Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong

Chapter 198: Final strategy

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Lu Ting didn't go to see him again. He felt that not meeting him might be the best way to restrain himself, but he couldn't help but want to know the news of Xie He, so he continued to let 666 help him look at Xie He, the whole one. Abnormal voyeurism.

666 expressed great disdain for this kind of behavior of the host, and did not grow for so many years!

Lu Ting himself did not feel anything. He was used to it. In fact, when he first came to the world, he was only silently concerned at the beginning.

It is a coincidence that he came to this world, not his own initiative.

Lu Ting has been doing other types of missions before, never taking the love strategy.

In fact, in the system space, the host of the love strategy is mostly looked down upon... The rewards for the completion of the love strategy are less, and because the strategy needs to be separated once the strategy is completed, the Raiders are also reluctant to really invest in feelings. Many kinds of tasks are built on the task of deceiving feelings and gaining too little. Many hosts are unwilling to pick up.

Those who are willing to take such tasks are either owners who like to play emotional games, or who are afraid to pick up other difficult and dangerous tasks.

The reincarnation of the world stipulates that every time you cross 10 worlds, you can choose a leisure world to take care of your vacation.

Lu Ting had just come out from the 10th task space. It was an ancient hegemonic task. His mission was to help the protagonist dominate the world. After the completion, you can choose a world vacation. Lu Ting feels that the ancients are tired, so when choosing the leisure world, the key words are: modern city, peace and ease.

The main **** will automatically match an E-class low-difficult leisure world according to the keywords provided by the host, and then Lu Ting will be invested in the world of Xie He.

It is particularly peaceful here, there is no danger in life, and the task is very simple: Raiders a protagonist named Xie He.

Lu Ting was confused and took a love Raiders task. Although he didn't like it very much, it didn't matter. It was only a task. At that time, his level was not high, so he was still prepared to do it seriously. After all, he could not reverse the 10,000 experience value. .

Because it is a leisure welfare, there is almost no time limit, and Lu Ting is an ontology, not a soul, so there is no OOC limit.

When Lu Ting was put into the world, Xie He was only 10 years old. He had ample time. Anyway, he came over for a vacation.

Therefore, Lu Ting was in this world, and he kept paying attention to the news of Xie He from time to time. He did not rush to see him. After all, he did not have the hobby of pedophilia.

Just looking at it, there is a little bit of pain in this child. Lu Ting has a complete introduction to the world in his hand, but the effect of reading the story and watching himself is completely different. After all, the dry words are always worse than the real ones. .

Xie He is in a family that lacks warmth. Parents are the combination of interests and derailment. They only gave birth to the family business.

His father prefers his illegitimate child, Xie Xi, and his mother is better than her daughter.

The couple are nervous, and no one likes to thank you.

Therefore, Xie He is not too sunny from a small character, but he is not weak and timid. On the contrary, he knows how to protect himself and seek for his own interests. If others do not love him, he will love himself.

Lu Ting silently paid attention to Xie He for three years. Although he did not know him, he was very familiar with Xie He.

He had intended to wait for the big one to reappear, but once he heard 666 and he said that it was Xie He’s birthday, but his parents were not at home, and his father accompanied Xie Xi to the playground, mother. Then went to the beauty salon, no one remembered the birthday of Xie He.

Lu Ting couldn't help it anymore, too much. Is there such a parent? Lu Ting went out immediately, but when he went out, he thought that it was not so good to meet him so rashly. There was no reason... He struggled for a while, and finally went to the parents of Xie He’s classmates and gave him a lot of money. Then let the classmate thank you for coming out to eat, and then pretend to be the neighbor's neighbor brother to pay the bill together.

Lu Ting was embarrassed to buy the cake directly, so that the stuffing was revealed, so I gave a thank you a dessert.

But after thinking back and forth, it seems that he was a little bit wrong when he saw his eyes that day.

Lu Ting wondered if he was too obvious, and he wanted to be more and more embarrassed... I didn’t want to.

Lu Ting knew Xie He like that and used his classmates to get acquainted with him.

Caring for him, taking care of him, at the beginning, thanking him is still very vigilant, will not be in contact with him, slowly encounter unhappy things will also take the initiative to talk to him, and his face has some real smile, Lu Ting feels Very fulfilling, it feels like Dad is taking the child.

In the blink of an eye, seven years have passed. Xie He has grown from a child to a good young man. Lu Ting is responsive to him. He is not a very romantic person, but he has always been short-sighted, and his people cannot be bullied.

