Strategy to Attack the System

Chapter 66: .Evil Starlight 10

Until the recording started, Jiang Fu didn't see Yuan Chen, reluctantly Mo Xuan called Yuan Chen and told him that no one answered. +++ Girls must go to the website

Jiang Fu anxiously wanted to find Yuan Chen nearby, but the director had already begun to urge with a loud speaker, so he had to tell Mo Xuan to play it again later.

Although Mo Xuan didn't like Yuan Chen, but now Jiang Fu and Fu Xian recording together always made her feel very dangerous, so she watched Jiang Fu in the recording while frowning and continued calling Yuan Chen.

The plot of the second phase is related to ancient rivers and lakes, and the later plots have developed to the critical moment of uncovering the conspiracy of the martial arts leader. The guests have to find the book of evil practices he practiced in the villa of the martial arts leader, so they scattered in twos and threes. Search.

Jiang Fu originally went to the back mountains of the villa to find him, but he reached Fu Xian on the way, so the two went together.

The respective cameramen dutifully followed behind them, and they swiftly looked for the place where the program group was hiding, and soon they fell into one of the rockeries.

Originally, the cameraman was going to follow, but at this time the sky was dim, and the two cameramen holding heavy machines were just anxious to chase their artists, but they bumped into each other without paying attention, and when they came back, the rockery The mechanism has been closed.

The agency was set up by the program team. The cameramen were surprised and hurriedly went back to the staff and asked about the way in the agency.

Jiang Fu and Fu Xian fell into the underground tunnel. The mechanism was closed above their heads. The dark tunnel was silent and gloomy, and they could only hear each other's breathing.

At the moment of falling, Jiang Fu was suddenly grabbed by Fu Xian and pulled into his arms, so Jiang Fu didn't feel any pain of falling, but Fu Xian, who held him tightly, let out a muffled noise.

Jiang Fu quickly got up from him, nervously trying to help him up, but the secret path was too dark. What he randomly touched was a warm and strong chest, so he took it back in a shameless manner and asked embarrassedly.

"Brother Fu, are you okay?"

Judging from the speed of the fall just now, the underpass is not particularly deep, but Fu Xian has withstood his weight and the impact should not be light.

Fu Xian sat up, rubbed his shoulders and joked.

"It's okay, Xiaofu, you're too light, you need to eat more in the future."

When Jiang Fu heard his voice as usual, he also smiled and stood up and said.

"If I eat fat, I will be disgusted by fans. Is this the organization set up by the program group? Why don't you even have sex?"

After slowly adapting to the darkness of the underpass, he fumbled for the walls on the four sides, tapped lightly, and then attached it to it and listened carefully, with joy on his face.

"The wall is hollow. There should be a way out nearby. Let's find it."

Fu Xian also stood up, the concerned voice full of warmth in the unknown gloomy dark tunnel. He seemed to be very close to Jiang Fu, and Jiang Fu could feel the tall shadows beside him dimly.

"Xiaofu, it's too dark here, I'll take you away."

Jiang Fu smiled nonchalantly.

"I'm not a kid, Brother Fu, you really think I am Zhao Yuansheng."

Zhao Yuansheng is the name of the character he plays. This pair of fresh clothes is also the 13 or 14-year-old Zhao Yuansheng. In modern times, he is indeed a little kid in need of care.

Fu Xian was silent for a moment, and then said with a helpless smile.

"You, you have always been a child in my eyes."

There was a trace of pampering in his words, and he didn't insist anymore, and took the lead in groping the dark road forward, Jiang Fu followed him, and said casually with a smile.

"Why, I've played a role older than Brother Fu. Wasn't that the head of "San Nu Biography"."

Fu Xian's breathing was choked, and then he recovered as before with a smile.

"That's true. At that time, I saw you for the first time. I didn't expect a young and energetic child to be able to act like the head of a cool and mature temperament, which really surprised me a lot."

With their own minds, the two brought the topic to the old drama a few years ago, and the conversation gradually became vivid and vivid as they wished.

"I just had nothing to do with Chen Qi's cameo. I didn't think I picked up a treasure."

There was a faint halo in front of the dark tunnel, Fu Xian's walking speed remained unchanged, and his voice turned away from him was a little vague.

Jiang Fu's footsteps slowed down a bit, he raised his eyes and stared at Fu Xian's back, with a smile in his words.

