as I did. I would love to explain all my actions and decisions to this point, but I can't. Just know that all I do I do because I love you and I want what is best for you. I may have taken advantage of you and our relationship but know I will fight to right my wrongs til my last breath.] She quickly deleted the messages and shoved her phone back into her pocket.
Jos had only barely gotten her eyes closed when the door to the small room opened. She faked a sleepy fog when he sat down on the bed beside her.
Xavier smiled kindly down at her, "Sorry to wake you but we're about to land." He reached out and
pulled open a blind. "I didn't think you'd want to miss the views." He grinned as he himself stared out the small window.
Jos sat up and looked out over the sky view of a beautiful tropical city below. "Where are we?" She glanced over at him, trying to catch any sign of a hidden agenda but was only met by excited green eyes.
"It's a chain of small islands north of Naples, Florida. The largest is Marco Island." His eyes twinkled as he spoke. "My family discovered the area while it was still under Spanish rule."
Jos couldn't hide the surprise and anxiety that struck her. "I thought... you said it was a business meeting? Will your family be there too?" She glanced away, rubbing her hand nervously across the back of her neck, "Will your brother be there." She watched his face closely.
He chuckled, "No, I'm not bringing you home to meet my family. If that's what you're thinking. The family manor was converted into a business headquarters some 100 years ago." A sadness overtook his expression as he cupped her cheek. "Besides, all of my family I would want you to meet are long gone from this world." He placed a light kiss to her forehead. He stretched out beside her on the bed and pulled her down onto his chest as she had been earlier, but when she hesitated he sent her a confused look. "What's wrong?"
Jos struggled to maintain composure and to keep her emotions under control, knowing he could pick up on them. "You said we were landing, though. Shouldn't we go up front and buckle into seats?"
He laughed, "Is that what you're worried about?" Xavier laughed as he pulled her down toward him. "We are fine in here. This area was built to withstand some pretty rough turbulence with ease." He wrapped his arms around her and cuddled her close as he continued looking out the window.
Joslyn tried to relax against him, her thoughts going crazy. {What if I am just overreacting and making everything awkward... what if I'm not overreacting...} The plane lurched then began a downward descent causing Jos to cling tightly to his still-open shirt. She could feel her stomach drop as the plane lowered, flying had never been a favorite of hers. "I... I'm going to be sick..." She struggled to get the words out as the plane came onto the runway in a rush.
Xavier cupped her head in his large hand, "It's ok, it's all over now. If you like, you can stay at the hotel while I take care of some business."
Jos let out a heavy sigh of relief, "Thank you, that would be great."
Orion arched his brows as he watched the lovesick pup doodle on a note pad on the counter. He had long since scarfed down his meal while Russ's had barely been touched. "Ya know If you don't eat, you'll never be able to beat me?"
Russ didn't look up or stop what he was doing, instead, he replied in a stoic tone. "I'm not a child, saying stupid shit like that isn't necessary."
Orion chuckled, "Well look who wore his big boy undies to the table today!" He set back and crossed his arms over his large chest. "Well then, shall we have a big boy conversation then, pup?"
"Talk about what you like, I could care less." Russ replied with no enterest besides the paper in front of him.
Orion's brow arched and a wicked smile curved his lips, "Is that so? Then how about we talk about
your little girlfriend then?" He snatched the note pad from Russ and began flipping through the pages. He laughed out loud sarcastically. "You truly are just a Love-sick child." He flung the pad back at Russ. "Tell me, how is this 'Love story' supposed to end? Have you thought it out past fucking her?"
Russ gritted his teeth, "It's none of your business."
Orion grinned, "Is it not?" He leaned forward harsh lines contorting his features. "Then pray tell? What the FUCK am I doing here!? Do you think I chose to babysit an over-privileged pup? don't you think there are other things I'd prefer doing?"
Russ's jaw dropped, he glanced around the apartment, arms spread wide. "Over privileged? I was ripped from my homeland as a fucking child, and I have been raised so 'under the radar' that I don't even truly know who the fuck I am!" He glared at Orion from across the table. "And you show up here with orders from the assholes who not only abandoned me but banished me from my home saying I can't be with the one and only person that has been there for me this entire time? Who the fuck do you think you are?"
