Strange Love

6 Coitus interupt-us

Joslyn wiggled her hips eagerly against him, taking pleasure in the heat pooling between her thighs that was being intensified with every brush of her body along his. Only when she broke the kiss to toss her head back in a deep moan did she notice a small group of people that had gathered on the shore near their discarded clothes. "Shit!" she groaned pushing her upper body away but leaving her legs still around his hips. "We have company."

Confusion clouded his expression causing the molten gold of his eyes to reseed leaving only the beams of emeralds. He glanced over his shoulder to figure out what had caught her attention. He let out a low curse, "Great, what now?"

She forced her gaze away from the small crowd to look him in the eyes as she said, "Well, we can either get out," a large grin overtook her face as she said option two, "or we could continue and hope they leave." She felt his body respond to her words as he grew against her thigh. To her surprise, he recaptured her lips for a furiously passionate kiss only to break it seconds later.

He let his hands trail over her body as she unwrapped her legs, noting that it felt like she was only wearing a pair of lace panties. He retrieved the bikini top that had fallen down into the water between their bodies and handed it to her. "Do you want me to help you tie it?" When she shook her head 'no' he turned toward the shore. "I'll go back first and make them head back to the party." He said with disappointment heavy in his voice.{Well this is just my luck. I try to slake my lust caused by someone I shouldn't lust for, only to find the one 'gentleman' left on the whole damn planet.} Joslyn came to shore as the last of the crowd left. She knew it should be the normal response to feel embarrassment over what had taken place and at her current state of undress, but the feelings just wouldn't come. Instead, she held her head high, the wicked grin returning to her mouth as she saw desire play across Xavier's face as she emerged from the water. She watched as Xavier began moving toward her, shirt still in hand. But their affair was just not meant to be, not tonight anyhow. She jumped back in shock as Russ stumbled toward them, hands clenching his stomach. Worry and irritation collided within her as she bent to gather her clothes. Russ was just reaching them when she finished tugging her shorts on over her damp skin.

"I… Oh…" Russ had turned a sickening shade of green as he came close enough for her to make out his features well, "gonna… be…" [blah (vomit noises)]

"Ah, sick!" Joslyn cried out as Russ lost the alcohol-saturated content of his stomach, all over her and Xavier's bare feet.

"Sorry." Russ's voice quivered as he lost balance and fell directly into Joslyn. She balanced his large frame the best she could as he swayed back and forth.

"I have a cooler of water back at my booth if you want me to bring him a couple." Xavier said looking back and forth between Joslyn and Russ with concern.

"Yes, please. Thank you." Relief colored her words as she looked back up at Xavier. He had already replaced the sunglasses and was pulling the surf shirt back down over his wet torso. She watched as Xavier set off in the direction of the crowd and booth at a steady jog.

"I really am sorry." Russ wobbled against her heavily. "You're wet…" the words slurred as he fumbled with her hair.

Joslyn had the good grace to be embarrassed as she struggled to find a good response while trying to balance him. "Yea, I went for a swim."

Russ brought his other hand up to steady himself on her shoulder as he continued to play with her hair. "With that guy from the booth?" His unsteady gaze stayed on the clump of wet locks in his hand. "It's not safe… out there… here… yea know… could be seen…" [Hiccup]

"It wasn't like that, Russ." Joslyn said trying to move him around to see if there was any way to get him back toward the crowd by herself.

He locked his feet refusing to be moved as he looked down into her eyes, struggling to maintain a stern gaze. "Then, how was it? It sure as hell looked like that."

She tried to push against him again to get him to move but he wouldn't budge. "Russ, please. We need to head back. This isn't any of your business. I don't have to explain anything to you."

Russ buried his feet deeper into the sand as he laced his hands more firmly into her hair. He began to bring his head down to hers, but luckily for her with his level of drunkenness, his movement was off enough that it was easy for her to block the incoming kiss.

