Strategy to Attack the System

Chapter 74: .Guardians 03

The second time Li Zhen came over, he secretly brought him his own mental methods, but Tie Niu had no effect after half a month of practicing, so Li Zhen brought him various mental methods next time. (((Cartino Novel Network

"How about it, is there something suitable for your cultivation?"

Just seeing him this time, Li Zhen couldn't wait to ask.

Tie Niu shook his head, his calm face did not feel discouraged.

"Still trying."

Li Zhen let out a disappointed cry and said worriedly.

"Master does not restrict us to picking up books in the library. I collected a lot of mental methods for you last time. There is a ragged book that has no skin. I forgot to bring it out. I don't know what mentality it is. Try them all, if it doesn’t work, I’ll find another one for you next time."

He helped Tie Niu wholeheartedly like this, and Tie Niu couldn't help but smile, and he smiled gratefully at Li Zhen and said.

"Thank you, but I haven't seen a lot of them. I'll tell you if I need your help."

Li Zhen grinned and hooked his shoulders, and the brothers punched him nicely, his voice filled with eager anticipation.

"You are my brother, what kind of thank you are between us. But I have worked so hard to help you, if you can't enter the inner door, I will beat you."

Tie Niu smiled and said.

"Will not."

No, he will definitely enter the inner door.

Yu Guang suddenly swept the Tiangan disciple who walked in from the entrance of the garden, and the iron bull's eyes quickly pulled Li Zhen into the rockery next to him, and lowered his voice to remind.

"Someone is here."

Today, Li Zhen secretly brought him into the inner door to find Real Person Qingchen. He was very guilty. He immediately tightened his body when he heard someone, and then put a blinding charm to cover the two of them.

Fortunately, the people who came were not close to them. After hearing the sound of footsteps gradually moving away, Li Zhen slowly breathed a sigh of relief, patting his chest with lingering fear, and muttering quietly.

"I was scared to death. It would be terrible if I was caught. Master Qian reminded us not to cause trouble."

Hearing the words "Master", Tie Niu glanced at him quickly, and then said.

"Let's get out quickly."

Li Zhen didn't waste time anymore, and walked out of the rockery with him.

Today is an important day for Ruoxi faction to visit. Ruoxi faction is the second largest sect after Tiangan faction among the four sects. The two sects have always made good friends, and they will move in contact each other every year.

On such an important day, novice cultivators are not allowed to appear, and only true heads and high-level Tiangan disciples are qualified to welcome Ruoxi Sect.

Therefore, Li Zhen, who was supposed to stay at Fengyuefeng, in order to fulfill his promise, borrowed the token from the same door in advance to bring in the iron cow from the outer door, and then the two put on stolen disciple uniforms and pretended to be disciples to entertain the guests. Now the inner door.

The Ruoxi faction will stay here for one night, and they have long discovered the place where the real man Qingchen is staying. It is a courtyard where the Tiangan faction specializes in receiving guests. A strict formation was applied outside, with Li Zhen and Tie Niu's current weak strength can't break in at all.

"Oh, just now the same door secretly transmitted to me that Fengyuefeng's disciples will be sent out temporarily and will be assembled in half an hour."

After waiting two hours in the hidden woods outside the courtyard, Li Zhen suddenly said in a low voice anxiously.

Every disciple of Feng Yuefeng has a sound transmission talisman with him, but people with a low cultivation base cannot notice it.

Tie Niu glanced at the darkening sky, returned the token Li Zhen lent him to him, and whispered.

"Then you go back quickly, I can just wait here myself."

Li Zhen didn't worry about him, but she couldn't defy the orders of the division, and left him a few defensive charms, and then left him nervously for a while.

He couldn't enter the courtyard, only waiting for the real people of Ruoxi faction to come in and relax for a while, pretending to be the Tiangan disciples following behind to get in.

The plan went smoothly. When the sky was dim, the real people of Ruoxi faction walked in crowded, followed by many Tiangan disciples who served.

