Strange Love
88 All about timing
Jos felt her stomach drop as they neared the state lines. Panic seized her chest as bile rose in her throat. "Pull over!" She cried out from the passenger seat. Before the car had even come to a complete stop, Jos was shoving the door open and bolting from the vehicle. She scurried through the tiny wooded area off the side of the interstate until she could no longer see the road and lost the contents of her stomach. Gentle hands gathered her hair and held it back as her stomach unloaded its contents a second time.
"What's the matter? You haven't said hardly anything since we left this morning and now you're throwing up?" Arei shook his head as he sat on the tree stump beside them and pulled her over to sit beside him. He patted her back while she wiped at her mouth with the back of her arm. "This isn't like you, kitten... tell me what's got you so tore up."
Jos didn't meet his gaze, instead, she focused on the large trees before them. "I... I don't want to face him... Either of them really..."
He rubbed her back in small circular motions, "Why, kitten?" He pushed the hair that had fallen into her face once again behind her ears cupping the sides of her face to make her meet his gaze. "I'll be with you the whole way. That vamp bastard isn't going to hurt you again, I promise."
Her eyes glistened, worry obvious in their aqua depths. "It's not so much... that..." she tried pulling out of his grip but he held her firmly in place so she adverted her eyes instead. "I just- well with things ending the way they did... I mean if he threw my phone in the ocean over us showing up a bit late... what do you think he's going to do with my stuff after a week of... this..." She cupped her hands over his as she held his eyes. "And Russ... he has every reason to hate me. As far as he knows I slept with Xavier... have been sleeping with him this entire time..."
Arei sighed, "I'm sure my assumption of that when we first ran into each other didn't help your thinking that, but I'm sure-"
"Arei, us too!" She interrupted. Her eyes burned into his as he thought over her words.
He released her face, his turn to be slightly awkward. "I'm sure Orion has explained most of 'us' to him by now... surely he's given the boy my updates when I call... though if you'd agreed to talk to him I'm sure it would have helped more." He glanced over at her pointedly arching his brows in mock irritation
Jos blushed, "I didn't know what to say to him... I still don't know what to say to him..." She ran her hands back and forth over her thighs anxiously. "I said so many shitty things to him the last time we were face to face... and he texted me but I never responded... I never even read the whole text..." She dropped her face into the hands. "I've probably done so much damage there's no way he'd want me back or even if he did he'd never be able to forgive me... not fully..."
Her words were muffled by her hands but it didn't stop the pain in them from reaching Arei. He pulled her tightly against his chest resting his chin on top of her head. "He would be stupid if he didn't." He chuckled lightly, "I'm not going to lie, I kind of hope he is that stupid so I can swoop in and be your Dark Knight."
"I don't deserve him. He's so young and good... so innocent... I'll only make his life a living hell if I'm part of it." She sobbed quietly against his chest.
He stroked her hair, "Shhhh. Now that is absolute bullshit if I've ever heard it. One he's a man and judging by some of those scars you try hiding I'd guess he's not all that innocent. Yes, he's young and his position isn't going to make things easy for you two, but it's not going to be any worse than any other couple of mixed backgrounds."
She glared up at him, "Arei, you know good and well it's more than just 'mixed backgrounds'.
"Hum, well if that's how you truly feel, maybe I should stop trying so hard to hold back." He pulled her face up to meet his as he lowed his head down toward her slowly. When her hand shot up to block his pursed lips he laughed and sat back. "See? You still haven't given up on the kid despite what you're saying." He tapped her chest with his index finger. "Think with this, it will lead you straighter than your head ever will." He pushed himself up from the stump and held a hand out for her. "Come on let's get back on the road." After helping her up he didn't release her hand, instead, he pulled her closer. "And for the record, I wasn't lying when I said I hope he is stupid enough to refuse you." His eyes held a spark of fire as he stared down into hers. "Every time my name leaves your lips I have to fight myself to keep from pulling you into my arms and never letting you go." He let out a long breath seeing the shock and worry written across her beautiful face. He released her hand without saying anything further and turned back toward the car walking in long strides. He finally called out over his shoulder as he neared the clearing, "I'll meet you at the car, take your time.
Arei climbed inside the car and rested his head against the steering wheel turning his head toward the wooded area to watch Jos as she emerged. {They always say if you love someone let them go... Who ever said that needs drug out into heavy traffic and ran over...} He thought. After the bitter sweet torment of holding her in his arms as she dreamed of another man, there was no way to lie to himself any longer. {She obviously loves the boy...} The devil on his shoulder continued to nag at him. {What if she has reason to worry... Psh! Shows what it knows! Ry said the kid has been worried sick since she left and blaming it all on himself... same as her...} He let out an heavy sigh as she neared the car pushing himself upright and pasting on his best halfhearted smile. "Are we back on track?" He asked.
