Strange Love
64 No business like vampire business
Joslyn held tightly to Xavier's cool hand as he moved quickly and with ease through the many halls and doors of the massive mansion. Her eyes searched her surroundings, but much of the halls looked the same. "I'll never find my way out of here." She grumbled as Xaiver continued to drag her along behind him.
He smiled back at her, "Good, then I don't have to worry about you escaping." He mimicked a movie Dracula, "Blah. You will be my eternal lover and we will be together for all times. Blah."
Jos couldn't help but laugh as she rolled her eyes. "For some reason, I just could never imagine you playing a role as a vampire." She let out a huff when her body crashed into his suddenly still one. She gripped his arm with her free hand to steady herself. "What is it?"
He turned fully around to face her. Xaiver smiled sweetly down into her eyes as he stroked her cheek. "We are here. I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you look..." He placed a light kiss on the tip of her nose. His uncovered sapphire eyes twinkled under the light of the many chandeliers lining the hallway. "And to remind you that you are an intelligent, capable woman." He brushed his large thumb against her lower lip as he continued to speak, "These men in here may not see that in you right away, but know as long as you stand beside me you will always be treated with the respect of an equal. You are a powerful woman, I've seen that much myself." A warm smile spread across his lips as he bent down to place a soft kiss on her lips. After a quick peck, he released her face, spun her around him and smacked her on the behind. "Now it's time for you to go in there and show these clowns what I already know."
"Umph." Jos stumbled forward toward the door with the force of his smack. She paused, her hand hovering over the door handle. "Arrr... are you sure about this?" She glanced over her should at Xavier, who was now close behind her. "I mean shouldn't you go in first?"
He chuckled as he closed the small space between them, her worried eyes prompting his movements. He clasped the back of her neck and captured her lips in one rapid, passionate movement. "Ummm." He pulled back, still holding her neck and licked his lips. "Tasty as always." He laughed when her eyes lit up in shock. "Don't worry I have no intention of sharing you. Now open the door and walk through. I'm right behind you, but it is customary for the assistants to lead." He frowned as she continued to explain, "It's a show of power and importance. A show I don't necessarily agree with but must be done."
Jos nodded with understanding but the worry was still written in her eyes and hands as she played with the buttons of his well-tailored suit jacket. "Okay..." She turned but was surprised when she met the resistance of his hand still at the back of her head. When she turned back toward him, his lips fell softly on hers again.
Xavier whispered against her lips, his forehead pressed against hers. "Stick to what we discussed and we'll both make it through this in one piece." He let his hand fall away from her head, letting it glide down her shoulder and arm until he reached her hand. He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her fingers. "You really are an amazing woman, and you look breathtaking." His warm gaze met hers from over their joined hands. "Now let's not keep them waiting."
Joslyn sat back in the chair to the right, directly beside Xaiver's chair which was the head of the table closest to the doors they had entered in from. The main leader of the North American vampire clan sat at the head of the opposite end. Irritation was written in his face and body language as he glared in their direction. He was a thin, slight man in comparison to Xavier with the face of an angel. His chestnut hair was cut in the most modern business style to match the sleek three-piece suit. His words, however, corse and harsh as he continued to question Xavier's every word. "And what is in this for the NAC?" He unfolded one arm and motioned around the room. "What can you bring us that, among us all, we don't already have?"
Xavier answered without hesitation, confidence radiated from him as he clicked a button controlling the projector. "As I highlighted for you earlier, by merging-"
The head arched a brow as he interrupted a bitter tone to his words, "Under your rule."
Xavier's confidence didn't falter as he shook his head in disagreement. "As I said, I do not plan on ruling as a monarchy. The territories will remain under their individual clan leaders." He motioned toward the proctor screen. "My company will simply be overseeing operations and giving advisements where we see fit."
The head huffed out a disgruntled laugh, "We?! Do you seriously want to stand there and imply that it will fall under anyone other than you and that despicable brother of yours?"
Xavier's smile fell, "In fact I do. As most of Europe and parts of the Asian territories will agree, my COMPANY and I are very hands-off operators. The company consists of various branches set up to ensure the maximization of resources, technologies, and safeguards." He pulled up a new side highlighting the points he was making. "As you can see the largest issues to vampires as a hold have been addressed and, may I add, already implemented with the approval and assistance of the Southeast territory leaders. There has been a 10% increase in blood donations and distributions, 30% faster cleanups, and a decrease of 15% vamp on vamp crimes... not to mention the decrease in exposure to the public." Xavier turned his attention from the head to the other vampires sitting around the table. "In the past, most of the vampire problems have come from exposure to humans or violence related to other factions. With our new safeguards, this has decreased this to the point of nearly removing the problems altogether. By standing united it increases the power of all the clans, not just a single leader and provides a safe haven for all vampires."