666 looked at all this, he felt that his host is actually not suitable for the task of love strategy, it seems that some of the real heart, and Lu Ting stayed in this world for too long, and the task is not so eager utilitarian, It’s okay to watch children like an old hen all day, and the methods are much worse than those of the Raiders, but that’s it... I’ve also brushed up the goodness of Xie’s, and 666 is speechless.

Lu Ting saw that Xie He’s feelings were getting higher and higher, and finally he was a little panicked. He knew that once he was full of feelings, he would leave the world.

He began to gradually reduce and thank you for meeting.

Lu Ting hesitated for a long time, until Xie He’s goodwill reached 99, he finally made a decision and decided to leave the world on his own initiative.

He thought that if he disappeared without a word, Xie He would be sad and sad when he stayed alone. Cold heart made a bold decision.

Because Lu Ting has been covering Xie He, Xie He’s status in Xie’s family has become more and more stable. Xie Xi is very reluctant. He thinks that he is not worse than Xie, so he tries to seduce Lu Ting, and Lu Ting has been unmoved.

He really can't like Xie Xi, even very disgusted, and feel annoyed at a glance, so even if Xie Xi is a supporting role for Raiders, Lu Ting has never meant to shoot him... He also knows how much Xie He is. I hate Xie Xi.

A few days later, it was Xie He’s birthday. This time, Lu Ting struggled for a long time, and finally he called Xie Xi’s phone and said that he hoped he could go with himself.

Xie Xi was flattered and went to Xie He’s birthday party with Lu Ting. He was really smug, and he was arrogant in front of Xie He. Lu Ting resisted the urge to take him out and smash it. He stood there coldly and seemed to support Xie Xi. He finally couldn’t stand it. He grabbed Xie Xi’s hand and went out. He said that he was not interested in Xie He. Staying, I don’t like you at all, I’m tired of it.

After a few hundred years, Lu Ting has never forgotten the eyes that were disappointing at that time.

That look has tortured him for a long time.

On the second day, Lu Ting left the plane with a wreck. He wanted to thank him for not forgiving him. A person who betrayed himself would die and die. It is no big deal.

His purpose is also achieved. Xie He always knows how to live, and he will not be sad for him for a long time.

After Lu Ting left the world, he began to do non-stop tasks and tried to upgrade. Because the system rose to level 10 or above, he could directly negotiate with the main system, and the authority was much higher. He didn't know if he had a chance to come back, or thank him for waiting to get him back. He just didn't want to give up. What if there was a chance? He hopes that when the opportunity comes, he is well prepared.

After Lu Ting left, he never gave up the news of Xie He, and then constantly heard the news of the failure of the Raiders. The more he listened, the more sad he was, the more he listened, the more angry he was. The mood was very complicated... Those Raiders not only climbed his wife’s bed. Lost and said that he is bad! I can't bear it!

Many people who are thankful, are the faults of these despicable swindlers!

666 felt that Lu Ting had already become a grassland on the head, but he persuaded it to be ineffective. Besides, some things are really not thankful. I have been very helpless. I have no way to go back, but he can’t help but swallow. Once I saw the Raiders saying thank you for what was wrong, I went up and killed him on the spot!

Encounter one 揍 one, always figured out a bad breath, it is a relaxation in the gap between the tasks... Yes, there is a hateful Raiders who are said to have killed Xie He’s former world boyfriend, who was madly retaliated by Xie He, that After the Raiders came back and sweared, Lu Ting tried to kill him.

Xie He can't kill him, but Lu Ting can.

Lu Ting was doing this crazy task, waiting for him, and finally waited for the last chance, and made a deal with the Lord God, saying that he would like to raise the question again.

After the operation of the main god, I believe that no one in the original world can appreciate it. Only by changing the way, it is possible to confuse him. There is a possibility of success, but it needs to lose a lot of energy. It is not cost-effective to directly obliterate. Lu Ting said that he is willing to Undertaking the energy of building the world, and willing to make a contract, the Lord God finally agreed to let him go to the Raiders, but every failure, deducting Lu Ting's 10 times experience value as the price of building a new world.


Xie He knows that Lu Ting may be monitoring him, but he doesn't care. He should eat and drink, and go to work during the day to entertain at night. How happy the days are.

