Strategy to Attack the System

Chapter 38: .Black Princess 09

Rita's face changed drastically, but she subconsciously glanced at Jiang Fu who was pale. +++ The girl must go to the website Regardless of explaining Yuan Chen's changes, she shouted at the dazed knight not far away.

"Come here to protect the little princess!"

The awakened knight ran over in a panic, stood in front of them, tremblingly holding his sword at the huge black dragon.

The downpour fell straight down from the damaged roof, so dimly that he couldn't even see clearly, Rita wiped her face severely, and pushed Jiang Fu to the intact bed, frowning. Sound exhorted.

"You hide here, I will send someone to lead Yuan Chen away, don't you go anywhere, you know?"

Jiang Fu was also drenched by the rain, and the cold air penetrated into the gap between the bones, making people speechless for a moment.

He shook his head vigorously and stared at Rita by the arm.

"I'll lead him away."

"You are crazy! He is just a beast now! A beast without reason!"

Rita screamed at him, Jiang Fu refused to listen, struggling to get out of the gap in the bed, and when he stepped on the carpet, he hit an invisible wall and was bounced back fiercely.

What flashed afterwards was a faint circle of light, which tightly trapped him around the bed.

Both of them were startled, and immediately looked in Joey's direction.

Joey's chest was immersed in the sword, but she was not dead yet. She lay in a piece of blood, convulsing slightly, staring at Jiang Fu with crazy madness, and a weird smile on her bleeding mouth.

Rita tried to exit the bed slowly, nothing blocked her.

The bound witchcraft array is really only effective against Jiang Fu.

Even if it is known that Joey is the villain who tried to kill Jiang Fu, the situation is critical now, and Joey's lingering appearance does not seem to be able to cause any trouble.

After quickly weighing the pros and cons in her mind, Rita solemnly ordered the knight beside her.

"Watch Joey, don't let her die."

After speaking, she looked at Jiang Fu who could not believe it, and said softly.

"Little Fu, you will be able to come out after I have resolved everything and come back and kill Joey."

Jiang Fu desperately beat the invisible barrier, shaking his head and shouting, begging her to let her go out.

Rita forcibly suppressed the unbearable tumbling in her heart, turned around and strode out of the room without looking back.

She is the queen of the kingdom and must direct all the knights to counterattack the black dragon, and they must do their best to protect their kingdom.

The knight who was left behind did his best to perform his duties, turning a deaf ear to Jiang Fu's request.

The sound outside sounded trembling, the black dragon roared madly, the roar of the house collapsed, and the crying of the people of the kingdom in fright and despair, penetrated through the fine rain and kept lingering in the ears.

"Please, please let me out, OK."

The exquisite face was slightly whitened by the damp rain, and large tears poured out from the dark eyes, mixed in the rain and slid down the white cheeks, and the red lips were also completely wet. Bloody, weak, like a rose with nowhere to hide in a rainstorm.

Make people feel affectionate.

The young knight looked at Jiang Fu blankly, his face was embarrassed and his tone firm.

"Little princess, we must protect your safety."

The other knight turned his head unbearably and avoided Jiang Fu's pleading gaze.

Fragmented crying cavities came from the witchcraft formation, Jiang Fu hung his head, his slender arms clasped the barrier formed by the formation, weakly climbing upwards in a desperate direction.

Suddenly he heard a dull sound.

It looked like a tall body fell on the ground.

He raised his head and saw Benben groaning out from the sole of a knight's shoe, holding a brown wooden branch in his arms, covered with thorns.

Jiang Fu opened his eyes wide and watched it awkwardly holding the wooden stick and ran to Joey, poking the back of Joey's hand with the stick jab, and after a while, Joey closed his eyes unwillingly.

It's not like death, it's like a coma.

The light of the witchcraft circle gradually weakened due to Joey's unconsciousness, and disappeared completely after a moment.

Jiang Fu tried to step on the bed, but nothing stopped him this time.

He bent over to pinch Duan Duan up, carefully took the wood stick in his arms and looked at it. When he got closer, he discovered that each thorn secreted transparent mucus, not knowing what it was.

Seeing him showing a puzzled look, he was anxiously clumsy and tweeted vigorously. After using his flushed face, he actually uttered clumsy words like babbling.

"Hazy branches and branches halo"

Jiang Fu smiled in surprise, flicked its forehead lightly, and threw the wooden stick aside.

"Stupid, I know."

Elves are the children of nature. He once saw in "A History of Continental Races" that elves can communicate with any plant, so it is not surprising that stupid looking for a piece of wood that is equivalent to anesthetic.