Orion sat back in his set and shrugged his shoulders, "Fine, I'll give you that, but it changes nothing. Take me... or your guardian... for example. She's well over 4000 years old and I am older than her. You're an alpha wolf. Your aging will be slower than other wolves... You'll live 3... 4... hundred years... Has your child's brain stopped to thank about that?"
Russ pushed up from the table taking the barely touched plate with him, he dumped it into the trash and tossed the plate into the sink before meeting Orion's arrogant gaze. "I love her, age will not change that."
Orion grinned knowing he was pushing the kid close to yet another breaking point. "And do you honestly think she will feel the same? Maybe that's the real reason she ran off with a vampire, can't stand the horrors that come with aging."
Russ clenched his jaws tightly. It was obvious this was just more of the bastard's tricks to bate him, but this... this was going too far. Russ could feel the bones of his hands crack as he fought for control of the wolf.
Orion smiled, "What's wrong pup? Did I hit a nerve?"
Right as Russ was about to lose his fight for control, his phone vibrated. He took out it out and to his surprise was a message from Joslyn. He read it twice in confusion, something seemed off about it. As his fingers moved to dial her number, his phone rang. This time it was Raven. "Hello?" He quickly answered.
[I'm on my way home! I just talked... well texted with Jos. She thinks Shelly is in trouble... you too! Apparently, vamp boy tried to use mind control on her-]
"HE WHAT! Where is she? Text me the address, I'm leaving now." Russ quickly grabbed his keys from the counter and made his way to the door, Orion quickly forgotten.
[No, no, no! It's hard to tell where she is right now. They flew somewhere. She doesn't even know where they are headed, besides, it didn't work... the mind control that is... But she said he knows you and Shelly's real names. I've tried to call Shelly several times but it just keeps going to voice mail.] Anxiety was obvious in Raven's voice. [If Asshat is still there, tell him to make himself useful and track her phone.]
Russ couldn't help the laugh that escaped his lips as he turned toward Orion. "Raven is on her way; she said to make yourself useful and track Shelly's phone."
Orion shrugged and began typing in information on his cellphone. "No problem. We already keep tabs on both your phones... It should only take a few seconds."
Russ smiled as he turned his attention back to the phone. "Asshat said it should only take him a few
seconds to give us a location."
Raven chuckled at his reply. [Awesome, see what did I say even the most useless of things can come in handy sometimes... I'm pulling in now!]
He hung up and turned back to Orion. "Well?"
Orion flipped his phone around for Russ to see. "Well, it doesn't necessarily mean she is here but her phone is... hasn't moved in a few days. So either she forgot it there or she's staying there."
Russ furrowed his brows in confusion. "That's Rin's address. I asked him to check on her a week or so ago... as of the last time I saw him, he still hadn't talked to her." Russ lifted his own phone and scrolled through the numbers until he found Rin's. "Here can you run a search using this number?"
Orion shrugged, "Sure... It will take longer though."
The door busted open as Raven made her way into the apartment quickly, She tossed Russ her phone. "Here this is what she sent me."
He handed her his phone as he began to read through the messages, "She sent me one too. At first, it seemed weird but I think I understand now."
Orion's phone made a ping noise, "Alright... That phone seems to be at the same address." He flipped the phone around for Raven and Russ to see.
Russ glanced up from Jos's messages, "Use my phone to call him."
Raven quickly found his contact and hit call. She thumped her foot impatiently as she waited for Rin to pick up. She sent Russ a worried look, "His went to voicemail too."
Orion shrugged his shoulders in a huge 'wtf cares' gesture. "Maybe they're fucking? Who knows..." He got up and began walking toward the sofa.
Raven hit him in the head with her shoe as he flopped down on the sofa and began to prop his feet up on the table, remote in hand. "No, you big idiot! She's not like that... Hell up until a few months ago she was a virgin... may still be... and Rin has known her since she was a child. He wouldn't...
Russ cleared his throat and ran his hand through his hair. "Yeah... actually he might. He's had a thing for her for years. It's why he moved here in the first place."