"Before I met Brother Fu, I heard that Brother Fu is very dedicated and always enters the drama very deeply. Later I discovered that this is true."

There is something in his words, and the temptation hidden in the dark has revealed a sharp corner.

Fu Xian seemed to be unaware, and answered his words frankly.

"Yes, it's really easy for me to get into the drama, so it's easier to get close to the characters' emotions, but it's also harder to get out."

"Then Brother Fu, what is your deepest role in the play?"

Jiang Fu's voice was extremely soft, like a delicious bait hanging on the water, just waiting to hit the eager fish.

Fu Xian had stopped at the corner of the halo, and the bright exit was on the right.

After hearing Jiang Fu's words, he turned around slightly, twisted his wrist to unfold the white jade fan, a strange smile appeared on his gentle face, staring at him with eyes full of appreciation.

"The head is charming and graceful. It is too wronged to stay in the Qing Qian School. I have admired the head for a long time. Why should the head follow me?"

This sentence is a line of the villain played by Fu Xian, and in the end it was originally "Why don't you join my Demon Cult".

Now that Fu Xian changed it to this, the implied ambiguous meaning was obvious.

He didn't seem to intend to conceal his deep thoughts anymore. In this secret tunnel with no **** and others, he was like a hunter holding a winning ticket, watching his favorite prey step by step into his trap.

Jiang Fu looked at his half-bright and half-dark smiling face against the halo, and suddenly spoke.

"When I found out that there was a mechanism on the rockery just now, I was going to turn the one on the left, but you pretended not to stand firmly and pushed me a bit, and then turned the switch on the right."

Jiang Fu paused and continued.

"I found a clue before, suggesting that the secret path of the leader of the martial arts is related to the left, but you have dragged me into the secret path on the right. Brother Fu, you have filmed a lot of costume plays in this film and television base, I think you should not fail Know this secret path."

Fu Xianchao stepped back a little, and invited him to check.

"Xiaofu, you are right, here are the gifts I prepared for you, but can you take a look?"

He was convinced that Jiang Fu had nowhere to go, and his face couldn't help showing a somewhat calm expression.

Jiang Fu glanced at him and walked towards him obediently.

After Jiang Fu turned and walked into the exit of the dark road, Fu Xian couldn't wait to follow, as if diligently presenting a long-prepared surprise to his sweetheart, he said softly with anxiety and joy.

"Do you remember here?"

The exit of the secret tunnel is a spacious cave, the bed is incense, the clothes hanger dressing table, Jiang Fu glanced at it and didn't remember, he shook his head.

A look of disappointment appeared on Fu Xian's face, as if the fetters he had been thinking about for a long time only remembered him.

He couldn't believe it, grabbing Jiang Fu and rushing to the bed where the gold yarn was caged, asking him eagerly with hope.

"Don't you really remember? Master, you killed me here."

In a small scene a few years ago, Jiang Fu said faintly as he watched him let out a frenzied expression.

"Brother Fu, you are too deep into the play."

Fu Xian couldn't listen to any of his digressions, he was just immersed in his own imagination, as if he had seen the sight of the immortal with a glimpse again, and it was difficult to put it down ever since.

The pure white, the indifferent white, is the snow lotus in the cold place on the top of the mountain, which makes people look and admire from a distance, but at the same time give birth to the evil desire to pick and crush.

Fu Xian's face changed, and he suddenly remembered something. He hurriedly pulled off the carefully prepared snow shirt from the hanger, then grabbed Jiang Fu's hand and stuffed it into his hand, with humble enthusiasm overflowing on his face.

"Master, this is your clothes, put it on quickly!"

Jiang Fu refused to take the clothes, stepped back again and again, and tried to turn around and ran towards the other secret crossings.

Fu Xianli, who was in a crazy state, was exceptionally big, pressing him on the bed, stubbornly trying to put the snow jacket on him.

Jiang Fu's arm was twisted behind him, and he immediately felt the pain of reaction when he moved a little bit. He could only give up and quickly compromise.

"I wear it! I wear it!"

Fu Xian's movements really stopped, he let go, urging with excitement.

Jiang Fu sat up and took the snow shirt, but did not move.

"I promise you to wear it, but you have to answer my questions honestly."

Fu Xian eagerly stared at him who had finally compromised and nodded repeatedly.

