Strategy to Attack the System

Chapter 70: .Evil Starlight 14

Jiang Fu fell asleep after dinner. After he became an entertainer, his sleep was always very shallow, but he was so dizzy that he could not detect any movement. (((Cartino Novel Network

He opened his eyes in a daze until the irritating smell was in the nose.

Mo Xuan, who was squatting in front of him, withdrew the spray, she looked at Jiang Fu intently, the infatuation in her eyes undisguised.

"Fufu, you are awake."

Her voice is sweeter than ever, just like a little girl in love.

Jiang Fu blinked and said slowly.

"So thirsty, I want to drink water."

Mo Xuan was stunned, turned around to pour him a glass of water, and leaned over his mouth to feed him.

Jiang Fu drank half a cup and signaled that it was okay, but Mo Xuan still stubbornly fed him. Jiang Fu turned his head to avoid it, and the transparent water flowed along his chin into the clavicle socket, soaking his pajamas.

He was still dressed when he fell asleep, the soft blue fine checkered pajamas was crumpled while moving, and his hands tied with silk scarves lined out a slender white forearm, and both hands were lazy. Lazily curled up, the knuckles with distinct knuckles are like good mutton jade, shiny and beautiful.

A small piece of wet collar pressed against his collarbone, and he lowered his head uncomfortably and rubbed his chin. Instead of rubbing the piece of wet collar apart, he rubbed off the button of the collar, and the small white snow was faintly exposed. Ambiguous red marks.

Mo Xuan held the empty cup in her hand, tried to suppress the extreme excitement that surged in her heart, and asked softly.

"Fuck, are you not afraid that I will put things in it?"

Jiang Fu, who was self-defeating, had to stop his movements and replied absently.

"Even if you let go, you will only hate being unable to do whatever you want with me, so you won't do it."

Mo Xuan smiled and said softly.

"You are right, I don't want to treat you with those cold toys, but I can't enter you, nor can I enjoy you. Fu Fu, you tell me, what should I do?"

The scarlet nails gently scratched Jiang Fu's side face, for fear of accidentally scratching it, Mo Xuan's voice was full of annoyance that could not be desired, and it was also mixed with irritability.

Jiang Fu remained silent, like a docile young deer, giving up all struggles and escapes.

Mo Xuan approached him obsessively, and didn't dare to get too close. He could only taste the taste of him deeply, like an addiction/gentleman who had been restrained for many years was suddenly wrapped in bliss, shuddering at a loss.

"I have loved you for a long time. I have found many boys before, but they don't look as good as you when they laugh, and they don't sound as good as you when they cry. You are unique."

Mo Xuan's pointed nails slowly slipped down, depicting every inch of his silhouette.

"Later, I tried my best to become your artist. You don’t know how happy I was. I didn’t want to do anything. I just want you to get used to relying on me. I want to be your closest and most trusted person. Of course I do. It's here, but since Yuanchen appeared, I'm not reconciled to it, because he can help you, but I can't."

Mo Xuan's voice was lower, overflowing with crazy jealousy and resentment.

Her nails pinched Jiang Fu's beautifully curved side neck, and on it was the hickey left by Yuan Chen. Jiang Fu felt hot so far, and the deliberately deep nails made Jiang Fu frowned slightly.

He raised his eyes to look at Mo Xuan, there was no trace of betrayal hatred in his jet black eyes, nor the half-intimacy of the past, but he said calmly as if he were a stranger.

"It hurts me to pinch."

"Fufu, I just pinch you and you can't stand it anymore, what about Yuanchen, how did he treat you? Use his stuff behind you, tear you to occupy you, you must cry in pain But you didn't stop him."

The female voice mixed with anger was sharp and piercing, Mo Xuan was trembling with anger, her nails were stubbornly pulling Jiang Fu's buttons, stubbornly facing the seductive scene that made herself jealous to crazy.

"Fu Fu! Obviously I knew you first, and he was the third person who broke into our world!"

The sound of cracking buttons was mixed with Mo Xuan's anger. Jiang Fu's pajamas were stripped loose, and the exposed half of his white chest was like soiled snow. It was shocking and suffocated the snoopers in an instant. His desire for predation and the violent impulse to cover that trace.

"You chose the wrong iris flower."

Jiang Fu, who had always been silent, suddenly spoke.

Mo Xuan was startled, and subconsciously stopped and asked.

"Where is wrong?"

Jiang Fu raised his head slightly, his exquisite face was serious incompatible with the current atmosphere.

"When filming that scene in the crew, the iris was actually just a prop, it was a fake flower. Later, every time Fu Xian left the iris, in order to distinguish it from the real flower, he would cut off the bottom petal in half. , But yours does not."

It was as if a detective was confiding in his investigative minds step by step, uncovering the murderer's false and inferior planting, he continued.

"There is also Fu Xian's words. You should have imitated it many times. It is indeed exactly the same. But when Fu Xian and I were shooting a variety show, in debunking his previous friendly time, we mentioned the "San Nu Biography" in small talk. He said that too many people now type in his font, so he said that if he wants to handwrite some meaningful characters, he will switch to a completely different font to show value."