This evening, Mr. Zhao and others once again thanked him for coming out to eat. He is also an old friend of Xie He. They are very close to each other. They are full of curiosity and ask Xie He: "I heard that you and Lu are better?" ”

Xie He shook his head: "Nothing."

Zhao did not believe in watching Xie He, the things of the day spread! Lu Ting and Xie He grabbed people, and they rushed to grab two people into the room themselves... Mr. Zhao took a look at Xie He’s shoulder and said, “Where is there no grass in the world, why do you have to be attached to Lu Zong? ”

He still remembers the fact that Lu Ting fell to Xie Xi in the same year. As a result, Lu Ting came back with Xie Xi. This is a face-lifting, can't stand it! This kind of man should be smashed.

Xie He’s lips swelled and smiled. “You said it makes sense. I have nothing to do with him.”

Mr. Zhao: "Well, I will introduce you to my boyfriend!"

Thank you: "Thank you."

[444: What? The host is big, don't you want to control Lu Ting? He is the Raiders of this time...]

[Xie He: Nothing, he won't bother me. After all, he knows the most interesting, hehe. 】


[Xie He: And I didn’t have much interest in him. I just teased him. Smile JPG

[444: (⊙o⊙) oh]

[Thank you: I will win the same time this time:)

[444: O (∩ _ ∩) O ~ ah! 】 He believes that the host will definitely win!

Xie He said to General Zhao: "This time you have to introduce me to the point of reference. I also want to collect my mind. Those who are in a mess will not bring it to me."

Mr. Zhao forced him a moment. "Are you serious?" Xie always wanted to close his heart? !

Thank you for your nod: "Yes."

Zhao always took a sip of coldness. He remembered that Xie He’s boyfriend was destined to die of a curse of death. This was a bit embarrassing, and he didn’t speak for a long time.

Xie He saw and sighed: "This guarantee will not happen."

General Zhao will be suspicious.

After a while, Mr. Zhao and others saw that Xie He seemed to have a heart-felt meaning, and he hadn’t made a boyfriend for a long time. It’s a strange thing to say, and I’m always worried about the bee-flying butterfly. The recent days have been deserted.

Everyone was a bit stunned. It used to seem to be a thank-you to others. Xie He almost never took the initiative.

Zhao always hesitated, or introduced a boyfriend to Xie He. In fact, he felt that if he really wanted to close his heart, it would be quite good. After all, watching him sway for so many years, he has not been able to settle down, and the death of his ex-boyfriend has disappeared. Disappeared, there is a bit of sour...

I hope this time I will be fine.

Mr. Zhao introduced a young teacher to Xie He, called Yu Shu. He looks handsome and handsome, and his temperament is clean. He likes it very much.

Yu Shu is just an ordinary teacher. It is not a person in their circle. Zhao always knows it by chance. He thinks it is very suitable for Xie He. Xie He always likes this kind of good wife and good mother type, and Yu Shu’s character is particularly good. People are happy, but their personality is more restrained.

Xie He has always been very good at chasing people. What kind of character is used to treat Yu Shu has always been very polite, only occasionally showing good feelings and asking him to eat, he has always been gentlemanly and humorous, although still I didn't know the relationship, but getting along very quickly, I have to get my hands on it.

444 feels that this day is boring and dead. The host seems to be really planning to fall in love. What about the mission? How can it be won?

444 think about it and think about it, just don't want it.

He is desperate to go out and play every day, and he is so happy.


Lu Ting has always avoided meeting with him, but every day he has to listen to 666 and he reported the message of Xie He. I heard that Xie He has been playing with a teacher recently, and both of them have entered the pair. Lu Ting’s cups are crushed. beated.

666 said that it was very speechless. I suggested that Lu Ting should not listen to it. Anyway, Xie He is not dangerous. He didn't know how much he wanted. He suggested that his host should enjoy more entertainment activities. For example, it is good to learn how to play games. However, it seems that Lu Ting does not like to play games...

Lu Ting endured and endured, and finally managed to endure for three days, still could not hold back.

[Lu Ting: How about thank you? Did he meet with that one today? 】

666 recently indulged in playing with 444, the surveillance is not very responsible, I heard Lu Ting asked to look at it quickly, this hesitant, do not know whether to tell the truth to Lu Ting, because Xie He invited Yu Shu to open the hotel Look at this rhythm... and have **** now.

666 knows that his host has a fatal flaw that will make him lose his mind.

