Chapter 146 Stupid

  Especially a round of hybrid-like evening photos hangs leisurely in the west, and it is even more eye-catching: it spreads out broadly.

  The branches and the tomb are constantly involved, messy and lawful; among the barren and sparse wormwood, there are Kunchi's robes and singing.

  Outside Weiyang County, a hunchbacked figure stumbled towards him.

  He was ragged and stooped, his pale hair and tangled beard swayed in the cold wind like dry grass.

   "Li Qingsong, Li Qingsong, I want you to die, I want you to die!"

  The haggard old man suddenly raised his head, his bloodshot eyes were deeply sunken in the eye sockets, like an ancient corpse sleeping underground, and against the **** sunset, he looked even more terrifying.

   This person is not someone else.

   It was Su Nan taught by Baimei.

  But at this time, he is already a loner, even the King of Shu doesn't want to see him, let him get out of Baimei Sect and fend for himself.

  At the beginning, the search for Li Qingsong in Qingke County was fruitless, and Su Nan, who was full of anger, went to Qingcheng County, South Yunnan Province, and was about to arrest all the Li family members and concoct them, so as to force Li Qingsong out.

  Unexpectedly, in Li's residence, there was actually a Disha Commander taught by a loving mother. Seeing this situation, Su Nan's eyes immediately turned red.

  He said that Li Qingsong was at the end of the world, how could he have the strength to kill Ru'er.

   It turns out it all.

   It's all behind the scenes of the loving mother teaching!

Su Nan, who had endured the pain of bereavement for dozens of days, broke out completely, and trampled the Disha Commander of the Loving Mother Sect, and arrested and tortured all the people in Li's residence, but only found out that Li Qingsong had defected from the News from the Li family.

  In a rage, Su Nan killed all the Li family members who were arrested, but he also severely offended the Loving Mother Sect.

  In just a few days, the various branches of the Baimei Sect suffered almost devastating blows. As the most powerful sect in the evil way, the Loving Mother Sect and the Baimei Sect are not in the same order of magnitude at all.

  The Loving Mother Sect is a behemoth that has lasted for several dynasties, while the Baimei Sect has only just been established, and the latter cannot withstand the revenge of the Loving Mother Sect.

  Finally, King Zhu Ming of Shu couldn't sit still, so he had to report to the imperial court to order the garrison to expel the Loving Mother Sect in the name of suppressing evil ways.

   But after all, this is only a temporary solution, not the root cause. The lunatics taught by the loving mother don’t care whether you are a member of the imperial court or not. The king of Shu also suffered an indiscriminate disaster because of this, and was assassinated dozens of times in half a month.

Although relying on the powerful characteristics of [Xiang Xu Xun], Zhu Ming was unscathed, but his relationship with the Baimei Sect was made public, so that the imperial court specially sent people to assist the King of Shu to manage the local people's livelihood, and built a Grand Master's Mansion on the left side of the Mansion of the King of Shu. On the right is a right general's mansion, one on the left and one on the right to protect it in the center.

  He is a dumb man who eats Coptis chinensis, and he can’t tell what he’s suffering. He knows it’s a misunderstanding, but he can’t explain it clearly.

  The Loving Mother Church doesn’t care about any misunderstandings. Since they have been killed, they have to kill them back until they feel that they have killed enough.

  Baimeijiao was seriously injured because of this, and he was targeted by the clan's mansion. The King of Shu could only be forced to delegate the power of Baimeijiao, and honestly be an idle prince in the Shuwangfu.

   It can be said that his more than ten years of painstaking efforts were ruined.

  Zhu Ming was so angry that he wanted to chop up the idiot Su Nan, and kill him quickly.

   But he didn't.

First of all, although Su Nan is an abandoned disciple, his love for the Supreme Dao Sect is still there. If he really tries to kill him for a while, although he will not offend the latter, but the relationship with the Supreme Dao Sect Not much better.

  The second is to let Su Nan leave the White Eyebrow Sect, which can attract the attention of the Loving Mother Sect.

   The Baimei Cult only has some firewood left, so it can't be hit anymore.

Zhu Ming himself couldn't get away, so on the eve of the court's arrival, he gave Su Nan all the remaining life-saving objects in the Baimei Sect, explained the reason, and let him leave alone, avoiding the court. to avenge Su Ru.

  Those who achieve great things do not stick to small details.

   Only those who can control their emotions can truly achieve great things.

  Zhu Ming has absolute reason, and the handling of Su Nan is the best choice he made after weighing the pros and cons.

  Even if the hard work of the first half of his life was ruined overnight, he still maintained the ultimate calmness, dormant, and waited for the opportunity to come.

  Su Nan burst into tears of gratitude, kowtowed to Zhu Ming a few times and left with tears in his eyes.

  He did not live up to Zhu Ming's expectations. He was chased and killed by the masters of the Loving Mother Sect all the way, and he rushed out of the siege. Since then, he has been wandering in the rivers and lakes, trying his best to search for Li Qingsong while avoiding the pursuit of the Loving Mother Sect.

