Three days later, at one o'clock in the afternoon, a group of supernaturalists waiting to participate in the game gathered in the open space in front of the base gate. +++ Girls must go to the website because some people must be left to guard the base, so members of the s group are not allowed to participate.

After Zhou Zheng counted the number of people, he wrote down the list in his notebook.

Lu Tian thief next to him asked eagerly.

"Head, do you guess Jiang Fu can win in the end?"

Zhou Zheng glanced at him.

"Do you want him to win?"

Lu Tian scratched his head, his face flushed.

"Of course I hope he wins. After all, there are many seductive people in the group who are motivated to do everything."

Zhou Zheng slapped him on the head with a smile and lowered his voice to warn.

"He's not someone you can stop by, stay back."

Lu Tian bowed his head with a sigh and waved his hand in awe.

"You think I'm blind, I don't have the guts to challenge Professor Yuan, if one day he will poison me with a poison, then I will really die too unclear."

"Just know."

Zhou Zheng snorted softly, not knowing whether he was talking to him or reminding himself.

After recording the list, he turned around and looked around and saw Jiang Fuzheng sitting cross-legged in a clean corner origami, Amy staring at him without turning his chin, his face full of childlike curiosity and joy .

"Look, this frog can jump."

Jiang Fu put the paper frog on the ground, pressed it lightly, and then the paper frog jumped forward lightly.

Amy, who was holding the doll, exclaimed in surprise, and then looked at Jiang Fu longingly.

Jiang Fu smiled and encouraged her.

"It's okay, it's just paper."

As if to get some affirmation from it, Amy boldly pressed it cautiously, and the paper frog jumped forward briskly. Her eyes lit up and she moved forward following the frog.

Jiang Fu supported his chin and looked at him, suddenly a person sat down next to him and handed him a package.

Jiang Fu didn't answer, and blinked and asked.

"Didn't you say you can't bring anything?"

Yuan Chen was unhappy and forced the package into his hand.

"Just food and water."

Jiang Fu honestly tied the package around his waist, then turned out a piece of chocolate from the inside, unpacked it and stuffed it into his mouth.

Yuan Chen glanced at the excited supernaturalists, and whispered again uneasy.

"I will follow you secretly, no one will find out."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Fu flicked his forehead unceremoniously, and then quickly rubbed his hair smoothly.

"Good boy, waiting for me to come back with a complete victory."

Yuan Chen loves his emotional and crying appearance, and even his heroic and confident appearance. He was amused by Jiang Fu's tone and couldn't help but smile with his lips. He didn't insist anymore, just holding his hand. Wen said with the intimate white knuckles.

"Well, I am waiting for you to come back."

Just five minutes before he got there, Jiang Fu got up and went to line up at the door. After walking a few steps, he heard a commotion coming from behind him. He turned his head and watched the lively crowd but blocked it tightly.

"Yuanyuan, what's wrong over there?"

Yuan Chen reluctantly lowered his head to play with his fingers. After being hit by his elbow, he looked up reluctantly, squinted for a few seconds, and lowered his head uninterestedly, and said casually. .

"Amy is beating someone."


Jiang Fu almost thought he had heard it wrong. The appearance of Amy's little girl was too deceptive. He had forgotten the fact that Amy was actually a member of the s group.

"I want to check it out."

Yuan Chen had to drag him away from the crowd and walked in. The onlookers saw that he immediately let go, and Jiang Fu quickly saw the scene inside.

Amy was fighting with an ability person, who was still very familiar with it, and he was the first fire type ability person to stand up that day.

Amy is agile and as powerful as an ox. She can pick up people's arms and throw them around like a rag doll while he is not paying attention. She can't tell that she is still a child.

Jiang Fu saw that she had the absolute upper hand and did not stop it. After a leisurely appreciation for a while, only when the fire-type supernatural power person threw a small fireball at Amy, it condensed into a column of water and extinguished it, then walked over and touched it. Amy's head pretended to be serious.

"Oh, kids can't fight well, don't you think this uncle is about to vomit blood because of you."

Amy's ferocity suddenly disappeared, and she pulled the corner of his clothes aggrievedly and opened her palm to show him.

The paper frog that was still alive just now has become flat, with traces of footprints on it.

Jiang Fu squeaked, and after looking around, he ran to Zhou Zheng, tore a piece of paper and refolded a paper frog, then put it in Amy's hand with a smile.

"Look, a new one."

Amy couldn't put it down holding the paper frog with a happy smile on her face.

Jiang Fu touched her head and threw the dirty paper frog to the ground.

At one point, all the abilities were assembled. Except for food and water and the uniformly distributed guns, everyone went through strict inspections and was then transported by truck to a city next door.

That is the location of this competition, the scope is the whole city, the time is three hours, whoever gets the more crystal cores in the end can enter the s group. And because the number of abilities in the last days is scarce, no contestant can harm each other, otherwise they will be disqualified.

Jiang Fu looked back at the base further and further away, chewing the chocolate in his mouth and said nothing.

The open-air carriages were crowded with contestants, all of them were waiting, and they were secretly vigilant towards every opponent.