The millennium old vinegar in his vinegar tank is the most unforgivable. He went to bed with others. When he couldn’t come back outside, he could only swear by the Raiders. Later, in those who crossed the world, whether they lost their memories or lost. After remembering, he always hits his own avatar and even eats his own vinegar!

After all, I didn’t eat it that year, and I’ve been doing my best for my own baby... As a man, the green hat is absolutely unbearable!

Looking at Lu Ting and his own incarnation, arrogance and robbing his wife was the only thing that could be a joy in 666. In retrospect, he was ashamed of his host.

This time he also did not want to overestimate the power of his own host.

[666: Oh, I saw one side. 】

[Lu Ting: What are you doing now? 】

[666: In the chat. 】

[Lu Ting: What are you talking about? 】

[666: Chatting about life and talking about ideals. 】

Lu Ting stopped asking, 666 breathed a sigh of relief and was about to take it away. He heard Lu Ting ask: "Where are they?"


[Lu Ting: What happened? 】

[666: Nothing, at the hotel. 】

Lu Ting suddenly stood up, gnashing his teeth, hotel? ! This is the rhythm of opening a house!

He didn't want to drive out, and went to the hotel downstairs before he got entangled. What is this? They have already decided that Xie He will continue to hate himself, and now he is not looking for his face.

Lu Ting pondered for a long time below. He was not sure about thanking him for recognizing him. So he found Xie Xi back with a hot heart. Later, he knew that he would know everything, and he would hate him more... After all, the behavior of the world. He couldn't forgive himself, so Xie He was so decisively left every time... He must have hated him.

Lu Ting’s eyes stunned and he almost turned around and turned back. In fact, he did not see his face, so he deliberately made this gesture...

He turned his head and took a few steps...

Think of Xie He and others in the hotel room now, Lu Ting could not help but think of the Raiders before the evaluation of Xie He, saying that he is a big living ... lying, can not stand!

[666: Calm and calm! 】

Can't calm down!

Anyway, he hates him so much, hates him, and hates what it has to do. This is absolutely unbearable. He hasn't died yet! ! !

Lu Tingyu’s went up!

[666:......] I know that it will be like this.

Lu Ting came directly to the front of the door, and he knocked on the door!

The door didn't open, he had a good hearing, and he heard the sound of water flowing inside. Is this ready to take a shower? Lu Ting's teeth creaked, grabbed the doorknob directly and forced the door open! The door lock was directly smashed!

[666:......] It’s really terrible, he doesn’t want to say anything.

Lu Ting stepped in and his eyes were cold. He just saw Xie He wearing a bathrobe and came out. The water drops on his hair were still dripping, and another handsome man sat on the bed and washed it first. He saw a sudden squat. Lu Ting, who came in, showed a panicked look and seemed completely unaware of what was going on.

Xie He saw Lu Ting appear, his brow wrinkled, impatient, "What are you doing?"

[Hey, the target thank you for the good sense of -40, the current good feeling -20]

[666 whispered: boss, I think you still go back first? He obviously has a lot of opinions about how you bother him.]

[Lu Ting: ...] is mad!

The author has something to say: This chapter mainly explains the problem of the attacker. 666 does not understand why the attack is obsessed with a relationship, but in fact, it is not a long time to live. It is related to the personality savvy of the person. In this article, the attack and Xie always go in two completely different routes. Xie has always been intriguing in a world and the Raiders, so Xie’s total emotional intelligence is very high. I have been attacked by this world, and I have been fighting the upgrade flow route. It belongs to the male main upgrade, but he does not care about the stallion. He is serious about the only one, and the more he cares about losing, the emotional intelligence is not high. But Xie always will educate him.

The reason why the author gave Xie total such an attack, although I know that everyone does not necessarily like him... but personally think that he should be more suitable for Xie Zong, Xie is very smart, the only thing that imprisons him is the destiny of the world, just give him a detachment The opportunity to be able to turn the dragon into a dragonfly, his IQ does not need to find another master of love and fight with him. After all, he is very annoyed with the Raiders, so give him a top high loyal dog beater And slowly become stronger and then go to the sun and the day to kill the main system of the road...

I always feel that after the completion of this chapter, I can save 2333.

Because the background setting is too much, there is no way to finish it all at once, but also to intersperse the relevant plot, I hope not to let the parents feel too embarrassed _ (: з ゝ∠) _ ... but the author will try to finish these early, try to Convey the things you want to express correctly to you, and thank the little angels who support me and understand.

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