After he walked out of the room, he realized how stable his life was before. The huge kingdom has been trampled into a mess by the angry black dragon. The bricks are broken and corpses are everywhere. This is the place where he has lived since childhood. But now they are all ruined by Yuan Chen.

It's unclear whether it was Yuan Chen or Joey. He suppressed the fierce emotions forcibly and walked quickly in the direction of the black dragon, clasping his fingers tightly for fear of falling.

The drenched clothes were very heavy. After walking for a while, he took off his heavy skirts, and his thin nightgown was attached to his slender body. The rain that smashed his head and covered his face made it particularly painful. He touched the trembling cold Arm, gritted his teeth and continued to walk forward.

As he got closer and more alarmed, he struggled to peep a touch of gold from the dense rain curtain, just under the black dragon's claws.

Rita is the only one who dared to wear gold in the kingdom.

Heilong's eyes were full of blood-like thick and dark red, and his mind was a blank blank, only remembering the last scene that made him panic and pain.

His little princess was held and kissed by others, and the little princess's smile was not just for him.

Suddenly the reason was burned to ashes, and the painful and suppressed pain poured out, drowning the unsuspecting him in the abyss of immortality.

The sound in his ears was very noisy, like many people were crying and shouting, he unconsciously looked around, looking for his beloved little princess, the huge dragon claws easily pushed down any obstacles, covered with greasy soft liquid .

"Yuan Yuan!"

Someone called him hoarse.

The sound is so familiar.

He roared anxiously, and looked for the sound source anxiously.

"Yuanyuan, are you going to kill my sister and me?"

The sad cry was thin and weak, like the barely audible wind in the corner of the wall, but the sound of the loud rain was so clear that it reached his ears.

He was startled slightly and lowered his head.

The teenager holding the comatose queen looked up at him, and the big raindrops slipped from his greasy face. The pale eyes were black like beautiful obsidian, but they exuded heartbreaking sadness.

He is so thin, as if being beaten by the rain, it is getting weaker and weaker, and he will even disappear into the sight of the black dragon.

Heilong wanted to say something in a panic, but what he said was an anxious growl.

One of his dragon wings was lifted up slightly, covering the top of the young man's head, and the rain popped on the black dragon wings, and he hardly felt anything.

He raised his head and screamed against the black and crushing sky, like a warning or a command. After a while, the heavy rain gradually decreased a lot, and after a few seconds, no more rain fell.

The black dragon snarled a few times with satisfaction, then carefully extended its sharp claws, and stopped beside the young man hesitantly.

He wanted to stumble, but he was afraid of hurting the thin skin. After all, the teenager is too fragile, so fragile that he dare not even breathe out, for fear of blowing him away.

The dark heavy rain was like a silent illusion in a sunny day, but the surrounding ruins and blood clearly reminded him that this was not an illusion.

The black paws close at hand were glowing with cold light, Jiang Fu raised his head, his wet face was like tears, shining brightly.

He looked at the slightly anxious black dragon and said in a low voice.

"Are you going to take me away?"

Heilong nodded subconsciously, as if to confirm his words, the Dragon Claw moved closer to Jiang Fu's direction, but restrained not touching his skin.

Jiang Fu looked down at the paw beside him for a while, but didn't move.

He wiped the tears from his face, and there was still an unending soft cry in his soft voice

"You promise me that everyone in the kingdom will be fine, and I will go with you."

Heilong obviously didn't understand his request, but this proposal really moved his heart.

He lowered his head, earnestly snarled at Jiang Fu a few times, and his erect pupils stared at him motionlessly, as if expecting to please him.

Gradually, the blood stain on Rita's face seemed to have been evaporated by the dew from the sun, and her pale face was also stained with a normal blush, as if she was not in a coma, but just asleep.

Jiang Fu raised his head, the dilapidated bricks behind the black dragon were automatically built at high speed, just like the special effects shots in the movie, but within a few seconds they restored the original appearance of the palace.

And the corpses on the ground, like Rita, faded back to normal and fell into a deep sleep.

This is like a real illusion.

Jiang Fu laid Rita's skirt on the ground, placed her on it gently, leaned over and kissed her on the forehead, he stood up and walked into the black dragon's paws, as if willingly to take off The constant chain clasped his ankle.

He patted the black dragon's paw, and his voice became much lighter.

"Let's go."

Yuan Chen would lose control for the first time, and would lose control for the second time and the third time. Instead of experiencing fearful violent destruction, it would be better to stay away from here earlier.

The further away, the safer Rita and the kingdom will be.

The black dragon roared in excitement, and then Xuxu curled up his paw and closed it to his chest.

The huge dragon wings slowly unfolded, and gradually increased the swing range. After a while, the huge black figure flew off the ground lightly and flew away toward the high sky.

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