Although Tie Niu's cultivation base was low, it was agile and calm, and silently mixed behind the crowd and followed in.

After entering, the real people were led by the disciples to their respective rooms. The real person Qingchen who walked in the front was the new head of Ruoxi Sect, and was naturally taken into the most noble room.

Accompanied by him is Jiang Fu. The head of the house recently coincided with a retreat, and Han Yu Han Li and the two had just gone down the mountain to deal with the magic repair. Naturally, Jiang Fulai had to come forward to welcome the Ruoxi faction on behalf of the Tiangan faction.

The two of them walked toward the depths of the courtyard, followed by five Tiangan disciples, Jiang Fu inadvertently glanced at the five people who were pleasing to the eye with low eyebrows behind him, and frowned slightly that was not easily noticeable.

With his cultivation level, everyone's strength can naturally be seen, and among these five people is clearly mixed with an outer disciple who has no cultivation level.

It was not an opportunity to deal with the internal affairs of the Tiangan faction. Jiang Fu didn't want to cause trouble in front of outsiders. He looked suspiciously on the face of the last Tiangan disciple for two seconds before closing it back.

He secretly noted the appearance of the other party and planned to deal with it later.

The real person of Qingchen is handsome and beautiful, smiling like a spring breeze, Jiang Fu is cold and quiet in the day, and now he has arrived at his old friend, and he also shows a rare tenderness. The two have a very high cultivation level, outstanding appearance, and a deep friendship. The appearance of the discussion together looks beautiful like a painting, and it matches very well.

Tie Niu looked up at them without saying a word.

After walking to the house of True Person Qingchen, Jiang Fu ordered the five people to clean up briefly, and then quit them.

When Yu Guang scanned the outer disciple who had entered, Jiang Fu suddenly paused and said.

"You stay."

Tie Niu stiffened all over, raised his head anxiously, facing the gaze that Shang Jiang Fu was looking at. The gaze seemed to have seen his concealment long ago, and it also implied a silent warning.

Tie Niu naturally knew that he would definitely be exposed to Jiang Fu. He could have gone with other disciples to hide from other real people, and then sneak to the real person Qingchen, but when he saw Jiang Fu and Qingchen real person talking and laughing. With Yan's good match, he suddenly followed uncontrollably.

Although it was dangerous, he did not regret it, because he found that this was the first time that Jiang Fu had him in his eyes.

The light glaze color is transparent and does not melt into any shadows, but when you concentrate on looking at someone, it will print out a shallow outline like a projection on the surface of the lake, as if you have his whole person in your eyes, holding it. In my heart.

Tie Niu's heart became sour and softened. After such a flattering and awe, he became more greedy and longing. Even if he knew he should not be looking at Jiang Fu, he was still stupefied and looked at Jiang Fu dazedly. Can't bear to blink.

I really want to be like this, always looking at him and being watched by him.

But Jiang Fu quickly averted his gaze, and faintly ordered.

"You go to the door and guard."

Like a huge loss suddenly suspended in the air, Tie Niu reluctantly stabilized the expression on his face and retreated.

Zhen Chen Qingchen lightened a bit when he looked at Tie Niu, and when the door was closed by Tie Niu and only two of them were left in the huge house, Zhen Qing Chen gave a low laugh.

"I haven't seen it for a long time, Chengshui is still so overwhelming that people can't stand it. Tiangan disciples are so honored to be with you, but they always look at you."

He sighed lightly, and his low voice was wrapped in a melancholy string, as if he was afraid that Chengshui would hear it, but he wanted him to hear it.

"Not to mention me."

Jiang Fu smiled, as if he hadn't heard the deep meaning of the words, he turned off the topic and asked.

"When do you plan to leave tomorrow?"

Real Qingchen looked dark, but his tone was like a joke.

"I just came, do you want to drive me away?"

"Qingchen, what are you talking about."

Seeing Master Qingchen no longer grasped the ambiguity of Ruoyouruwu, Jiang Fu followed his words and said.

"I just want to ask, and then prepare tomorrow's itinerary in advance."