Raven froze in shock for a split second, then shook the thoughts of Rin and Shelly from her mind. "Well..." She sputtered, "Even better... Should make it easier to find them, if they aren't planning on leaving a bed for a few days..."
She grabbed her shoe and headed back toward the door. "Who's driving?"
Orion let out a sigh as he pushed his large frame up from the sofa. "If I have to go, I might as well drive." He stomped over to the door shutting it behind him as Raven and Russ rushed down to the parking lot ahead of him. "Could have at least left me a key to lock the damn door..." He yelled after them as he turned toward the walkway.
It had taken several minutes to make it across town in Orion's old truck. Russ mumbled the entire way to Rin's apartment. "We could have gotten her SOOO much faster in my car." He knocked on the door, but the door pushed open with the slight pressure of the knock. "That's odd Rin and Naru are always very careful about locking up the place. They don't want anyone stumbling into all their secrets." He pushed the door the rest of the way open and looked around. The place had been ransacked. There were papers and broken furniture all over the place.
Raven stepped passed Russ and made her way toward the hallway. Her breath caught as the opening of one of the bedrooms came into sight. Her hand flew to her mouth. "OMG! Who could have done this!"
Xavier squeezed her tightly before moving her body down onto the bed. "Rest, I have work to finish before we land anyways." When she nodded against the pillow he smiled down at her. He leaned down a placed a kiss on her head before scooting off the bed. "I'll be back in a few minutes, I left my bag and tablet out front." He then retrieved the teacup and walked out into the main seating area of the plane.
As soon the door shut behind him, Jos shot up. She quickly retrieved her phone and began typing out a text as fast as she could, glancing up at the door after every few letters her trembling fingers typed.
[I think Shelly is in trouble... maybe even Russ!!!] Jos quickly hit the send button then just as fast deleted the message history.
[What are you talking about? What kind of trouble?] Raven's message came through with a funny faced GIF attached.
[I'm serious! Xavier! He knows their names, THEIR FULL REAL NAMES!] Jos texted back frantically, still watching the door nervously.
[Wait, what do you mean their full real names? How do you know? Are you sure?] The message was sent immediately.
[I know because he just used their full real names while trying to alter my memories of them.] Jos quickly cleared the chat history.
[WAIT, he what!?! You let him use mind control? Did he read your mind?]
A call from Raven vibrated the phone but Jos quickly hung up. [I can't talk right now he thinks I'm asleep and that it worked on me. If he could read my thoughts, he wouldn't have left.]
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[Dude, sounds like you're the one in danger! You need to get the fuck up outta there now girl!] Raven's message was followed by a sassy gay guy clapping to emphasize a point.
Jos laughed in spite of the situation. [That's a little easier said than done. We are on a plane headed to some business meeting. I don't think he told me where exactly, though.]
Jos sighed, {in retrospect it probably hadn't been the best idea to take off with someone I barely know, but....} Joslyn texted back quickly. [Don't worry about me, I'll play along until I can figure out what's going on... and how he knows their names. I could just be that Shelly told his brother, but I can't help but get the feeling it's something else. I'll text you later alright.] Jos squeezed her eyes shut for several minutes before sending one last message. [I'm sorry for leaving things as I did. I would love to explain all my actions and decisions to this point, but I can't. Just know that all I do I do because I love you and I want what is best for you. I may have taken advantage of you and our relationship but know I will fight to right my wrongs til my last breath.] She quickly deleted the messages and shoved her phone back into her pocket.
Jos had only barely gotten her eyes closed when the door to the small room opened. She faked a sleepy fog when he sat down on the bed beside her.
Xavier smiled kindly down at her, "Sorry to wake you but we're about to land." He reached out and
pulled open a blind. "I didn't think you'd want to miss the views." He grinned as he himself stared out the small window.
Jos sat up and looked out over the sky view of a beautiful tropical city below. "Where are we?" She glanced over at him, trying to catch any sign of a hidden agenda but was only met by excited green eyes.
"It's a chain of small islands north of Naples, Florida. The largest is Marco Island." His eyes twinkled as he spoke. "My family discovered the area while it was still under Spanish rule."
Jos couldn't hide the surprise and anxiety that struck her. "I thought... you said it was a business meeting? Will your family be there too?" She glanced away, rubbing her hand nervously across the back of her neck, "Will your brother be there." She watched his face closely.