Jiang Fu took off his outer robe and put on a long robe and snow shirt. In an instant, his youthful eyebrows seemed to be dyed with the cold arrogance of the head character, and the disdain that made Fu Xian deeply fascinated.

Fu Xian stared at him blankly, the gaffe on his face disappeared inch by inch, replaced by a deep infatuation and piety, as if the person in front of him was his only faith in his life and the only support for his survival in the world.

He knelt on the ground, cautiously holding Jiang Fu's boots, leaned over and kissed his feet, and his trembling whisper was full of great joy and hope that he had achieved.


Jiang Fu didn't resist his closeness, just pressed the toe of his shoe against his chin and asked aloud.

"Tell me, is it you that the fan who harassed me all these years?"

Fu Xian rubbed the toes of his shoes like a pet dog, and wiped the dust off his shoes with his sleeves, his gentle voice revealed undisguised viciousness and desire.

"Master, why do you refuse to look at me anymore? I just want you to see me and let you know how much I adore you."

He slowly raised his head, his admiring gaze was filled with madness that could not be desired.

"The photos, the letters, and the things in your bedroom are all prepared by me personally. Do you like it? Have you used the things in the bedroom? I want to use them one by one on you. I will love it."

"At the end of the first recording, you asked the fans to give the photos and iris receptacles to the fans. Those photos are very close and can only be people on the island. You know that we will always find you. Why did you deliberately expose yourself?"

Jiang Fu lowered his eyes and looked at him, calmly asking and answering himself.

"It's because of Yuan Yuan. You originally wanted to hide in the dark and constantly trouble me, so that I can not forget you, a crazy fan, but Yuan Yuan's appearance makes you angry and jealous. You are not reconciled, you I want me to know who you are and all the thoughts you have for me over the years, so you deliberately exposed yourself."

Fu Xian did not deny his words, but suddenly changed his face when he heard Yuan Chen's name in his mouth, his chest was violently up and down, and there was extreme resentment in his unwilling accusation.

"Why are you so close to someone who appears suddenly? Why do you never remember who I am? The iris, the iris you gave me, do you really remember it?"

It was Fu Xian’s today’s dress and deliberately mentioning "San Nu Biography" that gave Jiang Fu a flash of inspiration. When he was resting at noon, he asked Yuan Chen to instruct Mo Xuan to find out all the videos about "San Nu Biography". He was suspicious. The root of it lies in it.

After filming a play, the director will send the behind-the-scenes footage and the clipped composite video to the protagonists as a souvenir. "The Story of San Nu" is not surprising. Jiang Fu does not remember the impression of iris, and " Indeed, it never appeared in the feature film of "San Nu Biography".

If Fu Xian is that fan, where is his obsession with "San Nu Biography" and Iris?

When Mo Xuan showed him the behind-the-scenes video of "The Story of San Nu", Jiang Fu finally understood.

When filming "The Story of San Nu", director Chen Qi once wanted to go from the absoluteness of righteousness and evil to the complexity of human nature, so he conceived a version of the happy ending of orthodox and demons. The two factions talked and laughed in the restaurant. After drinking and talking about the wine, the distinguished Jiang Fu and Fu Xian are naturally drinking and chatting in the same box.

In order to show the drunkenness after drinking, the director team prepared real wine. Jiang Fu drank a few cups. He still looked bland and breezy. In fact, he was already dizzy inside.

He forgot that he was acting. On a whim, he suddenly got up and stepped on the wooden chair, squeezed an iris flower from the flower tray scattered on the table, and then staggered the chin of the nearest Fu Xian. , Said frivolously.

"A beautiful lady in southern China, Rong Hua is peachy."

This sentence was originally the line the male protagonist said to the female protagonist, but the poor acting male protagonist took dozens of shots, causing Jiang Fu to remember this sentence invisibly.

Now he was drunk and warm, with a dazzling array of sights. Fu Xian, who was opposite, wore long black hair, and told him that he could not distinguish between men and women for a while. He thought it was when he was coaxing girls during interstellar games, and he blurted out with a smile.

Wearing the skin of this head, he showed the side of the fireworks in the world. He could only see Fu Xian's stiff expression dimly, but he didn't know that the things under his heavy robes suddenly reacted.

Fu Xian was taken by him, and since then he has been hard to find.