   But after such a long time, Li Qingsong seemed to have evaporated from the world, and there was no trace of him.

   Su Nan is tortured by inner demons day and night, and he has to avoid the pursuit of the masters of the Loving Mother Cult with fear. Even with the life-saving treasure bestowed by Zhu Ming, he still has to fight hard to fight his way out.

  Su Nan's net worth is completely exhausted now, and there is no other way except to burn his blood, burn his life, and fight for his life.

  In less than half a year, he has changed from a personable and elegant middle-aged man to the current person who is neither human nor ghost.

   Fortunately, Huangtian paid off, and finally let him find news about Li Qingsong.

   "Hey, Li Qingsong, Li Qingsong..."

  Su Nan murmured unconsciously in a trance, he was exhausted physically and mentally by the demons, and he had already forgotten what his original intention was. Now Su Nan just wanted to kill Li Qingsong, and then slay himself to leave this painful world.

  Withered vines and old trees, the setting sun is like a dream.

  Su Nan's shadow was dragged by the elder, straight to the foot of the city wall of Weiyang County, twisted and twisted, like a ghost crawling out of the underworld to seek his life.

   "I'm coming to kill you..."

   "Li Qingsong!!"


   "Young master, we sell wild game, this toad... there really isn't one."

  In the market, Chen Yuyan was squatting at a stall selling all kinds of game. The stall owner was a hunter. He looked at the silver in Chen Yuyan's hand with a bitter face, and said helplessly:

   "No one would catch so many inedible toads in their free time. If you want a guest, you have to go to the mountain to catch them yourself."

  Chen Yuyan nodded, and continued to ask: "Then do you know where this toad is easier to catch?"

   "Let's take Crescent Mountain outside the city. There are more streams there, and it's spring again. Every time I go, the frogs can't stop crying."

   "Okay, thank you."

  Put the silver in Orion's hand, and amidst the latter's surprise and gratitude, Chen Yuyan left the market and went to the Crescent Mountain that Orion mentioned.

  The ancient pine, with its long beard hanging down, flew over Chen Yuyan's head in the evening wind, and disappeared into the deep forest like an arrow.

  As the hunter said, there are frogs screaming everywhere.

  Chen Yuyan was carrying a few big bags in his hands, and while strolling in the courtyard, wearing a buckskin glove, he kept picking up toads and throwing them into the cloth bag.

   This toad is of great use to him.

  Chen Yuyan came to Weiyang County for other purposes besides getting some sycamore seeds.

  If it weren’t for this, he would have returned to the Western Regions to kill all directions. The Heart Demon Sutra can only thrive in an environment where evil ways act recklessly, allowing Chen Yuyan’s strength to grow rapidly.


  The noisy frogs kept coming out of the cloth bag in his hand, and hundreds of them sounded continuously, which was annoying.

  Caught another frog and threw it into the cloth bag. Chen Yuyan raised her head suddenly, her ears moved slightly, and her eyes looked forward.

  I saw a few black dots enlarged rapidly, and gradually became clear as time went by.

   "People in front run, it's dangerous here!"

  Suddenly seeing a young man with a bag on his back, standing still in place, Qi Zhou was anxious. He didn't want to cause others to lose their lives because of himself.

   It hurt his conscience.

  But the members of the White Wolf Gang behind him are chasing after him, and there is no other way to choose.

  Qi Zhou had no choice but to bite the tip of his tongue, and the smell of blood penetrated his nostrils. At the same time, Qi Zhou's speed was three points faster, and he came to Chen Yuyan almost in the blink of an eye.

   "Listen to me, the people behind are dangerous, they will kill you!"

Qi Zhou spoke very fast, and while speaking, he didn't stop the movements of his hands, and he put Chen Yuyan behind his back, "Don't worry, I was the one who attracted these people, and I, Qi Zhou, will never let you do it because of this." Killed!"

  Chen Yuyan:? ? ?

  If he didn't know that the person in front of him was Qi Zhou, and also felt that the latter had no malice towards him, otherwise, the moment Qi Zhou stretched out his hand, Chen Yuyan would have sent him to see the King of Hades.

   Being carried on Qi Zhou's body, Chen Yuyan looked strange.

  He is, forcibly "saved" by someone?

  What a nice guy this is.

   Forget it, let’s rest, it’s boring to catch toads for so long.

  Chen Yuyan picked up the cloth bag with the toad in his hand, and threw it directly on the ground.

   This thing is quite heavy, so it's better to throw it away to save Qi Zhou some strength.

   Although Qi Zhou is fast, the pursuers behind him are chasing after him. His speed is extremely fast, but he will slow down every once in a while, and then speed up again.

  According to Chen Yuyan's experience, these people should rely on the magic amulet to speed up, so the speed is one fast and one slow.

