Strange Worlds: The Sequence

Chapter 131: the truth

   Chapter 131 The Truth

  In the martial arts arena, the three brothers of the Li family blamed each other, and in the end they could only break up unhappy.

   At night, the moon and stars are thin.

   “Fear makes people nervous, and nervous makes mistakes.”

  Chen Yuyan stood beside Qi Yunjie's bed, and said calmly: "The price of making mistakes is death."

   "You mean to say..."

  Qi Yunjue hesitated to speak.

   "Don't worry, your injury hasn't healed so quickly, you just need to calm down and heal your injury now, and wait until you regain your ability to move, and then move with the times, just follow the opportunity."

  Qi Yunjue is inconvenient to walk, the village is noisy today, she doesn't know what happened.

  Chen Yuyan simply told the matter to Qi Yun for interception, and did not tell her anything else.


  The door was pushed open, and Li Yan walked in with hot water.

   "Sister Yunjie, it's time to change her dressing."

  Looking at Li Yan, who had a sad face and a little depressed spirit, Chen Yuyan gave way to the aisle, and walked out of the other courtyard alone.

  Backing on her bed, Chen Yuyan rubbed her chin in thought.

  The man from the Li family killed all the members of the Cao Gang who went down the mountain, because he didn't want to let more and more congratulatory guests in the villa, so he took the initiative to kill chickens and monkeys.

  Chen Yuyan's eyes froze.

"if it is like this…"

  The murderer wants everyone to stay in the village, either to make it easier for him to fish in troubled waters, or...


   "Or, among these people, there are helpers who don't want to be exposed."

  In the main house of the Li family, the three Li Shanqing brothers who had been arguing during the day were all gathered together in a harmonious atmosphere.

  Li Shanqing had a sullen face, and as soon as he finished speaking, Li Shanxiang looked suspiciously into the distance, intertwined in the continuous guest rooms in the distance.

   "Brother, can the play we performed this morning really attract that person?"

   Looking back, Li Shanxiang hesitated.

   "I don't know. Since the formula that disappeared a few years ago was lost, I don't even know if it was our Li family who made it."

  Li Shanqing didn't have the slightest smile on his face. He shook his head and said, "Warriors in the Jianghu are very easy to kill. It's much easier to find a reason. Don't talk about outsiders, just talk about our own family. Don't we have old grudges?"

  He stretched out one hand, pointed at Li Shanxiang, and said, "Let's talk about the second brother first. After all these years, haven't you ever thought of taking action against the third brother?"

   "Although it was unintentional, he was the one who killed your only son and killed the robbers. Since then, your second wife and family relationship have been completely cut off."

   "And you, the third brother, you don't hold any grudges about the sister-in-law? It's me, the elder brother, who is sorry for you, but can you really bear it so easily?"

Li Shanqing glanced around, and finally pointed at himself and said, "Besides, I used to be a good owner of the villa, but you two joined hands to **** most of the rights a few years ago, don't I have a little bit in my heart?" Not angry?"

  He said coldly: "If you want to find a reason, you will end up with mutual suspicion. The three of us brothers will definitely kill each other."

   "It's just that I know that no matter how deep the conflict between us is, we will never do anything that harms Zhuangzi's interests."

   "This incident has put Qingyao Villa on fire. From then on, our Li family has been completely reduced to the laughing stock of Longyou martial arts. What good will it do for you?"

   "The murderer wants to destroy our Li family!"

  The surroundings were silent for a while, and after a while, Li Shanxiang said: "Even so, we should investigate the reason, otherwise we can't even tell the direction, how to find the murderer?"

   "Then we can only be suspicious of each other, after all, we have never had any enmity with outsiders..."

   "No grudges?"

  The third master of the Li family, Li Shanming, who was sitting next to him and kept silent, snorted coldly:

   "Not to mention anything else, our Qingyao Villa has monopolized the pill business in Qilian Prefecture for so many years, secretly arousing the envy and hatred of many people, but second brother, you are not in charge of selling pills, so I don't know."

   "There is also the matter of marriage. The Sunluo faction will watch it? This matter has nothing to do with them. I don't believe it."

   "Wait and see, the murderer won't stop. From the very beginning, his purpose was to destroy my Li family."

  Li Shanqing's eyes were gloomy and cold, "When I find out the clues, I will definitely make that life worse than death!"


   After a few days passed, nothing happened in the villa.

  Chen Yuyan walked in the dense forest, looking around with his eyes wandering.

  This is the side peak of Yanzhi Peak, and it is also the place where the strange beast "Shenmao" of Qingyao Villa is located.

  Since last night, Chen Yuyan asked some of the Li family's collateral descendants some things that were not known to outsiders with the voice of the devil, and he strung together all the things that happened.

   Now that Qi Yunjue's injury is almost healed, it's time to leave Qingyao Villa.

   Covered, Chen Yuyan lurks among the dense branches and leaves, waiting for the prey to take the bait.

