Stranger's Handbook

202 Rare and useful Marie

"This is a picture of His Majesty the Beast King and Prime Minister Emilia. I'm still at the bottom drawing stage, so I'm not wearing colors, but how about this for the drawing?

Take a sip of tea next to Marie explaining with a smile for leeway

After that, if you'd listened carefully, all you had to do was ask Sir Marie, who we're talking about, to paint him purely.

Of course, he doesn't seem to have a problem with being a kimasi tower

"Oh, what an adorable pattern! Emilia!"

"Yeah. That's the first painting I've seen, too. I really liked it."

Unlike this world painting, Marie's animated painting, slightly deformed, seems very popular

No, in a pure sense.

Then I just kidnapped her and let her draw, and you two look very satisfied.

"Rest assured that I will firmly portray the rapprochement between His Majesty the Beast King and His Highness the Chancellor"

"I will deliver the finished item at a later date, Your Majesty the Beast King, if this drawing is good"

The first time I called him in, he said with a bright blue face, 'I didn't do anything!' Marie, who had called me in unison, 'but when it turned out to be a job request in a way, it was a norinoli

When I was in Japan, they dreamed of working with paintings, so I was glad it was the best.

"Uhm! Please. So how much do you need for consideration?

is there

In this world the question is to what extent should I sell the paintings drawn by the aristocrat Marie

They're royal, and cheap is the other way around. Would that be rude?

No, it's worse to demand with money.

"No, let me dedicate this time as a sign of intimacy between the two countries. If it's a personal request… make a price list by next time"

"Oh! So let's ask!

"I see. Is that a gift?"

"... price list? Um, can I draw again?

The delightful Beast King sisters are anxious water hoarders on their backs, but a decent painting would be fine.

You're gonna be pissed off because you're gonna rot.

"'Purely', 'Not careless', 'A painting of fraternity' would not complain. Don't weave your evil feelings, okay?

"No, I'm purely a girl to girl..."

"Don't weave it!?

"Yes! I won't cross!!

Slightly murderous Marie nodding at my gaze

I really don't punish this guy either...

"My Lord Zest, art is hard to understand."

"You, are you going to gobble me with art?

Illustration by the name of the meeting. After the treat, I told him I was having tea in the holding room after a serious job.

"But it's like an alliance in a normal painting, isn't it? This painted the forbidden love of the sisters..."

"It's going to be a war!! Never draw!?

"Oh, don't scold me with such seriousness...... it's light humor, my lord"

"... well, I know it's ok because I deal with chitin in the official setting, but be careful, okay? I can't help him in some cases, can I?

In this response, this guy was a hundred points out.

I was sure the situation made me feel better, and the original rumor about the 'Kimashi Tower' seemed to have just tailed and entered His Majesty the Beast King's ear...

Misunderstood? I feel like it's true.

"But your Excellency is in trouble, too, isn't he? I'm very busy with diplomacy in the military...... do you have a good day off?

Marie asks me to write to His Majesty the Emperor to announce the formation of an alliance.

"No... you're off... not at all these days"


"Your Excellency does work too much... he's still in the drinker..."

"Shut the dog up. Sir Marie would be surprised, wouldn't she? My husband works for you to give his men the day off. Take care of yourself a little bit."

I don't care if you say so... this alliance is a pretty important project, and I can't leave it to another agent.

This won't help.

"Are my men resting? Then you can't help but assume responsibility for the higher nobility that I'm a little busy, can you?

"Oh, my lord. I'm sorry, but that's not true. It's the same as in Japan, and it's hard for my bosses to take time off. So please take a good rest."

It was Rotten Marie who opined with a rare, serious face.

Funny, that rotten girl gave me her opinion, but the two of us around here seem to agree.

"Sir Marie is right, my lord."

Sir, Sir, Sir Marie is right.

Albert and Su's dog-beast brothers and sisters are also rare

Apparently, he's working too much than he thinks.

"So... if you deliver the news of the formation of this alliance and the matter of the former Dwarf kingdom goes through..."

"That's what my husband said, and in the end, he keeps working. So, when you're done writing that letter, I'm going to ask you to advance to your wife and take a vacation."

It is the heirloom's treasure knife, "Advise Your Ladyship"

If they bring this up, I can't resist it.

"But while the system of control of the former Dwarf kingdom, the occupied territories, does not consolidate..."

"It will also take His Majesty the Emperor's judgment to consider the direction of governance. Until His Majesty's intentions are decided, there's nothing wrong with leaving it to Uncle Borderline."

"... and the education of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince..."

"That's what you have to leave to this wanker, even if your husband didn't do it on vacation."

"Uhm! Yes, my lord!

Albert is good at getting pounded on the shoulder by Su, but you... do you realize my sister tells you to waste a dog?

in the unspeakable air, but my answer was like a decided

"Well... shall we? Let's just say we get some rest."

"There you go, sir."

"My lord, please rest in peace. I'll take care of your education!

"I'll take the rest of the day off after this painting, too"

At the end of the day, Marie was asking for a sassy day off, but that would be fine.

He's too busy to rest.

... Tell Su to stab me later so I don't engage in any dangerous activities because I'm off

"Mm-hmm. So that brings us together. I'll write to you later, okay? Everybody stay free."

Now, don't let me get to work.

I made sure they all nodded and held an inked feather pen, and the moment I tried to write it, the door opened with a bang of momentum

"Rude! Right in front of your Excellency!

Albert stood between me and the person who opened the door and asked

I was really impressed with the escort-like move.

... oh, this guy would have been an excellent guy if he hadn't used his head

"I'm a conductor! I have a letter for you from Mrs. Beatrice!

Yes, raise your voice and take out from your nose an envelope with a beautiful decoration and put it up to show you.

That envelope is for an emergency call, okay? Something happened in the old Dwarf kingdom!?

Lately, even Su, who looked sober, was surprised to see her eyes wide open.

"Thank you. Let's just make sure...... oh, do I need a response? I'll get right back to you, so wait."


Bishi broke his hips and lowered his head. Su handed his drink to the conductor.

If you're a soldier, you'll say no, but a conductor is different.

In a few moments, we'll rehydrate, and we'll be on our way to the next transmission.

That's a pretty harsh scene... but it's a flower shape because this is the only way in this world where there's no science

"Don't hesitate to rest. Suh, get him some snacks too."

"Yes, we'll be ready in a minute"

"Sweet for your words, my lord"

I'll let you sit in the chair in the corner of the room, and I'll just open the letter

The wax belongs to Beato, too, and it's real.

Check inside, there's just a pilari and a single note in there unexpectedly

"... what?

a sentence written on a note that contained only one of those

That was an unexpected word

"The array of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was pretentious. Excellent. '

Apparently, it was His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of our country who was deceiving his allies in the pretense of a curiosity full of Lord Nobunaga on a young day.

... I made a pretty fool of myself... but disrespect doesn't apply, does it?

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