   Originally, Qi Zhou could only rely on the time when the magic amulet failed to keep him away from being overtaken, but now that he had Chen Yuyan on him, his speed suddenly slowed down.

  The reason why he hasn't been caught up yet is only because he used a secret technique that consumes essence and blood, at the cost of extreme weakness afterwards, in exchange for the current outbreak.

   But how long will it last?

   It's just drinking doves to quench your thirst.

   After a few quarters of an hour, Qi Zhou was out of breath, and his speed was gradually slowing down. He could clearly feel that his lungs were burning, and his muscles and bones were heating up.

  Wait until the heat fades away, it will be the end of the secret technique.

   When the time comes, it will be his own death.

   "Young Master Qi, Young Master Qi, let me see where you can go, keep running, and obediently come to the dungeon of my White Wolf Gang!"

  When the pursuers behind him saw this, someone sneered and sarcastically said to break Qi Zhou's mind.

  White Wolf Gang?

   Chen Yuyan narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words.

   But Qi Zhou turned a deaf ear and just kept his head buried and went straight.

  However, he changed direction and no longer ran down the mountain, but chose to rush to the top of another mountain.

   "You run first."

   "I'll stay here to delay them and try to buy you as much time as possible."

When he came to a cliff, Qi Zhou put Chen Yuyan down, out of breath, and confessed to Chen Yuyan with great difficulty, "I'm sorry, I caused you to fall into this situation, you run, if you don't run, it will be too late Already!"

  Chen Yuyan pursed her lips, "You lost my toad, you have to help me catch it back."

  Qi Zhou was a little confused when he heard the words.

   No, when are you still thinking about those toads?

Qi Zhou didn't even bother to think about why someone would come to the mountain to catch toads in the middle of the night, he was a little annoyed, "What time is it now, don't think about your broken toads, is it your life or the toad that is more important?" important?"

   "Toad is important."

  Qi Zhou was speechless and choked. He originally thought that he was here to delay him, and finally jumped off the cliff to see if he could save his life.

   As a result, the time was wasted abruptly by the idiot in front of him.

   "You idiot!"

  Looking at the white wolf gang who had already caught up, Qi Zhou finally couldn't help scolding Chen Yuyan.

   There will be such a stupid idiot in this way, and his life will be lost!

   Can’t tell that the gang members of the White Wolf Gang in front of me are not good people. The bandits near Weiyang County are basically the White Wolf Gang gang members in disguise.

   "You have to help me catch the toad."

  Chen Yuyan patted his sleeves and stretched his muscles.

   "Okay, okay, I'll catch as much as you want, okay?"

  Qi Zhou responded casually, put down the sword case on his back, picked up the long sword in his hand, and prepared to fight to the death.

  He has decided that Chen Yuyan's brain is not normal, and he may have hysteria or loss of soul.

   Pretty pitiful.

  The members of the White Wolf Gang laughed grinningly and surrounded them.

   Dim moonlight, swords and swords.

   "Mr. Qi, if you want to blame, blame you for offending someone who shouldn't be offended."

  The headed strong man showed an expression of enjoyment. As a warrior of [Evil Sequence], what he likes to see most is the desperate expression of the weak in a situation where there is no life.

  Cry bitterly, kneel down and beg for mercy!

  The strong man shouted in his heart, he wanted to watch the two people in front of him weeping, and then stepped on their heads and crushed them wantonly under their pleading eyes.

  Finally, he cut off the unimportant one next to him with a single knife. As for Qi Zhou, since the gang leader has explained, he will break his limbs, take them back and throw them into the dungeon.

   "Hey hey hey..."

  A dozen members of the White Wolf Gang stepped forward, and the weapons in their hands looked more shiny and cold under the moonlight.

  Suddenly, the strong man only felt a white light flash in front of his eyes, and the pain disappeared in a flash, so he couldn't feel anything.

  In the eyes of others, the ordinary young man with a faint smile stood in front of the headless corpse.

  The crack in the neck still exudes warm blood, slowly rising.

  Chen Yuyan withdrew her palm, and the internal air fingerprints in front of her that were covered with fragments quietly dispersed.

   "The jumping clown."

   "It's really boring..."

  He turned around and saw that the rest of the White Wolf Gang members were all staring blankly. Then he raised the weapon in his hand and inserted it straight into his throat.

  Suddenly, the sound of swords piercing into flesh came one after another, and blood rose up, covering the moonlight.

   "Oh, by the way, who did you call an idiot just now?" Chen Yuyan looked at Qi Zhou who was so shocked that his jaw couldn't close, and asked casually with a half-smile.

  At this moment, Qi Zhou is still in a daze, wondering if he has hysteria or loss of soul.

  Hearing Chen Yuyan's question, he opened his mouth, swallowed, and said with great difficulty:

   "I...I'm an idiot."

   Well, let’s continue to be a human being and focus on making the characters abnormal.



  (end of this chapter)

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