The fierce cold wind messed up his hair, faintly revealing his white forehead, black pupils and red lips, and his spooky and beautiful appearance is a careless look. Although he is sitting in the corner of the carriage, it is undoubtedly everyone secretly Observed object.

"You, is your name Jiang Fu?"

A timid voice came from the side, Jiang Fu turned to look at the handsome boy, and nodded.

"Yes, how about you?"

"My name is Xu Qi."

Xu Qi smiled shyly, and the exposed tiger teeth looked like a half-year-old child, and it was easy for people to give birth to a good impression.

They didn't speak loudly, but in the silent carriage, I don't know how many people were listening carefully. Jiang Fu chatted with him one after another, as if he hadn't noticed the sight of others secretly looking at him.

"Then you and Professor Yuan"

Jiang Fu glanced at Xu Qi who finally couldn't help but asked, and lazily swept a circle of people who looked more and more focused, and their smiling voice was full of intimacy.

"We are lovers."


Not only Xu Qi, but other people in the car froze.

The truck stopped at the entrance of the game. Jiang Fu stood up and shackled his clothes. Without paying attention, they jumped out of the car with agility on the back of the car and landed firmly on the ground.

He was willing to pretend to be weak and begging for a hug in front of Yuan Chen, and when he left Yuan Chen, he was still the famous thief in the interstellar space, how could he let others look down upon him.

Blowing the whistle coolly, he swaggered into the city.

The city that had been ransacked by zombies no longer had the breath of living people. The ground was full of chaos. The blood stained the dilapidated walls into an unwashed dark color, the door was wide open, and the scattered goods were not picked up.

Jiang Fu walked along a secluded road for a while, then opened the door of a shopping mall. After a while, he came out happily in his new clothes.

There is a shortage of clothing in the base. These days, he only wears isolation suits and Yuanchen's old clothes. Now he has finally come to the mall and can pick clothes casually. Of course, he will not miss this opportunity.

There is a trendy jacket over the black vest, and the camouflage uniform on the lower body wears neat Martin boots. The whole person looks very dazzling, and the exquisite appearance also carries a bit of heroism that makes people unable to move their eyes.

When he was standing in front of the mirror at the door admiring himself, the howling zombies were getting closer and closer, he quickly gathered his breath and hid in the dark place aside, while holding the gun tightly to prepare.

After a while, two zombies gradually walked into his sight, seeming to smell the smell of living people. They looked around stiffly, with fishy fangs dripping with greedy saliva.

When the zombie walked in front of him, Jiang Fu raised the gun in his hand without hesitation, and immediately pulled the trigger after aiming.

The zombies that were hit in the heart twitched and fell to the ground one after another. Jiang Fu walked around their ugly corpses for a few times before finally pinching his nose and pulling out the nucleus from the zombie’s head, and then flushing with water. Throw it into the equipment bag after being clean.

It smells so bad.

He wrinkled his nose and murmured, and in distress, he picked up the light equipment bag.

If you want to win the game, you have to fill your equipment bag at least, so you have to dig out the heads of zombies, hey.

Two hours later, he bit a lollipop and sat on the roof of a house, swaying two long, straight legs while counting the number of crystal nuclei in the equipment bag.

From this angle, you can see the scenes of most of the city, with the figures of supernatural beings and zombies intertwined, and the sound of fighting and howling sounded distant and blurred in the twilight of the sunset.

"Such a beautiful scenery, it would be nice if Yuan Yuan was there."

Jiang Fu bit the lollipop into a crunchy bite, and the sweet aroma spread in his mouth, even the filthy blood on his body was not so heavy.

He rubbed his greasy palm against his trouser legs, then stuffed the bulging equipment bag into the package, stood up with his arms, stepped on the roof and looked down, thinking about which direction to go down from.

"Jiang Fu! Jiang Fu!"

Jiang Fu followed the voice and looked to the west. A familiar face appeared in a narrow alley, and he looked up at him in astonishment.

After falling quickly to the alley, Jiang Fu leaned against the wall and took a look at him.

"Xu Qi?"

Xu Qi showed a flattered expression and warmly invited.

"Do you remember me, Jiang Fu, do you want to collect crystal nuclei with me? There are so many people and powerful."

Jiang Fu smiled and shook his head, and declined.

"No, I am used to acting alone."

"That's it."

Xu Qi's look of disappointment was obvious, as if he really felt sorry for him, and then pointed to the direction deep in the alleyway and said shyly.

"I just saw a few zombies over there, but I didn't dare to fight, can you help me before you leave?"

The alleys are narrow and long, and the dim sky casts large shadows. At first glance, it looks like a huge abyss. Because of the unknown, it becomes more mysterious and scary.

Jiang Fu tilted his head and looked at the depths of the dark alley for a while, lowered his eyes slightly, rubbed his lips with soft finger pads for a moment, and then whispered with a smile.


In the shadow of the street across a road, the young bangs faintly revealed a pair of golden pupils, staring obsessively at the long back figure that gradually disappeared into the alley.

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