"Russ, you literally just threw up. Please don't try to kiss me. Just help me get you back to the car before you pass out." Joslyn sighed in relief as Russ awkwardly released her hair and yielded to her attempts to move him.

"I'm not… a… (hiccup)… kid anymore, ya know…" Russ complained.

Joslyn pushed him forward as she walked slowly behind him, "Well then stop acting like one." she retorted in irritation.

They had made it back to the edge of the crowd by the time Xavier met them with two bottles of water. "Here drink this, it will help a little at least." He handed the bottles to Russ, catching the young werewolf's elbow as his whole body stumbled forward when he extended his hand for the water.

"Your friend seemed pretty sick back there." Xavier commented his eyes studying Joslyn's face as she texted a message to her other roommate to let them know about Russ's condition and location. They had helped Russ to the car and placed him in the back seat to sleep off some of the effects of the alcohol he'd consumed. Xavier had barely gotten the words out when Russ throw up again all over the interior of the vehicle. He looked back at the car with disgust, "If you'd like I could give you a ride home."

Relief washed over Joslyn's face as she pushed send on the text. "That would be great!" Just as the last words left Joslyn's lips, the car window she had glanced down at became covered in vomit as Russ struggled to get it rolled down. She shook her head before adding, "I don't think I'll ever be able to ride in that car again."

Xavier nodded in agreement, then commented as Russ throw up yet again, "I don't think the best cleaners in the world could get all that out of there." She shook his head as he took Joslyn's hand to lead her away from the car, "I'll be ready to go as soon as I find my partner and let him know I'm calling it a night." He led her back toward the booth. He let go of her hand as he walked behind the table. He bent and retrieved two more bottles of water from the cooler. He handed her one before chugging the other. He finished the water quickly, crushed the bottle and tossed it into a trash can next to the booth. "Looks like I'll have to go physically find him." His mouth turned down in what could only be read as aggravation. "Met ya back here in… say 15 minutes?" He asked before turning toward the crowd.

"Okay," Joslyn answered as she watched him fade into the crowd. She turned toward the stage off to her side. She would simply tell Shelly what was going on in case they didn't hear the incoming text from earlier, then come back to the booth to wait on Xavier. She walked over to where Shelly stood at the edge of the stage, "Hey girl, I'm taking off. The guy from the booth is giving me a ride home. Your brother is in the car completely smashed."

"That bad?" Shelly asked without taking her eyes off the stage.

"Um… yea… well, you'll see when you get there. Good luck. I'll help you guys with him when I get home." Joslyn answered following Shelly's gaze up to the drummer who was currently beating out an intense solo.

As the drummer hit the last note of his solo, Shelly's brows rose in surprise as if she'd just processed what Joslyn had said. "Hottie with the body?"

"Huh, what?" Confused by the young werewolf's unusual words, then realization hit as Joslyn laughed and replied, "Oh yes, him."

Shelly's eyes lit up as she threw her hand up for a high five, "You go, girl! It's been forever since you got ya some." She turned back to the stage as the band slowly phased into a new song.

Shrugging her shoulders and letting out a small giggle, Joslyn headed back to the booth.

As Joslyn rounded the tent she noticed a tall, dirty strawberry blond man standing behind the booth talking to an attractive female. Her mouth dropped open as her hand shot out to smack the man across his chiseled jaw. She grabbed the wrist band out of his hand and stormed off, nearly bumping into Joslyn as she blazed past.

"You must be 'the partner'." Joslyn said as his eyes moved from the departing woman's behind to Joslyn's face. She noted the unusual way he was now looking at her, a red handprint still visible on his check.

Dante took several steps toward her before asking, "What's wrong my man X not enough for ya?" his eyes roved over her body as he licked his lips hungrily. A true wolf in sheep's clothing, he continued, "You've come to the right place." He moved even closer placing his hand against the pole directly beside her head, a look that bordered manic overtaking his expression.

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