Stratholme God

Vol 2 Chapter 675: Bug-like old black

   Chapter 675 Bug-like Lao Wu

   This really hits the mark.

  You think McDonald's is on the rooftop, but it's actually in the basement.

   He was simply pitted by sand sculpture players.

  I can't stand McDonald's outstanding record, the whole league has a kind of blind trust in him, and even a cult of personality!

   Of course, this is also a good thing, not to mention the solid supply line of the soldiers behind, and their morale is high.

   This frees McDonald's from distractions.

   As for the problem that the rock bridge is too narrow, there is also a solution.

   The dwarf began to dismantle some large rocks in the Blackrock Depths, moved them near the entrance of the Molten Core, and then pushed the rocks into the magma to reclaim the sea—Magma Sea!

   Such a showy operation shocked the sand sculpture players.

   The dwarf side is a matter of course.

  Bryan* Bronzebeard stroked his beard and said proudly, "Otherwise, how do you think Ironforge was built?"

   McDonald slapped his forehead.

   Don't mention these dead dwarves, McDonald's almost forgot that in order to obtain the strongest natural furnace, these blacksmithing madmen forcibly built an ironforge in the active crater of the magma spewing out.

  No one knows how to navigate the lava better than the Bronzebeard.

  Since the rear is consolidating, McDonald's will naturally continue to advance steadily.

   All the way to a huge fork in the road.

  The terrain on the left is lower, and it feels like it is going to pass through a cave surrounded by magma, which looks like a hole.

   The terrain on the right is relatively flat and normal, leading to a larger cave.

   "Alsace, Ronin, Brian, the three of you will hold the right wing. I will lead the main force to the left." McDonald's commanded.

   Kaizi sensed: "However, the breath of the Balrog is far to the right..."

McDonald took out the [Essence of Water] given by the Hydraxian water element boss [Duke of Hydraxis] and raised it: "We need to use this water of the sea **** to destroy the flame rune of Ragnaros. , This can force him to appear in the world. Otherwise, this will be an endless war. I just feel that the two men of the Balrog and the rune are on the left."

   Actually, McDonald's is bragging.

   Induction or something, to put it bluntly, it is the common sense of traversers.

   The point is that he found Tyrande in advance to catch up with the water element of Hydrasia.

   As the nemesis of the Balrog Ragnaros, these water elements don't mind helping the enemy's enemy at all.

  McDonald's has long sent people to do various tasks that are easy to get the recognition of the water element of Hydraxia.

   Unlike in the game, the Duke of Hydraxis knew about the Alliance's killing of Archimonde, so the Duke of Water allowed McDonald and the others to get a batch of [Essence of Water] in advance.

  McDonald's ability to move the Frost Shield generator in Molten Core also has the credit of the Hydraxian water element.

  The boss has a life, the younger brothers have nothing to say, just do it and it's over.

   I have to say that it really takes courage to take the road on the left.

   The cave that extends downwards is filled with hot lava on the left and right sides of the cave opening, bubbling constantly. Without the shield protection of the ice magic circle, just inhaling the hot air that overflows when the magma rolls over will have a high chance of burning the trachea and lungs.

   Even if the heat is cut off, the strong sulfurous smell in the air is still disgusting.

   Not to mention, you have to step down this **** like a valley of death.

  No one knows what will happen after going down.


   "Yes!" Lao Wu didn't have any opinion, he took the lead and walked down with the door panel of the artifact.

   Originally, it was a better choice to open [God descends to the world], which is immune to the elements. It is a better choice in theory, but unfortunately, after the dwarf becomes a big dwarf, the weight will increase tenfold. After stepping on the pit once, McDonald didn't dare to send him to take the lead, after all, the geological structure here is really bad.

   Not to mention...

   "Cuckoo wow wow-"

   A large group of flaming goblins were killed. Roughly estimated, there would be no less than one hundred.

   "Be careful!" McDonald shouted subconsciously.

   Originally, these little devil-shaped fire elemental creatures would put a lot of pressure on the team.

who knows……

   "Boom!" With the wave of [Ashbringer], a golden fart, Abu, a shock wave suddenly swept across Uther.

   This scene is outrageous for Nima.

  When the gorgeous golden holy light turned into a wide-area aoe and spread out in the entire underground cave, all the flaming ghosts screamed "Ah!" in an instant, and they fell dead on the spot, and a large piece of them died.

   At this moment, Uther tilted his head and looked back at McDonald's.

  Although he mostly wanted to say, 'Lord, you are overthinking it', but McDonald always felt that it was shortened to one sentence: "That's it!?".

  What else can McDonald's say?

  The enemy is coming.

   I got up. I'm in seconds!

   Sure enough, Uther, who has the ability to live to this point in time, is a bug!

   Not long after, the large army came to the old Rusifron of Molten Core.

   This guy is a fire demon.

  Just looking at the appearance, this guy and his two younger brothers are a bit like the Hydralisks in StarCraft.

   Sure, just kind of like.

   Their upper body is human-shaped, with savage faces similar to those of a demon, a few tiny tentacles on their chins, rippling black spikes on their heads, necks, and shoulders, and red scales all over their bodies.

   Their lower body is a standard snake shape, and along the spine, there are black spikes.

   As a caster among the fire elemental creatures, the fire demon has a lot of magic and tricks.

Regarding Lucifron with his two younger brothers, McDonald's can't spoil too much, so he had to say: "Be careful, the fire demon is a legal professional. For the sake of insurance, we must kill Lucifron as soon as possible. two of his lieutenants, and then focus on him. Okay, attack the one Uther is holding first."


   Boss battles have nothing to do with tank troops.

   Many battles have proved that conventional force is not good for hero units, and secondly, it will affect the performance of heroes.

   Therefore, the only people who rushed up were the heroes and the well-equipped trident soldiers.

   There is no good way, after all, Lucifron is wandering at the mouth of a wide giant cave, and behind him, far away, there are a lot of molten fire dogs.

   The accident happened when Alleria stunned Lucifron with a [Magic Crystal Arrow] in a very chic manner, attracting two of his deputies.

  Uther strode forward and slashed with all his strength.

   The fire demon's deputy just raised his claws, and he didn't even have time to use his own weapon. At this moment, it seems like a visual deviation of the heroes, or a texture error when playing a garbage game. When the fire demon's head was tilted, a diagonal golden line of holy light appeared at the connection between its shoulders and neck.

  The golden thread continued to extend backwards, as if drawing a line of [Chu River and Han World] on the scorched earth, and then extended all the way to the body of another Fire Demon's deputy, dividing the goods into two.

  The heroes of the alliance seem to be frozen at this moment.

   I got up. I'm in seconds!

   What else is there to say?

   McDonald's was stunned, but he was the first to react: "What are you doing? Bo... Lucifer!"

   (end of this chapter)

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