One of the other vampires chimed in, "Would these safeguards still include the attempted extinction of other factions... like your father attempted?"
Joslyn tried to hide her shock, directing her attention to the laptop in front of her. {Was it his father that nearly drove the wolves to extinction 20 years ago? Russ's people... his parents?} She watched Xavier's response from vailed eyes.
Xavier frowned as he tried to mask his frustration. "I do not agree with the genocide of any population. My father's tirony was well ended 15 years ago. I have no intention of picking up where he left off."
Joslyn smiled down at the computer, pleased with the answer he had provided, but her joy was only short-lived as another member asked, "But can you promise your brother doesn't share in your father's policies and goals?"
Xavier met Joslyn's eyes and nodded. "I can, and my assistant can as well." He looked out over the many faces of the meeting as he announced, "My brother is in a relationship with the crowned princess of the Mediterranean wolf pack." His eyes locked with Joslyn's as he continued, "She entrusted him with the knowledge of her identity some time ago, and I believe my assistant verify her identity."
Jos felt her cheeks heat as all eyes turned toward her. She nodded in acknowledgment before she had time to process the new information. {Shelly told Dante her true identity?} Jos thought hard about the answer, {She must have or how else would he know?...} She wrung her hands under the table in worry and anxiety.
Xaiver smiled in her direction, his eyes sparkling. "I convinced by this time next week I shall be calling her sister." His eyes moved from one shocked face to the other as he looked around the room. {Dante isn't going to like this new turn of events, but whatever seals the deal.} He smiled as the other vampires began whispering among themselves. "We could step out if you need a minute to deliberate."
The other vampires exchanged a few more hushed words before the head of the vampires stood. "If this is all true then I see no reason to continue fighting against your agenda. Of course, there will have to be a negotiation of terms and conditions..." He glanced over at Joslyn, "And verification of information, of course."
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Jos watched as Xavier's face lit up in a very pleased smile. "Of course, I recommend you and your men reviewing the terms and-"
The head waved his hand toward Xavier, "No need, I see no reason why we can't settle this here today."
Xavier sent Jos a quick glance and let out a heavy sigh. "If that is what you want." He had no sooner sat back down when a side door opened and a large man emerged. Xavier watched as he moved through the room toward the head with a relaxed, nonchalant ease. Xavier cocked his head to the side as he studied the man.
The man came directly over to the head and whispered something in his ear, laughed at the disgruntled face the head vampire made then slapped him hard on the back causing the slight man's eyes to bulge. He then leaned back against the wall behind the head of the table.
The Head straightened his suit in obvious aggravation as he introduced the newcomer. "My apologies, my bodyguard here was informing me of another matter he's been looking into for us."
Xavier narrowed his eyes. {Strange, the man seems human... but there is no way a mere human would be so careless around such a powerful vampire... and a powerful vampire wouldn't tolerate such actions... unless...} The bodyguard's eyes quickly scanned room smiling as they moved over him and Jos. Xavier's thought about the strange man was interrupted. "Mr. DeMarco, I do apologize but you say crimes have decrease and exposure as lessened since your involvement here, but how can you explain all of the publicized murders in the same area you are staying in?"
Xaiver recovered quickly from his shock as he stood up to address the question. "I assure you those crimes are not vampire-related. No vampire would be so sloppy as to leave bodies out in the open like that. I realize the media have implied it, and my team are working hard on clearing up the matter but-"
One of the vampires interrupted, "And we are supposed to believe your brother had nothing to do with it?"
Xavier leaned over the table, planting his palms flat on its smooth surface. "My brother had nothing to do with them. He has alibis for all the nights, myself included among them." He arched his brows at the others "Unless you would like to call ME a liar."
The others fall silent except for the strange new man. Instead, he laughed. "I would have to agree with Mr. DeMarco. My brother was actually sent to investigate those crimes and it was proven to be nonvampire related." His eyes twinkled with mischief as they focused on Xavier and Joslyn. "I mean vampires aren't often known for being such messy eaters, are they? The crimes were more like a child... or a poorly trained animal... Wouldn't you all agree?"
Disorder erupted in the room as everyone began speaking at once. Joslyn gripped her chest tight as she struggled to breath. She forced her stiff body to respond as she fought to use the distraction in the room to escape. Her legs wobbled, trying to bow under her weight as she pushed herself up from the table. Her legs were even less reliable as she struggled toward the door. She could feel the movements of someone behind her and their intense gaze as they followed close on her heels. The room's commotion didn't falter as she struggled to pull the door open and quickly step through the doorway.