Jiang Fu paused, holding his knuckles carelessly, and stopped looking at her as if he lost interest.

"For example, the head and the blood king, these two are very special names for him."

After reacting for a long time, Mo Xuan slowly smiled, with unexpected joy in her expression.

"Since you already knew it, why didn't you tell me when you weren't? Fufu, you must be trying to protect me, right? You also want to take the opportunity to drive Yuanchen away and drive him out of our world."

Jiang Fu shook her head and interrupted her fantasy relentlessly.

"Before, I really didn't know it was you. I thought the person who sent the USB flash drive was indeed from the program group, so I wanted to wait for Yuan Yuan to check it out before telling him."

Mo Xuan's face changed, and she suddenly became unsightly, she sneered, and said triumphantly.

"Fufu, he will not come back, he will never come back, no one can come to save you."

Jiang Fu looked at her, his eyes showing some caution.

"Mo Xuan, what do you mean?"

"My guy is so obsessed, even the first name and last name call me. It seems that Yuan Chen really confuses you."

Mo Xuan laughed back in anger and said viciously.

"I hired someone to kill him, and the group said they would kill him, or kill him. Fu Fu, what do you think I mean?"

After listening to her, Jiang Fu's face did not show the slightest panic.

Of course he was relieved, this was Yuan Chen's spiritual world, how could Yuan Chen put himself in danger.

Mo Xuan frowned suspiciously when he saw his expression unchanged.

"Why, you don't worry about him at all?"

"Of course I don't worry, Yuan Yuan will definitely come to save me."

Even if Jiang Fu himself has been transferred to a strange place by Mo Xuan, Yuan Chen is still blocked by the people she hired, but Jiang Fu's understatement is still full of trust and determination.

Mo Xuan was hurt by his blind intimacy. She pinched Jiang Fu's chin and pinched Jiang Fu's skin with her pointed nails, quickly leaving bright marks.

Jiang Fu frowned and struggled, and was immediately slapped slapped by Mo Xuan, who was fiercely emotional.

The burning pain made Jiang Fu's head tilted to one side, and his body tilted to the sofa involuntarily.

There was a moment of silence in the whole room, and even the sound of breathing suddenly melted away.

Mo Xuan stared blankly at the red and swollen palm prints on his greasy cheeks, and looked at his trembling hands at a loss, still feeling numb.

She actually beat Jiang Fu?

Mo Xuan's eyes suddenly burst into tears. She knelt and moved forward a few steps, trying to get closer to see Jiang Fu, but she was tortured by the sudden rise in guilt. Not dare to touch thrush.

She slumped on the ground, covering her face in pain, tears constantly leaking from her fingers.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it"

The desperate love has fermented into a twisted madness under years of depression. Compared with Fu Xian, she is more restrained and tolerant, and once it breaks out, the revenge of a woman is no more than a ferocious beast. weak.

Jiang Fu pressed the tip of his tongue against his left cheek, and the faint smell of blood made him frown.

Mo Xuan seemed to have destroyed her beloved by herself, and wailed loudly in disregard of her image. Her delicate face was dirty with tears, showing an embarrassing posture that she had never seen before.

When she collapsed, Jiang Fu wanted to stand up and check the surrounding environment, but Mo Xuan grabbed her ankle, like a lingering snake.

"Fufu, where do you want to go? I love you so much. My bedroom is full of photos of you, and there are puppets exactly like you, but they are not as warm and vivid as you, and they are not at all. Do you remember When the police officer came to my house for the first time? You said someone stuffed your body. I ran to the bathroom and imagined you in the bathroom to reach a climax."

Mo Xuan's obsessive tone was full of trembling excitement, which was enough to trigger physical excitement.

Jiang Fu frowned and looked at her silently with coldness and disgust in his eyes.

Such a gaze suddenly burst Mo Xuan's emotions like a fuse. She desperately and humblely kissed Jiang Fu's knees, her cramping hands clinging to his skin and flesh through her thin pajamas.

"Don't look at me like this, Fufu, please, don't look at me like this."

After a while, Jiang Fu's eyes dropped, and he didn't want to look at her again.

Mo Xuan cried and laughed to herself for a long time, trapped in her own imaginary world, unable to extricate herself, Jiang Fu's hands were tied up, and her calves were also held tightly by her, unable to force people to kick them away.

He swept around the room, thinking to himself how to get out.

While concentrating, he suddenly heard several consecutive gunshots from the door, and the overwhelmed lock broke completely after a few seconds, and then the door was kicked open.

Jiang Fu looked at Fu Xian who suddenly appeared at the door in surprise. Before he could react, his knees suddenly sank.

Mo Xuan lay on his knee weakly, thick fresh blood gushing out of the back of the bullet-infiltrated head, and the pain of regret and self-blame still remained on her face, tears still dripping into the blood.

The blue fine checkered pajamas were stained with a strong smell of blood, and the soaked place had a rusty dull color, decadent and alarming.

Jiang Fu stretched out his tied hands and pushed Mo Xuan's body aside, then looked at Fu Xian coldly and said.

"You killed someone."

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