He chuckled, "No, I'm not bringing you home to meet my family. If that's what you're thinking. The family manor was converted into a business headquarters some 100 years ago." A sadness overtook his expression as he cupped her cheek. "Besides, all of my family I would want you to meet are long gone from this world." He placed a light kiss to her forehead. He stretched out beside her on the bed and pulled her down onto his chest as she had been earlier, but when she hesitated he sent her a confused look. "What's wrong?"
Jos struggled to maintain composure and to keep her emotions under control, knowing he could pick up on them. "You said we were landing, though. Shouldn't we go up front and buckle into seats?"
He laughed, "Is that what you're worried about?" Xavier laughed as he pulled her down toward him. "We are fine in here. This area was built to withstand some pretty rough turbulence with ease." He wrapped his arms around her and cuddled her close as he continued looking out the window.
Joslyn tried to relax against him, her thoughts going crazy. {What if I am just overreacting and making everything awkward... what if I'm not overreacting...} The plane lurched then began a downward descent causing Jos to cling tightly to his still-open shirt. She could feel her stomach drop as the plane lowered, flying had never been a favorite of hers. "I... I'm going to be sick..." She struggled to get the words out as the plane came onto the runway in a rush.
Xavier cupped her head in his large hand, "It's ok, it's all over now. If you like, you can stay at the hotel while I take care of some business."
Jos let out a heavy sigh of relief, "Thank you, that would be great."
Orion arched his brows as he watched the lovesick pup doodle on a note pad on the counter. He had long since scarfed down his meal while Russ's had barely been touched. "Ya know If you don't eat, you'll never be able to beat me?"
Russ didn't look up or stop what he was doing, instead, he replied in a stoic tone. "I'm not a child, saying stupid shit like that isn't necessary."
Orion chuckled, "Well look who wore his big boy undies to the table today!" He set back and crossed his arms over his large chest. "Well then, shall we have a big boy conversation then, pup?"
"Talk about what you like, I could care less." Russ replied with no enterest besides the paper in front of him.
Orion's brow arched and a wicked smile curved his lips, "Is that so? Then how about we talk about
your little girlfriend then?" He snatched the note pad from Russ and began flipping through the pages. He laughed out loud sarcastically. "You truly are just a Love-sick child." He flung the pad back at Russ. "Tell me, how is this 'Love story' supposed to end? Have you thought it out past fucking her?"
Russ gritted his teeth, "It's none of your business."
Orion grinned, "Is it not?" He leaned forward harsh lines contorting his features. "Then pray tell? What the FUCK am I doing here!? Do you think I chose to babysit an over-privileged pup? don't you think there are other things I'd prefer doing?"
Russ's jaw dropped, he glanced around the apartment, arms spread wide. "Over privileged? I was ripped from my homeland as a fucking child, and I have been raised so 'under the radar' that I don't even truly know who the fuck I am!" He glared at Orion from across the table. "And you show up here with orders from the assholes who not only abandoned me but banished me from my home saying I can't be with the one and only person that has been there for me this entire time? Who the fuck do you think you are?"
Orion sat back in his set and shrugged his shoulders, "Fine, I'll give you that, but it changes nothing. Take me... or your guardian... for example. She's well over 4000 years old and I am older than her. You're an alpha wolf. Your aging will be slower than other wolves... You'll live 3... 4... hundred years... Has your child's brain stopped to thank about that?"
Russ pushed up from the table taking the barely touched plate with him, he dumped it into the trash and tossed the plate into the sink before meeting Orion's arrogant gaze. "I love her, age will not change that."
Orion grinned knowing he was pushing the kid close to yet another breaking point. "And do you honestly think she will feel the same? Maybe that's the real reason she ran off with a vampire, can't stand the horrors that come with aging."
Russ clenched his jaws tightly. It was obvious this was just more of the bastard's tricks to bate him, but this... this was going too far. Russ could feel the bones of his hands crack as he fought for control of the wolf.
Orion smiled, "What's wrong pup? Did I hit a nerve?"