Shelly Held the small basket tight in the bend of her arm as she and Rin made their way through the quiet mountain village nestled snug amidst the Bavarian Alps of Germany. "It's so prefect here." Shelly said as laced her free hand into Rin's. "I could see us with a cozy little cottage at the edge of this town." She nodded toward an old sturdy stone building at the corner of the street they were walking down. "Old and stone like that one, with a white picket fence, and tons of flowers and vines." When he smiled down at her she nuzzled her check against his arm and continued. "Maybe two or three kids playing in the yard with their pet pig."
Rin laughed, "Pet pig? What kind of pet is that?" He pulled their interlaced fingers up to his mouth and kissed her knuckles.
Shelly furrowed her brow and puckered out her bottom lip. "Pig's make great pets, especially the little ones... or so I've been told." She sent him pleading eyes. "I've always wanted a pet pig..."
Rin chuckled, "Alright, pet pig it is. What else will there be?"
She pointed up at a snow tipped mountain. "That will be the view from our bedroom every night and there will be a big lake at the edge of the property..." She stared out at the landscape and the beautiful old stone buildings lining the streets. It looked like a place straight out of a storybook.
Rin pulled her close wrapping his arms around her. "That sounds great, love... but what do you say we head home for now and consider moving here at some other time." He teased as he kissed her head. "I mean we can get the pig if you want, but I think the cottage and lake may have to wait." He laughed as he led her down a quiet ally his arm wrapped around her shoulders.
With a snap of his fingers they had left the peaceful mountains and were now back in the familiar lavish suite that was Rin's bedroom. He gave her a tender kiss before releasing her. "Would you like me to run us a bath?" He asked as he rubbed his hands down her arms.
Shelly thought for a second, "A bath would be nice, but first, I want to take your mom and dad the things we picked up for them and I'm sure your mom will want to know we're back."
He laughed, "True... but I had hoped to keep you to myself for a few minutes longer... but I guess you're right... better we go to her instead risk her popping in on us." He snapped his finger once again and they were in the main living room. "Mom... dad... we're back." He froze when he saw the expressions on their faces. What ever they'd been discussing wasn't a happy topic, but as if he'd imagined it both their expression quickly shifted to over joyed, happy smiles and chatter.
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Jamila rushed over to them and gave them both a large hug. "You two took plenty of pictures, didn't you? You have to show me!" She couldn't completely hide the worry from her eyes when she smiled up at her son. "I found an album for your favorites. It's always important to cherish these things, you know."
Rin understood the message she was conveying. {Fate must be sealed and not in my favor.} Rin sighed loudly pulling Shelly tighter against him wrapping both arms around her and he kissed the top of her head as she unloaded her basket. She and Jamila chattered on about the different objects but Rin couldn't bring himself to pay attention. He could only focus on her... Her sent, the way the light created a shimmer over her blonde hair, her sweet voice as she spoke in excited tons, the heat from her body, the way it fit perfectly against the contours of his body when they stood like this... His heart dropped. {How much longer...} He glanced over at his dad, but Rudra only shook his head before turning his attention back to the girls. {He hasn't been able to figure out a timeline or cause yet... Dammit.} He continued to hold her tight resting his chin on the top of her shoulder as she began scrolling through the many pictures she'd taken at the Cambodian temples. {These are the memories I'll cherish most... Not only the fun we had together on our trips and the lovemaking, but this... Together as a family... the day of the wedding... Even if it is only fated to be a short affair, every second was worth it. I could never love someone more and to share that with her... to know she returns it... At least I can honestly say no matter what's to come, I loved with everything I had and got so much more back in return.}
"Rin? Are you okay?" Shelly asked as she glanced over her should at him her hand now resting on his damp cheek.
He gave himself a mental shake, "Yes, I'm fine." He cupped her face letting her turn slightly in his arms before kissing her deeply. "What do you say we call it a night? It's been a long day. I'm sure you're tired. You and mom can scrapbook all day tomorrow if you'd like."
"Um... That sounds good." She leaned forward and gave him a light kiss on the lips before pulling away and giving Jamila a large hug and saying goodnight to Rudra.
Rin did the same telling each that he loved them before pulling Shelly into his arms and snapping them back to his room. "Here let me help you." With a mischievous grin he snapped his fingers again and her clothes disappeared.
Shelly gasped and tried to cover herself. "I thought you said you were tired! This isn't the way to rest!"
His smile widened, "I lied... I just wanted you to myself for the rest of the evening." He snapped his fingers and his clothes disappeared as well. He walked over and scooped her up carrying her over to the bed.
