Strategy to Attack the System

Chapter 30: .Black Princess 01

"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess in the kingdom. Everyone couldn't help but fall in love with her the moment they saw her. Her reputation spread far and wide, and it spread to distant islands. --- End of this Tanmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan Romance There is an evil dragon hidden on the island. Hearing the princess’s reputation, the evil dragon has a desire to plunder, so he took the princess abducted by the dark and windy night."

The female voice telling the story was soft and long, wrapped in unstoppable eager hope, as if she had imagined the dreamy scene from the words.

Another naive mumble, softly sleepy, interrupted her imagination without mercy.

"Sister, I don't want to hear the story anymore."

"That won't work."

The girl with long chestnut hair has a young face, but she is already showing her worldly fierceness. The decisiveness between her eyebrows makes it difficult for people to treat her as an ordinary girl. After all, as the queen of this kingdom, she has been in power for five years.

She couldn't put it down and rubbed the broken face of the man on the bed, and her serious voice overflowed with unstoppable affection and pampering.

"Every princess listens to bedtime stories before going to bed."

As soon as the voice fell, the person rubbing his eyes and yawning couldn't help but wrinkle his nose to retort, his vague nasal voice was lovely like a newborn baby cat.

"But I'm not a princess"

"Why not! Look at this lace princess bed, this pink princess dress, this curly black hair, and this slippery little face! Ahhhhh! Xiaofu is the cutest princess in the world!"

Jiang Fu was already very calm when he was struggling/struck by the excited girl again. Facing his small appearance now, even he himself couldn't help holding up and not letting go, let alone this extremely younger sister.

The little white hand gently pulled the girl's long chestnut hair, and the little shaggy head knocked down on her shoulder like a chick.

"Sister, I'm really sleepy"

A hard heart accustomed to power can only soften into a puddle of water in front of the only relative. The girl kissed him affectionately on the top of his head, carefully bent over and hugged him into the bed, and then spread the curly long black hair carefully, like The seaweed-like arc entangled in people's hearts, and they didn't even dare to touch them, for fear that they would accidentally break the secret connection.

"Well, let's go to sleep, good night."

"Good night, sister."

The smaller and smaller voices gradually fell into the sound of sleeping breathing, and the girl stared at his sound sleeping face for a while, suddenly remembering something, and whispered softly in his ear.

"Xiao Fu, I'll take you to choose a knight tomorrow morning. Don't sleep well."

After a few seconds, the girl said happily to herself.

"If Xiaofu gets up late in the morning, I will help Xiaofu dress and wear a beautiful princess dress."

Jiang Fu didn't know what she had planned for a long time to dress up, and he rolled over vaguely, revealing his undeveloped juvenile figure.

The snow-white skin is lined by the pink nightgown, and the long black curly hair is scattered randomly like a waterfall. It looks like a beautiful little girl carved and jade.

This time the world began at the age of seven. The moment Jiang Fu, who had just woke up, looked down and saw the princess dress on his body, his heart was dazed. After thinking about it, he couldn't believe that Yuan Chen would make him change his sex. After staying for three days and gradually figuring out the facts, he finally felt relieved.

On this fantasy continent, the Lakko Kingdom is a rich existence on the border living alone. The king and the queen are more affectionate, and the couple are deeply affectionate, but the queen died due to a dystocia when she gave birth to her second child. The lucky baby who survived was cursed by the old enemy witch, and the distressed king crossed the mist forest. He rushed to the other side of the mainland to plead with a more capable wizard to save his child.

The wizard reduced the power of the curse, but it could not be completely removed. Finally, he told the king that only by raising his second child as a princess until the age of eighteen, can he indirectly avoid the long-term effects of the curse on him.

The birth of the child coincided with the crisis of the queen's death and the destruction of the witch. The king had not had time to announce the birth of this lucky boy to the entire kingdom. Therefore, after receiving the advice of the wizard, he returned to China and sealed his cronies, and instead announced the birth of the second princess.

From childhood to childhood, Jiang Fu was raised as a princess, and only his elder sister Rita was the only one who knew his true prince status except for his dead parents.

The young Rita took up the responsibility of the entire kingdom early. She was bold and resolute in her heart. She was a reliable queen who could protect everyone in the kingdom on the outside, but she was just a gentleman who squeezed all the pampering and maiden hearts on Jiang Fu. sister.

The next day, Jiang Fu was awakened by Rita who broke in. Looking at the dumb kid sitting on the edge of the bed in a daze, Rita screamed for a while, holding her face in place, before rushing over and rubbing him in her arms.

"Xiao Fu is so cute! My baby Xiao Fu!"

Jiang Fu was out of breath while being held by her, his flushed little face pursed his pink mouth, and he struggled softly.

"Sister, I want to pee, let me down quickly"

Rita gave him a kiss on his cheek, with an infatuated smile on his face, and eagerly hugged him into the small room.

"My sister takes Xiao Fu, Xiao Fu is good!"

"I don't want me! Sister let me down!"

Although his body is still a minor child, Jiang Fu, whose mental age has long been higher than the sky, really cannot accept being held by a girl to go to the bathroom. After finally breaking free from Rita's arms, he immediately rushed into the small room and banged. Closed the door.

Rita, who was blocked by the door, sighed melanly, feeling extremely aggrieved at the alienation of her brother.

"When Xiaofu grows up, he has learned to be shy, alas."

But she quickly turned her interest to other places with joy again. After Jiang Fu came out of the small room, she was shocked by the pink ocean in front of her and wanted to turn around and sneak back.

The sharp-eyed Rita grabbed his soft little hand and asked with a smile.

"Which one does Xiaofu want to wear? How about this tutu? And this one, this one is also very beautiful, you see there is a bow! What should I do, each one really wants Xiaofu Wear it."