He smiled back at her, "Good, then I don't have to worry about you escaping." He mimicked a movie Dracula, "Blah. You will be my eternal lover and we will be together for all times. Blah."
Jos couldn't help but laugh as she rolled her eyes. "For some reason, I just could never imagine you playing a role as a vampire." She let out a huff when her body crashed into his suddenly still one. She gripped his arm with her free hand to steady herself. "What is it?"
He turned fully around to face her. Xaiver smiled sweetly down into her eyes as he stroked her cheek. "We are here. I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you look..." He placed a light kiss on the tip of her nose. His uncovered sapphire eyes twinkled under the light of the many chandeliers lining the hallway. "And to remind you that you are an intelligent, capable woman." He brushed his large thumb against her lower lip as he continued to speak, "These men in here may not see that in you right away, but know as long as you stand beside me you will always be treated with the respect of an equal. You are a powerful woman, I've seen that much myself." A warm smile spread across his lips as he bent down to place a soft kiss on her lips. After a quick peck, he released her face, spun her around him and smacked her on the behind. "Now it's time for you to go in there and show these clowns what I already know."
"Umph." Jos stumbled forward toward the door with the force of his smack. She paused, her hand hovering over the door handle. "Arrr... are you sure about this?" She glanced over her should at Xavier, who was now close behind her. "I mean shouldn't you go in first?"
He chuckled as he closed the small space between them, her worried eyes prompting his movements. He clasped the back of her neck and captured her lips in one rapid, passionate movement. "Ummm." He pulled back, still holding her neck and licked his lips. "Tasty as always." He laughed when her eyes lit up in shock. "Don't worry I have no intention of sharing you. Now open the door and walk through. I'm right behind you, but it is customary for the assistants to lead." He frowned as she continued to explain, "It's a show of power and importance. A show I don't necessarily agree with but must be done."
Jos nodded with understanding but the worry was still written in her eyes and hands as she played with the buttons of his well-tailored suit jacket. "Okay..." She turned but was surprised when she met the resistance of his hand still at the back of her head. When she turned back toward him, his lips fell softly on hers again.
Xavier whispered against her lips, his forehead pressed against hers. "Stick to what we discussed and we'll both make it through this in one piece." He let his hand fall away from her head, letting it glide down her shoulder and arm until he reached her hand. He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her fingers. "You really are an amazing woman, and you look breathtaking." His warm gaze met hers from over their joined hands. "Now let's not keep them waiting."
Joslyn sat back in the chair to the right, directly beside Xaiver's chair which was the head of the table closest to the doors they had entered in from. The main leader of the North American vampire clan sat at the head of the opposite end. Irritation was written in his face and body language as he glared in their direction. He was a thin, slight man in comparison to Xavier with the face of an angel. His chestnut hair was cut in the most modern business style to match the sleek three-piece suit. His words, however, corse and harsh as he continued to question Xavier's every word. "And what is in this for the NAC?" He unfolded one arm and motioned around the room. "What can you bring us that, among us all, we don't already have?"
Xavier answered without hesitation, confidence radiated from him as he clicked a button controlling the projector. "As I highlighted for you earlier, by merging-"
The head arched a brow as he interrupted a bitter tone to his words, "Under your rule."
Xavier's confidence didn't falter as he shook his head in disagreement. "As I said, I do not plan on ruling as a monarchy. The territories will remain under their individual clan leaders." He motioned toward the proctor screen. "My company will simply be overseeing operations and giving advisements where we see fit."
The head huffed out a disgruntled laugh, "We?! Do you seriously want to stand there and imply that it will fall under anyone other than you and that despicable brother of yours?"
Xavier's smile fell, "In fact I do. As most of Europe and parts of the Asian territories will agree, my COMPANY and I are very hands-off operators. The company consists of various branches set up to ensure the maximization of resources, technologies, and safeguards." He pulled up a new side highlighting the points he was making. "As you can see the largest issues to vampires as a hold have been addressed and, may I add, already implemented with the approval and assistance of the Southeast territory leaders. There has been a 10% increase in blood donations and distributions, 30% faster cleanups, and a decrease of 15% vamp on vamp crimes... not to mention the decrease in exposure to the public." Xavier turned his attention from the head to the other vampires sitting around the table. "In the past, most of the vampire problems have come from exposure to humans or violence related to other factions. With our new safeguards, this has decreased this to the point of nearly removing the problems altogether. By standing united it increases the power of all the clans, not just a single leader and provides a safe haven for all vampires."