   The bright moon that is not yet round will gradually rise to the sky. A transparent gray cloud, faintly covering the moonlight. There seems to be a light smoke in the mountains, hazy, like falling into a dream.

  After the evening clouds drifted past, the smoke dissipated, and the clear light like fire washed the soft autumn night.


  The branches were trampled and made a crisp sound, and a figure in a black robe came slowly.

  Double pupil · god-man state!

  Chen Yuyan performed the heavy pupil technique, two pupils appeared in his eyes, his whole body became indifferent, his spirit was highly concentrated, and the Baimo knife in his hand was ready to go.

  Yin Ming Dao Jing · Iceberg Hell!

All evil husbands and wives who murder their own husbands and wives, commit adultery, and have malicious abortions will be sent to the Iceberg Hell after death. People, make them naked on the iceberg.

   The Baimo Dao in Chen Yuyan's hand was covered with dark internal force at this time, like a piece of deep ink, it seemed to be swaying wantonly.

  A powerful evil spirit, like a landslide, forced out from top to bottom, even the scattered stone dust, and even the night were forced by this broad and thick evil spirit, and swayed to both sides!

   Heart Demon Field!

  Chen Yuyan jumped down, and the shadow under the moonlight suddenly twisted, broke free from the ground and roared and poured into the black robe.

   Three-pronged approach, ten deaths and no life!

  The body of the knife was reflected against the bright moonlight, and it was slashed across.

  The black robe was cut off, and the head fell to the ground.

  The ground was neatly divided into two pieces by the knife light, and it was reduced to ruins.

  Chen Yuyan took back the Baimo knife, carried it on her back, walked forward, picked up the head on the ground, looked at it, and smiled contemptuously.

   Familiar faces.

  A maidservant of the Li family.

   "I didn't intend to do anything to you, but you didn't intend to let go of any of the people in Qingyao Villa, so don't blame me for being cruel."

  Finding out two copper keys from the body, he threw the head and body down the cliff, and Chen Yuyan turned and walked forward.

  When he came to the stone wall not far away, he took out the key in his hand, and after groping for a while, he found a hole and inserted it in.


  The dust dissipated, and a bottomless entrance suddenly appeared between the stone walls.

  Chen Yuyan stepped into the narrow secret passage, and the light suddenly dimmed.

  The secret road is not long, only a few feet away, and it suddenly becomes clear.

   What came into view was a pile of bottles and cans, and the pungent herbal smell gave Chen Yuyan a headache.

  Looking around, it is a soil cave that covers an area of ​​only one foot square, and it looks like it has been around for some years.

  Chen Yuyan walked forward, looked at the jade bottles on the table, but didn't start.

  His purpose is very clear, which is to participate in cats.

  Until seeing the jade box hanging on the wall, after opening it, seeing only half of the cat-shaped ginseng left, Chen Yuyan didn't know what to say for a while.

  Shenmao is a half-animal and half-medicine beast, and it is an ordinary lion cat when it is alive.

  But when its hair falls off, it will turn into ginseng whiskers. Compared with ordinary ginseng whiskers, the ginseng whiskers falling from ginseng cats have higher medicinal value and have other special effects.

  And if it is killed, the body will be completely transformed into a parenchyma.

  It can be used as medicine, or it can be taken directly, and the characteristic "Hundred poisons do not invade" is extracted.

  Characteristic "Hundred Poisons Impervious": Hundred Poisons Immune to All Evils, Immune to 90% of Poisons in the World, Blood Has a Weak Detoxification Effect.

  Do not kill the ginseng cat, but bring it with you, it can also give birth to the characteristic "Hundred poisons do not invade".

   It just takes a long time.

  The person who can kill a ginseng cat is no different from killing a chicken to get its eggs.

  Chen Yuyan showed pity, but he didn't care too much, as long as he could extract the characteristic "Impervious to all poisons", it would be fine.

  Taking the entire jade box away, Chen Yuyan sprang out of the cave with the wind on his feet.

  Lighting the torch, he took a look at the cave, and finally decided not to burn it down.

  Pile up dry firewood, Chen Yuyan threw the torch to the area where the black-robed man was killed just now, destroying the knife marks and other traces on the ground.

   Next, wait for the mastermind behind the scenes.


  The next day.

  Qingyao Villa sent a letter to everyone, informing that the culprit had been found.

  Chen Yuyan just came back from the outside, and asked Qi Yun who was able to get out of bed and walk: "What's going on?"

  Qi Yun had a strange look on his face, thought for a while and said: "The third master of the Li family, Li Shanming admitted it."

   "Admit? Admit what?"

   Chen Yuyan asked.

  Qi Yun raised his head full of doubts, looked at Chen Yuyan and said word by word: "He admitted that he did everything."

  Hearing this, Chen Yuyan was taken aback, as if he had heard some big joke, he laughed and shook his head.

   Regarding what Qi Yunjie said.

  Chen Yuyan was noncommittal.

   "Let's go, go to the Martial Arts Field and take a look. In half a quarter of an hour, the Li family will tell us everything there."

