Just as Sun Lijun thought, because of Han Yanyan's arrival, Lin Ling was no longer the "strongest female power". There are really a few people who consciously or unintentionally ran to Lin Ling to provoke, both men and women. After all, where people are, there are rivers and lakes.

But Lin Ling just smiled awkwardly, never thinking about it, but doing well with Han Yanyan.

Han Yanyan has powerful abilities and looks a little proud of others, but respects Lin Ling respectfully. Lin Ling told Sun Lijun: "If you don't say anything else, don't just talk about it. If you don't choose something, it means that this person is rooted."

The team also noticed that Qi Tongtong on the third floor had a good relationship with Han Yanyan. Han Yanyan often took her time and blocked her a lot of calls. This aroused the dissatisfaction of individual men and could not help but complain.

Han Yanyan found this "individual" directly.

"Isn't the **** the third floor a public resource for the entire team? Why, am I not a member of the team? Can't I take it?"

After "kind" conversations with these people, no one dared to complain.

Half a month later, Qi Tongtong applied to Ding Yao to be a combat player and was allowed to let everyone fall below his glasses.

Qi Tongtong is a public matter of wooden abilities, but everyone also knows that her abilities are weak, otherwise she would not fall to the third floor. How can such a weak person become a combatant?

Facing everyone's doubts, Lin Ling put Qi Tongtong into the second team. After returning from a trip, the members of the second team admitted to others: "Not weak, really not weak. It's fine."

Two days later, Qi Tongtong fought with others.

Qi Tongtong used to be on the third floor. After upgrading to combat, he moved to the second floor. She is already a fighter and is no longer the "girl" on the third floor. Ding Yao has never "recruited" her since then. But some men who have slept with her have never been able to escape this thought circuit.

The man started with his hands, and after being rejected by Qi Tongtong, he talked awkwardly, and finally annoyed Qi Tongtong. Two people hit the yard from the cafeteria. No men or women in the team came out to watch. Ding Yao did not stop, biting a cigarette and watching. Han Yanyan and Lin Ling both looked as usual.

Qi Tongtong won. She tied the other party into a mummy with rattan, greeted her with a fierce punch and punch on her face, and beat her into a pig's head.

The man who was beaten was a second-tier player, but he had no strength to fight back. They finally acknowledged that Qi Tongtong was qualified to become a combatant.

Xie Hao saw all this in his eyes.

He sneaked at Qi Tongtong's door at night: "Tongtong, Tongtong, it's me."

Qi Tongtong opened a crack and looked at him suspiciously: "Why?"

"I have something to ask you." Xie Hao squeezed into the crack of the door. "Hey, let me in first."

Xie Hao is a space power. He has ample resources, a generous shot, and a gentle person. He has no special habit, and he is quite popular among girls. Qi Tongtong let him in.

"Tongtong, I ask you, you tell me the truth." Xie Hao closed the door and lowered his voice. "Is your power advanced? Isn't she your sister ..."

Qi Tongtong's eyes changed.

Xie Hao came out from Qi Tongtong, pondered for several days, and finally went to Han Yanyan.

"Sister Yan, can the power really advance?" He asked.

Han Yanyan smiled: "Your space is not small anymore, are you still not satisfied?"

Xie Hao gritted his teeth and said, "But our space department has no fighting power. We can only listen to others and follow others. When life and death are at stake, no one can save themselves first, and who can take care of us."

This skinny young man is usually grinning, rarely showing such serious eyes.

"Sister, if you can let me advance too, I ... my life is yours."

The next day Ding Yao led the team out, counted the number, and frowned and asked, "What about Xie Hao?"

Xie Hao's companion replied, "He has a high fever, and he is lying in the room."

Ding Yao nodded. Han Yanyan looked back upstairs.

By the time they returned, Xie Hao had naturally recovered. After all, the fifth floor was inconvenient. Han Yanyan didn't wait for him to come up and went directly to his room to see him: "How?"

"The space is almost five times larger than before!" Xie Hao said.

Han Yanyan frowned: "What else? Can it distort space?"

"That can't. But ..." Xie Hao said, squeezing his eyes and disappearing suddenly.

After a while, he appeared again: "Hey."

"Can you enter your own space?" Han Yanyan asked.

"Yes! Hehe hehe!" Xie Hao smirked. Seeing Han Yanyan frowning all the time, he busy said, "Sister Yan, this is already great! This is a life-saving ability!"

It can really save lives, just hide in space when you are in danger. For Xie Hao himself, he was very happy. But this is not what Han Yanyan wants.

"The advancement of this ability is a little worse than I expected." Han Yanyan told Li Zhou, "Can't you control the direction of development?"

"He met the baseline." Li Zhou said.

"Baseline?" Han Yanyan was slightly surprised.