Right as Russ was about to lose his fight for control, his phone vibrated. He took out it out and to his surprise was a message from Joslyn. He read it twice in confusion, something seemed off about it. As his fingers moved to dial her number, his phone rang. This time it was Raven. "Hello?" He quickly answered.
[I'm on my way home! I just talked... well texted with Jos. She thinks Shelly is in trouble... you too! Apparently, vamp boy tried to use mind control on her-]
"HE WHAT! Where is she? Text me the address, I'm leaving now." Russ quickly grabbed his keys from the counter and made his way to the door, Orion quickly forgotten.
[No, no, no! It's hard to tell where she is right now. They flew somewhere. She doesn't even know where they are headed, besides, it didn't work... the mind control that is... But she said he knows you and Shelly's real names. I've tried to call Shelly several times but it just keeps going to voice mail.] Anxiety was obvious in Raven's voice. [If Asshat is still there, tell him to make himself useful and track her phone.]
Russ couldn't help the laugh that escaped his lips as he turned toward Orion. "Raven is on her way; she said to make yourself useful and track Shelly's phone."
Orion shrugged and began typing in information on his cellphone. "No problem. We already keep tabs on both your phones... It should only take a few seconds."
Russ smiled as he turned his attention back to the phone. "Asshat said it should only take him a few
seconds to give us a location."
Raven chuckled at his reply. [Awesome, see what did I say even the most useless of things can come in handy sometimes... I'm pulling in now!]
He hung up and turned back to Orion. "Well?"
Orion flipped his phone around for Russ to see. "Well, it doesn't necessarily mean she is here but her phone is... hasn't moved in a few days. So either she forgot it there or she's staying there."
Russ furrowed his brows in confusion. "That's Rin's address. I asked him to check on her a week or so ago... as of the last time I saw him, he still hadn't talked to her." Russ lifted his own phone and scrolled through the numbers until he found Rin's. "Here can you run a search using this number?"
Orion shrugged, "Sure... It will take longer though."
The door busted open as Raven made her way into the apartment quickly, She tossed Russ her phone. "Here this is what she sent me."
He handed her his phone as he began to read through the messages, "She sent me one too. At first, it seemed weird but I think I understand now."
Orion's phone made a ping noise, "Alright... That phone seems to be at the same address." He flipped the phone around for Raven and Russ to see.
Russ glanced up from Jos's messages, "Use my phone to call him."
Raven quickly found his contact and hit call. She thumped her foot impatiently as she waited for Rin to pick up. She sent Russ a worried look, "His went to voicemail too."
Orion shrugged his shoulders in a huge 'wtf cares' gesture. "Maybe they're fucking? Who knows..." He got up and began walking toward the sofa.
Raven hit him in the head with her shoe as he flopped down on the sofa and began to prop his feet up on the table, remote in hand. "No, you big idiot! She's not like that... Hell up until a few months ago she was a virgin... may still be... and Rin has known her since she was a child. He wouldn't...
Russ cleared his throat and ran his hand through his hair. "Yeah... actually he might. He's had a thing for her for years. It's why he moved here in the first place."
Raven froze in shock for a split second, then shook the thoughts of Rin and Shelly from her mind. "Well..." She sputtered, "Even better... Should make it easier to find them, if they aren't planning on leaving a bed for a few days..."
She grabbed her shoe and headed back toward the door. "Who's driving?"
Orion let out a sigh as he pushed his large frame up from the sofa. "If I have to go, I might as well drive." He stomped over to the door shutting it behind him as Raven and Russ rushed down to the parking lot ahead of him. "Could have at least left me a key to lock the damn door..." He yelled after them as he turned toward the walkway.
It had taken several minutes to make it across town in Orion's old truck. Russ mumbled the entire way to Rin's apartment. "We could have gotten her SOOO much faster in my car." He knocked on the door, but the door pushed open with the slight pressure of the knock. "That's odd Rin and Naru are always very careful about locking up the place. They don't want anyone stumbling into all their secrets." He pushed the door the rest of the way open and looked around. The place had been ransacked. There were papers and broken furniture all over the place.
Raven stepped passed Russ and made her way toward the hallway. Her breath caught as the opening of one of the bedrooms came into sight. Her hand flew to her mouth. "OMG! Who could have done this!"
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