Shelly shook her head, "Keep this up and you're going to be tired of me within a year."
Rin's expression became serious as he kissed her lips. "I could never become tired of you." He whispered against them as he lowered them both to the plush bedding.
"What's the matter? You haven't said hardly anything since we left this morning and now you're throwing up?" Arei shook his head as he sat on the tree stump beside them and pulled her over to sit beside him. He patted her back while she wiped at her mouth with the back of her arm. "This isn't like you, kitten... tell me what's got you so tore up."
Jos didn't meet his gaze, instead, she focused on the large trees before them. "I... I don't want to face him... Either of them really..."
He rubbed her back in small circular motions, "Why, kitten?" He pushed the hair that had fallen into her face once again behind her ears cupping the sides of her face to make her meet his gaze. "I'll be with you the whole way. That vamp bastard isn't going to hurt you again, I promise."
Her eyes glistened, worry obvious in their aqua depths. "It's not so much... that..." she tried pulling out of his grip but he held her firmly in place so she adverted her eyes instead. "I just- well with things ending the way they did... I mean if he threw my phone in the ocean over us showing up a bit late... what do you think he's going to do with my stuff after a week of... this..." She cupped her hands over his as she held his eyes. "And Russ... he has every reason to hate me. As far as he knows I slept with Xavier... have been sleeping with him this entire time..."
Arei sighed, "I'm sure my assumption of that when we first ran into each other didn't help your thinking that, but I'm sure-"
"Arei, us too!" She interrupted. Her eyes burned into his as he thought over her words.
He released her face, his turn to be slightly awkward. "I'm sure Orion has explained most of 'us' to him by now... surely he's given the boy my updates when I call... though if you'd agreed to talk to him I'm sure it would have helped more." He glanced over at her pointedly arching his brows in mock irritation
Jos blushed, "I didn't know what to say to him... I still don't know what to say to him..." She ran her hands back and forth over her thighs anxiously. "I said so many shitty things to him the last time we were face to face... and he texted me but I never responded... I never even read the whole text..." She dropped her face into the hands. "I've probably done so much damage there's no way he'd want me back or even if he did he'd never be able to forgive me... not fully..."
Her words were muffled by her hands but it didn't stop the pain in them from reaching Arei. He pulled her tightly against his chest resting his chin on top of her head. "He would be stupid if he didn't." He chuckled lightly, "I'm not going to lie, I kind of hope he is that stupid so I can swoop in and be your Dark Knight."
"I don't deserve him. He's so young and good... so innocent... I'll only make his life a living hell if I'm part of it." She sobbed quietly against his chest.
He stroked her hair, "Shhhh. Now that is absolute bullshit if I've ever heard it. One he's a man and judging by some of those scars you try hiding I'd guess he's not all that innocent. Yes, he's young and his position isn't going to make things easy for you two, but it's not going to be any worse than any other couple of mixed backgrounds."
She glared up at him, "Arei, you know good and well it's more than just 'mixed backgrounds'.
"Hum, well if that's how you truly feel, maybe I should stop trying so hard to hold back." He pulled her face up to meet his as he lowed his head down toward her slowly. When her hand shot up to block his pursed lips he laughed and sat back. "See? You still haven't given up on the kid despite what you're saying." He tapped her chest with his index finger. "Think with this, it will lead you straighter than your head ever will." He pushed himself up from the stump and held a hand out for her. "Come on let's get back on the road." After helping her up he didn't release her hand, instead, he pulled her closer. "And for the record, I wasn't lying when I said I hope he is stupid enough to refuse you." His eyes held a spark of fire as he stared down into hers. "Every time my name leaves your lips I have to fight myself to keep from pulling you into my arms and never letting you go." He let out a long breath seeing the shock and worry written across her beautiful face. He released her hand without saying anything further and turned back toward the car walking in long strides. He finally called out over his shoulder as he neared the clearing, "I'll meet you at the car, take your time.
Arei climbed inside the car and rested his head against the steering wheel turning his head toward the wooded area to watch Jos as she emerged. {They always say if you love someone let them go... Who ever said that needs drug out into heavy traffic and ran over...} He thought. After the bitter sweet torment of holding her in his arms as she dreamed of another man, there was no way to lie to himself any longer. {She obviously loves the boy...} The devil on his shoulder continued to nag at him. {What if she has reason to worry... Psh! Shows what it knows! Ry said the kid has been worried sick since she left and blaming it all on himself... same as her...} He let out an heavy sigh as she neared the car pushing himself upright and pasting on his best halfhearted smile. "Are we back on track?" He asked.