The actors were a bit drunk and excited, and others made a lot of jokes, so his gaffe was not too outrageous. The director later changed the ending, so he took the deleted paragraph as Behind-the-scenes.

Fu Xian only admired his acting skills and exquisite appearance in the previous rivalry scene with Jiang Fu, and this unexpected moment was suddenly approached by the strange Jiang Fu, and he was surprised and infatuated like a traveler who accidentally spied on the back of the treasure.

For a long time, he could not forget Jiang Fu's charming look at that time, and his thoughts every night became the knot of the ancient bondage.

Jiang Fu was already very clear about all Fu Xian's motives and mentality, but he looked at Fu Xian lightly and said.

"I don't remember, what iris, I don't remember at all."

These words took away all the blood from Fu Xian's face, like the despair of the collapse of faith, he screamed in disbelief, and madly ambushed the river.

Jiang Fu, who had been on his guard for a long time, swiftly hid, rolled from the bed to the ground, then turned around and ran towards another underpass. He heard the rapid footsteps on the other side of the underpass before he ran a few steps. Then he ran into Yuan Chen's arms head-on.

Yuan Chen hung a fixed bandage with one hand, and put him in his arms with the other, then stared at Fu Xian with a blank expression, and said sternly.

"Get him up!"

The police officers behind him quickly broke in. Although Fu Xian was very aggressive when he went mad, he was no match for the well-trained police officers and was soon suppressed.

Jiang Fu just found the bandage on his arm when he hugged Yuan Chen, and asked nervously.

"What happened to your arm?"

Yuan Chen patted him comfortably on the back, tore off Jiang Fu's snow shirt, rolled it on the ground and stomped it dirty, and then coldly questioned Fu Xian.

"Is that billboard your hands and feet?"

Fu Xian, who was tightly restrained, returned to a gentle demeanor, but his cold eyes were still full of malice.

"Huh, it's a pity that I didn't kill you."

At this point, Yuan Chen didn't say more, and ordered the police to take Fu Xian back to the police station.

When the two passed by, Fu Xian suddenly attacked and leaned close to Jiang Fu.

Jiang Fu didn't move, Yuan Chen beside him had already swung a fist.

Fu Xian's face was slapped to one side, half of his face was swollen, and a few wisps of blood shed on the corners of his lips.

Face is an existence more important than life for the artist, and Yuan Chen used ten percent of his strength, Jiang Fu even heard the sound of broken bones.

Fu Xian sipped a **** sip on the ground, and stared straight at Jiang Fu who was protected by Yuan Chen.

The exquisite face of the other party was like a ghost, quietly hidden in the shadow of the cave, only showing a piece of red lips in the white and greasy, indifferent and without emotion.

Fu Xian's pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't help but laugh foolishly, but he was talking to Yuan Chen full of sarcasm.

"Do you think he really likes you? I have been in the entertainment industry for 30 years. I can see that he is an acting school that any movie actor is ashamed of. No one can see through. He will laugh at you and make peace. You are close, but so what, you are just a **** he has conquered at the moment, and when he runs out of you, he will abandon you without looking back."

His last words were like a vicious curse from a witch.

"You will end up like me. You can only look at his back, but you can't catch him at all."

Yuan Chen's face changed slightly, and then stopped his words in a rage.

"Stop his mouth! Take it away!"

Fu Xian was dragged out of the cave, but those words seemed to echo in the empty cave, and the eardrum of the person who hit him suffered pain.

Yuan Chen's face was tense, it was hard not to care about those hard-hearted words.

Jiang Fu gently tugged at him and reminded in a low voice.

"Let's go?"

Yuan Chen was silent for a moment, then turned around and buckled him against the cool cave wall, staring at him silently.

Jiang Fu stared at his dark eyes blankly, and asked in surprise.

"right here?"

"Well, right here."

Like testing the bottom line of Jiang Fu’s tolerance, Yuan Chen’s answer is beyond doubt, but only he knows how panic he is. Such anxious anxiety almost tears off all his confidence, only to deeply feel Jiang Fu, and his Only when they fit together seamlessly can he feel a little more at ease.

Jiang Fu didn't know the thousands of twists and turns in his heart. After hesitating, he put his arm around Yuan Chen's neck, shyly buried him in his neck and muttered softly.

"Then you hurry up."

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