One of the other vampires chimed in, "Would these safeguards still include the attempted extinction of other factions... like your father attempted?"
Joslyn tried to hide her shock, directing her attention to the laptop in front of her. {Was it his father that nearly drove the wolves to extinction 20 years ago? Russ's people... his parents?} She watched Xavier's response from vailed eyes.
Xavier frowned as he tried to mask his frustration. "I do not agree with the genocide of any population. My father's tirony was well ended 15 years ago. I have no intention of picking up where he left off."
Joslyn smiled down at the computer, pleased with the answer he had provided, but her joy was only short-lived as another member asked, "But can you promise your brother doesn't share in your father's policies and goals?"
Xavier met Joslyn's eyes and nodded. "I can, and my assistant can as well." He looked out over the many faces of the meeting as he announced, "My brother is in a relationship with the crowned princess of the Mediterranean wolf pack." His eyes locked with Joslyn's as he continued, "She entrusted him with the knowledge of her identity some time ago, and I believe my assistant verify her identity."
Jos felt her cheeks heat as all eyes turned toward her. She nodded in acknowledgment before she had time to process the new information. {Shelly told Dante her true identity?} Jos thought hard about the answer, {She must have or how else would he know?...} She wrung her hands under the table in worry and anxiety.
Xaiver smiled in her direction, his eyes sparkling. "I convinced by this time next week I shall be calling her sister." His eyes moved from one shocked face to the other as he looked around the room. {Dante isn't going to like this new turn of events, but whatever seals the deal.} He smiled as the other vampires began whispering among themselves. "We could step out if you need a minute to deliberate."
The other vampires exchanged a few more hushed words before the head of the vampires stood. "If this is all true then I see no reason to continue fighting against your agenda. Of course, there will have to be a negotiation of terms and conditions..." He glanced over at Joslyn, "And verification of information, of course."
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Jos watched as Xavier's face lit up in a very pleased smile. "Of course, I recommend you and your men reviewing the terms and-"
The head waved his hand toward Xavier, "No need, I see no reason why we can't settle this here today."
Xavier sent Jos a quick glance and let out a heavy sigh. "If that is what you want." He had no sooner sat back down when a side door opened and a large man emerged. Xavier watched as he moved through the room toward the head with a relaxed, nonchalant ease. Xavier cocked his head to the side as he studied the man.
The man came directly over to the head and whispered something in his ear, laughed at the disgruntled face the head vampire made then slapped him hard on the back causing the slight man's eyes to bulge. He then leaned back against the wall behind the head of the table.
The Head straightened his suit in obvious aggravation as he introduced the newcomer. "My apologies, my bodyguard here was informing me of another matter he's been looking into for us."
Xavier narrowed his eyes. {Strange, the man seems human... but there is no way a mere human would be so careless around such a powerful vampire... and a powerful vampire wouldn't tolerate such actions... unless...} The bodyguard's eyes quickly scanned room smiling as they moved over him and Jos. Xavier's thought about the strange man was interrupted. "Mr. DeMarco, I do apologize but you say crimes have decrease and exposure as lessened since your involvement here, but how can you explain all of the publicized murders in the same area you are staying in?"
Xaiver recovered quickly from his shock as he stood up to address the question. "I assure you those crimes are not vampire-related. No vampire would be so sloppy as to leave bodies out in the open like that. I realize the media have implied it, and my team are working hard on clearing up the matter but-"
One of the vampires interrupted, "And we are supposed to believe your brother had nothing to do with it?"
Xavier leaned over the table, planting his palms flat on its smooth surface. "My brother had nothing to do with them. He has alibis for all the nights, myself included among them." He arched his brows at the others "Unless you would like to call ME a liar."
The others fall silent except for the strange new man. Instead, he laughed. "I would have to agree with Mr. DeMarco. My brother was actually sent to investigate those crimes and it was proven to be nonvampire related." His eyes twinkled with mischief as they focused on Xavier and Joslyn. "I mean vampires aren't often known for being such messy eaters, are they? The crimes were more like a child... or a poorly trained animal... Wouldn't you all agree?"
Disorder erupted in the room as everyone began speaking at once. Joslyn gripped her chest tight as she struggled to breath. She forced her stiff body to respond as she fought to use the distraction in the room to escape. Her legs wobbled, trying to bow under her weight as she pushed herself up from the table. Her legs were even less reliable as she struggled toward the door. She could feel the movements of someone behind her and their intense gaze as they followed close on her heels. The room's commotion didn't falter as she struggled to pull the door open and quickly step through the doorway.
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