Shelly Held the small basket tight in the bend of her arm as she and Rin made their way through the quiet mountain village nestled snug amidst the Bavarian Alps of Germany. "It's so prefect here." Shelly said as laced her free hand into Rin's. "I could see us with a cozy little cottage at the edge of this town." She nodded toward an old sturdy stone building at the corner of the street they were walking down. "Old and stone like that one, with a white picket fence, and tons of flowers and vines." When he smiled down at her she nuzzled her check against his arm and continued. "Maybe two or three kids playing in the yard with their pet pig."
Rin laughed, "Pet pig? What kind of pet is that?" He pulled their interlaced fingers up to his mouth and kissed her knuckles.
Shelly furrowed her brow and puckered out her bottom lip. "Pig's make great pets, especially the little ones... or so I've been told." She sent him pleading eyes. "I've always wanted a pet pig..."
Rin chuckled, "Alright, pet pig it is. What else will there be?"
She pointed up at a snow tipped mountain. "That will be the view from our bedroom every night and there will be a big lake at the edge of the property..." She stared out at the landscape and the beautiful old stone buildings lining the streets. It looked like a place straight out of a storybook.
Rin pulled her close wrapping his arms around her. "That sounds great, love... but what do you say we head home for now and consider moving here at some other time." He teased as he kissed her head. "I mean we can get the pig if you want, but I think the cottage and lake may have to wait." He laughed as he led her down a quiet ally his arm wrapped around her shoulders.
With a snap of his fingers they had left the peaceful mountains and were now back in the familiar lavish suite that was Rin's bedroom. He gave her a tender kiss before releasing her. "Would you like me to run us a bath?" He asked as he rubbed his hands down her arms.
Shelly thought for a second, "A bath would be nice, but first, I want to take your mom and dad the things we picked up for them and I'm sure your mom will want to know we're back."
He laughed, "True... but I had hoped to keep you to myself for a few minutes longer... but I guess you're right... better we go to her instead risk her popping in on us." He snapped his finger once again and they were in the main living room. "Mom... dad... we're back." He froze when he saw the expressions on their faces. What ever they'd been discussing wasn't a happy topic, but as if he'd imagined it both their expression quickly shifted to over joyed, happy smiles and chatter.
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Jamila rushed over to them and gave them both a large hug. "You two took plenty of pictures, didn't you? You have to show me!" She couldn't completely hide the worry from her eyes when she smiled up at her son. "I found an album for your favorites. It's always important to cherish these things, you know."
Rin understood the message she was conveying. {Fate must be sealed and not in my favor.} Rin sighed loudly pulling Shelly tighter against him wrapping both arms around her and he kissed the top of her head as she unloaded her basket. She and Jamila chattered on about the different objects but Rin couldn't bring himself to pay attention. He could only focus on her... Her sent, the way the light created a shimmer over her blonde hair, her sweet voice as she spoke in excited tons, the heat from her body, the way it fit perfectly against the contours of his body when they stood like this... His heart dropped. {How much longer...} He glanced over at his dad, but Rudra only shook his head before turning his attention back to the girls. {He hasn't been able to figure out a timeline or cause yet... Dammit.} He continued to hold her tight resting his chin on the top of her shoulder as she began scrolling through the many pictures she'd taken at the Cambodian temples. {These are the memories I'll cherish most... Not only the fun we had together on our trips and the lovemaking, but this... Together as a family... the day of the wedding... Even if it is only fated to be a short affair, every second was worth it. I could never love someone more and to share that with her... to know she returns it... At least I can honestly say no matter what's to come, I loved with everything I had and got so much more back in return.}
"Rin? Are you okay?" Shelly asked as she glanced over her should at him her hand now resting on his damp cheek.
He gave himself a mental shake, "Yes, I'm fine." He cupped her face letting her turn slightly in his arms before kissing her deeply. "What do you say we call it a night? It's been a long day. I'm sure you're tired. You and mom can scrapbook all day tomorrow if you'd like."
"Um... That sounds good." She leaned forward and gave him a light kiss on the lips before pulling away and giving Jamila a large hug and saying goodnight to Rudra.
Rin did the same telling each that he loved them before pulling Shelly into his arms and snapping them back to his room. "Here let me help you." With a mischievous grin he snapped his fingers again and her clothes disappeared.
Shelly gasped and tried to cover herself. "I thought you said you were tired! This isn't the way to rest!"
His smile widened, "I lied... I just wanted you to myself for the rest of the evening." He snapped his fingers and his clothes disappeared as well. He walked over and scooped her up carrying her over to the bed.
Shelly shook her head, "Keep this up and you're going to be tired of me within a year."
Rin's expression became serious as he kissed her lips. "I could never become tired of you." He whispered against them as he lowered them both to the plush bedding.
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