Strategy to Attack the System

Chapter 98: .Hunting Game 11

Two days later, Yuan Chen picked up Jiang Fu and returned to the apartment. Jiang Fu was alone in the bedroom to pack his luggage. When he went out with the suitcase, he saw Yuan Chen standing in front of Jiang Qing and nodded his head, listening carefully. +++ Girls must go to the website

After seeing Jiang Fu coming out, Jiang Qing stopped talking immediately and asked a little embarrassingly.

"Are you all packed up?"

Jiang Fu nodded, pretending to be unaware.

"Everything is packed, Dad, let's take you to the milk tea shop."

"No, the milk tea shop is so close, I will clean up and go."

Yuan Chen took the suitcase and went downstairs first, Jiang Qing sent Jiang Fu downstairs, reluctantly instructed him for a long time before watching him get into the car.

The lonely figure of Jiang Qing was reflected in the drifting rearview mirror, until Jiang Fu couldn't see him before he took his gaze back. He leaned against the window and didn't speak, and his eyelashes looked a little unhappy.

Yuan Chen, who was driving, glanced at him, then stretched out his hand to hold his hand on his knee, and asked softly.

"What do you want to eat at night? There is a new restaurant"

"Does Yuan Ren know my father?"

Jiang Fu's sudden question interrupted him.

Yuan Chen was silent for a moment, and then replied without concealment.

"Yuan Ren wants to pursue Uncle."

The line of sight that originally fell outside the window moved to Yuan Chen, who was not squinting. Jiang Fu's tone was not surprised, but he emphasized in disapproval.

"Yuan Ren is a sentinel, and it is inappropriate for him to be with his father.

"I tried to persuade him, but he insisted."

Yuan Chen seemed to be afraid of him being angry. After stepping on the brakes at the red-lighted intersection, he quickly turned his head and looked at him, frowning his eyebrows a little uneasy.

"Uncle said that he didn't want you to know. I think this is between the two of them. We'd better not interfere, so I didn't tell you."

He hesitated for a while, then said lowly.

"Orange, don't be angry with me."

His eyes were gentle and terrified, like a large dog awkwardly apologizing, pitiful.

Jiang Fu reached out and rubbed his hair, sighed.

"Yuan Yuan, he is my father. I must know about anyone or anything that might hurt him. I don't want you to hide it from me."

"I won't do this anymore."

Yuan Chen cautiously grabbed his hand against his face, then bowed his head and rubbed it.

Jiang Fu couldn't help but smile, squeezed his face and urged.

"The green light is on, don't block the traffic."

Before Yuan Chen answered, he added.

"Before you arrive at the restaurant, you have to tell me everything about Yuanren, or I will throw you into the restaurant and let you walk home by yourself."

Yuan Chen also laughed, and replied happily.

Yuan Chen bought a detached apartment located in the bustling area of ​​the city center, but the confidentiality and security are very good.

Jiang Fu, who has excellent mental ability, became a staff member of the National Laboratory two years ago, but he is not as busy as Yuan Chen, and only needs to work during the week, so he hangs out with Qi Xiu when he is bored on weekends.

Qi Xiu is now a small well-known designer. He dragged him around the street for an afternoon and kept complaining about the art of clothing in the window. Jiang Fu didn’t understand professional terms, but occasionally gave him some suggestions based on pure aesthetics. Qi Xiu always writes in the small notebook that he carries with him.

When he was tired of shopping and drinking afternoon tea, Jiang Fu accidentally caught a familiar figure appearing on the street opposite the window. He frowned imperceptibly, and then whispered to Qi Xiu.

"I saw an acquaintance, go out and say a few words."

Qi Xiu was immersed in the sketchbook drawing the inspirational design draft. He didn't even hear what he was talking about. He didn't raise his head and said "good good".

Jiang Fu opened the door of the tea restaurant and walked to the opposite street, then stopped the caller from behind.


With a gloomy expression, Yue Qin turned around to see him, hurriedly said a few words to the phone, then hung up, then stared at him with a sneer, and said in a weird tone.

"It's an eyesore to see the surname Jiang wherever you go."

Jiang Fu's expression remained unchanged, and he said, looking at his almost distorted face.

"Yueqin, I don't care what is going on between you and Yuan Ren, but if you dare to hurt my father, I won't show mercy to you."

"Only you?"

As if irritated by his words, the more Qin coldly approached him a few steps, and stared at him with a slight advantage in height, with undisguised jealousy and viciousness on his face.

"You father and son really have the means to confuse the Yuan family brothers one by one, and you are a guide. Jiang Qing is an ordinary person, and he is old and ugly. What qualifications do you have to grab the Yuan blade with me?"

Jiang Fu looked at him expressionlessly, the chill in his eyes gripped his entire heart like an invisible hand, and the subconscious that was on the verge of crisis made Yue Qin immediately erect a mental barrier to resist his mental tentacles.

But Jiang Fu slammed a punch directly, hitting him firmly on the right cheek, and he staggered in pain.

The anger that was provoked by the street made Yu Qin Qi blush, and he held the hot right cheek, staring at Jiang Fu almost bleeding with hatred.

"Jiang Fu, don't think that Yuanchen is protecting me and I dare not move you."

"There is a lot of nonsense. If it is a man, come and fight directly."

Jiang Fu calmly said to him, then raised his chin and clicked on a side alley.

Yue Qin sneered after wiping away a trace of blood from his mouth.

"Okay, don't think that you are a guide and I will release the water. I will not show mercy to any surname Jiang, whether it is Jiang Qing or you."