"Although the world is framed by you, it is centered on Duke Klinn. You fix the anchor point, and he defines the baseline." Li Zhou explained to her, "The anchor point and the baseline are the framework of the world and guarantee everything The balance of basic data guarantees the establishment of logic. Without anchors and baselines, the world cannot be constructed. Once the world is successfully constructed, the anchors and baselines are fixed and cannot be changed, cannot be surpassed, and cannot be broken. Of course ... except you. But only Except you. "

"That is to say, the ability to distort space is because of Ding Yao's unique ability, so Xie Hao can't develop it?" Han Yanyan asked, "because Duke Klin's proud and arrogant heart, he would not allow others. Is it beyond him? "

"..." Li Zhou said, "Yes, it's a good summary."

"And me, as a builder, am I out of his reach, right?"


"That's good." Han Yanyan was relieved.

Han Yanyan looked up at Xie Hao. The short young man with small eyes was still immersed in the joy brought by this advanced ability. She smiled slightly.

The smile of the girl in Gao Leng made Xie Hao agitated, sobered up.

"Sister, sister ..." he asked cautiously. "Is this ... your ability?"

"What?" Han Yanyan smiled.

Xie Haojin asked: "That is, that ... ability to inspire others' ability ... no no no no, I said nothing! I didn't know anything!"

Han Yanyan gave him a white look. The balance of data really makes sense. Xie Hao's character is indeed suitable for the skills of escape. On the contrary, with Qi Tongtong's character, the wood-based abilities ran in the direction of battle.

"I have the ability to divide people." Han Yanyan said with a smile, "It works for some people, it doesn't work for some people."

After she had said something that seemed meaningful, she left, leaving Xie Hao to stand there and toss and turn around the other night.

The next day, I ate with my companions and listened to them talking about what kind of mutant zombies were encountered outside this time, and how Han Yanyan was awesome. Xie Hao did not agree, bowed his head and chopped rice.

His companions did not let him go. Several people put their heads together and suddenly someone whispered, "Hey, do you think, sister Han and Ding, which one is better?"

"Of course it is Boss Ding ..." A companion blurted out, but looked at the companions' expressions, adding involuntarily, "...?"

At last, this rising tone of "Let's say" voiced a few people.

These people can't help but look around, Xie Hao also turned around with them. In the distance, Han Yanyan and Ding Yao and Sun Lijun ate at a table. The table was full of laughter and laughter, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

If only I could have been so harmonious.

Xie Hao turned and continued to chop rice.

He had lived a life of dislocation earlier. The space difference can give him a little advantage over ordinary people, but it can't protect himself. The life that is not guaranteed is really not wanting to experience again.

The Thunder team gave him strong protection, Ding Yao is a reliable boss. Xie Hao sincerely hopes that the team will be stable and stable and always strong.

But his smoke sister, his smoke sister ...

Xie Hao was absent-minded and chewed a piece of **** as meat.

After a week, a team went out again.

This time they came to a county seat. There are not many zombies in the county seat, and it looks like there is no danger. But Han Yanyan knew what was hidden here.

The county was originally a small village, facing an air-raid shelter built during the war. The air-raid shelter later became a famous tourist attraction. Because the small village was next to the tourist attraction, it slowly developed for decades and became a county seat. The entrance to the bomb shelter is in the center of the county seat.

At the time of the outbreak of the zombie virus, the county government was very capable of organizing. When the local people were organized to enter the shelter to avoid the “ghosts” outside, the gate of the shelter was closed tightly and locked from the inside. Unexpectedly, there were infected people among the people who entered the cave, so tens of thousands of people turned into zombies in the closed air-raid shelter.

A few years later, these zombies trapped inside each other devoured each other, raising dozens of extremely powerful mutant zombies. If it is discovered later, the corpse emperor will probably be produced in these mutant zombies.

Han Yanyan led his companions to the entrance of the bomb shelter. As a tourist attraction, the gate was very elegant and it really attracted everyone's attention.

"The door is so tight. Is there something in it?"

"I heard that there are government supplies in such air defense facilities."

"open to take a look."

The lock in the door was frozen and cracked by Han Yanyan quietly. The team members showed their abilities suddenly, and the door opened.

Unfortunately, there were no supplies in the door. In the black hole tunnel, as the team members deepened, they finally awakened the sleeping zombies. Countless zombies gushed out from inside, and there was a howling in the middle, and the mutant zombies were so fast that they couldn't see clearly.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xie Hao hid in his own space, so that he did not see the wonderful and tragic later.

Rao is a strong team led by Ding Yao himself. This time, half of them were also folded. But the other half who survived remembered the scene.

When ordinary zombies were hanged, the players could not intervene. Ding Yao and Han Yanyan are two super strong back to back, fighting dozens of super mutant zombies.

This battle was thrilling and escaped.

When the war finally came to an end and everyone was relieved, a hidden mutant zombies suddenly attacked.

Han Yanyan's ice shield saved Ding Yao's life.

The name of Han Yanyan passed along with the surviving team members to the Thunder Team, the Management Committee, the military, and the teams in Nanling City.

A question suddenly became a hot topic.

Han Yanyan and Ding Yao, who is stronger?

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