Master Qingchen shook his head, his gentle eyes were calm as water, looking at him continuously.

"It's the same every year, don't bother. Chengshui, I'm very happy to be with you."

Jiang Fu avoided his affectionate gaze and said with a smile.

"You should be tired today too. Rest early and I won't bother you."

He got up and was about to leave, but was pulled by the wrist by the real person Qingchen. He was already the head of the cultivation school, but at this moment, he was pitiful like the shivering thin boy back then.

The soft voice was full of pleading and expectation, which made people unbearable.

"Chengshui, I really miss you, can't you stay? Just the same as before."

Jiang Fu turned his head slightly to look at him, like Mo's long hair and high bundles, his exquisite cheeks were covered with lingering indifference, his beautiful eyes were breathtaking, but there was no trace of emotion in it, just like a cold bystander watching Thousands of people willingly fell into their own abyss of roses, but didn't care.

The nice sound is like a glazed lamp, and the beauty of fragmentation is diffused.

"Qingchen, you are no longer a kid."

True person Qingchen shook suddenly, as if his heart had been severely cut away, and the shivering pain had not spread to the limbs, and Jiang Fu's figure had already left from the open door, floating like moonlight. A fish in the stream is so smooth and flexible that no one can catch it.

He stared at the empty door in a daze, and muttered sadly.


When Jiang Fu left, he glanced at the Tie Niu guarding the door. Tie Niu hesitated and followed him.

When he left the courtyard, Tie Niu secretly glanced back, frowning and thinking about how to get in again for a while.

When he was absent-minded, he suddenly bumped into Jiang Fu's back, and immediately retreated in shock, with a slight blush on his bewildered face.

"Master, Master, I"

They had already walked outside the courtyard, and occasionally a passing Tiangan disciples respectfully saluted Jiang Fu, Jiang Fu also only slightly nodded, the expression on his face was light.

After Tie Niu hit him, he just glanced at Tie Niu and stopped talking.

Tie Niu froze for several seconds before reacting, and continued to follow him nervously.

To his surprise, Jiang Fu directly took him back to the main hall of the inner gate, which was originally the location of the head, but as the acting head Jiang Fu has now become the owner of the main hall.

Jiang Fu didn't let anyone serve him. After walking up to the main seat of the main hall, he asked straightforwardly.

"Who helped you in?"

Tie Niu's cold sweat immediately shed, his back stiffened, his head hung down and gritted his teeth.

"Master, this has nothing to do with others, please"

"Don't call me Master."

Jiang Fu interrupted him with an unpleasant opening, and said indifferently.

"Only the disciples of Fengyuefeng can call me Master."

Tie Niu's pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart seemed to be torn in an instant, and the eyes of the painful person turned black.

His nails were stuck on the clean ground, as if they were about to be cut off. There was a blood knife in his difficult throat.

"Yes, real person Chengshui."

Jiang Fu's expression eased a little, and he didn't intend to waste time on him. He heard yesterday that a big family named Yuan was in trouble in the human city. He just sent his disciple down the mountain to inquire today. I wonder if the result has been received at this time. Up.

He propped his chin, whispering a little impatience.

"Frankly explain, otherwise I will drive you down the mountain."


Tie Niu's back was soaked with cold sweat, and he blurted out.

He raised his head beggingly and looked directly at Jiang Fu presumptuously, with persistent fire burning in his dark eyes. That kind of eager desire is like a faint flame on the wasteland, giving people the illusion that they can burn all over the sky in an instant. .

That kind of look.

Jiang Fu on the main seat was startled and asked suddenly.

"What is your name?"

Tie Niu answered that he was unclear.

"Tie Niu, Li Tieniu."

Jiang Fu frowned, as if a little regretful, he asked again unwillingly.

"Is there only one name?"

The Tie Niu staring at those glazed eyes was a little nervous, he suddenly felt extremely ashamed, and he was reluctant to see a trace of disappointment on Jiang Fu's face.

But he was silent for a while, and answered honestly.

"Yes, I only have this name."

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