Ten minutes later, Jiang Fuxin, who returned to the opposite side of Qixiu, calmly took a sip of the cold tea.

Qi Xiu glanced at his slightly red knuckles resting on the table, and asked strangely.

"Why did you go? It's not about talking to acquaintances. How does it feel like having a fight with someone else."

"When I met a nasty bastard, I gave it a punch."

Qi Xiu knew that Jiang Fu as the guide had the same strength value as the sentinel, so he didn't ask any more, just ridiculed.

"Then since you are so powerful, would you decide to go up and down by fighting with Yuanchen in bed?"

This question really made Jiang Fu think about it seriously, and then he shrugged and replied.

"Not this, I'm too lazy, I don't want to work hard."

Qi Xiu sighed ambiguously, holding a pencil and drew smoothly on the drawing paper.

Jiang Fu suddenly thought of something and asked lazily with his chin supported.

"You haven't found the sentry yet. It will be the distribution period soon. Do you really have to wait and marry a strange sentry?"

"Please, I don’t have the luck of you to find a loyal dog boyfriend in the academy. Besides, after graduation, I always spend time at work. I don’t have time to date and fall in love. In fact, the distribution of the country is quite good. , The sentry assigned to me must not be bad."

Regarding the upcoming incident, Qi Xiu accepted it very calmly.

Jiang Fu thought for a while and agreed.

"That's correct, but I really want to know who will take you this guy in time."

Qi Xiu showed him the drawn design drafts, and exclaimed.

"It doesn't matter who he is, anyway, my favorite is work and money!"

"Yes, you make money, you are the best, then invite me to a lobster dinner."

Jiang Fu squeezed him with a cheeky smile.

Qi Xiu was in a good mood, folded the design draft and stuffed it into her bag, saying boldly.

"No problem! Let's eat meat!"

The two said goodbye after eating. It was not far from Jiang Qing's milk tea shop. Jiang Fu estimated that Jiang Qing should still be in the milk tea shop at this time, so he walked over to see him.

The school was closed on Friday, the sky was dim, there were not many pedestrians near the milk tea shop, only the familiar lights were still faintly lit.

Jiang Fu walked across the road and heard the fierce quarrel erupting inside when he hurried to the door.

"Jiang Qing! Don't think you can be with Yuan Ren after sleeping with him, I warn you to stay away from him, or I will completely ruin you!"

Jiang Fu's footsteps suddenly stopped.

What immediately sounded was Jiang Qing's trembling voice, embarrassing and angry.

"Yueqin, I have explained to you many times, I won't be with Yuan Ren, why are you bothering me?"

"If it weren't for you, how could Yuan Ren fight against his father? Did you know that his father beat him to death? He is still in the hospital.

Yue Qin's voice was sad and jealous, and he kicked the tables and chairs next to him like venting anger, making loud noises one after another.

In the sound of shaking the sky, Jiang Qing remained silent all the time.

After a while, he said lightly.

"I don't know these things about him, I just told him not to show up in front of me."

The more Qin didn't speak, his breathing became more and more rapid.

Jiang Fu suddenly noticed that his spiritual realm was fluctuating greatly, as if a violent storm was raging, a sign of losing control.

Jiang Qing in the milk tea shop suddenly let out an exclamation.

Jiang Fu immediately rushed in and saw Yue Qin pinching Jiang Qing by the throat and lifting him in the air. Jiang Qing instinctively struggled desperately, his face flushed, and almost fainted from suffocation.

The sharp mental tentacles flew into the more violent spiritual realm, and without hesitation, went deep into the realm and slammed into the most vulnerable place.

Yue Qin's body shook suddenly, and the strength in his hands relaxed, Jiang Qing fell to the ground and coughed desperately, weak even without the strength to stand up.

Jiang Fu frowned and glanced at Jiang Qing who was coughing on the ground, and then saw that the enraged Yue Qin turned his head and stared at him, turned and rushed out the door, leading him out of the milk tea shop.

Yue Qin, who was in a state of out of control, followed him as he wanted, chasing him fiercely, and the force of the attack was fierce and heavy, and it was vicious that he wanted to kill.

Jiang Fu took out his mobile phone from his pocket and pressed the emergency number as he ran quickly. Yuan Chen came first.

As soon as the bell rang a few times, he suddenly noticed the murderous intent coming from behind him, and quickly dodged, the mobile phone in his hand slipped out and fell to the ground not far away.

Jiang Fu quickly glanced at Yue Qin, who was chasing after him, and could only give up his plan to retrieve the phone, and continued to lead Yue Qin to the intricate alley ahead of this road.

His physical quality is comparable to that of a general sentinel, but now he has a low chance of winning against abnormal conditions, and using mental power will inevitably consume more power.

In case he accidentally gets hit by Yueqin, Yueqin is likely to return to the milk tea shop after solving him, which will definitely cause more serious consequences, and he dare not risk it.

Fortunately, he was very familiar with the road here, and soon got rid of Yueqin.

In the dark and dilapidated alley, Jiang Fuji had Jiang Qing from the milk tea shop. So just after shaking off Yueqin, he hurried to find another way and walked back. When he reached the corner, he was hit by an oncoming sap.

He subconsciously raised his arm to block the smashed stick. The gradual spreading pain accompanied by the crisp sound of the broken arm bone made him retreat without the pain, before he had time to make any counterattack against the shadow blocking the road in front of him. At that moment, someone suddenly covered his mouth and nose from behind.

The irritating odor was caught off guard and drilled in the mouth of his nose. Jiang Fu struggled for a few moments before falling into a coma.

It seems to be expected.

Before going into a coma, he thought vaguely.

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