   "Your injury is healed now, and it's time for us to go down the mountain."

  Qi Yunjue nodded, and the two arrived at the martial arts field together with the flow of people.

  At this time, the martial arts arena was full of people rubbing against each other.

   "Have you heard that the third master of the Li family did this?"

   "Li Shanming? How is it possible, is he crazy?"

   "Hey, it's hard to say, it's hard to say."

  On the high platform, Li Shanming had his knees on the ground, his hands were tied with ropes, his back was behind his back, his hair was disheveled, and he looked very embarrassed.

  But his expression was unusually calm, as if he had unloaded the heavy burden he had carried for many years, and it seemed that every bone exuded a sense of relief.

  Beside Li Shanxiang asked what happened hoarsely, but to the second brother who had been guilty of killing his son accidentally, Li Shanming just said sorry.

  The owner of the village, Li Shanqing, kept a sullen face and said nothing, staring at Li Shanming in confusion.

  Before Li Shanming confessed, Li Shanqing called almost all the people in Qingyao Villa and explained clearly.

   "It's me, Li Shanming, I'm sorry everyone."

   Li Shanming kowtowed to the crowd below, blood flowing from the bump on his forehead.

   After kowtowing, Li Shanming revealed a secret that shocked everyone present.

   It is equivalent to directly pointing out his motive for attacking this time.

  The dead wife of the proprietor Li Shanqing turned out to be Li Shanming's childhood sweetheart.

  The two brothers, Li Shanming and Li Shanqing, both love that woman.

  But Li Shanming fell in love with the woman, but in the end Li Shanqing, who took the position of owner first, used the power of the owner to seize love and forcibly married the woman.

   At that time, Li Shanming was sent to Qingyao Villa by Li Shanqing in the name of purchasing medicinal materials.

   Wait until Li Shanming returns to the villa.

   found out a few days ago.

  My elder brother and my beloved woman are already married.

   Speaking of this, for the first time, Li Shanming showed a ferocious expression on his face.

  He said that he had held a grudge against Li Shanqing since then, and was unwilling to let Li Shanqing act recklessly in the Li family, so he later joined forces with Li Shanxiang to seize nearly half of the power in Qingyao Villa.

   "I know I'm sorry for you, so after you forced the palace, I chose to back down."

   "Isn't that enough?"

  Li Shanqing seemed to have aged ten years for a while, and even his tall and straight figure seemed to be bent a lot.

   "Enough? How can it be?"

  Li Shanming spoke quickly, his face was ferocious, his facial features were almost distorted, and he roared:

   "You married Meier, and you made her cry all day long, and she passed away in only three or four years after marriage!"

   "Li Shanqing, you are not human! You are a husband in vain!"

   After venting, Li Shanming calmed down and continued.

  At first he felt that he had let go of his knot, but when Li Shanqing's son Li Song was about to get married, Li Shanming's anger that had been extinguished burned again.

  Li Shanming once went to Zhuoxue Sect as a guest on behalf of Qingyao Villa. He had seen Xue Shaoyao and knew that she already wanted her, so he didn't want to marry Li Song at all.

  But Li Shanqing didn't care about it, and hit it off with Zhuo Xuejiao, and the two immediately began to discuss the matter of marriage.

   It's like this again, it's like this again!

  So Li Shanming let Xue Shaoyao go, not only that, he also killed Li Shanqing to vent his anger!

  Accounts from decades ago.

   Today, he wants to take it back together!

  The disappearance of the bride is a god-sent opportunity.

   Taking advantage of the panic among the people, Li Shanming decided to use this to make Li Shanqing mentally exhausted, and then poison him to death after lowering his vigilance.

  Worried that the few people who came down the mountain would make what happened here known to everyone, and it would be bad if other masters came over at that time, so Li Shanming took advantage of the dark to kill all the people from the Cao Gang who went down the mountain with poison.

  The purpose is to lead all the contradictions to Li Shanqing.

   "Absurd, ridiculous, Master Shenyi will be physically and mentally exhausted by such a trivial matter?"

   "I did everything."

   "I let go of the bride, and I killed the person who went down the mountain."

   "Because, I want to destroy the Li family!"

  A clear female voice suddenly came, and everyone looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a slender figure standing on the eaves.

   It is Li Shanqing's eldest daughter, Li Yan!

  Her face was full of resentment, she stared at Li Song who was bowing his head on the high platform and said nothing, wishing to grab him, rub him to pieces, and crush his bones.

   "Li Song, a scumbag with no conscience, actually attacked his own sister!"

   "Took my heart, snatched my red pill, but always abandoned it!"

   "Married another woman, and secretly asked me to marry her?"

   "Dare to be a coward who dare not be!"

   "I want Qingyao Villa... to be buried with him!"

   Resentment surged up and down in Li Yan's chest like a tide, and the shrill voice reached the ears of everyone present.

   It was like thunder!

  (end of this chapter)

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