The distressed Rita resembles a girl who wants to go shopping while shopping, no, she is more like a childish little girl who has tried her best to change her doll frequently.

Jiang Fu pulled his long curly hair down to his waist and pointed to the simplest one among the dazzling skirts on the big bed.

"I want to wear this one."

Rita only glanced at it and flatly refused, squeezing his soft cheek painfully.

"How can Xiaofu like such ugly clothes! Who brought them in? Hurry up and throw them away!"

The knight guarding the door silently obeyed the order, and quickly walked in and carried the dress out. Before leaving, he couldn't help but glanced at the little princess of the kingdom secretly.

The exquisite little face is like a peach that can be broken by a blow, the watery big eyes are like beautiful black grapes, and the bulging face is even more soft to the heart.

The knight's face turned red, and he left the room hurriedly.

It took three hours to change clothes. Jiang Fu opened his arms and allowed her to play around the whole process, and finally his sober consciousness was dragged into the sleepy mud by a long time.

Rita circled him a few times, and finally picked up the person contentedly, and slapped him on the back.

"When Xiao Fu wakes up, I will take you to choose a knight."

Sleeping Zhengxiang Jiang Fu just clasped her neck tightly, and by the way, he chirped twice.

Rita couldn't help rubbing his little head lightly, her brows softened with love.

The hall of the king was full of upright knights, all wearing uniform black armor and holding sabers in their hands. Under the helmets were exposed young and unfamiliar faces, staring at the sleeping queen on the throne. The little princess couldn't hide her passionate expression.

Each of them aspires to be the only personal knight of the little princess.

There was silence in the huge palace, and everyone was pampering, waiting for the little princess to wake up. Not long after, the little princess suddenly muttered something vaguely, her thick eyelashes resembling trembling butterfly wings, she managed to open her eyes smoothly several times.

Jiang Fu rubbed his eyes and yawned a little. When he turned his head to continue to sleep, he suddenly saw the crowd of people in the hall and the scorching eyes that gathered. After staying for a few seconds, he shrank subconsciously, hid in Rita's arms, and couldn't help but poke out his black eyes and looked at him curiously.

It is cute like a timid little milk cat.

Everyone thought in their hearts.

Rita gently patted him on the head, then reluctantly put him down.

"Xiaofu, these are the best knights in the kingdom. Choose one."

Jiang Fu raised his face and nodded seriously at her, and then ran down the steps with short legs. The shaky appearance made everyone take a breath of worry, but fortunately, Jiang Fu finally stepped on safely. On the ground.

The knights stood in seven rows with ten people in a row. The dark colors suppressed their young impetuousness, and replaced them with long-tempered fortitude and courage, exuding a reassuring atmosphere of calmness.

Jiang Fu is wearing a pink tutu skirt, his skin is like snow, black pupils, red lips, and curly black hair, like a delicate porcelain doll. When he walks crookedly in the heavy armor and thick armor, he seems to be stumbled if he is not careful. Bad.

The knights clenched their fists and stared at him holding their breath, eyes full of tension and expectation.

Jiang Fu guessed that Yuan Chen was in this group of people, but it seemed a bit strange to ask each name rashly. He could only look up one by one to see the appearance of the knight, and his neck was sore after a while.

When he stopped on one side to rest, he suddenly glanced at the corner of the last row. A knight stood silently without squinting. His face was mostly blocked by the helmet. Only a tight jaw and thinning could be seen. Lips.

In a team where almost all the knights sneaked over, he was really different.

Jiang Fu thought for a while, and ran towards him hard.

A bright pink suddenly appeared in the narrow line of sight, sweet dimples appeared on the delicately carved face, and the dark eyes seemed to be filled with the most dazzling stars on the mainland, and the stars were reflecting Own shadow.

The young knight froze unexpectedly, staring silently at the little princess who appeared suddenly.

The little princess blinked and stood on tiptoe, struggling to hook his fingers hanging beside him, her voice was sweet and soft.

"Are you going to be my knight?"

Everyone was stunned, including the young knight who was favored by the little princess.

Rita stepped down from the throne and hugged Jiang Fu, who was short-handed and short-footed, allowing him to observe the knight he had chosen more closely, and at the same time, she looked at the taciturn young knight.

"Xiao Fu, do you really want to choose him?"

Although it is a bit embarrassing to be hugged in front of everyone, this posture allows Jiang Fu to look up at the knight's face. He opened his hands to the knight, bending his eyes softly.


The coquettish request made the knight's face appear astonished, and the emotionless heart seemed to be slammed, with a sour and soft strange touch.

He looked at the young and cute little princess hesitantly, motionless.

Seeing his unresponsive Jiang Fu's grievance, Jiang Fu's slumped mouth, his dark pupils quickly covered a thin layer of mist, and then he pitifully leaned forward to reach him.

The body hanging in the air was shocking. The knight subconsciously wanted to stretch out his hand to hug him, but was swiftly ascended by the hands of another pair of girls.

Rita lowered her face, suppressed distress engulfed in her slight chuckle, but she embraced him extremely softly.

"Xiao Fu! You almost fell!"

Jiang Fu tilted his head to look at her, his delicate little face full of firmness.

"Sister, I want him to be my knight."

There was a trace of hesitation on Rita's face and did not answer immediately.

The knights are arranged in an orderly manner. The best and most powerful are of course in the front row, but Jiang Fu chose the last knight in the back row. How could this relieve her.

It's not that this person is not good, but there are many others who are better than him. The one who protects Xiaofu must be the most powerful knight in the kingdom.

"Xiao Fu, can you read it again, okay?"

"I want him, I want him to be my knight."

The stubborn voice was thin and soft, but overflowing with unquestionable seriousness.

The young knight stared at the innocent and cute little princess complicatedly, without saying a word.

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